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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. Farax, your character in SOL pages reminds me of one teacher's name we both know back home- Macalim Qassay.Meshaa qaska kataa tatku hakanasteen (how you like that Somali, ha?).
  2. IDRIS was my uncle through tribal affiliation.My immediate family members were his firm managers during Saudia livestock era.The last time I knew he was back from Ethiopia where he was deported during president Moi era.I think he is currently in Kenya.His business went up in the air during his deportation time.He was firm beleiver in Somaliland sovereignity during SNM era in the late eighties.He contributed to SNM movement more than any one I knew in Kenya.There were houses rented for SNM casualties in Nairobi during Afweyne era in Somalia.Idris contributed to SNM suceess with his own money. PS Sorry took me awhile to respond I'm nursing a bad cold.
  3. ^^^From what I know if it is the same guy, Indhabuur used to be close to former Kenyan president Daniel Arap Moi. He was a big shot back in the days. I learned this through family members who know him. Of course he has origin from the northern Somalia.He was always close to Kenyan politicians through business deals.
  4. Indho buur is a Somaliland representative in Kenya? This is news to me.Although a Kenyan for a long time I think it was a good move in making him Somaliland Kenyan representative.He is familiar with Kenyan poltics.
  5. I'm sure the speed dating thing will soften the presure of being tugged by a boyfreind.If you don't like what you see give him or her the cold shoulder.There should be no disapointment if you were the one that picked the person sitting across.Speed dating thing raises up the ladder of reaching to your goal.No one will bicker about the trivialities of looks.What you got is what you see.If you understand the somali mans nature and you tactfully cater to his needs there is no need of being afraid of competition
  6. I have been nursing a bad flu since yesterday.For the first time since I landed in America I got a shot on my ASSS yesterday.I have been listening to the silence in my room .What could be more futile or more insane than starring at your ceiling all day :mad: Sometimes We got to be thankful when we are healthy!
  7. ^^^ Gotta keep the composure Unless you want 300 pound fellow pound on you.Any distructive form of intemperance is unwelcome
  8. Ngonge, I have never been to a strip club myself, but I so envy to have the experience.I have been to evry kind of dirty south clubs (ofcourse when I was in my young adult life ), but strip club is one thing I have yet to experience.I think I need to step inside one of them places before she who must be obeyed finds out.Its just a fantasy !
  9. ^^^ I never implied they are the same.They are similar in wordings, but different dialect.The two community are totally different.One is Somali while the other one is Cushitic speaking people.
  10. ^^^ It is Borana language or Afgareeh.Depending on the dialect. PS Apology to the Adminstration.I didn't mean to break the rules
  11. Garam Garam waa luqada magaceeda maaha I disagree, it is not a language rather it is a coined term by the Somalis for people that speak the Borana language. Although Somalis they are, the People that live in the Kenyan/Somalis border do speak this language (I’m trying not to break SOL rule by mentioning tribal name here). What no one either side of this porous divide over the use of the word can't deny is that it is word used by the Somalis to look down upon those that speak the Borana language. To suppose that you know the word and to mean that it is a language is a false premise that I am not buying it. I am not even buying the unknowability displayed by many here who knows the word and yet think that it is meant for people who don’t SPEAK Somali well. It is therefore useful to distinguish that word from the language itself.I have witnessed first hand use of the wording against the Borana speaking people by the Somali people.
  12. Why are you are pissed? You are not a Borana are you? Garam Garam Waaxid FB...You didn't know I was one of them.On a serious note we both know that it is a demeaning word to our brother/sisters that speak the language.I have yet to come across any one that speaks that language happy with that word.Sometimes men speak lightly of things that never affect them.I have seen the user of that language not happy with the term.Genuine wisdom dictates that you don't refer people to what they don't like
  13. Garam garam waxay?? It is a demeaning word.I don't know why the brother/sister used the word.This is one form of intolerance.The word points to a language of a people called Borana.It is one thing to name a language of a peopl-in a respectful manner-but it is something entirely different to call people's langauge with a superiority undertone.
  14. ^^It is politics .Anything that can Catapult you to the spotlight you will use it.The gravitational pull is growing stronger
  15. ^^^Don't you agree that is gross over simplification
  16. ^^^His soaring numbers is still flying in the face of Clintons. You are right the game is still on. I am not yet celebrating till we win Ohio. His “empty rhetoric” is still wining big though
  17. Lookie Here ...what is the New York Times implying here? Is it over for Hillary ? No, net yet atleast till Ohio and Texas . This election is like a surface of a lake for Hillary.Some times calm, sometimes windy and some times really rough .As long as egoic mind is running in Clintons mind she can not trully be at ease with defeat.I guess now she is feeling transparent after a streak of defeat to the "inexperienced" junior senator from Illinoi.
  18. STOIC

    SOLers on Facebook

    It is a nightmare to erase completely your personal information from facebook.It maybe helpful, to all who are share all information kind of people, to be careful what you share in facebook.Read this article from New York times.... How Sticky is Facebook?
  19. I will hold lazy responsible for that quote come wednesday morning .... In Tuesday Chesapeake primary I will put my money on Obama. He is the one with the momentum for now and I will predict that race being a factor he will claim the delegates from District of Colombia and Maryland especially. When you look at polls such as Mason-Dixon poll of February 7-9 Virginia likely democrat voters favored Obama over Clinton in 53 to 37 percent respectively. I am more concerned with him wining states like Ohio, Texas and Pennsylvania where the total delegates for grab are more than last weekend combined. If you listened to Tim Russet of NBC analysis on Sunday this will be a pitch folk battle for delegates. The game is not over yet.
  20. ^^^ And yet most people like Lazy and Ngonge will find it difficult to beleive that Obama has come this far.I can sense denial of the presence in them. I don't know when they will accept Obama's upward victory.It is surely woven in the pattern of white America psyche
  21. Sorry, ponyeza my play list. It should say Tanazania Chanel 10
  22. ^^^ Hili ndilo bunge lenu. Bunge
  23. ^^^Maybe you can teach yourself more of swahili through this Kenyan television online . African Television online
  24. Hopefully this will be a good news.The unease of this tension might be coming to an end.When there is no way out, there is still always a way through.. Kenya peace talks 'breakthrough'
  25. Waves @ VAL.... So quick to jump to conclusions. Tut tut. His posture and carriage of his body didn't indicated anything close to a researcher.