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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Xaalkaa wa baarii dexee....So far all the red states go to for Romney but watch out for Virginia (Fairfax County, and Prince William County, where only a tenth of the vote reported ). Ohio and Florida is favoring Obama so far, but too early...and to all the Republican pundits Obama can't win only with minorities and youth..its gotta be some white people in there voting for him
  2. Mormons download kids like crazy, but to be fair to them they are family oriented and well disciplined people.I was close friends with many mormons in school.One time a classmate of mine was explaining to me how he had three children and all in welfare...I was like nigger tomorrow when you make the big bucks you will be complaining about blacks on welfare and here you are feeding your kids with government handout...He had a good excuse though saying uncle Sam was gonna tax him anyway when he makes the six figures why not take advantage of it now?
  3. They are projecting republicans will keep the house..Nacala...
  4. Tea party ineey taatkaa wataankaa kaxiigaan beey moothaan...Qashiin as Nin-Yabaan will say!
  5. Obama looks like he gain something with the handling of hurricane Sandy and the late economic numbers improvement..White America has a short memory..It is whoever has momentum
  6. ^ It is too early and I hope the hillybilly-ish people didn't show up in droves..The urban centers like Northern Va O will win, but the state is big and so are white people lol
  7. ^ He is not feeling the drones, he wants Romney to drop F-16.... some heavy sh**t on Somalia-Shabab....haha PS Obama..Wa duceysanyahay..He got this one in the bag if we go by the exit polls
  8. Lool@clan Marfish..If there was one in my area they would have kicked me out for my stressing of the unknown view of Somali politics...Waar East Hargeysa waan lakaftaami kaaraa...they are closer
  9. Xaaji, Kaaftaan, East Hargeisa baal Ishaa halaguu haayo niinyaahow...My inaatheers down there sometimes think there is no stable government..Just joke haha!
  10. Whatever happened to the simple health ads after Sportsman ""Uvutaji wa sigara unathuru afya yako"...the 90's ads were uncle ranch was once recruited for shooting the cheetah chasing the car add
  11. Duke, Don't furiously signal your disapproval yet.You have plenty of time to get-to-know your deputy PM/foreign minister...I'm sure she will firm up her affairs once she knows she is in a comfortable setting...I know Somalilanders aren't famous for unionist ideas, but I believe you have a friend here..Just give it time...Sometimes you can even make the most devoted enemy admit to your ways...haha
  12. This is just a warm-up exercise for her.Though the ingredient is there to doubt her sincerity I doubt if the people that vetted her are that stuuupid in appointing someone who is unsure of something that is as sensitive as this....I doubt the president is that stuupid either in approving someone with a fanatical allegience to the enemy of the state....I think she knows where she stands and she just don't want to upset her brothers/sisters up north....
  13. Xaaji, I doubt she said anything different than what previous administration said.If my Somali is correct isn't She just saying no one will be forced and that the talks shall continue? The prospects that she supports the secession, which she supported previously,will be anathema to her new employers. All this seems really odd to me.In the futile hope of winning the secessionist, I think they shoot themselves in the foot by appointing someone who was a secessionist few months ago.Having her negotiate with a team she supported shall make any bed-wetting unionist a little uneasy! It will be more like all-in-the-family negotiation type.I guess only hope for Somalia is weaning away from Somaliland any politician that failed to capture the votes of their own people.
  14. Where are the kids? This is why you stay away from drugs/alcohol..Just shows how we are all human and I hope she hides her sins next time in this world of cellphones and worldstar websites....I'm not judging her, but can't help it that some thoughts kicks in my mind on judging her...Shiit is real and the sister needs help!
  15. When some engage in consistent pattern of calling competent the only government led by someone from their clan one can't help but find the fawning attentiveness as a silly .It hardly comes as a surprise then if tomorrow a new election is announced and the president is from their clan they will all call the government the most competent (with Somali doctors, profesore and all the meaningless Somali titles)....It bears noting too that one has to look from Abdullahi Yususf cabinet to Abdiwelli cabinet.According to them they were God-gift to Somalia...Such pessimist outlook of everything other than your clan leaders, unfortunately, has little foundation for building a unified country!
  16. They must have it bad then if they migrating to SL...I just can't get my head wrap around why anyone would want to migrate there and deal with their immigration police....hope this is not some NGO intiatives
  17. They got illegal immigrants issues there too? Who in their right mind wants to migrate there and request some reprieve from immigration?
  18. ^Rush Limbaugh called him the "greek column" the other day after he praised Obama...I'm really not fired up his election beside my state being democratic (and sure win for Obama) am just not getting to the polls this year.Obama upsetted me witth the Gay marriage sh**t...Fiscally am with him, but Socially no way! It will be a close call this election....It is highly likely that Obama will win, but sh**t can happen the last minute
  19. The few clips I have listened of him he comes across as a motivational speaker and not a religious scholar..Nothing wrong with that especially when you need Eman caffeine.. PS My favorite scholar is Yaser of both worlds..a Yale graduate and Medina University!
  20. The most honest post from Duke in a long time.He just about accepted that what matters is what post his clan people gets.Even after the collapse of the dream of capturing the big seat he still thinks like a real Somali analyst---nothing can stand in the way of clanism politics.No more is he cornered into defensive postures of "working" for Somaliweyn. Indeed clan is everything! A true vigorous onslaught of building a country with plain field equality!
  21. Warya Dr. this is weak attempt of a sad excuse.You are better than this...Take a chill warya.People will correct you only if they care about you. I will recommend you to take a break from unsavory forums.Stay away from Internet for a week. Befriend Someone who is NOT from your clan. Try to curb the ragging hormones of qabiil every time they kick in...You not responsible for all people from Bosaso
  22. Twenty years of breast-beating have weakened the resolve of the NGO lady all seriousness the guru have nothing to worry about here. This lady and her consorting with the enemy of the state is a minor thing compared to the bigger picture!Her concept of jumping the ship has been so eroded before her by many men of former SNM (Tuur&Co).The boundaries of jumping the ship has been stretched far by many before her.If you actually look closely you will see that these elements that jump ships are people exploiting their support for their own malign purposes of getting appointed for a certain position.Nothing new and I wish this lady all the best!
  23. I thought you lost your job or something serious like health problem...Warya take a Tylenol and go to sleep.Start fresh tomorrow..Life is bigger than Cashaaq dhigaag
  24. Heh.I guess you never wobble or done electric slide which are bantu dhakaan...I see their dance harmless and a bit tastless for men grinding near each least they should have kept distance
  25. ^^Nothing, just felt the need to be the priest of the church of the painful truth....