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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. ^El, Same question I was asking..Seems like his "highness Al-hajj bin Xayraan" Minister jumped too soon with his complains...Where are the numbers?
  2. I'm disappointed with Kenya.If you are familiar with the history of Kenya you will know that Kenya has done this before; favoring one clan over another when Somali politics is concerned.The dynamics of Somali politics has played out before in the Kenyan government and it was ugly history.I thought Kenya was done with Moi era of favoring one clan.Let the Somalis move freely or else you will be reliving the history of deporting those opposed to the once whom you have their ears now...
  3. Of all the places in the world to look for gainnful employement Who in their right mind is going to Somalia to find a job unless you are fan of baricarded in Some Garrison city
  4. ^He needs to wait for the results and not concern himself with Puntland numbers.That Somalis of all walks think their clan is majority is not a revelation.I'm not surprised with the reactions...
  5. ^The link doesn't point out the final results.It only talks about the methodology to be used..Someone post what the final numbers are?
  6. ^ So this thing was not finalized yet then? Where is Xaaji to bombard us with some "facts" about ethnic Somalilanders....
  7. Lol@ else can they convince the rest of the world that they are at cusp of historic Somali tipping point j/k.May God bless your population and May this become the staple of your political gains..
  8. I feel bad for the regular Somali folks feeding off this perilous hallucination of leaders on both side.While I risk spitting out unqualified certainty before the so called meeting ; am just leaning on to believe that nothing will come of this meeting when all said and done. Somaliland will stay on its course and Somalia will go home happy to the folks that have invested their aspirations and hopes on this fragile state!
  9. Ngonge, it staggers the mind to think that these folks will read your cocktail of sensible take of their federal government blunder with open mind..Lets just wait for the verdict from the meeting.The Somaliland stand is beyond the blithe and the illogical drivel we read here e
  10. Haha..No comment until the talks are over and we shall see who is going to budge so we can ridicule all that is spewed here...
  11. Inalilah wainailahi rajicuun..May Allah forgive him and have mercy on him..cleanse him as white cloth is for you Alpha nacaas foqol nacaas.....
  12. I have a very close family member serving time for unlawful possession of someone's else vehicle (basically stealing car).He had the best family one could ask for, but still decided to act like a fool.He had role models and all that and still the street was calling him.Some of these kids deserve the time they serve and they should be locked up!!
  13. ^ I had to read twice Gabal's opinion just in case I was dreaming and in Somalia of 1991..Lets hope this government is Smarter and finds compromise as the seeds of better Somalia future,,,,,
  14. If whatever Gabaal said is the new unbridled ambition of the government in Mogadishu, then we must must pray both sides will come to their sense and avoid confrontations.Why beg the distance and strong power to control your backyard? The direct and straight forward question is if the folks from the PM are supporting this conference then why not engage them? Why risk alienating your own folks?
  15. Carafaat..I doubt a Kenyan-Somali will mean to harm Somalia if anything every Kenyan-Somali interest is alligned with their clan..You will have folks from Garissa support Jubaland express and folks from other part support Mogadishu or Hargeisa..There is nothing to fear saxib if anything fear the clan politics..haha
  16. Giving the popular flights and pictures we are bombarded with here , why do i have a feeling the intensity with which this state is formed is going to be REAL and that there is nothing the Federal government in Mogadishu can do about it? its about time the FG should convey good faith and concesions methink..Sad to say, but most indications suggest that this state will be formed without the blessing of the government in Mogadishu, so don't you think it is time to come up with another strategy that could work as a peaceful solution?
  17. ^Maadey is actually a cool dude..He knows when to take jokes..I used to like how he referenced members opinions whenever they challenged him..Good for him if he left those ******....
  18. Xaaji, there was never bond between Somalilanders and Kenyati..Maybe the shared experience of one colonial power..It is the numbers and power that matters..Nimaankaan Haaiskuu taabaan..they have Kenya on their side..haha
  19. Xaaji, your title was misleading...He corrected you..By the way the bond between the people of Garissa and Kenyati is way stronger than your ethnic minority Somalilanders in Kenya haha
  20. Malika,Subconscious? I never shy away from calling Mogadishu names, but on this one you were a bit hasty and decided to judge my words based on a prior opinions of mine.
  21. Malika, Heh xaageet ilaa atteey?? Walllahi I didn't even meant in a size form..calm down!
  22. Ngonge, they will keep globetrotting until one of the presidents time is up and start all over gain with every new adminstration....haha
  23. ^ Tell your boys not to blow it up and create some Crater in the little pavements the Turks built....j/k
  24. Xaaji, Cadhubilahi minasheytanii rajiim...You are morbid person...Warya get away from your computer.Waat kaasii tareeysaa ninyahoow...There are many situations in life in which you have to take others advise and this is the time for you to get away from politics and internet..
  25. Aaliya, thanks.I'm trying though...Reerkaa aan kuaftiirsatho wa abihii afsomaligaa lakiin aniiguu Waa khasaaroo lool...An old clansmen of mine once visited Tanzania and found some his folks that didn't speak Somali at all,,,Maarkaas ayuu yirii atuun taan itaambeysee nimaanki ukadashe Mohamed Moogee iyo Abdi Gahayr (hoyga suuganta) oo Afsomali aqoon...