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Salalms to all,, May Allah SWA give us firmness in diin Amiin.... bros/sis there is nothing to be confused about the shi'a today,, which their real name is "Rafida" in arabic which means 'rejectors',, basically there is no difference between those that they are fighting and them and u guys know who i mean...if not worse.. 'cause these guys they curse our beloved 'saxaba' companions of the prophet SAW all of them except few,, and everybody know the status of the companions in our diin,, to talk about one of them is talking about the prophet SAW,, they call Aisha RA a "prostitute" Wallahi i'm so reluctant to even write this word let alone utter it... and we all know Aisha's position in islam RA... so my bros/sis don't be confused about these guys and don't sympathize with them, don't be decieved by the looks,, the long beard, the islamic dress... the hijab of their women... and the words like Allahu Akbar,, laa ilaaha ila laah, they could say as much as they want but that won't make them muslims,,, rather cursing of the saxaaba is a "kufr" itself,, the only thing i feel sorry for are their kids,,, but Allah SWA has a infinite wisdom He knows their place and faith... as far as i know there is one group who are close to Ahlu sunnah and they are called "AZAIDIA" AND this group u find them in yemen i think... Wallahi there is so much to say about them it's not funny... if we only knew how much hatred they have for us... Allah SWA knows best.... wasalam....
first of all salam to all.. i didn't read all the nice articles here,, but from what i have read,, some of our bros/sis were encourging single life... using ice and having to stop watching romantic movies is not gonna cut it... 'cause the minute u step out of the house u r in romantic world if u guys know what i mean.. specially those of us who live this part of the world (west).....'cause there is a reason Allah SWA created men and women, plus the prophet SAW encouraged us to marry and have children so he can be proud of us the day of judgemet....so marrying is something we need to do if we are able to if we love and follow our prophets way...SAW as for finding the right man,, ASW says in the qur'an "And whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to him , He will make a way for him to get out(from every difficulty)"..... so fear of Allah SWA is the key to success, wheather it is finding the right person or other difficulties we face in life... the other thing is that our girls marring new converts,, nothing wrong with that,, specially if they understand each other and both of them are god fearing ppl... but for our girls to say they have better diin than the rest of the somali boys,, is not right... i think what they don't want to say is that they are more "romantic" 'cause of their background.... wasalam....
Assalamu Alaikum to all... ramadan mubarak... this is response to brother nur's question: the "meaning of ILAAH": it means the one that is being worshipped or worship is directed to... question: mention the stages that fasting was made obligatory upon us? basically how fasting was prescribed upon us... wasalam...
salams.. except "Tahara",,, this word starts with the 16th letter of the arabic alphabet,,, wasalam..
BismiAllahi.. salams to all... Servant of Allah,, jazaka Allahu khairan for ur kind comments,, i just like to let u know that these pillars were mentioned by our scholars May Allah SWA have mercy on their sould Ameen.. and as i mentiond they r taken right from the quran and sunnah,, so they r not from me.. the second thing,, u said "diin alone is enough" i beg to differ with u in this case... a person with good diin automatically should have good manners that should be the case but in reality things are different... how many times we have seen people with good diin and well informed about their religion, behave angelic infront of people and when they go home they r completely opposite of what they r outside,, beat the wife, the kids unislamically,, also sometimes he deals with other people rudely... so a person with good diin doesn't mean they have good "MANNERS"... 'cause SAW said in the hadith: " if a person comes to you which u pleased with his diin and Aqlaq let him marry...." so u see SAW he specifically stated good diin and manners,, he SAW didnt just stop at good diin,,, so u can say the same thing about "aqlaq",, manners alone is not sufficient for a marriage to work,, there should be the combination of the two.. 'cause if the person doesn't have a good diin but they have good aqlaq,, they behave unislamic right? for example they wouldn't mind being in a mixed environmet men and women on the same floor,, going out to the movies,, to dress unislamic,,, the list goes on and on... u see what i mean... so they both go hand in hand,,, and we should not understand that just 'cause the person has a good diin so they have good manners.. i apologize making it long,,, i hope u see the difference,, and the biggest evidence is the hadith of SAW that i mention above... no offense intended.. wasalam...
salams.. good stuff,, jazaka Allahu khairan,, if we only practiced.. wasalam..
salams to all... i'm sorry i didn't read the whole article due to time constraint,, but judging from the title.. i can say that,, in order to have a happy marriage there has to be found four critical pillars,, two of these r taken from the qur'an and the other two from the sunnah.. 1. the person must have good "DIIN" 2. good "AQLAQ" "MANNERS" these two r taken from the sunnah.. 3. There has to be "LOVE" between the two. 4. They have to have "MERCY" on each other and toleranc.. and these last two r taken from the qur'an.. so those who r married look for these four pillars in ur marriage if anything is missing u know how to fix hopeflly before it's too late.. wasalam...
Since I don't know who to ask these type of questions .........
islamtoday replied to Lake's topic in General
BismiAllahi... salams to all... Pretty Tone... u r right,, u can't be shy learning ur diin,, we have to have proper knowledge so we can lead a life which is pleasing to Allah SWA..and this,, it's not going to happen without knowledge of the diin... so.. it's forbidden for men to engage their wives in intercourse from behind,,, and when she's in her period except that when she's having her period he's still can play with her with some restrictions and without intercourse,,, the other thing,, a man can have an intercourse with his wife from any position which he chooses as long as he's aiming for the right place... these much i know as everybody else does... there is a lot of details which goes in between which i'm sure u can find out... these r the main things.. there are a lot of good websites out there just make sure u go to the right source... and fear Allah SWA in that which u r enquiring about.. and for u to ask these type of questions deosn't mean u pervert... the party who call u pervert r ignorant.. wasalam... -
salams all... Hassena ,, jazaka Allahu Khairan for ur advice,, Wallahi... i get the feeling dat u were commenting on what i wrote to Socod-badne... i said dat out of amazement and sarcasm,, May Allah SWA forbid this poor soul of mine making judgement on his behalf... wasalam....
salams all.. socod_badne.. yeah wine or pork become halal when u say "bismiAllah" just b4 u dirnk or eat,,,,looooooooll... just kidding,,, socod-badne.. what's the matter with u,,u should know better, bro/sis if we let things like this get to su which r so obvious then how abuot matters which regard the "Aqeeda" which is sooo easy to get lost in... if we don't ask Allah SWA for help.. as for the cats,dogs, and wolves... we are not allowed to eat them,,, 'cause SAW said: animals with claws and canine tooth are not permissible for us to eat...,,, so they r out of the question.. Allah SWA knows best.. this is what i remember regading this animals.. sorry i didnt intend to offend, if i did i apologize... wasalam..
salams to all... this is funny.. where were the men when this guy calls specially on married women,, to collect "sadaqa",,, were they given permission by their men to go,, and who said only women pay sadaq,,, and who said "sadaqa" is in only gold and silver... This bro/sis shows our ignorance in our diin... we are our own enemy... May Allah SWA forgive us and guide us.. Ameen.. wasalam..
salams to all... Haseena u totally right.. i read the story of the salaf i enjoy reading them,, these ppl are my icons, i admire them, look up to them i try to match up to them,, after all they r setting the highest examples... Wallahi i love them for the sake of Allah SWA,the most god fearing ppl that history has ever known,,, we should read their stories with comtemplation,, everytime i go through some hardship and then i compare myself to what they been through for the sake of Allah SWA,, mine becames like a piece of cake,, wasalam..
salams to all... it makes me happy to see ppl who r trying to better themselves in their diin... who r eager and willing to sacrifice for the sake of Allah SWA..it should be so.don't put 'till tomorrow what u can do today right...one thing i like to share with u guys and used to strugle with.. no matter how many times u hit rock bottom... get up and walk again.. Allah SWA never gets tired of forgiving, rather he likes to forgive,, one of the tricks shaytan used to play on me was that everytime i used to make a sin and repent and do it again,, shaytan whispers to me that Allah SWA it's not going to forgive that it's no use making "tawba" and start to feel hopeless,disgust and narrowness in the chest... and then i heard about the narrations of the prophet SAW like when he said"Fear Allah wherever you are, and follow the bad deed with a good deed it erases it..." some of the scholars have said "Fear of Allah" means to "put between you and the punishment of Alla SWA a prevention or protection,, and they explained this protection to mean... doing what Allah SWA has ordered us to do and to stay away what he has told us to stay away from... i felt happy 'cause i understood the first time in my life what this word meant and i used to say it so many times b4.., the other thing i tried to do was,,surround myself with good company, Wallahi trust me, it's very important, it was the advice of our prophet but a lot of us ignore it.. and after that i learned to talk less and lesten more, ofcourse listen to good and i started to learn about the diin,, i wanted to know what Allah SWA wanted from me as an individual living on this planet.. i found out that this diin of islam was the most precious gift i could ever achieve, 'cause my salvation in this world and in the hereafter depended on it.. so i had to force myself learn arabic to understand the diin better... Wallahi u can't imagine the sweetness u find when u r understanding what u r reciting or reading and listening... what made me more happy was when i learned how to make proper "Tawba" repentance from sins.. i learned that sins are divided into two categories: big sins and small sins... For Allah SWA to forgive big sins the person has to make proper "tawba" which means has to complete the conditions of "tawba", they r four and some scholars have said five.. which are: 1. To stop the sin 2. To make a resolution not to go back 3. To regret commiting that sin 4. If it involved a property,, you have to give it back to it's owner 5. The fifth one that some scholars have added was,,it has to be done before the sun rises from the west... This is the best part... small sins: The scholars have said after looking into the qur'an and sunnah that they will be erased by "Good deeds" i was so happy i tried to do all the good deeds u can imagine ofcourse according to the qur'an and sunnah... like being good to ur parents,keeping up with prayer,wudu, smiling at ur bro/sis face when u meet them, go visit them when they sick, give salams to ppl that u know and the ones u don't know, buy them gifts ( whenever i could) for my friends, 'cause SAW said "give one another gifts so you will love one anothr" so sharing gifts is a reason for loving one another,fasting the voluntary one,remembering of Allah SWA by saying frequently "Subhana Allah" or "Istaqfuru Allah", and so one so forth,,so basically everytime i got myself into a small sin i ran to do a good deed to get rid of it... So bros/sis this is my humble experience and i'm still climbing,, this didn't happen to me over night, it took sometime, scholars say that the iman takes time to flourish it doesn't enter into the believers heart one time,,, Alxamdulillah still fighting shaytan,, will never leave u alone.. that is his job but u defeat him by knowledge, if Allah SWA didn't teach me this little that i know,,Allah knows where i could have been... u have to know how to defeat ur enemy.. and shaytan is our sworn enemy on top of that we can't see him which is worse than an enemy that u can see..right... but with the help of Allah SWA after proper knowledge we can defeat him...Insha Allah.. Another thing that helps me is that i try to be sincere with Allah SWA.. since i cannot hide anything from Him,, and i ask him to guide more and more... May Allah guide us all Ameen ya rab.. You guys probably want to know what is the defintion of a big sin and small sin,, right? well i leave that to u guys to find out and share with us,,, if no answer i will post Insha Allah.. This is not the story of a person who became muslim,,, this is a person who was born in islam,, looooool I apologize for making it long.. wasalam..
salams all.. rashiid bro... i think u have two issues to deal with... first him going to the party?,,, and the food he brougth? we have to know weather dat food is haram,,,like it's not mix with pork,or with something like wine etc,, in this case u know the answer,,, but if it's from a halal source,,, i don't know i have to find out,,probably u thinking him going to the party which is haram..so the food must be haram right.. it might not be so, Allah knows best..anyways i try to find out Insha Allah.. wasalam..
salams... lexxy u should be humble... no offense. wasalam.
salams to all... lexxy u absolutely rigtht...that seems to be the strongest opinion..the same thin the one who say "Lailaha ila Allah" and doesn't know what this word stands for and deosnt come with any of it's requirements,,but remember u didn't mention that b4 in ur post,,,based on dat i replied.. Allah knows best. keep up the good work.. wasalam..
salams to all... lexxy.. just a comment on what u said... a muslim is always better than a christian no matter their behaviour or bad character,, just 'cause they corrupt and commit so much mischief doesn't make the christian better than them...the reason being the muslim has some sort of iman no matter how little compare to a non-muslim who lacks it at all...the non-muslim could be better than the muslim in character that helps them in this world not in the hereafter,,, but u r right... we r not putting our best behaviour as real muslims should and that is due to lack of understanding our diin properly....it's like a person about to perform an experimetn without reading the procedure sheet,, can this be possible,, i think not... same thing with our situation,, we say we muslim, but we don't know the teachings of our diin and we don't want to learn about it,, ask ourselves what Allah SWA is requiring us to do,surely Allah SWA didn't put us in here and forget about us without telling us what we should do,that is making fun of Allah's wisdom,the most High, so don't be surprised when u meet such muslims,, just give thanks and praises to Allah SWA for not making u one of them and be patient.. i apologize for any insults... wasalam..
salams to all... the one and only... i see ur frustration... maybe we should ask ourselves a bigger question... is our stay in this part of the world permitted,, being with non muslims?..maybe after answering this,, the picture will be more clearer... wasalam..
This is something similar to what u r asking,,, with the answer of the scholars.. i hope it clears it up for u... wasalam... Question: In the Quraan, it says that we can not take the Kuffaar as awliyaa, but what does that mean? I mean, to what degree? Can we do business with them still? If I'm at school, can we play basketball with them? Can we talk to them about basketball and stuff? Can we hang out with them as long as they keep their beliefs to themselves? The reason I ask is because someone I know does hang out with them in this way and it doesn't affect his beliefs, but I still tell him, "Why don't you hang out with the muslims instead?" He says that most or many of the Muslims drink and take drugs where they hang out and they have girlfriends and he's afraid that the sins of the Muslims will lure him, yet he's sure that the Kufr of the Kaafirs will not lure him because that's something that isn't attractive to him. So is hanging out with them, playing sports with them, and talking with them about sports considered as "taking them as awliyaa instead of the believers" keeping in mind that he is doing that for his own eemaan?. Answer : Praise be to Allaah. Firstly: Allaah has forbidden the believers to take the kaafireen (disbelievers) as friends, and He has issued a stern warning against doing that. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Awliyaa’ (friends, protectors, helpers), they are but Awliyaa’ of each other. And if any amongst you takes them (as Awliyaa’), then surely, he is one of them. Verily, Allaah guides not those people who are the Zaalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers and unjust)†[al-Maa’idah 5:51] Shaykh al-Shanqeeti (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: In this verse Allaah tells us that whoever takes the Jews and Christians as friends is one of them because of his taking them as friends. Elsewhere Allaah states that taking them as friends incurs the wrath of Allaah and His eternal punishment, and that if the one who takes them as friends was a true believer he would not have taken them as friends. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “You see many of them taking the disbelievers as their Awliyaa’ (protectors and helpers). Evil indeed is that which their ownselves have sent forward before them; for that (reason) Allaah’s Wrath fell upon them, and in torment they will abide. 81. And had they believed in Allaah, and in the Prophet (Muhammad) and in what has been revealed to him, never would they have taken them (the disbelievers) as Awliyaa’ (protectors and helpers); but many of them are the Faasiqoon (rebellious, disobedient to Allaah)†[al-Maa’idah 5:80-81] Elsewhere Allaah forbids taking them as friends and explains the reason for that, as He says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe! Take not as friends the people who incurred the Wrath of Allaah (i.e. the Jews). Surely, they have despaired of (receiving any good in) the Hereafter, just as the disbelievers have despaired of those (buried) in graves (that they will not be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection)†[al-Mumtahanah 60:13] In another verse Allaah explains that this is so long as they are not taken as friends because of fear or taqiyah (i.e., being friendly with them in order to avoid harm); if that is the case then the one who does that is excused. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Let not the believers take the disbelievers as Awliyaa’ (supporters, helpers) instead of the believers, and whoever does that, will never be helped by Allaah in any way, except if you indeed fear a danger from them†[Aal ‘Imraan 3:28] This verse explains all the verses quoted above which forbid taking the kaafirs as friends in general terms. What that refers to is in cases where one has a choice, but in cases of fear and taqiyah it is permissible to make friends with them, as much as is essential to protect oneself against their evil. That is subject to the condition that one’s faith should not be affected by that friendship and the one who is behaves in that manner out of necessity is not one who behaves in that manner out of choice. It may be understood from the apparent meaning of these verses that the one who deliberately takes the kuffaar as friends by choice and because he likes them, is one of them. End quote. Adwa’ al-Bayaan, 2/98,99 One of the forms of making friends with the kaafirs which is forbidden is taking them as friends and companions, mixing with them and eating and playing with them. In the answer to question no. 10342 we have quoted Shaykh Ibn Baaz as saying: Eating with a kaafir is not haraam if it is necessary to do so, or if that serves some shar’i interest. But they should not be taken as friends, so you should not eat with them for no shar’i reason or for no shar’i purpose. You should not sit and chat with them and laugh with them. But if there is a reason to do so, such as eating with a guest, or to invite them to Islam or to guide them to the truth, or for some other shar’i reason, then it is OK. The fact that the food of the People of the Book is halaal for us does not mean that we may take them as friends and companions. It does not mean that we may eat and drink with them for no reason and for no shar’i purpose. Shaykh Muhammad al-Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked about the ruling on mixing with the kuffaar and treating them kindly hoping that they will become Muslim. He replied: Undoubtedly the Muslim is obliged to hate the enemies of Allaah and to disavow them, because this is the way of the Messengers and their followers. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Indeed there has been an excellent example for you in Ibraaheem (Abraham) and those with him, when they said to their people: ‘Verily, we are free from you and whatever you worship besides Allaah, we have rejected you, and there has started between us and you, hostility and hatred for ever until you believe in Allaah Alone’†[al-Mumtahanah 60:4] “You (O Muhammad) will not find any people who believe in Allaah and the Last Day, making friendship with those who oppose Allaah and His Messenger (Muhammad), even though they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred (people). For such He has written Faith in their hearts, and strengthened them with Rooh (proofs, light and true guidance) from Himself†[al-Mujaadilah 58:22] Based on this, it is not permissible for a Muslim to feel any love in his heart towards the enemies of Allaah who are in fact his enemies too. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe! Take not My enemies and your enemies (i.e. disbelievers and polytheists) as friends, showing affection towards them, while they have disbelieved in what has come to you of the truth†[al-Mumtahanah 60:1] But if a Muslim treats them with kindness and gentleness in the hope that they will become Muslim and will believe, there is nothing wrong with that, because it comes under the heading of opening their hearts to Islam. But if he despairs of them becoming Muslim, then he should treat them accordingly. This is something that is discussed in detail by the scholars, especially in the book Ahkaam Ahl al-Dhimmah by Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him). Majmoo’ Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen, 3, question no. 389. Secondly: With regard to what this person says about not mixing with sinful Muslims for fear that he may be tempted by their sins, but the kufr of the kuffaar does not tempt him, the answer to that is: As for not mixing with Muslims who commit sin, he is doing well thereby, if he is not able to advise them and forbid them to do evil, and he fears that he may fall into the same sins and think it is something good. With regard to mixing with the kuffaar, the reason why mixing with the kuffaar is not allowed is not only the fear that one may fall into kufr, rather the main reason for this ruling is their enmity towards Allaah and His Messenger and the believers. Allaah has indicated this reason in the verse where He says (interpretation of the meaning): “O you who believe! Take not My enemies and your enemies (i.e. disbelievers and polytheists) as friends, showing affection towards them, while they have disbelieved in what has come to you of the truth (i.e. Islamic Monotheism, this Qur’aan, and Muhammad), and have driven out the Messenger (Muhammad) and yourselves (from your homeland) because you believe in Allaah your Lord†[al-Mumtahanah 60:1] So how can it be appropriate for a Muslim to keep company with the enemy of Allaah and his enemy, and make friends with him? How can he be certain that he will not start to think of their ways as good? Many Muslims have fallen into kufr and heresy and have apostatized from Islam because of keeping company with the kuffaar and living in their countries. Some of them have become Jews and some have become Christians, and some have embraced atheistic philosophies. We ask Allaah to make us steadfast in following His religion. See also the answer to question no. 2179, which explains the important principle of the prohibition on taking the kuffaar as close friends. It also describes many forms of the kinds of friendship that are forbidden. In the answer to question no. 43270 you will find the ruling on saying that the morals and manners of the kuffaar are better than those of the Muslims, and there is a quotation from Shaykh Ibn Baaz on the prohibition on saying such a thing. In the answer to question no. 26118 and 23325 it is stated that it is forbidden to keep company with the kuffaar and make friends with them. And Allaah knows best
salams to all... this is a riddle i heard from bros i wanted to share it with u... if you find it inappropriate i apologize... here it goes... "You will find me twice in a week, once in a minute bun never in an hour. what am i? good luck... sometimes it's good to cheer up,, rather recommended.. wasalam..
salams to all... i was really hoping people would look up or ask around but maybe i was mistaken,,, if we can't answer this kind of simple questions then our worship is on jeopardy... anyways the answer is: 1. The first pillar is "INTENTION" of makin wudu. 2. washing of the FACE. 3. washing of the ARMS..including the elbows. 4. Passing over your HEAD with your wet hands. 5. washing your FEET 6. In ORDER. meaning has to be in this order,, you can't put one pillar before the other,,, if u do that ur wudu is not right.. Please if any mistakes let me know... wasalam...
"Wudu" is something simple that we do almost five times a day depending.. but really few know it's pillars that without them the wudu is not correct... this is one of the knowledges that everyone who have fulfilled the condtions of "Taklif" must know... so let's benefit for the sake of Allah SWA.. please keep it simple... i'm just interrested in the pillars... HAVE FUN.. wasalam..
islamtoday replied to islamtoday's topic in General
salams to all... bros and sis...May Allah SWA bless u all for ur efforts... i think we shouldn't go into too much details, we should keep it nice and simple so people don't get bored fast... we should give them the headlines not the whole news... so they can go and do some homework on their own,, we have to encourage them to do some research on their own... let them learn about the proper islamic books and in which books to look and so on... and if they have questions let them post... Jazakumu Allahu khairan... wasalam... -
islamtoday replied to islamtoday's topic in General
salams to all... what i was looking for were basically the three divisions of tawheed that we need to know in oder for us to stay away from commiting shirk in these areas... our problem is understanding how we supposed to impliment not what we have to do... 'cause i think most of us know what we supposed to do.. if not it's a big delima... the other thing.. before i forget... it's our duty to go out and seek knowledge,,, we go to knowledge,, it doesn't come to us... and the scholars i don't think they are out of touch with the people,,, it's the opposite,, the people don't want to listen to them,, the scholars they are well aware of what is going on,,, they are after all the inheriters of the prophets like our prophet SAW said before,,, ofcourse the inheritance we talking about is "knowledge"... basically "Tawheed" is divided into three categories: 1. The oneness of Allah SWA in his WORSHIP: all worhsip should be directed to him alone 2. The oneness of Allah SWA in his ACTIONS: creating, providing "Rizq" provision to his creation,,and bringing and removing of clamities..(to test his slaves) etc.. 3. The oneness of Allah SWA in His NAMES and ATTRIBUTES. The Term "Tawheed" means: the oneness of Allah SWA in these three categories... away from associates and partners... wasalam...
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