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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Xaaji...always reporting bad news...the Alshabab days are numbered and I'm sure Puntland will defend its territory against them...
  2. I'll be mad as hell if I paid to see her Lip-synching her own song...Who snooks up behind a girl and sucker-punch her? That is a b!tch move...
  3. Almost told someone to shut the hell up in Fajr prayer...One of those new-muslim know-it all type with big beard and short pants was yelling at people for not making Adhan on time.He basically called everyone in there weak muslims...Dude sit down and let the administration handle the adhan time...He was so loud I felt embarrassed for him and his ways of thinking. Most of the congregants are Pakistanis and they own the Masjid.He was still loud when i left....
  4. Today I was listening to a radio program done by Hadhwanagnews about the history of Somali traditional songs/dance. The program was spearheaded by the one and only knowledgeable Somali traditional folklore unofficial historian Brother Yusuf Shaciir from Hargeisa. I had the privileged of listening to this young man several of his youtube clips.He is a walking Somali dictionary! I was amused at how he was able to tell the origin of some famous Somali traditional songs. We the Somali-sijui have also an incredible traditional dance we call ciyaar-Somali.This dance has an arresting and immediate beauty.If you had the privileged of invited in one of Somali-sijui wedding you must have witnessed this unique dance style.The dance normally have deeply rhythmical feel to it and you could see the dancers feeling it earnestly!The drum and the voice of the women normally regulate the dance.I think we have something unique to contribute here...Watch the beginignof this clip
  5. Blue, This day I rarely have time to log in during work hours.I only can log in mostly in the evening by then all the chit-chat is done here.I think if Ngonge keeps harassing you guys we will involve few old senior members to intervene...As for now you guys should stop calling him names and he will stop the Script accusations.I will fire him a PM if he refuses to keep his end of bargain ...The clan thing was joke!
  6. Ngonge iyo hablihi waax baa kalaahaystaa...Because of the usual dislike between them a truce is necessary to change all this name calling. I need few young and old members that command enough respect within the clans of these girls (If they are married they belong to the clan of their respected husbands haha)to broker a truce between Ngonge and the respected ladies.The task will be to convince Ngonge to stop calling them a script.Ngonge's stone throwing Burcawi tolka is easy to find in the midst of this community. I believe they aren't script since it takes lots of effort like they did to protest; normally the other scripts just let the accusation die-down.The opening demands should always favor the girls. I demand the negotiating team offer a series of offers to appease the girls since in our culture women always wins the Gaartaa...A current results of the truce will be kept in the brain files of the regular members and made sure no one between them betrays the agreed upon truce.The aim of the negotiations is to have Ngonge Stop calling them Scripts and the ladies to stop calling him names.
  7. Che, walle isaaga Ubahaan twelve steps so as to arouse the little undiluted Somali blood in him..He seems to have been conditioned to knowingly and unknowingly think and analyze Somali history from the optical illusion of Kenyans.He needs a conscious effort to discard the colonial mentality in him.He seems to entertain the idle fantasy that Somalis wake up one morning and decided to ruin their country!
  8. First I refuse to adress you as a Massai.Your toadyish way of sucking-up to Kenyans is not helping either.You are self-hating Somali.Yes the history of Somalia for the last two decades has been a sad scenario of war and hunger.No Scholar or otherwise serious and informed observer of Somali history will tell you that all that had happen within the last two decades was the solely fault of the goat-herders.There are many reasons why the country is in the mess it is going through.It is unfortunate that as a self-hating native-informer you have decided to ignore the rich history of this goat-herders and decided to label them all as a failed people at the mercy of your kikuyu-run banana republic! The supreme irony is that the same people you are calling failure today are the same ones that are nearly running a whole segment of your country's economy (just pay a visit to what once was dusty Eastleigh) ..Don't let your country manufacture the illusion of security for you; for we all know all what it takes for your country to act in a vile and violent way! Just google Kenyan post-election violence...
  9. This dude is nothing, but a self-hating Somali sijui.He feeds what passes for his position from the humblest sludge of the Kenyan prevarication of Somali history! Nothing to debate with him about....
  10. Heh.Did he just called our ancestors goat herders...Jinga leo jirevu.Warya peleka ujinga wako kwa wakenya! Ukijifanya muhuni dawa yako tunayo...Wakenya si watu wakutusifiya! Hebu tumiya akili yako kichwani na usome ulichokiandika..
  11. That is a very correct observation of the man.He is always shifting his views with the current wind in the air. The magnus opus of Carafat is to find out what the clan of each member is and then use that to judge their contribution. He pretty much knows or comes close to know each and every members clan. I suspect by his private pronouncements, he is a secessionist masquerading as a unionist! I bet you he is quite open and plain about his support of secession that is because his cousins only hear that which we know to be true haha
  12. Ole-maasai, Heroow Sobaah...Heh we don't like the Kenyatti.They sure got no love from many of us in this boards (except a gentlemen by the name Apophis).They have not liberated anyone, if anything they are true to the saying countries have no allies, but INTEREST....
  13. You still got twenty five or so more years to pursue them busty and lusty women you seem to preoccupy yourself with...just that maybe by then the pendulum you want to swing maybe saggy than the one your daughter is sucking now.
  14. I doubt he is related to the Samatar's...matter fact I remember a radio debate he once had with Professor Ahmed Samatar about Somalis in Minnesota..He seemed to make more sense than the Professor who was dismissive of the Somalis in America..Good-luck to the guy!
  15. I have not voted yet since I'm a part-time poster I think I'll sit out and let the regular posters decide, but from pure observational level lets see where the three front-runners stand in this little community.First My men Alpha posts offensive stuff deliberately to crave for attention.He truly can’t stand not being discussed or not being the center of attention.He is attention-seeking garner.I wonder how he survives in Hargeisa My men Mooge is a clan-warrior.In this internet age where anybody can log in from anywhere;My men Mooge posts from a tin-roof room in Eastleigh. He is a clan sociopath who works well in a tendem with the rest of the other clan warriors in this site.I rarely read his posts. AT&T will bring up intelligent posts coupled with some blistering realities of Somali politics once in a while, but then again it is sometimes lost with his interjection of some woman stories that had nothing to do with his original points.He is very clever with this and will always pull one of this women stories to distract the readers from the original post. Regardless of how his words are sometimes polished or logical he is also a subtle clan warrior, but a professional one that you can have a serious conversation with................
  16. A-Khadar..damn niggah, you mad ain't you? Just chill the election fever will be over soon.You don't have to stubbornly and knowingly ignore the reality...haha
  17. Xiin, you know you can't spin this one or largely blind yourself to the Somaliland power-play here! .To any sentient person it is obvious that the action of the UN representative flying all the way to apologize over some clerical error is surely a big deal.This surely reinforces the point that Somaliland is indeed not recognized as a part of Somalia.I was skeptical about the whole thing, but looks like this is an early Christmas gift to Silanyo!
  18. Hello Val..Good to see you...I don't know why, but I was just mad at the system and not the kid.I knew it was wrong for the kid to grab and run with people stuff, but at the same time these are inner city kids with really nothing else to do than stand on the corners
  19. Yesterday at lunch break saw a little AA boy of probably thirteen years of age snatching a bag of chips(cost 99cents) from the lunch truck and running was just a matter of time before the police showed up...This song of 1994 came to my mind...Sometimes life ain't fair to inner city kids... When I was a young boy I had visions of fame They were wild and they were free They were blessed with my name And then I grew older And I saw what’s to see That the world is full of pain And my dreams they left me And then I got stronger Inside of the pain That’s when I picked up the pieces And I regained my name And I fought hard, y’all To call by my place And right now you could ask me And it all seems in vain source: " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  20. Alpha, this bug is not something you want to have or even wish on your worst enemies.So please make Tawbah to your lord and may Allah not make you come near it.....Everyday I treat or do invasive mouth extractions on people with the disease.Its heartbreaking to see how the disease can pretty much kill their immune and make them susceptible to things like Hairy leukoplakia. It is scary disease, but not non-manageable disease like before. The hardest hit communities are gay and people who sleep with different people recklessly! The USA alone the highest reported infections are mainly Male-to-male sexual contact and injection-drug use (and to some extent reckless heterosexual contacts)....There are also people who really don't deserve this disease like the Mother-to-Child (Perinatal) HIV Transmission.
  21. You're a complete schlub and your attention-seeking antics is offensive to the millions of people living with the virus.Your post is irresponsible and short of humor...Nacaas foqol Nacaas
  22. STOIC


    Why do I have a feeling Alpha is about to crawl out of 5 screen and lick the RED part of her lollipop,,,,haha
  23. Qabiil difaac..haha...I thought this Jubaland stuff has ended already and the president reached consensus with Abtigis people
  24. ^ Heh...its just political different than the men who are the Liyu police themselves..She is NOT the Mandela of abtigis cousin's...she is just a human and just like the rest of the other countless Somalis is driven either by greed or political ambitions...nothing here makes one skip a heart bit...
  25. Hahaha@ Insurance in Garissa..Maybe times have changed and it is sign of the time if they have one now...He will be lucky if he got reimbursed by the defense department...In this information age I will be damn if the leaders from that city shied away from public demanding reparation for all the loss