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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. ^^^Feisal could be the carrier or the transmitter of Qabiil idea especially up North, but the man is NOT alone.When someone like Feisal comes along and puts in words what everyone else feels in their hearts, you just have to cut the guy some slacks and say "hmm all Somali are Qabiliist" . It is not only tied to individuals,but a whole Somali community including all you people in here.In essence we can say the idea of Qabiil is NOT just fantasy of few people like you guys, but a whole nation.Its just that some double talk the people and other shoot straight! haha
  2. Ibtisam...did Feisal upset reer burcawi when he said Hargeisa aniigaa leeh? Hahaa...agreed the man can spit and curse anything short of his own emotional agenda of capturing the big seat, but I guess my question is what is wrong of the young Jamal you dislike about?
  3. STOIC


    Flashlight-Check.Water bottles-Check.Pasto and bariis in the storage room-check.Hiliib and banana-check.Canjeraa khamiir-check.. who needs breads.Two days of indoors sleeping..nothing can beat that!
  4. I will be too ignorant or naive to protest what the OSman guy said in his defense.I was just pointing out the obvious of your point to even Xaaji Xanduuf let alone an impartial observer of Somali politics.
  5. Che, damn denial must be a river in Somaliland..Here we thought all along it was Osman's opinion and NOT the IC laws...haha
  6. Xaaji, I think the Somaliland reporter is woefully ignorant to the rules of journalism.He is a bit aggressive with his questions on that issue.The dude gave a valid answer and that should be enough for his audience.Tell him to keep nursing the dream who knows maybe the UN will one day draw the lines for the two borders...
  7. He avoided answering the questions about his trip instead took a turn to keep talking about what he called everyone....You don't repeat your mistakes xaaji caraafat....
  8. Norf, too bad I can't remember exact wordings of what I wrote, but some nomad already saw the topic and commented on it.There is force behind the curtain that will delete it again if this issue raises it heads again. Ngonge, the gloves almost came off.He wanted to defend his stand on the issue.To be honest I had no evil intention.Matter fact I was praising him for having such an inside information in the UN.Now that the topic disappeared many people who were NOT sure will be more suspicious.AT&T is a cool kat.He would have just brushed it off and defend it from the sideline, but too bad the hasty moderators did him disservice.
  9. The presenter is annoying.I couldn't concentrate following the story with her theatrics performance.The story is sad and human one.
  10. I have a mixed feeling about this issue.I really don't know where I stand.One part of me thinks it is not necessary in this age and time, but if minority students numbers are not far off from the average entering class they should be given the chance. Are minorities capable of competing with their white counterparts in higher education? yes they do if given the right help and tools from the start of high school through college.Both my undergraduate and graduate education I went to predominantly white school (in fact in grad school we were only two black students in a class of 126).The valedictorian in my graduating class was black student who was African.Was he disadvantaged compared to the affluent classmates? yes.Was he a type A personality person.Yes he was, but it is his hard work and drive that made him rise to the top of the class.Everything has a reason and I believe the black minority student who are capable should be given the opportunity to attend graduate school
  11. Haha.Be as they may the powerful hand of SOL they should have at least warned me...I hope irrespective of who I outed they should have at least extended me the courtesy of warning my Somali fadhuul...I think someone is afraid that my topic may have extremely adverse consequence of the writer's real world (if even that was his real name ) and SOL character...I'm just taking a piss at the lazy moderators and I'm ready to apologize to the man if I have offended or read something wrongly in SOL when he simultaneously posted opinion that were very similar here in SOL and wardheernews.
  12. Why goad me to ask this in this manner? Care to at least warn me if I have offended someone. I think the PM has a reason besides chit chats. You should have at least warned me.It is comical to point out the predictability of the lazy moderators here.Be warned next time you do this I will Jiu Jitsu your lazy behinds
  13. Ngonge, I wanted to call my little brat Khalil, but she-who-must-be-obeyed wanted easy name for the Americans.I had the evil intention of putting down the name while she was recovering from the epidural, but too bad nobody informed me that the name thing is last thing in the doctors mind for the first day.Haha...So i lost the name game...
  14. You first rally your people against the evil secessionist and sing the union cry.You then indicate in any media outlet that will listen how you are actually displeased with cunning ploy of your cousins once they decide you are NOT the right candidates for one of the rotating three presidents! Next thing you are the token minister of yesterdays enemy.Hmmm
  15. Joe is killing it..Now Obama sit back and learn how to present all the facts at your disposal against the republicans ideologies without being timid!
  16. I knew this marqan induced Khaldans were up to no good with their sinister motives of destabilizing South Somalia.A massively clueless population focused on fantasies of secession. It is their fault that Somalia is today in anarchy! It is both Sad and alarming to see them financing this war in the South. I knew Somaliland had a fence sitter approach when dealing with terrorist. No wonder they are welcoming and encouraging this abhorrent groups to destabilize South Somalia.What a jaw-dropping connection there the OP made...all along I thought Somaliland was NOT interested in terrorism, but I guess they are the ones sending this rascals to the South.Its about time this spotty information raises hell for Somaliland secesionist. This new information should nettle the new Somalia government and encourage them to send some camel-hump scuds towards Hargeisa. Theirs is a failed campaign and they would loose. One think they should be a tad less seccionist by now that Somalia is raising again and becoming pearl of Africa!
  17. Congrats Xaaji Ngonge, I know you are an expert from the previous brats, but I still think nothing can prepare you for the sleepless nights....I feel like sometimes I wish babies came with Snooze button when their moms downloaded them PS Alpha, I have seen you and the kid Somalia like using OMG word in this boards...I think that word is for little teen girls...Says yours truly!
  18. From your mouth to God's ears...indeed God listened and Puntland "won" PS I wonder where the sensible Puntlander's like Bashe are nowdays. I will like to hear their criticism of Puntland's mad-man Farole reactions to this news
  19. Congrats to the newly elected PM...I think Gabaal was on the money predicting all along that the man will be from his corner....hahaa
  20. Cancer is a killer indeed..a close gaallo colleague of mine just found out her breast cancer has spread to the bones (stage four cancer)...a beautiful human being with a good heart ! Feel sorry for her...
  21. The clan cheeleders of SOL have nestle close to their clans whispers Everyone has a prediction! You are cozy and warm in your presidential seat Stop fuuucking with us, please, and please make my predictions true Where is the share of my clan , Mr president? The Streets are dark in Mogadishu, Mr President. The clans huddle down and whisper in the dark Is it this week he will appoint our man? they all ask I’ll support you to death if you swear You’ll appoint my clansmen Don't doze low in the presidential seat My life is a failure, If you don't make my prediction true I’m a shitty- clan cheerleader. Stop fuuucking with me, please, and please appoint my clansmen!
  22. Raula, hope you caught last night on PBS about "Why do Mothers die in Somaliland? " PS Nicholas D. Kristof in Somaliland shows how approachable Somaliland can be for the most celebrated journalist!
  23. There are also many Somalis working as "Language Analyst" For the national security Agency here in DMV area (DC, Maryland and Virginia)...all you have to do is ask one what they do for a living and if they give you "I work for the government as a computer analyst" your antenna should be up..haha...just saying!