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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Valeenteenah, Sorry for taking so long to answer your question. Lately I have been super busy at work. I have been leaving my apartment at six o’clock in the morning returning at seven at night. .It is the holiday season down here and that means too much work to be finished before our stomachs start belching with Turkeys. I haven’t heard from them yet. But the good news is that I have a phone interview today with another good company that my current employer contract. I hope this one goes well too. As for the E-card the feeling is mutual. Thank you! Devil Angel, Yes it does help when you have a networking, but they is only so little he/her can do when decisions of hiring are made unless of course your network is in the HR department. Soma-Inc, I am so sorry. I just got your PM today. I will call you this weekend. I have got tons of family gossips to update you with (in a good way ).
  2. Thank you guys for all the advice.However heavy it looked it wasn't that bad at all.I am a little worried about my competition.There was a lady with a PHD in the interviewed pool.My networking freind(an old classmate back in college) works there.He gave me the scoop of the inside story.I hope Insha-Allah it went well.If not it is not the end of the world.
  3. It is the interview morning. I am trying hard to keep the butterfly in my stomach from flying away. I walk up early in the morning to get ready for the big day. The conventional wisdom we all know is to wear suit for every interview. With my limited wardrobe I decided to settle for the dark suit than the light blue suit. I only buy suits when a family member is getting married. The last wedding I attended was the summer of 2004. I donned on my dark suit with my blue dress shirt and my new Perry Ellis tie with the conservative pattern. It was time to settle for the type of shoes to wear. Should I settle for a platform or well heeled shoes? The platform shoe was going to make me look like a funky guy while the heeled shoe was going to make me look taller than I was already. I am a six foot –one inch guy. I am cursing under my breath now. My endorphin is kicking in with racing questions that I couldn’t answer. Who in the ******* world come up with the idea of dressing for an interview? Was my dress going to make a conservative impression on this white male dominated office? Why did I have to express myself through my dress? Never mind, I thought I understand that the objective of interview is to put your foot in the door. Beads of sweat are racing down my cheek now. Am I ready to conquer this interview? Oh one last thing you forgot MR am ready. Take a look in the mirror before you start dressing up. I haven’t shaved my beard in the last few days. Now I have got pieces of hair all over my face. Do they want my face to look like a Beverly Hills house wife face too? Where is the razor blade? With all this preparation what if I fail to get the job, would it matter a whit to the interviewer that I have a spent a whole night preparing for this interview. It is time to work on my body language in front of the mirror. I need to consult my bubbling and charisma personality. Oh please come out. I really need you today. No mumbling and fidgeting with the eye glasses, okay Mr. I am confident. Smile in front of the mirror. Show them you got what it takes to work there. Seize control of the interviewer after all you are half way through the battle. Don’t give up yet. I got to go now….
  4. Lazy Girl, Perhaps I am the type of person who let things at the back burner instead of confronting it the right moment. Maybe I normally like to resist the impulse that may propel me into a frenzy day when I can avoid it, but I totally agree with you that it is a given right to question any one that might want tramp your rights. And I agree with you one needs to be aware and present at the moment things are happening. What I was avoiding was to elicit some sort of confrontation that might have lead to a long time of endless questioning. I can understand why my In-law was trying to be mindful of her rights.
  5. Hell No.I hate the boredom and the management complaining about the peak season numbers.And the competition against the next door energy company. Oh the share numbers are falling down.We must abide with the Sabene-Oxley rules (it is because you are damn blood suckers environmental polluters).Ofcourse I will never say that around the office.Brother got to pay them bills. Give me hundred million dollars and I will invest in building Africa's largest clean gas burning combined cycle power plant.
  6. This past week I went to the airport to pick up my nephew’s wife who was coming from Nairobi via Zurich and Chicago. I was accompanied by my nephew and his sister in-law. There was miscommunication on arrival time. We thought she was arriving at 5:00 pm Eastern time, but her flight was actually arriving at 9:00pm.We went to the United Airline counter to confirm her flight time. The airport was packed with people traveling. Everywhere you could feel the piercing warm of family members embracing and saying “goodbye” or “welcome home”. While we were deciding whether to go home and come back later a plain clothed policeman approached me politely in a slither manner. At first I thought he was a traveler asking for a direction. I thought why not be of help to this traveler? After all any one can get lost in this world’s busiest Airport. Soon I was going to learn that he was not a lost traveler. He identified himself as an Atlanta plain clothed policeman doing a random search. I believed his words. I didn’t ask for his badge. He asked me If I was traveling. I politely answered that we were waiting for someone who was flying inn, but we had a miscommunication on the arrival time. He asked again whether we were going to wait or comeback later. I again politely responded that we were still thinking about what to do. He never said anything else. As he was about to leave he asked me whether I was a cab driver. Did I Looked like a cabbie to him? I again responded politely that I was not a cab driver. He wished me a good day and left. All this time my nephew’s In-law was watching us from the sideline. She was asking me in Swahili and Somali who the hell these stranger was. She partially heard our conversation as she was busy using her laptop in a telephone boot. She started fuming at me how polite I was to the guy. She couldn’t get past her head why I never questioned the credibility of the guy. I thought I handled the incident civil without taking things to the next level. She wasn’t happy how I let a policeman profile me just because we looked Muslims (she had Hijab on). As I was about to redeem myself by walking up to the guy and ask for his credential just to hush her I saw him talking to two policemen facing our side. This made me give up my curiosity. She started forming a conspiracy on her mind that they the white policemen have sent him to us just so that they don’t look racist. The damage was done. Now I was to become the talk of the family for the next few days. I remembered guys whose books I have read like Moazzam Begg who were imprisoned by the Bush administration without any evidence. I might have chickened out by not demanding a right to question searches that are unwarranted. But the guy never asked for my identification papers. Yes I know as an American citizen I had the right to question the police officer, but sometimes my gut tells me it is not good to take things to the next level if you can avoid it. Was I Stuupid for being polite to the guy? Is my In-law overreacting? Or am I plainly a polite person?
  7. I will advice you to go ahead and see it.Your head will be reeling with facts and figures of human body.The ultimate realization of how our body works can only be reached through such a direct observation of our real body (No models).The intensity which once you saw your(not you specifically) naked body in the shower will be changed forever.You will see the muscles which you always feel when your shoulders are relaxed.You will see what organs breakdown the bolus of food in our mouth.The shatters and the drapes that keeps you from seeing your bodies will be lifted once you glance on that bodies exhibtion.And if anyone happens to drag on his/her cigarette he/she would walk out that door doubting about his/her lifestyle choice. As for the religious question you asked, I will let our resident Islamic scholars at-large to answer that.As they are the once that can invoke the autority of what is right from wrong. PS I think I have posted something about the exhibtion awhile back on this section of the forums.
  8. For the first time in my entire life of living in Atlanta I had to make a decision on which mosque to pray .I personally never cared in which mosque I prayed in. As the social and cultural impacts of modernization are breaking up the traditional modes of loyalty within our community a new mode of mosque and sect loyalty has emerged within my city. I have lately witnessed a new form of non-pursuit of communal unity within my people. The Somali community in my city had two mosques which were predominately dominated by the Somalis. Apparently over the few days preceding the Ramathan there was a split within the Salafi mosque Due to mismanagement and even some claims to clan divisions. I mostly used to pray within the Salafi mosque (close to home), but now one had to make a decision whether to go with the group that was leaving or stay and make my prayers where I used to make always. I was dishearten to notice that a community so small and poor compared to the Pakistanis Muslims would dissolve through sect and clan division. I must admit that most of these people have good intentions and are driven by vigor and vibrant ideas of Islamic teaching within the community , but I am afraid to say division will destroy the community. PS: I had a great Eid.I visited the World's Largest Aquarium.There were many Muslims too enjoying the sharks and the Whales.I was about to tell the Guards who were stiring at the Hijabis that we as Muslims do have a zeal for Conservation too...
  9. STOIC

    Eid Plans

    Eid Mubarak to y'all.I had a great time with these Ramathan (probably prayed more Taraweeh than any other Ramathan).As for my plans tomorrow, I will be visiting the world's largest Aquarium in downtown Atlanta.If you are so into the conservation (or perhaps watched alot of Discovery channel this would be a great adventure).I would like to see the Ocean Voyager, I heard that it would make you feel as if you are deep down the Ocean Scuba diving sorounded by millions of fishes.
  10. ^^^Valentenah waan kusalamay inaadheer. PS: The pangs of Ramathan hunger is killing me today.The clock is ticking slowly.And am bored......
  11. I am looking forward to who will be the smartest group that will win the new "Survivor" show.I was rooting for the black folks last night until they couldn't figure it out how to put the puzzle together quickly-a sign of our squabling over everything.The old Asian dude is one of a character.He reminded me the Somali cure for headache when he squeezed the poor souls forehead to elaviate the pain.Do you guys think the show is becoming more of a rating whore? The black girls sided together to vote out the heavy dude (Sekou). As an aside suspicion the two women with the light skin shade did looked like they were isolating the dark skin sister (or was it a mutual girly thing to curve out an ingroup whenever they are more than two women involved ?).It will be interesting to see which group will be of independent means as there will be no group that will be opressed by a circumstance that the other group is not experiencing.Would stereotypes lost in the proverbial mist of time surface once this show drags for a couple of episodes?
  12. Let that class go Kaput!Anything that happened did happen.There is nothing you can do about it since you already drop the class.Concentrate on your other classes and don't let that woman occupy your mind.You have whole semester ahead of you.If the class is offered again next semster take it again.I took an introduction to African American class.It was one of the best electives I took.The class was an eye opener for me not to mention the professor was a lovely liberal Bush-bashing anti-war fan.Every group of people have some racist people in their in-group (including our lovely Somalis).
  13. ^^Is that a marble countertop? Its beautiful amiga!
  14. According to the US department of labor the number of persons working or looking for a work is expected to reach 162 million while the labor force is projected to add slightly fewer workers than it did over the last decade. If you are recent graduate or a graduate to be you are looking to “compete†for a space with a number of people in the labor force age sixty five and older who are postponing their retirements. This morning when I opened my web page I saw this link about life without a college degree. It’s no question that a degree does make a difference in your choices of job selection and in-career development within your company. You will agree with me that not everyone is a college material. But people can make choices and live comfortable with a career of their own choice. The escalating cost of college tuitions seems to be the first thing comes to mind when you think of a college degree. Many students graduate with a college debt that they will pay for the rest of their lives. But as many of us might know that one can evade all those college debts by making a wise career choice that will help you make a good living. For one to achieve success one must implement multifaceted directions that will help him acquire many certifications on job training. Can you imagine earning sixty thousand dollars a year without a college degree? The article below has provided an example of such careers. What really caught my eyes was the nuclear operator(the company that I work for owns a nuclear power plant). These people have no college degree, but they make more than a college degree holder. If I wasn’t into school I would have look into those careers they have listed. Unfortunately I doubt though with my Arabic name if the purveyors of terrorist scare mongering stories would have allowed me be next to a nuclear reactor. The US government umbrella of intelligence agency would have sent a polite rejection letter in my mail. I can picture getting a letter that says “ September 11, 2001 demonstrated terrorist capacity for mega terrorism. We regret that you didn’t make through our pre-selection screening. The devastating consequence associated with nuclear terrorism……â€. Seriously though if you know any one in your family who has no desire to attend a college (University for Brits) they should consider looking into these lucurative careers. 10 High-Paying Jobs... No Degree Required By Laura Morsch, writer Higher education and higher income often go hand in hand. But a college diploma certainly isn't the only ticket to the gravy train -- just ask Microsoft co-founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen. These two college dropouts are now among the wealthiest people in the United States, with an estimated combined net worth of $72 billion. They have plenty of company. Five of the six richest self-made billionaires on Forbes magazine's list of wealthiest people in the nation didn't finish college. Exceptional performers or entrepreneurs in nearly any industry can command enormous salaries. The following jobs, however, consistently boast high pay, with nationwide average salaries far above the norm -- and no degree is required. 1. Air Traffic Controller -- $105,820 The job: Organizing and controlling the flow of airplanes into and out of an airport. How to get it: You may not need a college degree, but getting hired as an air traffic controller isn't easy. Candidates need four years of college and/or three years of work experience before undergoing pre-employment testing. Once they make the cut, they must complete the FAA Academy and an additional training program before starting work. 2. Real Estate Broker -- $76,930 The job: Helping clients sell their residential property. How to get it: To obtain a broker's license, candidates need 60 to 90 hours of formal classroom training, and one to three years of real estate sales experience. 3. Transportation Manager -- $75,130 The job: Working out the logistics for transportation firms, including mapping out the best routes and estimating demand. How to get it: Experience driving a truck or working in transportation sales is the most common route to this occupation. Just over half of transportation managers have some college experience, but less than one-quarter completed a bachelor's degree. 4. Non-Retail Sales Supervisor -- $73,670 The job: Hiring, training, supervising and scheduling the work of sales workers, including cashiers and customer service representatives. How to get it: Many supervisors start out on the sales floor and work their way up the organization. Good conversational skills, problem-solving ability and computer literacy are crucial. 5. Nuclear Power Reactor Operator -- $66,900 The job: Running the machinery at nuclear reactors. How to get it: Operating a nuclear power reactor requires extensive training by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which includes a mix of classroom work and on-the-job instruction To obtain a license, candidates must pass an annual practical exam and may be subjected to drug screenings. 6. Gaming Manager -- $65,920 The job: Creating game policies and managing the day-to-day responsibilities at a casino. How to get it: Work experience is the primary requirement. Many gaming managers start out as dealers or other casino floor workers. 7. Power Distributor -- $59,510 The job: Controlling the flow of electricity through lines to industrial plants or substations. How to get it: A high school diploma is usually required, and candidates undergo extensive on-the-job training and classroom instruction. 8. Detective -- $58,750 The job: Gathering facts and evidence to help solve crimes. How to get it: Detectives usually begin as police officers and get promoted to detective after a probationary period that ranges from six months to three years. 9. Elevator Repairer -- $58,500 The job: Installing, repairing and maintaining elevators and escalators. How to get it: Most new repairers apply through the local chapter of the International Union of Elevator Constructors. To qualify for an apprenticeship, candidates must be at least 18 years old, have a high school diploma or GED, pass an aptitude test and be in good physical shape. 10. Ship Engineer -- $57,290 The job: Operating and maintaining machinery on a ship, including propulsion engines, generators and pumps. How to get it: Most water transportation occupations require a license from the U.S. Coast Guard. Applicants must accumulate a certain number of hours at sea and pass a written exam, physical exam, drug screening and National Driver Register Check to be considered. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics Laura Morsch is a writer for She researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues
  15. ^^^ I live next to an Island.I hate the rich folks that live in one of those water front houses with exquisite built-ins and majestic palm trees towering over their buildings.I am jealous..... Its funny that you ask the question of dream house.I was reading the MONEY magazine this morning and they had all this tips from rich folks around the States from Arizona to the Silicon Valley on how to be a stinking rich.Of what a strange nature is I have decided that if I ever become rich I will want my house to be in a marsh front plantation where it is quite.My house will include state of the art gourmet kitchen (big boy gotta eat)with a hardwood floors.
  16. The clear cutting of the forest will have a devastating effect on the wildlife population and also the composition of the soil will change forever after the forest has been cut down (regenerative problem). When you let people deplete the natural resources all sort of environmental catastrophe do emage. Over the past fifteen years Somalia has undergone dramatic change physically, economically, demographically and politically. Any government or authority that comes into the picture will sooner or later deal with how to reduce the poverty or mitigate to reduce the ecological disasters. All this factors must be fairly assed before any cap or ban is imposed on anything that sustains the human development. The Successful forest conservation must give the local people a role to play in shaping and sustaining the forest. One must not rule out the perspective of the political ecology at hand. Most of the deforestation in Africa is caused by economic forces that tip individuals to distort their thinking when cutting down the trees. The ICU should form a council that will work to oversee charcoal supply and demand, economic development and environmental impact of production and consumption of the charcoal. The council should host a series of public meetings around the country to present a more promising and substantial plan that will guarantee the economic development of the community while at the same time protect the environment. The politics of building a stronger economy and ensuring a healthier environment is a big problem for many nations including the United States. One has to balance the cost of environmental impacts with economy of the nation. I will give you an example of how the economy and the environmental protection is connected. Here in the United States the politics of reducing toxic air pollutant emitted by power plant is often a big politics. Ever wondered why your electricity bill is up above the roof every month. The power plant industries can use clean method of generating the electricity by using combined cycle method of using cleaner fuel than using the dirty coal that emits sulfur dioxides in the air. Due to the sky rocketing fuel price the energy industries mostly run their power plant with coal. The energy industry mostly will say to the regulators they will not guarantee the cleanest and the most cost effective energy because of the high prices of natural gases. This shows that economy does play a role in environmental sustainability. In the power generation industry they do use what they call selective catalytic reduction that reduces the NOx that is emitted to the atmosphere. Whenever a new technology comes out, the power generation industry has to use it in order to make use of the best available technology. Guess who the cost is passed over to? If you still don’t know check how your electricity bill goes up the roof every time. I honestly think that the best way to change the current situation in Somalia is to make conservation a priority by not totally burning the charcoal industry, but to put a cap on it by Passing legislations that will protect the environment while protecting the economy of the people.
  17. STOIC

    This I beleive

    Paragon, I did an undergraduate degree in Environmental Health Science/Pre-Dental. Environmental Health
  18. STOIC

    This I beleive

    So what disappointed you amigo, is it the democracy part or the response above your comment? I am curious about your bitingly sarcastic observation.
  19. STOIC

    This I beleive

    Isn't it funny how people are extremely difficult and unpleasent when they are choke full of arrogance? Some of the above response do appear to be rebarbative. Its either you want to engage or your screen name is there to iritate.You might as well read it silently-just like how I do when I have nothing to say about the subject at hand-and let others have their opinions.
  20. STOIC

    This I beleive

    I believe that a perfect democracy can not be attained in its entirety in any where around the world due to real life constraints, but some countries do experience some higher level of democracy than other nations. You will agree with me that in every country a substantial gap exist between what we would refer to democratic nation and what we would call undemocratic nation. Some countries-including the one I grew up in- lack some or all major political institutions that may lay the foundation for democracy. I and you do make consensus on what we believe to be democratic depending on the judgment we make of the nations we grew up in or our adopted nation. How did I come to the consensus that America was a democratic nation? I depended on my empirical judgment on what I have witnessed living in America compared to my birth nation. I reasonably come to the above conclusion by examining the political institution of America. This country has adopted a policy of effective participation of its citizens. Every citizen in this nation has equal and effective opportunities to raise his voice to be heard. I am not a political theorist and some in that field would argue that total equality is not plausible when we obligate that role to a government. I carefully examined my human experience with the element of democracy. I believe that it is here in America where I found free and frequent elections, alternative source of information, elected officials and an inclusive citizenship that doesn’t discriminate on the base of color, race and religion when matters of right to vote are being addressed. It is here in America where you and I have the right to voice our opinion in order our views to be known. Now some may say that the patriotic Act has limited the free expression of the citizens and I do agree with it in some sense.But at least it is here in America where I hear matters that bearing to government conduct such as the Patriotic Act being addressed freely in the media. America is a democratic nation in my own judgments because of the control of the military and police power by elected officials. When the police power and military control is not governed by the elected officials’ democratic society will be unlikely to survive. I know you might be asking yourself whether I forgot how countries such as America used its military power with the approval of its elected official in invading a foreign country without any probable cause. Some times and I agree with you if you still with me that some leaders can be dangerous when they have the power to cause a coercion of submission. This is a too complex of an issue for me to address. Even though democracy is a system of rights sometimes democracy can be limited by the leaders of the country. I do believe that America has provided a maximum opportunity for me to exercise my moral judgment without the fear of retaliation. Where else can I sit in a place eight hours of my working shift arguing with them that Ayan Hirsi was a publicity seeker even though she was arguing the same point my co-workers defend to the last breath? PS I added Ayan story because I had a long argument on Monday with my co-workers after they watched Ayan on Sixty Minute on Sunday
  21. I believe in the power of choice. I believe as a human being I am capable of formulating my own choice. I believe in honoring my choice and accepting the consequences of my choice whether my choice is good or bad. I can decide to pursue what I want in a rational and moral way. It is the power of choice that let me decides whether to fog my mind with a negative attitude or illuminate it with positive role. In everything I do it is the power of choice that let me decides whether to imitate or invent my own style. I believe in the power of understanding things my own way. The power of choice has a survival value in my life. It is the power of choice that let me decide whether to live a balanced life or a life full of extremity. One of the greatest dangers of life is not able to make your own choice. I believe in the power of exercising my freedom of self-determination by freely choosing to live in any country of my choice. I choose to live in America because of its crucial believe in democracy. I choose to live in a country where a maximum opportunity of participation is granted. In almost all, perhaps all of my life I have never allowed others to determine my principles or priorities. It is the power of choice that allows me to seek out alternative and independent sources of knowledge. This I believe in choice….. I believe in the power of responding to the constant stream of my choices. It is the power of choice that guides me at my job. It is the choice that guides me to make clarity in my work. In the world of earning a living you have to make a choice between honesty with self versus dishonesty and self critique versus non-self-critique. This I believe in the power of choice…..
  22. Negative psychological intimidations like the western foreign policies seek to manipulate a Muslims emotional vulnerability. This is why we are seeing an act of terrorism by the Muslims. I personally do believe there is a connection between the British/American foreign policies and current situation of terrorism in the west. I do agree that the cruelty of the western countries is as visible as the act of Muslims terrorism. But there is a line to be drawn in the civility of ones actions. It is the civility that oils the human machine of interactions. What terrorism does is burn the bridge that could have been used by the Muslims to bridge the differences or the resentment of the western folks. Like a parent who conceals the faults of their children, the Muslim leaders do weaken their positive role if they don’t calibrate their grievances with the reality of their followers. We as a Muslims should avoid handing down our responsibilities. Can the Muslim organizations transform the terrifying ideologies that some in our communities have? It is a fallacy to say that they can’t. What is the use of their leadership if they can’t control the people they represent? The time bomb of acknowledging our responsibilities may be ticking silently for now, but I wonder when we would speed it to wake up to the reality of the actions of our communities.I am honestly confused with the whole Muslims versus Westerns, and Israel versus the Arabs war.
  23. STOIC

    The Sermon

    Legend, As a wise man I didn’t want to foolishly ignore and flaunt the wise advice of the young sister. So I decided not to rail bitterly on her advice, but to accept it and take it to the heart. Every criticism of your writing will help you improve your writing skills. I believe that your writing is you. I am not a good writer, but I do believe in the power of self-improvement. Now some of you might have wondered how drastic her criticism has precipitated me to thrown in the towel so easily. It would be stuuupid of me to let her criticism commandeer my writing .I would not stop writing because of her criticism, but I will put the likes of her into my consideration when I am writing. I have trusted the veracity of her remarks when she sworn in the name of Allah (unless of course its one of those intoxicated sworn). I am conscious of her being only one voice. So I am not going to stop in writing my pointless remarks, but I would respect the profundity of others thoughts! PS Hey Grey’s Anatomy is the bomb. Who can ignore the brevity of this interns how they navigate through the balance of life as a doctors and human. Now some may object to the too many screwing around, but I think the show is a witty look of a young doctors.
  24. STOIC

    The Sermon

    Devil, if you even said "Wallahi" then I must have tortured you with some boring stories! The above piece will be my last piece of writing in SOL pages unless of course the occasion calls for once in a while when I am in the mood to preach. And please do not patronize me with the "dial up/cable" thing . I am writing these words from outside my apartment while facing my back towards a swimming pool and a tennis court (hint no cords runing around).See you next time with your honest opinions. PS Now You have even forced me to cancel a piece I was writting about my favorite television show "Greys Anatomy".Any Greys Anatomy fans in SOL?
  25. STOIC

    The Sermon

    Don’t flitter urself.. only two people failed into your trap…. The rest of us didn’t care for ur story all that halla halla blah blah, not good for..since u don’t have the leisure to look beyond the immediacy of ur life.. right? Oh my God. I must manifest in my weariness now that someone somewhere across the Atlantic Ocean scold my story. I bitterly deprecate her discourteous remarks about my story. I am exasperated and exacerbated by her valuable criticism. What was I expecting from these dramatic pain in the neck reviewers we have in SOL? Now that someone thinks my story was trite and commonplace I should turn into a cynical bitter creature.Do me a favor young girl/boy log off the computer and let the family use the phone.