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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Lazy Girl, the article is full of discrepancies. Muchemi Wachira and his colleagues at Nation newspaper are engaging on what I will call Hasty and shear lazy journalism. I am not disputing the fact that older men and youngsters are crossing the borders to get mail order brides, but I suspect by far and large to the best of my Kenyan Somali knowledge that they have over exaggerated the whole perversion thing of exploiting the young girls. Who in their right mind with Islamic principles will marry a girl just for the sake of laying with her? There are some men, some that I am even acquainted with, that go back and get married from these poor families. I have never heard of sexual exploitation until I read Wachira’s article blurred by century old bad news from the Northern Kenya. You don’t have to believe me on this one, but perhaps aside from any of my bias, you should look around your environ and see how many girls are married off for sexual exploitation in the Somali community?
  2. Baashi, whats happening with the wadhatatha, do they want the investors to invite Eliot Spitzer on them? We are glad to see that you are back from Nairobi. I don't know if you been to the coast, did you see any shipping business there? There is a guy that I lived with here in the qurbaha who is doing big things over there. He ships goods all over Africa from Somalia to Mozambique with his own ship. Any disciplined entrepreneur will surely make it in African business. All it needs is a little hard work and some dexterous business skills. I know couple of guys who went back to start business in Kenya after getting tired with American jobs. It is great to see them doing well. I am normally the type of person who doesn't trust or entertain the idea of going back and starting business in Africa. I remember many years ago before I became citizen I had the burning desire to go back to Kenya and start my own business, but I guess things change every time you get over the hurdle that is keeping you back. I just can't see me sending my pay check (sorry Brits this is how we write cheque) to Africa. MCxamar, I didn't know the "white boys" wires money back to Africa.Glad to see you are taking care of the Xithiitka.Just make sure you don't send anything more than 300 dollars a month or else you will raise the bar for potential inlaws
  3. How To Identify Where A Driver Is From One hand on wheel, one hand on horn: CHICAGO One hand on wheel, one finger out window: NEW YORK NEW JERSEY One hand on wheel, one finger out window, cutting across all lanes of traffic: NEW JERSEY One hand on wheel, one hand on newspaper, foot solidly on accelerator: BOSTON One hand on wheel, one hand on nonfat double decaf cappuccino, cradling cell phone, bricks on accelerator, gun in lap: LOS ANGELES Both hands on wheel, eyes shut, both feet on brake, quivering in terror: OHIO, but driving in BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Both hands in air, gesturing, both feet on accelerator, head turned to talk to someone in back seat: ITALY One hand on 12 oz. Double shot latte, one knee on wheel, cradling cell phone, foot on brake, mind on radio game, banging head on steering wheel while stuck in traffic: SEATTLE One hand on wheel, one hand on hunting rifle, alternating between both feet being on the accelerator and both feet on brake, throwing McDonald's bag out the window: TEXAS Four-wheel drive pick-up truck, shotgun mounted in rear window, beer cans on floor, squirrel tails attached to antenna: ALABAMA Two hands gripping wheel, blue hair barely visible above windshield, driving 35 on the Interstate in the left lane with the left blinker on: FLORIDA NB The above post is not my work.
  4. The Dead Kennedy's 1.Mutakallam 2.Ngonge 3.Castro 4.Tolstoy We invite you to sign the condolence book and share with us your thoughts and prayers on the legacy of the esteemed family.Your message will be posted on the front office of the website.The judgement of their lives will be left to the discretion of your integrity and sound judgement.The universal law of brotherhood requires us to keep a sound record of their short period of time in this virtual world.Hymns and tribute will continue for a week. Your's Management of the "funny news thread"
  5. We express moral judgment on people when we believe certain things “ought†to be in a certain way. It is not surprising to witness human beings more interested in their own self than those of others. Many times we have seen people in power enforcing their rule of law to the objection of the public. Can this people be said they used religion to enforce their rule? Some have done it while others may be longing for that route. I believe for a great many people around the world justice is consistent with their most fundamental belief whether Christian, atheist or Muslim. It is the observance of these fundamental principle beliefs of justice that distinct them from the beast in the wild. Ethical actions are incumbent upon all the human being who regards themselves as apart of this world. This is why we shouldn’t let anyone off the hook just because he is from our circle of lineages or friends. We are all endowed with different degree of desires. It is how we pursue our desires that distinct us from one another. As a Muslim I am warned by the Quran to conduct my life in a kindness and a generous way. I am commanded to humility, patience and moderation. I am responsible to train my life in such way that I can lead my self to the realization of the truth. The most fundamental problem of our homeland today is tyranny and everyone wanting an autocratic rule of his kinsmen. May be some of this people are driven by conviction of innate superiority. This why you witness shear emotions and paranoia in the political section of this website every time a group seizes an outpost of God knows what city! Instead of Somalia people being worried about love, health, education and respect, they are instead worried about what tribe the next crown will be from. I have no reason why this people so cravenly adore a despot rulers. I can only say that they need to separate themselves from the imperfection of their evil thoughts.
  6. It’s been a year since I started this thread. Gee I am getting old. Check this guy out. This dude refused to pay attention to his house blazing in a fire because of a Soccer game. We sure do have some weirdoes around the world. I can understand if he was playing the “Sport†with his wifey, but just a soccer game, Naah….dude is crazy! Crazy dude
  7. One could find much to quibble about the recent “Islamist†took over of Somalia, but there is much to rejoice! I personally have some objection to their “Wahabism†tactics, but I think there is much to celebrate for their effort of bringing peace to that side of the world. The western boys are worried of Islamist making Somalia safe heaven of terror while I am personally worried about the deranged US limitation of foreign country sovereignty. Somalia was once the stage of superpower rivalry during the cold war. Today it is becoming the hot topic of every discussion forums. This is the same country that set the failed experiment of the US international intervention of peace keeping in a foreign land. Will it become again the first failed state of war on terror? Can one draw history on anology? What doesn’t it mean when the US says Somalia needs a secular democratic government? How did they reasonably determine that a government run by this “Islamist†will not bear any inclusion of its citizen? I believe Somalia is at its best time for now. I believe this will be the foundation of a democratic government. Somalia has today the chance to provide a government that will provide an effective participation of its citizens. This is a country that has been ruled under a despotic leadership of few thugs who were ruling at the mercy of the international world. Somalia doesn’t need rulers who can display a show of “democracy†and “electionâ€. What Somalia needs is a leaders that are true to their principle conviction. This is a more demanding thing after fifteen years of blood shed. Among the desirable thing that Somalia needs today is honesty, fairness, courage and love between its people. It is not the responsibility of the United State to determine who is better qualified to rule the country. It is the people of Mogadishu to Balaad Xawo that should speak of their interest. Every nation had its sequence of the time of arrival of its democratic rule. No nation was born with a perfect democratic society. Let me put it this way. Somalia will eventually come up with a democratic government. The Somalia that I have in mind is one that will elect representatives in free fair and frequent elections. May be The “Islamist†will not achieve this dreams, but time will come when their foundation will display a variety of choice. I am moved by optimism. The foreign intervention of Somalia will less likely develop a democratic government. It is the choice of the Somali people. Experts have it that democratic governments are more likely to develop in a homogenous society.
  8. Prolong singleness exposes the person to all kinds of problems from health related problems to spiritual wellbeing of the person. What the heck did I just said? I am a single guy who doesn’t experience the above traits (or so I think). I personally think Marriage gives a person a sense of meaning and belongings. I have friends who are married and happy. This is not to say anyone who is single is not happy. The only time you could be unhappy single is when you are poor . I am big fun of delaying the transition from childhood to adulthood; marriage being the gauge of adulthood. Who wants to have children and a mortgage in their twenties? Now I am not arguing in crossing marriage of the agenda; only a delay tactics. Religiosity played a role in my friend’s decisions of getting married in their twenties and living what seems to be happy lives. They are happy because of religious influence on their marriages. Religions promote a conducive state for marriage. Now I don’t know if this magnitude is across every stable marriage, but I suspect majority of the happy families are ones that have some sort of faith; doesn’t matter what their religion is.Is their any chances that married folks were a previous happy folks?
  9. I can only guess-and hope that these sheikhs will bring peace and stability to Somalia.The gratifying news of them capturing Mogadishu is an amazing one and also one that will hopefully end our vulnerability to divisiveness.There is more than superficial bond evidenced in their willingness to bring peace and stability to Somalia.There atitude toward human right will not be unresisted.People will question and perhaps second guess their old purity.I am not surprised to see already people disenting their tactics.It is still too early to predict, but I will hope that for now the greater Somalia will support them.Thoreau in one of his more prophetic moments, he exclaimed " There are thousands hacking at the branch of evil to one who is striking at the roots". I am not suprised to see people already raising their objection without looking at what these guys have achieved positively.I hope we will stop hacking at the branches for now and start helping those who are hacking at the roots
  10. Being unable to tell what the original poster meant this thread for, I will try to stray from his intention.It is imposible to tell what Harvard got to do with the picture.This picture is a symbol of common qualities of all human. The old lady with the book in a Dadab refugee camp symbolized rational control of a person's intellectual autonomy. The idea of learning is to think for oneself and gain command of your thought.The lady might not get the same intellectual rigor as in Havard, but her intellectual perseverance in the refugee camp will tramp the Harvard diploma.Her firm adherance to open that book in a refugee camp symbolizes in my eyes a woman willing to pursue intellectual insight in unsettled environment.
  11. We form strategy, they conspire.We are clever, they are sneaky.We are wonderful peace loving Muslims, they are fanatics.They build weapons to tramp the world, we acquire weapons to defend our tribe . Over the last few days I have tried to gain a useful Somali news without a propaganda or a one side slanted news.In the mainstream media news outlet like CNN and BBC, the number one priority is to "sell" news.It is not to be educative or fair to the muslim world. I was not surprised to be bombarded by headlines like " Islamists Claim Control of War-Ravaged Mogadishu". As a news consumer I have decided to fish outside the normal news pond.I tried to acess some somali news outlet. I have noticed vast interest associated with every piece of news they reported.I have noticed an irresponsible journalism both in the western world and Somali news.I think it will be great if we all develop a way to detect any kind of social indoctrination that are against our free thought. Neither do we want to be a customer of sensualized news .
  12. It is a natural for people to be favorably disposed towards the beleif within which they are raised.I am not surprised that people are doubting his patriotism.I personally met the guy at a function we were both invited to speak.He seemed to be a guy that will pursue his dream despite the dificulties and irrational doubts others might have of him. I am really impressed by the response on his website.His willingness to asses the matter fairly will win him ears. People will realise that unfounded ideas espoused by hatemongers are absurd and distortion of some sort. People tend to perceive things as they are and not as they appear. I will advice him as an aspiring future political leader to put a favorable light in every unfavarouble moment of his campaign.He should adopt a fairminded response and a multi-dimensional thinking in his campaign.Politicians always role play multiple perspective.
  13. Intelligence debate usually arouses harsh public debates. Most expert agrees today that Intelligence is influenced and not entirely determined by race or genetic make up. Environmental factors such as exposure to alcohol, parental care and malnutrition do contribute to intelligence influence. Many critics do charge that intelligence test is biased. An example of this is when the Jewish and Italian folks arrived in New York they were regarded as a far less intelligent. The Irony of the test was that it was conducted in English, which the immigrants were not fluent. This is but one of the few cultural bias of the Stanford-Binet IQ test. I Personally believe that for someone to become an expert in a field you don’t have to be born with special attribute. Experts agree that for you to become an expert you have to make a long-term commitment. If a black kid from the Southside of Atlanta decides to intensely concentrate to improve his SAT scores, there is a high chance of him to beat a white kid from the suburbs. Even anatomy has it that intense practice alters the body in a way that improves performance. We have to remember that intelligence is not a tangible object, it is a just a word that describes the daily skills that you use to make a living. PS Pure blood, with all due respect could you edit your words please? Your comments fuel prejudice and ignorance in the young and vulnerable minds that visit this site.
  14. Ahura aka Valenteenah....I was so into myself that I forget to wish you a happy birthday.Happy belated birthday of my favorite people on SOL pages
  15. Life is a boring thing. It badly dents your ego. Every now and then wave of fear keeps sweeping on me. It is like an unanswered letter or a telephone call not returned, but you still waiting for it. There are times I loose faith in my life and the only thing I want to do is be the man who wrote his own obituary! When I came across your topic a few minutes ago I hastily decided to jot down on piece of paper what I wanted to be on my Obituary. I was thinking of how strange life could be; one minute we are content with what we got the next minute we are thinking of the conscious of time passing. Trying to ignore the treacherous leap of my life, with a supreme force of will I first decided to put my mind at ease on what I want to achieve before I hit thirty (IA). I know I will not always have the boyish look of my face forever! Life will probably be shuffling more of my body in the next decade. There is no doubt that our motives are revealed in our fantasies. My long-term satisfaction is to get done with my graduate education before I hit thirty and probably get a family on my early thirties. This sound absurd to some, but the two most important thing in my life are graduate education and getting married. The graduate education must come before the marriage (IA)
  16. STOIC

    Ooh Dear

    I don't want a woman carrying a camera on her shoulders, trying to film powerful, influential and heavily guarded people in Somalia, whilst being not properly dressed on top of that. Ladies and gentlemen pretend you hear infused television situation comedies with a canned laughter the moment you finish reading the above sentences..Muwahahaa...
  17. Unlike many of you, I am not an expert on Somali Songs, though I am delighted to have come across this video on the web. The depressing fact is that poverty and war has failed to capture the imagination of our people. This video by Maryan Mursal is an attempt to elucidate the pitiful state of Somalia. Hope this video brings back vivid imagination of the past to the oldies of SOL Somali Udida Ceeb
  18. I’ ve seen more than my share of forgettable poor cooking skills of women I dated. Having lived in a farm in Kenya, I have learned how to cook traditional Somali food. I must admit that I am poor at cooking gourmet food. I can’t be as good as Lisa Ray in the kitchen, but I am trying my share. I once invited a woman in my life to come down my apartment with her friend to make some potluck; boy was I ashamed to even tell this Diaspora kids to cook. The whole apartment was about to be on fire had I not been around.The emblem of my motto now is “if you’ve got the cooking skills, Honey, I’ve got the kitchen :cool: . EDIT: Congratulation Amelia for the graduation....
  19. I see a dead men walking on SOL threads..Ghosts are ransacking this place.They are fidling with my door..Seriously though you work with dead people? You've got the nerves oh boy! Oh how I love to hear the "true" story of the dead people.Can you tell me if they can still snore while they are dead? Aside from the jokes, dude your job creeps me out
  20. When you are in college some people are blessed with their eggs, but if God didn’t bless you with an egg , you have to come up with a clever money making scheme. I was offered a job as a server in the college dining hall. Damn Istupid college kids. They kept coming back for the tofu and the Pizza like there had a quick digestive track. Occasionally when there was traffic in the pick hours the supervisors picks you to clean the dirty ware conveyor belt. Yike. This was tiresome and repetitive job. PS I am gonna have to be careful writting my life story on the net from now. The other day I had an acquaintance walk up to me and ask if I was Stoic on SOL. Big mistake for posting the graduation Liberation topic.I wanted to play it out , but I couldn't lie.
  21. I honestly disagree with you on that one, Point. Models are not as good as the real thing. You can use models to explain carbon-hydrogen bonds in organic molecules, but you cannot use it to explain basic structure and functional unit of lets say the nervous system. We can explain things theoretically, but experimental realization of it is always difficult. I am big believer in conservation. I agree with you that may be those bodies could be donated to some pathology lab, but this is a private company that has the right to do whatever it wants as long as they have the permission from the dead people. Now they are held to account on any unethical behavior. I think my egocentric ethics is telling me that we are all benefiting from these. I have an enormous respect for people that donate their bodies. They are individuals who are not selfish. They have the greatest good of the humanity in their hearts.
  22. It is an educational tool. Of course with the consent of the dead individuals it is a great and a neat idea. I have personally learned to witness and see the lungs of a smoker and a non-smoker. This kind of display are insightful and informant. We as a human being have to see things in order to believe. I don’t know if you are coming from a religious point of view or not. How many times do you get to see what is inside your body unless you are medical student? I think this display is a good chance for advancement and understanding of human body.