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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Nothing can match up to Zanzibar coast.It offers one of the best beaches in the whole of African continent.This place dates back to the Sultanites,the Omani Arabs and the Portugues.Insha-Allah this is a place i will love to visit right after graduation.I can't wait to feel the smooth beaches and the dazling sun of Zanzibar with my radio tuned to "Majiiraa ya dunia"
  2. Castro, You are pert and saucy dude;So insensitive
  3. Okay i have detoxified myself off the clanish syndrome aat igushegeyso ; now would you be kind enough to stop these fragmented neurotic comments you are making?.Feisal comments are one man point of view.Unless you want to tell me that you have unfolded the conscious and unconscious thoughts of all Somalilander's; i will find your comment about Somalilander's an inconsistent morally repugnant behaviour.I do accept that SOOL and Saanag people are people governed by free will that is not only free from external coercion, but also from the internal tyranny of any sort.Now you might not get this kind of comment from other Somalilander's;i am speaking for my thoughts.
  4. Castro,I stroked my chin(don't forget am growing a beard like your's ) thoughtfully as i read your ever strong opinion on individualism.Castro, sure these folks wants to improove their lives.Its easy for you and me to say Africa has its problems.If you happened to read the article thoroughly;you will notice that these doctors were trained at the expense of their host country.Of course people are far more moved by their immediate concern than others but don't you think these doctors have an obligation to the hands that trained them?
  5. Heh.Saaxiib, I was only trying to advice you on how to break the ice when you are engaging yourself in a civilized forum.Take one self-evident truth that all sensible people in here would agree with me that every Somali region is clan based;this is not important factor in determining who is racist/tribalistic.We are trying to ignore all the instigating factors that has to do anything with tribe.The discourse at hand here is one about excellence in people's welfare;for you to pull the clan card in a spurious way is to start a clannish animus.I must close now but before i close am impelled to mention one other point in your statement that troubled me profoundly.Saaxiib, just because i support Somaliland i am not entitled to a "Qabiilist" brand name.I am past that primitive stage of group think.
  6. Somaal, with my limited Somali reading ability,i think people like Xiin are arguing that Somaliland and Puntland are breakaway regions that were created for the sole purpose of self-enhancement.Your comments about iina Warabee are chimerical and wholly unfounded fear of Somaliland progress(perhaps a mental derangement confined to Somaliland fear).Saaxiib,get over with the prejudice and give credit where its due.I personally have nothing against any region that is putting the welfare of it's people first(Puntland applied here).Both regions are children born simultaneously from the same mother(Somalia);get over with your fainhearted tactics of pulling the clan politics.
  7. Is globalization a zero-sum game to poor countries; that the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer? Sure globalization is leading a more efficient use of resources but it does cause a lot of pain to the poor countries. We are heading towards a borderless world; a world where giant companies are trembling over the small companies. Globalization is causing a brain drain to the poor African countries. Read this report from NPR and let me know if you might think globalization is making everything Americanization. November 3, 2005 · At a time when their countries most need them, physicians and nurses from developing countries are recruited in large numbers by Western countries. A study published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine documented the brain drain that's going on in health care. It found that immigrants from India, the Philippines and Nigeria account for the largest number of foreign doctors working in the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada. The shortage is complicating the fight against AIDS and other diseases. For example, there is only one doctor for every 10,000 people in Kenya. In many African countries, the scarcity is even greater. Dr. Peter Ngatia, the director of curriculum development and training for the African Medical Research Foundation, says that part of the explanation is that in the competition for skilled health professionals, Africa is losing. "It takes $150,000 to train a doctor here in Africa," Ngatia explains. "That doctor leaves after an internship, and Africa has lost not just a $150,000 but everything that goes with it. A person should be able to do their studies and go and work anywhere in the world. That is what globalization probably is all about. But by so doing, the weaker get weaker and the stronger, get stronger." There are only 5,000 doctors from sub-Saharan Africa practicing in the United States. A small number for the U.S. but it represents a huge sacrifice in the developing world. Physicians in Africa cycle out in what has been called a medical carousel that never turns full circle. They may start in South Africa, then move to the United Kingdom and on to Canada with their sights set on the United States. The last place on earth hardly any doctor wants to be is a small out of the way place in Africa. About 10 minutes north of Kenya's border with Tanzania, in a Maasai village on the edge of a forest of tangled green, a 30-year-old woman is lying on a cushion on the floor of an ambulance. She's been in labor since the previous morning. She was brought to the Entasopia Community Health Center by relatives, but will have to be taken to a hospital 40 kilometers away. It happens every day in Africa, a woman in labor, unable to walk, and unattended by anyone who is trained to assist when complications develop. It's not unusual in such situations for a woman to be in labor for days, and what comes with it is one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the world. Kenya ranks 154, near the bottom. Because there are not enough doctors, the Entasopia center is run by a clinical officer. He's not quite a doctor, but more than a nurse, and he isn't trained to perform a cesarean section. But this woman is in luck, because there is a truck to take her the 90 minute ride over stretches of boulder strewn roads and several streams, through the dusty unpaved desert of the Rift Valley to Magadi Hospital. In all of Magadi, there are about four doctors for 500,000 people. Dr. Ngatia says such conditions led AMREF to push to revise the curriculum in Kenya's medical schools. "We'll need doctors, but we'll not get one doctor for 10,000 people," he says. "But we can get another person, let's call him a medical assistant whom the Western people call a 'pseudo' doctor, a half doctor. They're not going to be certified for the medical council of the U.K. or the United States, but they're for Africa." Clinical officers are the backbone of Kenya's health system. They run most of the health centers. They have some medical training: They know anatomy and can perform minor surgery and treat most of diseases, including AIDS. But they are not allowed to perform cesareans as clinical officers do in Mozambique, where a study shows they are just as proficient as doctors. "It was found that there is almost no added risk by training a clinical officer," says Ngatia. "What is of essence is the skill that you give to this clinical officer, because even doctors make mistakes. If a clinical officer has the right anatomy, the right skills and the right attitude towards it, then they are as good as any." Dr. Festus Ilako, director of programs at AMREF, is a colleague of Ngatia's who personally finds these developments disturbing: "Me, I know if I was ill and I have a chest pain, I would see a chest physician or a cardiologist if I have to. And that's what everybody else would like, too. Let's not assume that the less-educated people want mediocre care." But Ilako also acknowledges that in the interim, Kenya's poor and rural people will probably have to depend on clinical officers and community health nurses, also known as comprehensive health nurses because they have broader skills. At Entasopia Health Center, things returned to normal after the truck carrying the woman in labor pulled away. And normally here, four nurses and a nurse midwife are preoccupied with 80 percent of the illnesses -- diarrhea, tuberculosis and malaria -- that are debilitating even when they don't kill. One feverish child after another is examined by Charity Sokoi -- three in less than a half-hour. Sokoi, 28, is a mother of a 2 year old, and though she says she is committed to her work, she also speaks with longing of advancing her career in medicine. "This is my home," she says. "But for me I should like to go for further study if I got the chance. It's only financial problems that are keeping us here." But there's always the chance that she, like the young physician in a rural outpost in Africa, could be drawn somewhere else. Sources
  8. There are times when almost any human being can bitterly resent the action of another.He is then apt to be filled with more anger and frustration that would never help.This is the time these parents needs to take control of their kid's actions with great gusto.We are not in Africa where it takes a village to raise a son/daughter;It takes a good parental skills to do it here in America.If anybody ever earned his way in America through repulsive and repellent flattery it would have been the ghetto kids.The Somal kid needs to understand that every action has it's consequences; you will either stick with the right way or else you will go down the drain. PS: its cold and the work clock is dragging
  9. Heh.This is not a version of 20/20 newsbit clips.I live three buildings across from this sororities/fraternities.I witness the savage behaviour of these sororities every night and day.Now am not implicating that every sorority girl or frate boy is a booze drinker.There may be an exception but the majority are a bunch of kids who peddle on how to get wasted on friday night.The efficacy of most frat/sororities are good;they are building the sisterhood/brotherhood thing but majority of the kids join it to form a freindship that i couldn't get it from the campus.
  10. ^^This one will be a true drug free zone;this why i said it is a brilliant idea.Who wouldn't wanna see on sorority Rush night girls reading the Quraan? PS Any dad out there; you better make sure your daughter is a xaafiid .
  11. Baashi, this is a salutation in recognition of their achievement.It must be a brilliant idea.I wonder if they have a fan club;i could write an email to them.The thing i never liked about Sororities and fraternies is the hitting of the keg(beer).When you are a member of these fraternies; you are basically buying freinds.I hope the muslim sorority will be a model of perfection for the rest of America.
  12. Modesty, people make choice according to their preferece.Even though this new trend is not a heritage of affluence that has been passed down from our forefathers; we got to respect their liberty to choose.When my cousin married an African woman every one thought he lost his mind.People in my family would not speak to him for years.It did hurt him and every one that cared.We do need to realise that when people make their choice;we have to respect it. PS Castro, who can say no to them soft tacos and Heifers
  13. Flipmode the self-appointed Sijui Spokesperson; this is unusual for me taking time off from my busy schedule and taking part in unproductive pilpul argument.Dude you are really getting under my skin now. You might think you are gleefully defending the Sijuis; you are only proving that you are dull-witted.The "wajuajis" you are talking about are the people who showed you the Sijuis how to do a productive business(check Eastleigh and tell me who is running the show).Who taught you that speaking Swahili and English is a proove of one's intellect?(which galaxy are you from dude?).Young boy, let me give a little history of the Kenyan Somali.Back in the late 80's if you might remember; who were the people that introduced "the pink card" for the Somalis? were they(the Kenyan Somalis) not the one's who didn't want anything to do with the people from Somalia?.Saaxib, am not judging and putting you into the same category with the masterminders of that plan since they were xaasiids but i want you to tell me how you can conclude from your "survey" that all the Somalis(from somalia) are dull, ****** and lack the vitality for a civilized social convention? PS you can ignore me if you want; i will not let you off the hook untill you stop your gibberish.
  14. ^^The most striking feature is how much of the holocaust has been shoved down on many people's throat.Most may view this as an attempt by the Jews to gain more sympathy and more power.Granting that they may be pushing the whole thing to the limit, it shouldn't make one re-write history by denying the actions of Hitler's evil. PS: I am busy with the final exams now; i will be more than happy to read more of this latter. PSS: Hope you enjoy Syriana.I will watch it next week with one of my girlfreinds(not a lover ).
  15. ^^^ I think its time for him to toe the line.These tawdry behaviour he is potraying is not hold to be truth by all the "sijuis".He is besotted with a superiority complex that is most oftenly exhibited ostentatiously by many of my sijuis brethrens.I am personally what you will call "sijui"(born and raised in Kenya) but i don't run around and poke my fingers on people. PS This dude is giving all the sijuis a bad name!
  16. Is someone kiling the spirit of the holiday?Wasn't Santa and his rendeer supposed to arrive in SOL while sommersaulting and glowing in a ginger bread suit?.I might be wrong but since when did we become so divisive within the Somali community.All these divisivness boils down to your attitude and appreciation towards other fellow human.I am appalled to learn that people will take so serious as to what region or country they are from.Your country of birth or origin has nothing to do with your life.As an individual what matters to you is your damn life!Now lets take a chill pill and enjoy the spirit of the holidays .
  17. STOIC

    Who ate what?

    Callypso-had Caano Gel Ngonge-had nothing(empty stomach ) Ahura-Had nothing too(empty stomach) Castro-had Shah or tufax juice Foxy-had tufaax juice or coffee Edited:how is it now? I think i screwed on the donut/ coffee part.Do you have to have donut and coffee together always or they are independant of each other?
  18. Okay, ahem, Bismillahi.Here she is a psedo-Chinese lady sitting next to me yapping on her cell phone.Every one is ignoring her.No one wants to pay attention. Everyone is busy studying for their finals.They all pretending leafing their pages.She is going off on her cell on a higher tone.Do we really care about her group project being late? Am really loosing my patience as i type these words.The Somali in me is telling me to tell the chinnese girl to shut her pie-hole! *should i walk upto her**? i will do a favor the rest of the people studying, no i shouldn't, there must be a brave white aass kid that will walk up to her.Mind your business you skinny Somalian**
  19. Horseed of Atl...this is funny.I have been to the Somalian tournament couple of time only to see skinny legs flying in the air with men on the sideline yelling " banoniga xeeji". I bet you the local high school soccer girls will beat all of the Somalian North American soccer teams.The game is so booring and tiresome.It takes half an hour for one damn goal to be scored.Though am not a soccer fun as i used to be, i will support the home team.Go horseed, Woof! Woof!
  20. The grim new reality is that Bush has no new game.It has becomed the norm of Washington to articulate every week, a weak views that only adds to the existing slippery slope.The Bush adminstration principles of limiting other nations sovereignity(ie. Iraq) has terribly failed.This is the only time we need some more neoimperial people like Rumsfeld to come forward and tell us how they can deal with the aftermath of unfolding the "unknown people".Today American security is not secured neither is the world safer after september eleven.Violence is at the door step of every "coalition of the willing countries".May be the cowboy mistook the authority he was given after september eleven as a ride behind the equine of Texas. Ala maxeey hauwl sugeysa.
  21. STOIC


    The movie has an underlying theme that illuminates the fierce human pursuit of power and wealth. In the shadow of Bush administration’s war on "terror", a new movie like this one could add another impulse to the truth behind the obscured motives of the war in Iraq. Bush administration may not buy this but a movie like this one may create a new shape of the public awareness. Today oil is the major commodity that wield power and organize world order. Some countries may use force to create this world orders while others like China may try to use their economic power to get access to this world order( China has recently signed a pipeline oil deal with Iran). This is one of the few movies that has been created by a new production company that is owned by the Co-founder of eBay(Mr. Skolls). His movies try to seek human answers to the problem that face the world today be it social, political or climate politics. Check this out, men with money spending it on the right path! Participate PS I haven't seen the movie but i am planing of seeing it.
  22. Libaax, this may sound silly (so excuse). This is the second time i came across the word “qudbosiro " .This past thanksgiving break, i happened to pump into this lady that i know at a wedding.She started telling me about a freind who got married recently .She said that the dude got married through "qudbosiro".The sijui that i was,i didn't understood what she meant.Untill i asked her politely to translate.I guess every day is learning day!
  23. I think both men and women are at risk here (or so to blame).Familiarity with sexual attitude like this one is quite common in the world we live in today.The perception of sex has changed from pro-creation to a one night stand attitude in most society today (including many "Islamic" countries).Women mostly become the victims of sexual object in many countries.When you look at the developing countries upto sixty percent of the HIV infection are youth, with twice that number in women than in men.Are women physically coerced to bed by men or is the sexual libido of women higher than men? One can argue that women in developing nations are poor and most often driven by the survival instinct to indulge in these sexual acts but what about women(mostly youth) in the developing nations who are not far behind their sisters in the developing nations since they(women in places like USA and Britain)have the highest reported incidence of Syphilis and gornorhea than their male partners.
  24. I personally didn't know the guy existed till Castro joined Sol(you get the credit Castro).The guy is plainly offensive and tasteless.What do you get when your taste is cloyed with sullied remarks?.You will get more audience who are willing to pay attention to every word you say.There was a christian Evangelist who used to bring a big banner to every ball game in my school.The banner had this words written on it "homosexuals, abortion, and terorist are all burning in hell".This guy was smart because had he not written those words on the banner no one will have paid attention but since it caught the eyes of the people, he gained many willing audience.Togane may be beetling between our bedrooms(clans) but some of his words will become ineffaceable if you take his words too serious.I personally read one of his poems(about the fish thing)which made me laugh on how he manage to say everything that was true about my tribe.Yes the poem was offensive and tasteless but it was a true generalization of my clan's attitude (sorry my clansmate).His poetry work is not nonpareil but he sure does get every sensitive person's nerves. PS the Evangelist comparison has nothing to do with Togane's beleives since that is none of my business!
  25. I will be honest.... 1. This depends on the looks of the woman.On average i see about 50 girls a day.I meet these girls every day on the school bus, classroom, and student center.Out of the 50 girls, ten may catch my eyes.Every girl i spend about two minute before she can catch me mugging(unless i want to be told to take a picture that will last longer ).My math comes out to be about 20 minutes a day! 2. To be honest not lately but i used to love watching them drop hot by me.May be age is kicking! 3. I focus on the back side(if the baby got back) 4. It is a torture mostly especially if i know i have a snow ball chance of wining a date. 5. Guilty only during Ramathan 6. I know that, just can't help it sheikh 7. I pray the five daily prayers, someone told me my prayer is not perfect.I am trying my best.It is difficult when you have a bus full of hair girls brushing on your shoulder. PS And here i thought the age of confession was medieval