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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. This community needs to understand that the world is changing around them more so the world is coming to them for opportunities. The flow of refugees from one city to another is not a new phenomenon. People will always move to anywhere they want to pursue opportunities. Cities like Lewiston, Maine and Portland, Maine did experience influx of refuges to their neighborhoods. They whined and intimidated the new immigrant, but at the end they had to learn how to live with them. Being poor in an area where majority of the people are poor creates competition for jobs and resources.You will never hear this kind of ignorance in big cities where there is alot of opportunities.
  2. CL,Lol. I think you are right.Him being a family man there must be alot of African dress in the house. PS Ngonge, Kanga is an African dress used by women to wrap around their waist when they are leisurely strolling at home.Just like DIIRAAC BAATI (Which by the way I love them diiracs that are not fancy, but revealing if the baby got back!) PSS North, Warya I need hook up men.Them Mexicans are charging alot of money for low quality Soccer jerseys.Soma-Inc is my immediate relative he will tell you how much I used to love soccer, but the American games got into me for a decade now.I need to get my sense back and start watching more soccer games on Dish networks!
  3. Ngonge, I hope they have learned greater self-control, better life skills, and more social competence from you as they step out of their comfort zone. Now go buy yourself your favorite team jersey (Is it Arsenal or Chelsea?).There is a soccer shop on a strip mall near my job.I can't beleive how expensive those soccer jerseys are! PS: This is for the ladies.Having get bored with marriage talks.I will say this to she who must be obeyed, Lililoandikwa ndilo liwalo.
  4. I hate babies with passion.I am not ready to partake of the blessings of kids.I was the last born of my family.I am single and happy .My annual self-analysis says that It will remain that way for few more years(only if she who must be obeyed will stop bringing up marriage plans every day we talk on the phone :rolleyes: ).I share a condominium with my nephew and his wife and their adorable baby.Every day I miss either my extra eye glasses or a book I stacked under my bed.Till I snap out of my mental inertia I will not miss kids! PS: I just wanted to add this to Ngonge swahili proverbs. Mficha Uchi hazai....So that is me for now
  5. Ngonge, Ulivyo ligema utalinywa (na watanzania).Be ready to take your Kamusi (dictionary) out for they will come with big words. Dahia and CL.. Ukweli ni kwamba sithani nina hamu wala fikra ya kurudi nyumbani.Hakika ugenini ya ulaya si cha kufurahia lakini wakati kwenu nyumbani inachomeka na fitna za wanasiyasa sithani kama kuna mtu anataka kurudi kwa nchi ya ufisadi na unafiki ya waongozi.Labda kuatakwepo siku nitatamani kurudi nyumbani lakini sasa Maraykani ni nyumbani mpaka mola atakapo taka ni rudi Africa.
  6. I was tempted to reply to Farax, but I felt alittle insecure with all the high calibre Swahili writting floating! Kuna wenzenu wachanga kwa lugha yenu. Enyi Watanzania natoa langu shauri ya kwamba nyie si watulivu.Nyinyi pia muna makelele when you are around each other. I will say though hogera kwa huu muendo wa undercover!
  7. With Both leaders holding to their hardline position things are about to hit the fan.My brother has moved his family out of Nairobi.I am thinking of maybe sending all my family members to Tanzania where we have Immediate family members.Will Hargeysa give asylum to sijuis? On a serious note many people will be wrapped up in this ocean wave of politicians dirty politics.
  8. I agree with Serenity some of us can't access Youtube. This is what I get when I even remotely try to acess Youtube, " According to the Current Corporate policy, your user ID has not been approved to access the site in question.If you feel like it is necessary to your job, please contact IT " . Ofcourse SOL is necessary for my job PS To Mr.Video clip, Opportunity has spread its wares before you.Step up to the front and engage the SOL community in writting!
  9. ^^^^^ If it wasn’t for the independent voters voting for McCain, Obama would have won easily. The Independent in NH primaries could not vote for both parties. Yes Clinton was the comeback kid on Tuesday, but the game is still not yet on first and goal. Obama needs to recalibrate his message on the next few days. South Carolina, where half of the state democratic primary voters are black is not a guarantee win for him. Even the Oprah effect might not help him since the blacks are die-hard Clintonians . When you have black leaders like Andrew Young saying that Bill Clinton went out with more black women than Obama (I am not making this up!) you know your credibility in the community is being attacked. Remember this is a state where prayers are regarded high as oppose to the more liberal New Hampshire voters.Obama needs to show up in all the black churches so that he can show he is a man of God too. The South Carolina primary will be a do or die one for Obama. So the South Carolina Primary Should instead have the slogan "STOP CLINTONIANS"
  10. Farax, I am feeling your frustration... I doubt if Kibaki is in for peaceful reconciliation. He is clearly showing all the signs of a rogue leader. When you appoint cabinet position to people who are political liability and a symbol of all corruption it does surely shows that you are pulling the country in wrong direction. For a starter if Kibaki wanted a peaceful reconciliation he should have waited until tomorrow meeting between him and Odinga take place. He went ahead and named his cabinet. He surely shipwrecked the peaceful negotiation that was under way! With all optimism in place I doubt if the civil society of Kenya will let this swept under the rug. Kenyan People are themselves the agent of change that propelled Kibaki into presidency back in 02. He wrecked the way democracy was supposed to be engineered. He is the father of kleptocratic politics. Odinga for now needs to use the tools at his disposal.Since the opposition are majority in the parliament they can use their power to curb Kibaki corrupt government by blocking key bills they want to pass. Someone has to sacrifice for the sake of Kenya. As much as I would like Odinga to fight through the corrupt judicial system if everything else is exhausted including re-election bid he should let this one slid. A quick and hard decision will be needed from Odinga in the next few days. I hope he becomes that progressive and decisive leader that people supported. Lets all pray for Peace!
  11. Did you see the new cabinet listing? It is full of hotch-potch ego-centric maniacs. I would never call this a fair cabinet when the party that rightly won the election has been excluded. It will make you think that Kibaki is in no way willing to negotiate with ODM on the power sharing. He appointed Musyoka as his VP. Just when I thought he will be wise enough to share the cabinet with Odinga ,when they meet tomorrow, he proved it to me that he is a non-strategist . When you have a populist challenger like Odinga people would closely be scrutinizing your peace building effort. I am afraid anxiety would sweep again and we will see more violence if Kibaki is unwilling to share the government with ODM, which rightly deserves a fair hearing. Kibaki is afraid of loosing power if he shares the government. Kibaki has failed to tackle corruption, graft, and misuse of power. As much as I love peaceful Kenya I would love to see him overthrown peacefully by the citizens without any violence and bloodshed. Kenya unlike its neighbors has not slid into warfare, but this election is one that proved a whiff of intimidation Kenyan people have been living under. The condition for fair vote never existed in Kenya even when we go back to the first multi-party election in 1992. There was rigging of election. People were killed in places like Mollo and burnt forest just like today even though this election has blown the cover. Kikuyus, very business savy people, were elite even though they haven’t been in power since 1978. Ever wondered how in the world they were spread all the four Kenyan corners? Kenyatta, just like Moi, made sure his people owned lands even in Kalenjin land. The kikuyus enjoyed patronage under Kenyatta so did the Kalenjins under Moi. Yes Kikuyus have gobbled up too much of the country cake, but changing the tribe of the president will not change the nepotism of Kenyan leaders. Odings has courted the Kenyans MUSLIMS to vote for him in return of fair scrutiny of the Muslim community. I applauded him for doing that.What I am interested in is a leader that will put all the tribalism behind and build a unified country with a peacefull coexistant between the forty two tribes. Odinga might have a been a new glimpse of hope for Kenya, but I doubt iff he would have excised the nepotism cancer from Kenya politics.
  12. The Map is not quite right.The Somalis predominately live on the North Eastern part of Kenya which borders Somalia.The Eastern Part (which is to the left on your screen on this map) is predominately lived by other cushitic speaking people like the Borana and Rendille tribes. Somalis in Nothern Kenya are poor compared to the rest of Kenya.They have been victims of imbecile leaders, corrupt government and social hereditary of tribal division.Playing upon a common weakness of susceptability to easy influence the province as a whole is way behind interms of education and health.Lack of persistence for change has left the Somlis in Kenya in deep hole.The people are wonderful and God fearing, but their choices for leadership is what I lost patience with long time.Can you picture that there is no single higher education instituition in the whole province (atleast that how it was the last time I was there). It is a province where I used to wonder if its leaders have ever done any assesment of their poeple compared to the rest of the nation.I don't ever think that they have ever engaged in any undertaking of major importance project to their people.Yes there are racism against the Somalis by the rest of the Kenyans, but temporary defeat should not make the whole province a hopless one.
  13. I registered to vote the other day while I was renewing my drivers license.I am all for Obama come November.I am convinced that this nation, which holds a position of commanding respect and power around the world, can be led by Obama.He is a man whose mind is filled with vision for change.Remember this guy was Mr. Nobody before that famous democratic convention speech on 2004.Only when the genius that slept in the mind of this man was discovered by Americans did the voters started to pay special attention to him.American politics is like the wind that can carry you west or East depending on the mood of the weather.Still Obama has long way to go inorder to convince Americans that he is the right man for the job.Remember this is a guy with no family influence or even deep pocket behind him (except ofcourse the campaign contribution by the generous public).Only people with veneer of knowledge about a man ability will write him off, but majority of Americans with intergrity and open mind will be voting for him come november.The Iowa Caucus was a remarkable illustration of how America has come far.
  14. There is no other road to peace than through dialogue and putting the interest of Kenya as a country first.The page of history are filled with nothing short of praise for Kenya.We pray for Peace! Check the link below by Ugandan newspaper- The Monitor How Kenyan polls Were Messed UP
  15. Layzie, that is harsh. Some of us have entire generation of families living few miles away from the Machete carrying nuts! All we hope for is peace and calm for now. I hope Kenya will not be another Rwanda in the making! No one can reasonably admit that the elecion count was free and Fair. The likes of Internal Security director (Michuki) need to be prosecuted for giving directions at shooting civilians with live bullets.Surely Kibaki lacked a competent mind to advice him on how to go about election frauds.This was the worst mis-calculated highway robbery.As the twig is bend so shall the tree grow.Kibaki was misguided by his GEMA imbeciles.Their deeds will sure catch up with them.I hope the international community slaps some sort of sanction if Kibaki is left to lead the country!
  16. I thought I had known a country where peace and prosperity was the poster child of the country slogan, but today I am a bit worried for that country. Few weeks ago at a Christmas party in Washington DC I was a guest of Kenyan friends. I was shocked to witness a distorted view of my Kenyans host who were divided along tribal line when politics was discussed. I thought that Kenyans have come a long way from the dictatorial rule of the MOI era, but I was wrong. Kenyans just like their other African brothers and sisters still vote and think along ethnic cleavage. It seems that the multi-party system has altered the political competition of the citizens .Each and every one wants the maximum access of unlimited state resources which leaves me wondering when will my African brothers/sisters ever distance themselves from corruption and nepotism. A young democratic nation like Kenya shouldn’t give ethnicity a position of prominence, but unfortunately that is what is ailing the country today!. Every one voted along ethnic line. In the next few days we will witness violence perpetuated by the ethnic group that lost along Western Kenyan and among the poor slums of Nairobi and Mombasa. If no one would have gone to that poll without aiming at putting into the office one's own tribe I doubt if there would have been any violence or vote rigging. The Kenyan luo and Kikuyu tribes have a rivalry over political power since the independence. The record of Kibaki government fell short of expectation when he was voted in as a president five years ago.I am third generation Kenyan even though I have no connection to the politics of the country I still feel upset when I see injustice and corruption engulfing a country I so dearly love.My family lives there and I can only hope for peace and calm in the next few days!. The North Eastern province which is predominately Somali still lacks behind interms of education and health.I solely blame this on the Somali politician who also vote along tribal line instead of intergrity and visionary. I was surprised to see Mohamed Abdi loose his seat. I AM not familiar with the man, but I was schoolmate with his kids.I hope they have replaced him with a better and competent person. I am crossing my fingers now hoping that the citizens will not need heed the politicians call for violence!
  17. STOIC

    Today I....

    I have noticed marks on their hands and hip-bones skin (of course this one had to be caused by sitting next to a hot iron on a bed).This exposes their tissue and makes their skin rough after the wound heals.I am guessing the ones I met were abit clumsy! Their scalp must be tough to endure their combing force.The Qac.. Qac.. sounds familiar . Sisters, this is just an observation. We Love our sisters in Somali
  18. STOIC

    Today I....

    ^^^Whats up with you girls burning yourselves? Every girlfreind I had either burned herself with the hot iron or with the cooking pan while making kiibiis beet . PS Today I have been on my working desk since 5:00Am basically raking in some overtime to pay the bills after the short holiday! PSS I must have visited this place ten times today.Damn you guys are not early birds
  19. Check out this cool website about minorities doing great things in America. I always have great plans about accumulation of wealth, but as we know plans are useless without sufficient power to translate them into actions. Check how these great young minds created their entrepreneur and social welfare skills into actions. These young people have utilized the faculty of creative imagination by starting a business or an organization.I believes riches begin with thoughts. I have lately been thinking about probably investing In Africa especially Kenya where I am more familiar with the culture (Maybe after the election dust settles down ).God, what will I have done If I had a couple dollars sitting SOMEWHERE? CULTURE CONNECT
  20. Cara, MIT has one too.Check this link OPEN COURSE-MIT
  21. ^^^Lol.You reminded me of an incident that happen to me about the Margarita.Long time ago when I was young and naive I went out with an older Somali lady and her girlfreind. One of the lady ordered Margarita.I was impressed with the color of the drink.I too ordered it.Just when the waitress was about to deliver it my freind asked me if I knew what it was.I just said it looked pretty!.He thought I was possed by the demons by starting to hit the keg.The waitress realised there was confusion.I never did taste it, but it sure looked pretty!
  22. Hi...Val...Missed you Girl !
  23. Holiday mood is in full swing here in my lab. No I am not part of the collective insanity. Other than the Butterfingers and the Hershey milk chocolate I really don’t give a hoot about the Christmas celebration. I can feel the joy and the energy around everyone in my department. I know they are wondering how the “Moslem” is taking all the candy bars and Merry Christmas cards left on his desk . I am enjoying the chocolates and I can’t wait to devour the chicken tomorrow for the office party !
  24. STOIC

    She Is My Hero

    Skipper, As a man who is a master of his own earthly destiny I have came a long way since I first landed in North America. As I analyzed my experience in retrospect, I have found myself short of many life dreams while at the same time happy with my life! I haven’t accomplished anything close to the old lady. For someone who is in her age she has accomplished far more than I did in the last decade. Yes I have changed in many ways both the way I carry myself and the way I view the world. I no longer need fear to avoid unnecessary danger . The fact is that I have grown both spiritually and mentally from a boyhood to manhood. All the desires I hold onto my mind a decade never materialized, but I fully realize that no wealth or position can make me happy. As we all agree the starting point of all dreams are desires I am still holding and hoping to break through one day . For a long time I have hold to the dream of thinking everything worthwhile is in the future, but unlike the old lady I have failed miserably in understanding that life is what you make out of it.