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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Humanity is loosing its grip on reality!The picture of the deceased makes me sick to see this happen to any human.Its a shame indeed to see people beheading others.Still I know am only fixated on only this image right now, but am sure worse things happen in this world Oba, you could have phrased your wordings better by saying "all the quislings moryaans would be punished without mercy and sent packing to hard labor camp" ...Your ethnic cleansing tendencies doesn't befit your messages.Slow your curious if you are still in early twenties? if you are early twenties you are forgiven, but if you not the kids that learn Somali politics through websites and fadhikutirir you must apologize with your trigger happy cleansing lol ......don't despise others for the sake of ideology differences waa taallo
  2. I doubt she viscerally hates you Oba...I agree She was overly harsh in that video.I'm sure many in that gathering shared the same assumptions about South Somalia, but still she is a public figure and should have tone it down! Except the pesky name calling at the end one can see the passion in her words and the believe in secession she holds.
  3. I get along with them, but I usually get annoyed with my clients/patients when they ask if I'm a Pirate and I usually tell them not to mess with a guy that has a handpiece that rotates at 100rpm close to your mouth! .Though Some of them I want to punch in the face for being sissy.haha
  4. Juxa, Heh.Its not that easy dear! I have seen parents who have the best of akhlaq, but their kids turn out to be one with unsavory characters.I have even close family members whose kids are in their late twenties still depending on their parents in this western world due to run in with the law.I doubt anyone is looking for perfection.The best we all could ask for is law-abiding and morally upright kids and I doubt sometimes we all can be in control of that too PS Thanks Blessed!
  5. Aaaliya, ameen walaal.My only wish is that he be the one that offer his prayers and believe what has been revealed to us by Allah.No doubt he will have better opportunities than his mom & dad, but What scares me is the fitna he will be growing around.I have always be the one to say i'll never go back to Africa or even think about sending any of my progeny there, but am having a heart of change since knowing that my kids will have many "teachers" outside the house!
  6. Haha.Parenting is not an easy job!..About a month ago I was blessed with a son and every night since then i have been awake in the wee hours, feeding him while sitting in the dark and rocking him to bed.I hope he better not act up on his parent when he gets to 18
  7. Abtigis, you are turning to be a boring person who writes a great deal about uninteresting points like the Wardheernews contributors who dedicate a topic to Somaliland secession every week (ever read the sloober that drips from the Yabarag dude articles?). Nobody said the talks was going to bring anything new and if it did we all know its bound to be difficult one for both sides.If the talks continue I doubt they will introduce anything remotely that contradicts the context of the history of the relationship between Somaliland and the adversary communities like Khatumo.I doubt the talks is weakening anything as Somaliland will always keep proposing the unwavering and relentless sets of arguments they have been preaching the last twenty years whether the talks continues or not. Somaliland will keep every intention in hammering the message into the heads of their people and anyone that will listen that they are sovereign from the chaos of the south.I wish things were black and white.I wish we could force Somaliland to join or be forced to take orders from Mogadishu, but unfortunately the art of negotiation are not as simple as we think it ought to be.
  8. This old man writes the most anti-Silanyo articles in Hadhwanaagnews, but unfortunately it is lost due to errors in syntax and typo errors. I have edited some of his words for easy reading.He usually writes this anti-Silanyo government once in a while.I suspect he has a bone to pick with the president, but it is a funny read...hahaa Dream Gone With The Wind.....By Yusuf Deyr, Canada (Hadhwanaagnews) Wednesday, September 19, 2012 Professor Gariye once said: Dhadarbiga Dadweynuhu, Duufaanka Kama Dhacow, Doonyaha Dhirbaaxee. Mr.Silanyo, you are a curse that was inflicted on us by the angry spirits of our dead heroes. I wish I could have lyrics for poem or song, full of Irony and Sarcasm with a deadly weapon tongue like Mr.Gariye. A fair jury with iron guts that calls a spade, a spade. An advocate for the silent majority, and a dedicated tireless volunteer for a positive , dramatic change, like Professor Gariye. A fortune teller and an arm reader, and a precisionist accurate, and sharp in his prediction. A clairvoyant and a soothsayer that chats with the stars and interprets the whispering of the wind. A compassionate preacher with humble presence. A play-writer and a dramatist with impressive and emblematic metaphor, with flowering language. A Somali Shakespearean and Rage Ugas of the present century, like Professor Hadrawe. An alarming Sensor, and a genuine Icon for a revolting nation like Abwan, Abdi Qays. A figurative artist with immense imagination that has no boundary. A true Somali Philosopher with dynamic magnitude that borrows from no other culture. The first Torchbearer who lit the first candle for our uprising like, Abwan Abdi Qays. A traditionalist friendly with nature and the environment like Abwan Hassan Ganay. A cherished mentor and an inspiring role model for the Somali ? Culture. A play-writer with magnetic, elegant expressions that captures your imagination. A poet who touches the hearts of all walks of life, like Abwan Hassan Ganay. Being a master of all those fatal tools and a trigger in hand. What you expect is nothing but smash and ash of the Spider ? Web and its henchmen. For sure I will jump the gun. What is the definition of the word ( Passport ) ? It is an official document issued by a Government, certifying the holder's identity and citizenship. Entitling the holder to travel from his country to other country. All in all, it is an identity card that tells others, who you are and which country you belong to. Nowadays, it is an acquired pattern of behavior that we are accustomed to, from time to time. That the President, Mr.Silanyo and his cabinet ministers strike our minds with an equivocal, absurd ideas, and suggestions with contradicting dim views, that have more than one interpretation. Our President and his cabinet ministers are authorizing and legalizing the endorsement of Mogadishu Passport. At the same time, the constitution was dumped in the Garbage Can, and the Parliament was dissolved. The opposition parties were dismantled and the traditional leaders from Mogadishu are assembling and presiding our traditional leaders and parliament with the concern of our Government. Going on the speed of light to open the dialogue of reunion and diplomatic contacts with a Government that has no mandate and represent nobody except their wallet and stomach. More disgustingly, the Government of Somaliland intentionally engaged the whole nation to be busy with worthless Municipality Election that led to the renaissance of the Mother in-Law from hell ( Tribalism ) dressing up again with it's most attractive gown that was tailored by President Silanyo's Government , for the first time after the local civil war. Yet strangely enough, both the public and the Government are beating the drums of sovereignty and Independence of Somaliland as an Independent State. What a mere hoax and a sheer nonsense. Dear country men, how on earth can we convince the International Community that we are serious about the Sovereignty of Somaliland While our President is holding the Passport of our hostile twin in Mogadishu. Mr.President, give me a break and put the shoe on the right foot. Above that, the whole country is run by ignorant Street Gangs that is led by the wife of president Silanyo.A mafia Group who knows nothing but to hoard money and wealth. Wearing earrings in the belief that it blinds the eyesight of the masses. Instead of forwarding well cherished opinions and fruitful ideas, to uplift our hope and aspirations. They are stamping out dirty words through dirty mouths. Mr.President, in a world without walls and fences. Who needs windows and gates? Dear country men, let me ask the president. Did we give our mandate to Mr.Silanyo? Or did we elect his wife and the alien Hiirsi-Gab to run the political affairs of the nation? I was never assuming or expecting that Somalilanders are that much dumb, and can be confessed by such a mere hoax. Our long standing dream has gone with the wind and our castle is threatened from the interior. We are our own enemy. Dear Somalilanders, we need urgently to unite our vital forces ; and build a protective barrier to shield us from their ill conceived scheme, which is the reunion with those wild beasts in Mogadishu that steals the gold teeth from the dead body. We must be in a hurry before the sky rains blood again like we had before. Those who attain to any marked degree of excellence in chosen pursuit must work, and work hard for it, peasant or prince. Mr.Eckhart Tolle, the author of the ( Power Of Now ) in his new book titled as ( Stillness Speaks ) recommend us to be free from our destructive mind which is full of hatred, emotions, greed, and selfishness. In order to discover the great depth of the lasting peace, contentment, and serenity that is anchored deeply in our Inner ? Soul of consciousness. So that to end our suffering to one another, as we, the human being to get rid of the habit of torturing each other. We must say ( No ) to the destructive mind of this regime that tells us repetitive noisy sound, disturbing thoughts; and Self ? Serving clamoring for attention. We live in a wonderful, beautiful World full of charm, and glory. But few aliens like President Silanyo and Herse ? Gab pollutes it with their destructive toxic ? minds. We must think deeply and give thought to the awesome examples that our ancestors like your Grand ? Dad, Ina ? Sanwene had set for us in the treasure of our traditions. It is not a matter of joke. The destiny of a whole nation is in your hands. Think twice my dumb president before you shake our hearts with your shocking hidden secret agenda that is kept in your Paradox?s box. How you can silence the crying scream of thousands, if not millions of young generations when they discover your empty promises in the Breaking News of the media. That is a question crying for an answer. For sure, they will shake your shaky Oval ? Office with a violent, and stormy, sweeping rage that can?t be stopped. What about the consequence of the curses of the religious clergy men and the crippled victims of the liberation army of the SNM Veterans. Above that, since 1991 we were rehearsing that we are utterly and solemnly a Sovereign ? State that withdrew it?s Union with the Italian ? Colony in Mogadishu. Teaching our future generation and kids the spirit, prospects, and aspirations of independence. Tasting the sweet flavor of freedom, democracy, and peace since then. Mr.Silanyo, how you dare to say to these young generation that you were acting a false concert of a mere hoax and deceit. That is a crying shame that can?t be ignored. I can bet you with my last penny. Mr.Silanyo, your dark past is playing tricks on your mind. That is why our ears are full of wax, rubbish, and absurd ideas from your fruitless Think ? Tank. The birds are grouchy in the morning because their bills are over due. The cows grazing in the field are not content. Serious Somalilanders have a hard time to decipher your ambiguous, equivocal codes that has more than one interpretation. Mr.Silanyo, be alert, watch out, you are not alone. You are under surveillance. The candid camera and the Tape ? Recorder of history are set on. If you are sober. Be either a healthy Christian or a good Moslem. So far, your tools are working in other peoples garden in unfriendly hostile environment. Your people are not sure whether you are their foe or their friend. We want to know your true color and sincere intentions. Professor Gariye once said: Dhadarbiga Dadweynuhu, Duufaanka Kama Dhacow, Doonyaha Dhirbaaxee. Mr.Silanyo, you are a curse that was inflicted on us by the angry spirits of our dead heroes. Thank You For Being totally Ugly. Yusuf Deyr, Canada
  9. Ngonge, Since the election of make-believe parliament in Somalia Carafat has changed his tune of being for Somaliweyn..Just look all his recent posts and you will see some sense of defeat as his Hiilqaraan friend put it in a new article in Aljazeera the very corrupt nature of leading up to the election of the new president.
  10. Raula, haha..asante dada...Ngonge is just fishing for a free dentures when he gets old.So I guess me and him work on a deal.... PS Hatuu, this is the beauty of announcing stuff in Troll corner.It gets buried after every new page..... PSS Am still sleep deprived...the little brat is finding his own ways of getting things done for him...Got my first gift this weekend from him..He kept peeing on me.hahaa
  11. I dearly love the victim clan and it really upsets me to see that Kenya has not settled this case in a fair way.Though some Somalis were at a position of leadership like General Mohamud (from the clan) in all fairness I doubt they had anything to do with it. The victims of this massacre are from what I will say the most beautiful and kind Somali clan neighbors and friends you will ever have.The story I widely heard and believe is that there was a fight over grazing land between the and clan.The Kenyan government took advantage of the inter-clan war by punishing one group heavily.This is where suspicion settles in people's mind.Some believed there was Siyad Barre involvement over some unsettled death of a man from the victims clan.I don't know how far this is true.Allahu aclaam. I knew a guy who told me he was spared because he had Waqoyii accent because he was close business associate with some waqoyii khat traders and drivers. Beautiful human being with a big soul.
  12. This article accurately depict the state of Somali politics without sugar coating.It is my contention (and hopefully the author's ) that clan is certainly a fundamental component of Somalia politics.The options are limited for the president, if he wants to succeed. He can't show any tactical flexibility in his selection.It is the way the clan power is set. As the author clearly explained the president will only appoint a D-block prime minister (Sorry the Samatar).
  13. Ayoub, out AT&T folks make up 25% of my junior has long feet he probably inherited a phenotype gene from AT&T folks.I'm sure Ngonge will be happy to have the ORIGINAL Sultans pay him a visit one day..haha... Malika, Asante dada.........
  14. I personally had lunch with the new UOH president Dr. Abdi H. Gass. He is from the states.He seemed very enthusiastic person and filled with a lot of dreams for Somaliland.Good luck to him and to the new graduates.
  15. ^Thanks yeah we are old.Soon I will be accompanying him to ask for Ngonge's daughters hand in marriage.
  16. Ngonge...haha I remember those days..I guess you don't what you missing till you experience it..No more peace in my house.Its all good though.He brought some life to the house and She-who-must-be-obeyed is occupied.
  17. Fatherhood is a blessing...Had a little sleep last night, but its all good.The young man kept me up all night.I just can't sleep on my schedule anymore..haha
  18. Although this was before his election it is still safe to believe that newly elected president doesn't believe in a rancor.It is a good start if he keeps thinking like this..IT is a dramatic reversal in course of our resident unionist in SOL.Unlike the people here with the half-baked truth of the reality on the ground it is true that Somalia will definitely need to renogotiate with the authority in Hargeisa. Somaliland indeed created what they have and I doubt they will give up that easilly (and No Abtigis we are not talking about school buildings)...By and large I also doubt Somalia will meet the demands of Somaliland, so the road is long
  19. Abdullahi Osman Hiirey PHD of technical selection committee is a good friend of mine.Good to see him taking part in rebuilding Somalia.He is good guy.Hope they appoint him something! PS Samatar's always take a position opposed to that of the majority of Somalis.Just a windbags......
  20. In all your scenarios all you are saying basically is that Somaliland is going to loose whether they like it or not as long as they don't act quickly now. It doesn't matter what they been building the last twenty years.It doesn't matter the priorities and the hopes they been working on for so long.Should Somaliland refuse to meet the demands of Somalia their only option is to gird for war (which the people are NOT ready for).Ain't that the merest whimsy hypothesis? To de-legitimize Somaliland all you need to do is evoke Awadal (which are happy with the Silanyo authority ) and Khatumo folks? Hmm all I will say is forget the Somaliland under the bed for now there is Al-shabab in the attic and Somalia is not out of the woods yet.
  21. I can't imagine a more absurd and unrealistic expectations than thinking the discourse of Somaliland secession is going to change overnight. I agree obscurantists that decide to hide the truth on both sides will be defeated only by opening up of free trade between the two sides.If successful who knows this may lead to Somalilanders prying away from secessionist ideas, but don't bet on this for now.The common man in Somaliland is much like the common man in Somalia.He wants to be successful and have a stronger country where they are protected by the rule of law.The only think that will attarct them is more than what they already have and I don't see Somalia offering them anything better right now. PS: I will let more knowledgeably people like Ayub respond to your questioning of **** loyalty to duriyaada, but I still believe **** are with the duriyadaa all the way! ..... their goals coalesce with the rest of the ****.Arguably, undermining Somaliland ambition is has not going to benefit them much.Don't Buuba (the traitor) and the rest of the loosers (JB words not mine lol) give you hope!
  22. Qudhac, iskaa daaf duke..He is the only member from Puntland, i know of in this site, that is predictable as usual.Whenever he miscalculates or misreads the Somali politics he looks for ways to up the ante of finding weakness in some groups other than his garrison state of Puntland (or was it South African or Australian mercenaries?) ..Get use to being flooded with Somaliland threads the next few weeks here
  23. Haha...blame it on the pale of their politics.I can picture professor Samatar writing something critical of the fair process we just witnessed yesterday! At least their participation created some sort of false joyous euphoria of the North coming back haha
  24. In my judgement, the most patriotic Somalis are Somali-Bantus, Barawani, and all other minor clans that have NEVER damaged Somalia.Recent history instantly discredits any Somali clan as patriotic.You have clans with warlords, the secessionist, and the power-hungry as the main elites of Somali clans.There is just no way to pretend that there were no men with dignity who were on the sideline of Somali dirty wars and politics for so long.