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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. It depends on your neighbourhood that one too,Kafaxiye.Think about the thousands and thousands chemicals that are manufactured each year.Where do they go? These chemical elements are in the air you breath.These emisions are produced by the vehicles on the streets, oil refineries, nuclear facilities, and many other industrial sites.
  2. ^^^ That assumption may require us to read or examine things from the pulps to the slicks magazines
  3. It is easy to say that you can quit smoking overnight. It is a desirable goal, and somehow attainable one, but to accomplish it will demand a difficult if not impossible shift of one’s psyche. You may know by now that smoking is not only a cause of lung cancer, but also of many deaths recently in the USA. From Peter Jennings who was a chain smoker twenty years ago before his death to Dana Reeves who has never lit a cigarette, the effect of Smoking or second hand smoke is being felt greatly by the American public. Smoking is an addiction that could cause a health hazard to your life. Every day you hear about cases of lung cancer that are not directly connected to smoking, but if you might look closer you will realize that it is smoking that is causing the lung cancer. The tobacco companies are so powerful here in the USA that they enlist the politicians and the doctor’s organizations to promote their business. They dismiss all the health effect of smoking with a “ Health Caution†on the cigarette pack. Nicotine and the carbon monoxide, the two significant substances in the cigarette are the primary cause of heart disease. Cigarette is the instrument of demolition of your life. It seemed imperative for me to reassure people the health effect of smoking .I hope I did not sound like an alarmist to you. The decision is in your court……. PS Back from Spring break.......Hangover
  4. ^^^^I hope those words will be a harmless blank shells to Ahura, or else she will come back with some raining bomb shells....Its a joke Ahura...We love you
  5. ^^^ Since words are like a peg we hang our ideas on, I am Constrained by poor Somali grammer writting PS My favorite section is General section where I can dacdacsi
  6. Ahura, You are not rude , but you do come out like a realtor who inveigles people into buying houses that they don't need.Men are not conscienceless pigs....... Inoo tartiibi huunoo
  7. Vroom..Vroom...Damn it,what a dream.Baashi, Unlike the rest of us in a strait financial situation you can pull that car off the salesman lawn
  8. In honor of women's day I have attended last night a LGBT confrence .Before you came up with the wild idea of having to think that I am a supporter of the Lesbian and Gay community let me clarify that the talk was about the Palestinian women uprising (Intifada).These women have hold and never give up the hopes of their future.The Palestinian women have learnt to line up their ducks under the difficult situation of cultural pressure and Israeli occupation.The Palestinian woman have proven what the cosmic world have inscribed in us: Inside are the things we can control; outside it lies the thing we can't.Today Palestinian women are part of the wariors that are fighting for their rights from the Israeli occupation.They have trully compassion for their course.Hooray For the Palestinian woman!!!
  9. Castro, I guess you may call this vilification at best.I have no clue why will someone write such a letter that debase Muslims.It is Poli ticks ..... EDIT Now that I have exposed myself for Posting my email exchange,I hope this will not haunt me at the end
  10. Someone sent me the above letter in my mailbox and this is the response I have written back..... Dear Poster, You can count me as someone who hardly swallow every wild claim passed off in the Internet as a legitimate representation of an authority as anything can be feign easily in this cruel world we live in. The tone of the above paper is one that is acerbic in its nature towards the Muslims. One can glean from the tone or the style of the writer as a servile self-seeker who is attempting to please the Israelis at the expense of the Muslims. The above writer comes out as a hangdog who will only be happy as clam only if the Israelis will recognizes his wild dreams of international recognition. This kind of letter can only be composed if the writer is under a hypnagogic state (Which I suspect the author to be).Any one with a half brain will realize that in the International sphere countries abide mutual respect and consent and not by potboiler like the above letter. I am not convinced that the president of Somaliland has written the above letter , but if he did then surely the country was run by a government occupied with picayune matters. I personally have nothing against the Somaliland relationship with Israeli, but my stab stems from this infra dig letter. I am personally highly suspicious of the letter.
  11. This has to be the funny news of the day......Read on Joshua Williams giving court-ordered apology to eagle after being convicted of endangered species harrassment. (Sioux Falls, SD) A peaceful Sunday of fishing turned sour for Josh Williams recently. The problems started when Mr. Williams hooked a nice smallmouth bass, and a bald eagle took notice. While the eagle swooped in, attempting to catch the bass in its talons, Mr. Williams was observed by a Fish and Wildlife Service officer trying to scare the eagle away by throwing stones at it. The FWS officer testified in U.S. District Court of South Dakota that Mr. Williams had clearly violated one of the Endangered Species Act's prohibited activities that specifically makes it illegal to " endangered or threatened species without a permit from the Secretary of the Department of the Interior." The judge agreed, finding the man guilty of a misdemeanor violation of the Act. The judge was lenient in sentencing, however, requiring only that the man apologize to the eagle. Mr. Williams expressed remorse, stating that the eagle would be welcome to help him fish anytime it wanted to. The eagle had no comment. Breaking News: After Katrina: Vatican Sued for 'Acts of God' ecoEnquirer Home
  12. Jhony, the dating game is like a NASCAR racing cars. There are special tricks used to negotiate the track at a high rate speed.Drifting through corners is an example.The drivers make sure to know which car will hold to the bank without shoved outside the race.In the dating game saaxiib, you have to act like a Nascar driver.Some cars have heavy engines, but a light weight tail while others have a light engine but a heavy tail.As a driver you have to give a chance every car and see which one will chew the track and win a win win race.You have to be careful though things don't came in a package, you have to be able to set for the best in the selection (It is a difficult situation, I tell ya )
  13. This question about the beauty and the brain has paralyzed me with indecisions many times in my dating game. Your story is a replete of how difficult it is to find both qualities in the same basket. I have met girls who were beautiful outside and will accentuate your eyes, but empty inside their minds. The kindest thing you could say to such type of people was “You’re damn hot, but the ruckus coming from your brain is an *** â€. Now every girl that I have met was not lethargic in mind, some of them had some irresistible charm. I have decided to give any girl a chance now as long as she can read the food measurement cup and As long as she is enthusiastic and ardent in her goals (whatever that is?)
  14. Hooray for Naden.Castro,the documentary mentioned by Naden is a good one.The documentary sheds some light on a typical Mogadishu/North American life.I watched the documentary last year in My school's African studies institute.I was disapointed to watch little kids having no families to turn to, or an equalizer like an education, and good health care.We must all be thankful to Allah for blessing us with the western life.
  15. Khyar, Did you know that People are more inclined to get outdoors and exercise when their surroundings are greener? How about Children with attention deficit are better able to concentrate or follow directions after they have beeen around natural settings.I know this may sound a bit sappy to you or anyone who is reading these words, but it is a fact that there is a correlation between a greener community and the average physical excercise.Gardens makes communities/houses livable.These are several sites I recommend for you to visit: Fine Gardening Horticultural Organic Gardening PS Khayr, the Picture is there as a joke, Nothing serious...... .....I hate the Disclaimers...
  16. ^^^The sheep has a delusion that there is no wolve out there in the wild, but the wolves are there.Where will the sheeps escape when the wolves appear? will they run towards the sheepdog? PS I am just curious about the whole Somalia Paradise thing Saaxiib.
  17. Ahmed is an extraordinary young man. He is hardly more than four feet tall, but he always carries himself with a great dignity. The neatness of his attire has always gathered some curious people around him. He lives in a city called Eastleigh, a predominately Somali neighborhood in the East side of Nairobi, Kenya. Ahmad always conversed on the pleasant memories of his country. This memory will always fade away quickly like a subdued chirp of the birds and then Brutal memories of war will quickly flush to his pale face. Times like this one will drive him into a solitary moment and unfrequented spots. The only fly on his peaceful day will be to append a plan after plan on how to escape this refugee life in land where Police officers are harassing the Somalis day in day out. He is like a man in terrible pain from a heart seizure. He feels like a person locked down in a bolted door. Every once in a while it occurred to him what if he was in Europe or America the land of the cheese and honey? Will things have been hard, as they seem now? He thinks of his friends who might have walked the same line as he is on now. And how they must be living in the life of the riches .A boyish smile will flash on his face very often. This life of refugee must have brought out all that is sweat, true, pride, dishonesty, ingrate and jealousy in his people. Ahmad is still taking aim on coming to the land of the cheese and honey like a hunter taking aim at the birds before they had flown off! PS Just for the love of writting nonesense.....
  18. With all due respect to your response of this subject, are you advicing me to write a good short response next time(I do not doubt you have a good intention there) or are you saying you will be back later with a good response? :confused:
  19. As an African I am always disheartened to hear that African countries are unable to grasp the thicket idea of an ideal democracy. Democracy as we all know brings opportunities for inclusion, effective participation by all the members of a society and an equal voting right. It is democracy that brings political equality, self-determination, prosperity and avoidance of a tyranny. As a young kid growing up under the era of Kenyan one political party system I remember singing songs of praise in my boys school choir band for a government that did not cared for my self determination. A sense of constraint and veiled hostility seemed to be the norm of the Kenyan society. An intense interest of democracy aroused in the public by what was then known at the time as only “SABA SABAâ€. This was a bold claim and considerably a good step towards the right direction. Today the country is under a new democratically elected government. A government that I shall say failed to uphold the principal that elected it to office. The government action of burning the Standard newspaper office and closing the KTN television station was unreasonable and a threat to the freedom of the press. The availability of alternative and relatively independent alternative source of information is both an empowerment and enlightenment to the people. Effective participation of the ordinary citizens in any government can be achieved by the availability of independent news sources. This is the only medium through which people can understand the issues of the government. By Golly I will be surprised if there is any other way the citizens can expressed their concerns or views as effective as through the media. Freedom of press as we all know means not only to be heard, but also it means to hear what others have to say about certain issues. Will the African countries survive the deep fairly critical assessment of their government or will they succumb to silencing the media? Chances are that a new democratically elected government can be turn to be an authoritative one, but it is the voice of the people that will be needed to dumb such governments in the dustbin of history! No government should address the public matters in sub rosa. Fury as Cabinet split over midnight raids on media Story by NATION Team Publication Date: 3//2006 The Cabinet yesterday appeared split wide open over the police raid that took KTN off the air and saw bundles of The Standard newspaper burnt as they came off the press. One group of influential Cabinet ministers denounced the attack as barbaric and an assault on Press freedom, while another clique said police should be allowed to do their work. They spoke as 27 envoys condemned the raid and demanded a Government statement about what action was being taken to investigate the raid in which police destroyed property and kidnapped and harassed TV and newspaper workers. Former minister Kalonzo Musyoka (back to camera in yellow jacket) addresses a crowd outside the Standard's Nairobi headquarters yesterday, as protests grew against the police raid on the group's newspaper and TV station. Photo/Joseph Mathenge The envoys said the raid was in "contradiction to the positive gains" made by the Government on freedom of expression since coming to power in 2002. Leaders of the Orange Democratic Movement also condemned the raid and announced mass rallies throughout Kenya next Tuesday to protect Press freedom. Prominent Cabinet ministers who complained about the midnight attack on KTN and The Standard included Ford Kenya chairman Musikari Kombo, Mrs Charity Ngilu, Mr Morris Dzoro, Mr John Munyes and Dr Newton Kulundu. They demanded that whoever authorised the raid by the hooded and heavily armed elite Kanga Squad – no matter how high their station – should be identified and punished. They were supported by four assistant ministers who said they were speaking on behalf of 27 other colleagues who were outraged by the attack. The assistant ministers included Mr Koigi Wamwere, whose Information and Communications ministry has an overview of Press matters. He said: "This is an extreme measure. We were completely out of the picture. We were not privy to what happened." It was difficult to see the rationale behind the police action, he said, and added: "Brinkmanship will not help anyone. We want a free and independent Press, but also one that is responsible. The Government should also respect that freedom". His boss, Information minister Mutahi Kagwe told the Nation group's TV station NTV his ministry did not authorise the raid. "It cannot order such a thing. I am trying to find out what happened," he said. In favour of the raid were ministers led by Internal Security minister John Michuki who commented: "When you rattle a snake, you must be prepared to be bitten", equating the Government with a serpent. Justice minister Martha Karua said it was a security issue and that the Government's stand was that the rule of law should be maintained and that the police should be left to investigate the matter. The raid and burning of newspapers was captured live on NTV and reported in a special edition of the Daily Nation that quickly sold out. KTN managed to resume broadcasting shortly after 2pm, more than 12 hours after the station was forced off air, while The Standard too put out a special edition which reached the streets in the early afternoon. The national broadcaster KBC came out in support of the Standard Group by running early morning footage of the raid aftermath and the managing director Waruru Wachira later attended a Media Owners Association press conference to condemn the action. Running dispute The raids followed a running dispute between the media house and the Government over a story in the Saturday Standard alleging President Kibaki had held a secret meeting with one of his fiercest critics, former Cabinet minister Kalonzo Musyoka. Both State House and Mr Musyoka denied the story and demanded apologies from the newspaper. flashback to the midnight raid at the media house's printing plant by armed and hooded members of the elite police Kanga Squad. Photo/Joseph Mathenge Three journalists held responsible for the report were arrested and charged in court yesterday with publishing an alarming report. They were released on Sh50,000 bonds while two others who were being sought but had not yet been captured were also released on bail pending their appearance in court. Armed and hooded police raided the headquarters and printing plant of the Standard Group shortly after midnight yesterday. An estimated 30 policemen armed with AK-47 and G3 assault rifles first stormed The Standard's headquarters at the I&M building, in Nairobi city centre, before another squad swooped on the company’s printing plant in Likoni Road, in the city's Industrial Area, and burnt the day’s newspapers, which were just rolling off the presses. The raids were carried out by a rapid response unit code-named the Kanga Squad, backed by detectives from Nairobi provincial CID headquarters and officers from the General Service Unit. They were under the command of an assistant commissioner of police, Mr Jimi Njiru, who is usually involved in operations. The elite Kanga Squad was formed by the Director of Criminal Investigations, Mr Joseph Kamau, specifically to fight hardcore criminals like carjackers, bank robbers and murder hitmen. Local Government minister Kombo yesterday condemned the action as barbaric. "I believe in the freedom of the Press. I have in the past been unhappy with irresponsible journalism. But that irresponsible journalism is not reason to deal with the Press in such barbaric way," he said. He added: "I condemn this fully and whoever is responsible for it, whatever his station, should be brought to book because this is an act that cannot be condoned." Health minister Mrs Ngilu accused her Cabinet colleague Mr Michuki of overstepping himself by allegedly ordering the raid. She accused him of having acted unilaterally since such a matter should have been presented to the Cabinet for discussion before a decision was taken. "It is deplorable that today something like that can happen in Kenya. It is a way of gagging the media whose freedom we have fought to protect for a long time," Mrs Ngilu said. She said the Government had numerous options to take if it were aggrieved by the media. "Dismantling the press, switching off a television station and burning newspapers is definitely not one of them," she said. While conceeding that the media at times made mistakes, she said it was heavy-handed for the Government to have launched the raid. "I do not support what happened. The media should be responsible in what they say and how they say it, but should not be punished in this way for making mistakes," said Mrs Ngilu. Mr Michuki who was mobbed by journalists after attending a presidential function at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre claimed the raid was prompted by the Standard's actions. Issuing licences Information and Communication minister Mr Kagwe said his ministry was involved in issuing licences and broadcasting frequencies and it had not started dealing with the issues. He added: "I am in the Government but I do not know anything about the raid... let me investigate." However, he said the law must be followed strictly by the Government and everybody else. The minister said in reference to the Standard journalists who were being held: "If someone has committed an offence, let him be taken to court immediately. I don't know if they have been held outside the law." Energy assistant minister Mwangi Kiunjuri said the raid and the subsequent vandalism was "unjustified and barbaric." "Whoever authorised the raid should be individually held accountable and the Government should ensure the matter is investigated from all angles and get to the roots of it," he said. He said the act should be condemned by all peace loving Kenyans since it was uncalled for. Condemning the action, Labour minister Dr Kulundu said: "I don't know of any Government decision to react the way it was done. There must be other ways to handle the matter." But he warned the media against making enemies with the Government or painting it negatively every time. Special Programmes minister John Munyes said vandalism was an offence and it should not be associated with the Government. Speaking on behalf of the 27 assistant ministers who complained about the raid, Mr Danson Mungatana, Mr Stephen Tarus and Mr Kiunjuri stopped short of demanding that Mr Michuki should resign. Instead, they said the police should start their investigations into the matter at the door of the person who had ordered the raid. That person should be solely responsible for its aftermath. Tourism minister Morris Dzoro joined the three who described themselves as members of the Government of National Unity. Leaders of the Orange Democratic Movement also condemned the raid, describing it as "barbaric, draconian and an act of desperation from a falling government". They demanded that the Government switched on KTN immediately and allowed The Standard to resume publishing. More than 30 ODM bigwigs, who included Mr Raila Odinga, Mr Kalonzo Musyoka, Prof Anyang' Nyong'o, Mr William Ruto, Mr William ole Ntimama and Mr Mutula Kilonzo called on Kenyans to rise up and resist any oppression by the Government. Addressing an impromptu rally outside the I&M building after meeting The Standard management, the Orange leaders urged Kenyans to come out in large numbers for a demonstration scheduled for next Tuesday to protect the freedom of the Press. The demonstrations, Mr Odinga said, would take place in Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu and also in smaller towns. "We urge Kenyans to turn out in large numbers to express their resentment with the cowardly action," Mr Odinga said.
  20. I think Haji Castro laid it out for us all. I personally don’t have much to add on. Over the Last couple of weeks I have attended three career Fairs and one is on the way as an out of state Job fair for the minorities in the sciences. Like many other students in my class I have marked my calendars whenever there is a career fair, being the Lazy dude and a procrastinator that I am, I have tried my best to iron my suit several times during the week(Don’t they say first Impression last?) I have approach all the websites of the companies that I am interested in. I have done an internship with a senior researcher at my school and with grace of Allah he kept me until I graduate or the funds run out (I hate working under grants). Of course having a stellar resume, a good GPA and applicable skills is required, but I think you should never be discouraged to apply as many places as you can. From my own experience Uncle Sam is the only person who responded after all those places I have applied to, but to be honest I hate working for the government .God is my witness I pray every day to get a foot in the door because I know my plans is to attend graduate school after a year (IA). For now I am Keeping Hope alive!!!
  21. Danyeer, I think you are refering to the movie called "Out Of Africa".The movie was a true story based on this Danish Woman in the highlands of Kenya (Ngong area to be exact). The guide name was FARAH (check the Capital on the name ).By golly I know the family members of the old guy who live here in the states.I happen to like the part when the Somalis in the city come to Farah for the "Gaarta".Farah managed all the affairs of the farm and he was the closest of all to the white woman. PS Hollywood wait for me untill I get a three Piece suit like Cuba Gooding Junior.......
  22. The dude is a bit of a grig,I say..........
  23. Xiin, don't be the one who fuels the ignorant side of the battle of the wits
  24. This week, the President and CEO of Radio shack resigned after he was busted for lying on his Resume.He wrote on his resume that he graduated from college which was found out to be baloney. Seriously if you want to lie, then make sure you say something that can resemble a lie( Been hataat shegeyso, wax ruun ueeg sheeg ). Sources
  25. Ahura, I did not imply that groping is as a result of involuntary vasoconstriction of the male race.We all know that human sexual feelings or preferances can be controlled by the individual.God did not gave us men the brains to figure it out how far we can out pee each other? It always should be borne in mind that we all have the responsibilities to curb our sexual advances especially when the other partner is not in agreement.The practice of Groping is a human right and women right violation.