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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. I need to solicit a vote as the guy who formed the SOL facebook.I did a free guerilla style advertisement for the website. So I be voted as the “CLOWN” of the month. I was duped to think that SOL members were facebook members. I only had to see the “NO NETWORK” label on their accounts. This showed that everyone raced to sign up for the site after I announced that I formed the group.Its okay people need others to share NEWS with, to learn from, and to see their faces .
  2. I was basking in glory by associating myself with a successful people whom I perceived to be peaceful up until today. I am disappointed to hear that these two sub-clans are engaging in an act of war. I am disappointed because I always thought northern people were not prone to violence. This fighting will really try to shape other’s impression of Somaliland. When people recall life experiences, they typically remember more events from recent past than from the distant past. Does Somaliland really want to be associated with violence? This kind of barbaric violence needs to be stopped by the elders because it will lurk like a wolf in sheep’s clothing if the parties involved are not harshly warned to stop instigating such a heinous crime. I will be honest to say that I learned of the war through an acquaintance. I have no clue what had happened between these two sub-clans. It happened that I am a son of one of the sub-clan that is fighting.
  3. When the media hype and the illogical political shots at Obama subsides the real politicking will begin. If a man is a product of his eloquence, Obama surely does know how to play his art of speaking. But unfortunately the game in Washington is one that is played with numbers and figures unless of course you are a son of a former president then you will have the backing of people that blindly accepts your leadership. I have some reservation for my brother from Siaya district. He needs to quit reminding us that Washington needs a change while he can not even tell the people plainly where he stands on issues like social security and foreign policy. His words of reflection and progressiveness will not stand trial of election date if he doesn’t clearly state his standings on the most important issues. Any monkey can stand in front of Lincoln stage in Chicago and herald the public about a plan he has for America. Only a decisive monkey can get the vote of aggressive Americans. If Obama wants to be seriously considered by majority of the Americans unlike his minority predecessors who vied for presidency before him, he should start projecting a clear picture of what his standings are on the most pressing problems. Hillary already is flip-flopping like Kerry on her Iraq war standing vote.As long as he can be seen as a firm leader who is discernable from the rest then I am sure he will have a shot.
  4. First, I did nine questions and got Saddam as my leader then I tried the 45 question and got one of those enlightened souls as a leader. As someone who prefers senses to sentiment, I realized I had an uneasy feeling to put a face that I had nothing in common .
  5. What Famous Leader Are You? personality tests by
  6. Paragon, Valentine yangu nilipiga domo sioisha kwa simu nilivyo mweleza Cynical lady.Nilitunga Mashairi zangu kwenys simu.Siku ilinipita taratibu bila ya kuwa na makalele na ujeuri. PS I am sorry for non-swahili speakers.I think I have abused this thread with Swahili
  7. Emperor, Mwanza was a beautiful city back then when I used to go there on my way to Shinyanga and Ngudu(I'd not expect you to know Ngudu because it was a kijiji) school holiday season.I am not sure if I heard of Sharif Shabma.Mwanza was clean city for an African metropolitan city .I even picked few words of Sukuma language.They used to call me "Mkuja" back then because of my Kenyan Swahili accent. People were laid back compared to the fast life of places like Nairobi. Naifahamu mazingia ya mwanza.Ushupavu wangu ilikuwa imenisaidia kuelewana na wenyeji wa Tanzania.Uadilifu (honesty) wa weneyeji wa Tanzania ilikuwa ni mbali sana na wakenya.Nisameheni kama nilicho andika ni ya uchovu (Boredom)
  8. I will advice the Poster to learn the Arabic language.When we think of learning we think of teachers and schools.However a great deal of learning takes place outside the classroom.When you get there try to mingle with the natives and learn their language.Through experience I am sure you have learned that language is something that will change your life forever.I am currently attending Arabic language class for no other reason other than to learn a new language.Except of the few curiosity looks I get from people who are wondering why I am learning the language now , I am really enjoying the Arabic language.An acquaintance recently saw me gathering myself to attend an Arabic class.The first thing he said to me was “ Maa Carrabta ayat rabta inaat Ushako taagtiit”. I heard myself curiously explaining myself in a detached voice that I was only doing it to expand my horizon of the language.
  9. Crystal Clear, I personally don’t know your grannie nor your grandpa, but I think I do have some advice to share.First do understand that your grandparents are human and that things do happen for whatever reason. Partners who are close and interdependent (typical Somali home) do suffer more after breaking up. People seek to maximize the blame game when close ones excite negative emotions. Men and Women do respond differently; men are more likely to withdraw while women are more likely to be demanding support of the family members in the equation. A tug of family war occurs. You will be pushed to take sides.My advice would be to try to not take sides in this war. You have to understand that the same factors that contributed to the marriage of your grandparents can be the same things that intensified the stress of demanding separation. Because we are social beings, factors such as one partner wanting to idealize a different partner can be the cause (as you have alluded to the gossip that is going on about the grandpa). I don’t know how close the self and the other become so blurred in your grandparents relationship, nothing can be as painful as loosing your partner.Even when the circumstance is so painful and complex, your family will demand support and help at this times. Keep your head up and try to support both of your grandparents during this difficult time.
  11. Mchumbwa wangu anaishi state nyingine.Namshika kwa moyo kwa sasa manake hatupo mahala pamoja lakini jana usiku nilikuwa naye kwa simu.Tulipiga domo kwa muda ilitusiwe waliolegea.Hadi tulifika ncha ya juu mpaka tukakumbuka kwamba leo nisiku kawaida kama siku zingine jinsi ulivyo sema.Nitachunguwa siku kutoka kwa mbali leo
  12. ^^^^Leo ni siku ya Uchumba (courtship).Yaonekana watu wote wana shikwa na upendo.Wapi moyo wako wakupenda? Watu wana peyana mahaba za bure kwa wenzio.Watu wote wanachemka na mapenzi jinsi maji kwenye moto yanaotowa mapovu
  13. I had a good sleep last night.I wish all of you a combination of intimacy, passion, and commitment to your loved once
  14. Xiin, Although it may seem an easy task to do, I am a little lost in the game for now. But like the proverbial silver lining, I think victory will be birthed out of this game soon (IA).It is a hard game that is paralyzing me into fear and inaction for now .
  15. Xiin, anagaa kutaanley kuwaas usheeg otheyga . PS Between I improved my Arabic reading skills lately.I wish your Arabic signature below was more visible.I'd have read like a little kid reading all the signs on the road.
  16. STOIC


    Ewwwww....that is gross :mad:
  17. Dear Diary, I am old.Pretty scary, right?.Ageism has really tip-towed on me lately.I realized I am aging when I reduced my high maintenance activity of visiting the barber shop once a week.I realized I am aging when I did not weared ironed clothes anymore.I realized I am aging when I looked up for information about an ancient Indian Science of induced realxation.I realized I was aging when I started reading about nursing shortages in the USA.I am currently experiencing a Seasonal Mood disorder called Ageism.My Body clock is telling me, why aren't you married by now? I am craving for time capsule that maybe will turn back the hands of time.Who Said I can't enjoy while I age? How'd you like If go for an hour of that ancient science called Yoga . PS I can't beleive I have reached the 1000th Post.I need to retire and When I come back Like Jordan maybe I will make Some Sense
  18. The above comparison of African problem with outside world calls for in depth analysis of how African States became the property of the indigenous culture of the natives. By This I mean how African countries are run by culture of corruption and greed.It is not easy to find a set of common similarities between other nations in the world, but we can find it easily in African continent. We all know that African countires did not passively accept colonial imposition; they rejected it with a social change.This was a Social change that was deeply rooted in political roles of anti-colonialism.One wonders what is restraining this nations from using the same Social stands against this culture of corruption and greed.Countries like Uganda and Kenya are in dare need of vehicle for reforming the countries culture of corruption ideaology. This Vehicle can be achieved by reforming the political institutions that set rules and norms of standard of operation of the country. African countries can not be said that they lack resources to build their nations, but they do lack an institutions that can provide a meaning to the mere existence of a country.When Key Leaders Such as Musevenin and Kibaki are allowing instituitions to be infiltrated with indigenous culture of nepotism Instead of Merit I doubt if a country will prosper.When they make the countries assets as their personal bank account then you know Black Africa we do have a problem.
  19. Cynical lady, Naona usha nikodelea macho jinsi watu waliouthika na maneno.Kama kamwe haukubaliani nilicho sema naomba msamaha.Samahani kwa majibu yangu.Yaonekana majibu zetu zime gongana vichwani wetu Bob, Kaka sikuweza kuyajibu nyiye jana kwa sababu nilikuwa na shughuli nyingi.I hope every thing is cool with you down in South Africa.
  20. Bob,hali yangu ni kuzima ndugu ila pilka pilka za maisha.Naona dada atutania
  21. ^^^The defense will use the law of gravity to defend this ASTRO_Nut . Waar Ileen Masaarku wa waax cajaiib ahh.
  22. I hope they do trust him still because Macon is not a fun place to be in the South.It is a bout an hour drive from Atlanta.This is a land with great history of segregation and suspicion of anything but white.We currently don't live in Jim Crow era, but a more covert subtle form of racism do exist .The effect of this racism towards anything foreign is humiliting.I think now comes the hard part of convincing the bible belt of America how a Muslim would lead their city.
  23. Somalia I was surprised to see a freind of mine in Youtube commenting about Somalia/Ethiopia issues.It was funny for me to watch him even though he had some valid point.I went same University with this dude.I need to call his *** and wed him a Somali Qalanjo
  24. I don't know how I can live without my neighbourhood YMCA.After a long work out day at the YMCA gym the only thing I will like to do is spend twenty minutes in the Steam room and another fifteen minute in the Sauna and then take hot hot bath PS Yes Men do get naked in there, but I try to lower my gaze
  25. Lazy, I think what had happened was when I formed the group at first my picture was right up there next to the the group Information.I think after awhile the picture disapears.But I am sure the first few people that joined the group realized who I was.I am so sorry for any inconvinience that I might have caused.I think I will doff my hut off to all those people that followed instructions.Someone needs to take over the group.I gave up