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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. You are really taking trolling in SOL to another level.You are the multiple personality troll with girls and clan members issues. You actually talk to yourself to fan the fires when nobody else is around to respond to your own made-up make-believe soap opera stories. What else routine amongst your own personalities and daily problems are you going to play for us tomorrow?
  2. Had a breakfast for Muqmaat and Croisant (don't do the canjeera stuff)..It is time to turn the Tv on and watch the NBA marathon..the handful of NBA games will keep me busy all day and May I say i need a refil of Shaah from she-who-must-be-obeyed and not to ask a single question.The TV is occupied and the remote is stashed under my macawiis today!
  3. Aaliya..Iskaa ilaali ciyaalkaan..One minute they be smiling with you next minute they be trolling on your name on some thread...
  4. Warya Aaliya afkiina kaadiiga..Niin aan Afar iyo taboonka Quraanka xiftiin yusan haweeysaan...She is a selfless, proud and sincere believing muslim Somali woman. There are criteria to fulfill first. You must be strong in character and wise to begin.
  5. Good pic..especially the up-close Kaaba one..thanks for sharing!
  6. Raula...haha..When I saw that thing in my house I was like WTF? I ain't doing that even though they say it is hygienic.It has a filter...It is strange..haha..I want Ngonge to be my guinea pig
  7. Things we only do for our own kids...Ngonge I challenge you to attempt this at home....
  8. ^ Its just some girl having a bad day with the Haraam police; those type of people who likes to find fault in everyone, but themselves..No big deal..She just need to ignore them, but nothing to cause nervous pooping about all Muslim people
  9. I have tried to listen to the news from Somaliland and it doesn't look good. I hate to say this, but I honestly believe Somaliland is NOT there yet for a free and fair election without clans being pitched against each other. There is much soul-searching needed about the downfall of sub-clan politics and it will take brave Somalilanders to face up to the severity of turmoil that Somaliland is experiencing. Sometimes I believe it is better for a minority clan member to be the president of Somaliland.Silanyo wil always be blamed, so is the next person to take the presidency. President Silanyo is not alone in his attraction to a clan politics, but it is fair to say it is unique in the extent and persistence of this allure compared to Riyalle days. I worry that my fellow Somalilanders would not see the evil of the clan politics-a rare chance. President Silanyo deserves high praise for his steadfast vision of independent Somaliland, but his administration should have proceed slowly and very carefully when it came to matters of local elections.Should this trend of open clan politics continue, it is conceivable that Somaliland will find itself in a tough spot convincing the world about their secession . Were that to happen, Somaliland secession ambitions could seem one day in retrospect merely twenty years of interesting and yet doomed search for secession.
  10. By not extending your unionist lot any necessary gestures that can systematically endanger the secession ambition...
  11. That will only happen by a fortunate accident.Hope the leading organ of Somaliland take notes and badger you guys
  12. Carafaat, You really like this dude.He is not the ONLY professor that have lectured four walls full of bedwetting Somali unionist. This dude has systematically and unfailingly tried many times to downplay the success of Somaliland.Now that he is polishing his services for Somaliland is our president suppose to go out of his way to invite him officially? This is the same guy that has tried many times, but failed to blatantly advance the anti-Somaliland school of thought.His school of thought, factual or manufactured or a combination of both, provided many occasions for him to give a sweeping condemnation of Somaliland aspirations...He absolutely have right to visit his hometown, but should not be put on position of high regard or adoration....
  13. Yeah in what capacity is this pompous assss going to talk with Somaliland authority? He is just an academic and not a person of authority from Somalia government.If he wants to visit home he should be granted the permission without any restrictions.I hope Somaliland is way beyond those perhaps innocent yet angry misreadings of anyone that opposed the secession. He is one among many other Somaliland unionist. The only reason that Somaliland authority should care about what this pompous sensationalist professor of handicapped Somali politics will say is because he is a son of the soil and he should be given the right to lecture in any Somaliland university or town hall
  14. The video is tasteless in our western standard, but you have to know not everyone else in this world sees the world (or should!) and interprets events as you do. For those boys there is only one reasonable explanation for doing this and that is there is nothing wrong with what they are doing! PS I see OP is new here with all these useless threads with pictures..We can also say we have standards here in SOL and you should observe around before spamming the forum
  15. His accent portrays some honesty in his personality.No pretentious attitude.He seems genuine in the way he is interacting with his family!
  16. I watched the above video and professor Samatar seems to be honest in his assessment. He did not sugarcoat it like the other guy..Given the history of the professor's rallying cry for Somalia union, around the lecture halls and circuits , he have every right to get agitated with the way they treated him. If they are suspicious of this man how about a foreign affairs minister who was a secessionist few months ago. It seems it was imperative for the professor to come to terms with what is happening on Mogadishu.The daring imagination of his union dream seems to be collapsing.
  17. Reminds me of that famous Hosni Mubarak leading Obama doctored picture...I guess our president is being led by Somalia president? haha
  18. NGONGE;899870 wrote: To say "my wife", "my kids", "my mother-in-law" is vulgar and takes away the off-limits feel of said people. The point being, Stoic does not want to discuss "the kid" or "the grandmother" but rather the situation he found himself in. It is of course different if we all knew the kid, the wife and the grandmother. In that case he would have said "tii xumayd so shaqadii kumay so noqon. So Cabdi yare igamay tegin. So kumaan dhawakhin. So hoyadiid telefoono xun igumay waalin. Ma waxay leeyiheen Saceed ilko caruur ma kursan karo?", etc, etc, etc... p.s. Mrs Stoic, Stoic Jnr and mother Stoic are not the ones I mention the Somali part and no insults uttered (or imagined) relate to any of these noble personages in my above lampoon. Shukran. Haha I think Ngonge got it....Ibti read his words that explains everything and the way we refer to our familes
  19. Ibti..haha..I don't think we mean it a bad way..We accept and love them the way that is his maternal grandmother
  20. First night left alone with the kid..his mom went back to work at hospital and I was left with the official role of mom/ was weird being responsible for feeding and changing of some little soul..His grandmother kept calling every hour to check on me as if I couldn't handle her grand kid ..haha..I think I gave him my cold
  21. ^Hard to believe, but will give you benefit of the doubt..haha
  22. Abtigis... Ngonge ayaan bahaashaa baaraaye..haha...laismawareystaa inaat qof Somali wax issutihiin...I bet you Ngonge has some Khatumo blood in him somewhere
  23. Ngonge, Hahha..Warya all Somalis are related...Ayoub is a close family..we go way back...AT&T is from big foot community and from all the duriyada community I think we are the most that intermarry with them so he is family too...haha