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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Of course if it were up to me, I would have given them a major whoop A$$. I really don’t like MISBEHAVING CHILDREN. Someone should JAIL them. And a simple strict rule of ‘NO KIDS’ should do. ^^^^ do not spoil the day for the dads who celebrated fathers day yesterday .Where is Baashi,Ngonge(doubt if they celebrate that in England), and Checkmate?
  2. I will dedicate this song( figure out the artist) to this thread: Love can have its mysteries Some strange, enchanted notion You can't explain just how it begins A feel, a smile, a potion But something goes off in your head You can't believe the words you just said It's not so hard to see the light Lovers at first sight When the right one comes along There is no hesitation You wonder how you lost all control It's just a revelation And that's the way I felt with you One glance was all it took and I knew You and I were just so right Lovers at first sight blaaah blaahh.............
  3. I can not comment on the wedding issue since it is an isolated incident that doesn't call for lacerating our culture with terms like "sickness".But i do have a problem with the Jewish issue, how come we got emotional everytime a jew is mentioned?.Historically christians hated the Jews and now the muslims are hating everything that stands for Jew.I do understand the suffering they cause the poor Palestinian but don't you think sometimes we do take things out of context?.As a community we need to learn from the Jews how they attained the American Jewry which began in the 1950's when social restrictions were erased in America.I don't know where the above poster got the statistics that 95% of the Jews hate us but i do know there are some Jews(though few) who have shown disaproval of Israel occupying the Palestinian land. Israeli against house demolition
  4. Environmental degradation in Somalia caused by human greed and selfishness has come to the notice of the Somalis recently while all along this has been going on for quite sometime(as i understood it from OLOL presentation).It is only about the last few years we started realizing that the self inflicted danger is really turning in to a far-reaching disaster that endangers the lives of the people.We know that the country is already polluted and that it needs an urgent attention.To enable us to tackle this castrophe we have to find out how this was caused,who are responsible,and how to remedy the situation to protect the time bomb awaiting to explode.We all must gauge the situation physically and morally and try to resolve it honestly without pointing fingers or protecting any one.Today what Somalia is facing is environmental emergency.Environmental emergency is a sudden threat to the public health, or the well being of the environment, arising from the release of harzardous chemical or radioactive waste.I am not going to touch on any political issue since my Somali politics is limited.I would love to see the new or any Somali government to investigate and bring to justice this eco-mafias.The government shall investigate: -The amount of hazardous waste disposed -the degree of toxicity of hazardous waste -the degree of involvement of individuals or parties in generation, transportation, and disposal of the hazardous waste. ***OLOL can you provide me with any investigative source of this eco-mafia case in English, thanks***
  5. New York times(may 2, 2005) reported that Polio is now almost exclusivelly found in muslim countries.This is because scientist hypothesize that polio spread from Nigeria (through Hajj) to all over the muslim world. Nigeria (muslim part) refused polio vaccine due to a theory that Americans are lacing the vaccine with anti-fertlity agent that sterilizes children.Do you guys beleive that the Nigerian polio vaccine was contaminated?-i am still looking for a creditable source ever since i heard about the "theory". ***I am not spreading any "conspiracy theory" ,if you heard about Nigeria problem, care to share?***
  6. STOIC

    Somali London

    ^^^Kleid..i did not said it is not authentic,did i say so?.I was generalizing the limitation of video camera.May be the video that caught this guy in the act is clear or may be it is not. **Now have a good weekend and leave my poor soul alone***
  7. STOIC

    Somali London

    Kleido, Any recording must be authentic and sufficiently intelligible for it to be used as an evidence!. I know video camera can be used to identify the "suspect"-caution and clarity will be expected from the court-this will determine the fate of the person.The one problem with video camera is that experts are not known, some my deem the police officer as an expert.But what if the police officer has a stake on the case?. mind is not working at the moment after long work day..but i will always come back and see if i made sense to you!
  8. ^^^Too bad i never eat Caanjeero in my life, call me the "spoiled kid"
  9. STOIC

    Somali London

    ^^^Kleid...the technique of using demonstrative evidence like video is so widespread nowadays but they can still be objectionable!.
  10. STOIC

    Somali London

    Zeph the reason i raised the scenerio is because it is all too common one for a defense attorney not only in attempted rape but also in hate crime to proove that intention doesn't count.The reason i came up with the scenerio was to evaluate how an intention can not be used to justify a crime.I beleive the law has gone overboard in indicting this guy without any witness or victim at hand.I am not condoning this guy act if he did attempted rape.I am afraid of him being another innocent convicted and branded the sex offender for life, solely on the basis of a police officer's account.I know from the begining of time women were dehumanized by some men who happen to be scum of the earth.Every violent criminal act leaves in it's destructive path victims who unfortunately becomes "evidence" in our legal system.Hard to swallow as it may sound to all of us this victims are the once that can only proove the "act" took place.I hope you do not take me as someone who is defending rules of engagement for men and blaming women.
  11. Its friday, The drones of the nearby highway and the call of the muadhin is calling me to enjoy Friday prayer!.I want to warm my bones in the sun, mother sun, without whose energy we will not have been able to produce food!.The summer sun evokes a dreaminess in me unlike the autumn wind.I want to go outside this crapy building and experience a world of searing flame and of bustling streets.In the distance through the window i can see little ones and their moms enjoying the weather.I am tired of listening to my co-workers talking about clothes.What is in for me a girls wardrobe. Why are people obsessed with others clothes in these days of "metro sexual" where a fellow clothing is expected to fit in with his sorrounding and activities.I just want to bust out the door and go to the nearest coffee shop among my fellow country men.
  12. STOIC

    Somali London

    ^^ I happen to disagree with you on that assumption of "lock him up and throw the key".Imagine you are visiting your freind that lives in the other side of the town.Your freind invited you to play a game of soccer or basketball-in the finest American spirit -you accepted to play the game.You have learned to play the game all your life long!.But let us pretend this day i suspected you wanted to break your freinds leg.Could your freind ever press charges against you just because you had the intention to break his leg?.An attempt to commit a crime is an enedervour to accomplish it (we all agree that ), carried beyond mere preparation, but failing short of execution of the ultimate design , in any part of it will not proove of you commiting the crime.Crime requires an overt act to happen.The act must be sufficiently related to the intent to constitute a crime.This guy did not commit the act,then how can they press charges against him?.No where in this world people are punished for the mere thought of wanting to commit a crime.
  13. Suldanka, there was a freind who one day at home while we were eating lunch said something despicable about the "old guy".Every one started talking about "inkarta" that will happen to this poor chap-though he was joking!.I remember people doing Xuuska(sacrifice) for the old guy every year in kenya (as late as early 1990's).I am not suprised people still doing the sacrifice in Somaliland.
  14. STOIC

    Somali London

    ^^^Ngonge i take your "country men" attitude with a grain of a salt,Sorry
  15. ^^^Thanks for the source, now i can brag around the lab that i work at and tell them for once we have at our possesion a "research tool" .In the scientific world today there could be a chilling effect if people will not be compensated for their "research tool".I will wait for the report that is due late this year! We have the "research tool"folks
  16. ^^^ Now if you had the source we will have avoided the patent infringement during early-stage research.The pharmaceutical companies will have negotiated the license with the traders(Somali ).It will have been a dose of viagra to the pharmaceutical industry if we had the source .
  17. ^^^give me the source Notherner!
  18. Stoic, I'll be sure not to expect a lifeline from you. Walaalkaa is may or may not be about to step on a land mine and you're taking a "wait and see" approach. How about "Hey bro FYI: this is what I know, proceed with extreme caution." Horta shekaba sheykey kutimata(excuse the Somali writting), If my brother is about to get involved with a girl that i know for sure is a "wrong number"(wrong number as being someone who hits the bottle and is a potential serial killer),yes i will advise him on what i personally know about the girl .But i will not run down his throat all the gossips i hear in town(i have to see that with my own eyes).
  19. Underdog, No i will not, are you happy now
  20. STOIC


    How did you guys find Wallace on tuesday night.Do you think Wallace will keep the steal, the dunk and even the free throw he managed on the last game,tonight?.I think Wallace was superb on tuesday he outplayed Duncan!.Wallace needs to continue blocking the shots and everything else will work out
  21. Underdog, what if my freind is in love with this girl before i opened my big mouth?.Wouldn't my advice fall on deaf ears?.It depends on the situation,she may change for the better,such girls are always way better than the novice once .
  22. Its funny how what once was wrong suddenly becomes right.Its funny how Bush Adminstration has disgraced the constituition of America.Remember when Bush adminstration came up with the patriotic act; checking people records without warrant and yes looking at the books you checked out the library!.Americans rant and raved about the law with no change but thanks to the congress vote yesterday against some section of the patriotic act (Peeking at library record). Slap on Bush face!
  23. Most of you guys are familiar with the "runaway bride" Jennifer Wilbanks.This ***** caused my state nearly $43,000 to search for her after she took a bus out west instead of getting married in April.Her absence triggered a nationwide search and a "white woman media search".Now she is signing a movie deal about her life.It is disturbing to me on a personal basis that she is profiting from this-where is honesty way of earning a living in this world?. Runaway bride pitching a movie?