Qodax Qorax

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Everything posted by Qodax Qorax

  1. Abti, can you contribute your favorite dhaanto to my dhaanto thread, http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/16038-I-love-Dhaanto-Thread Have you seen the appreciation post I made about you? http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/50200-Who-is-your-fun-in-SOL/page4
  2. 2011/2012 will be inshallah the start of new and positive parameters for the people of Somaliland and Somalia and thus of "Somaliweyn", I think there will be some sort of compromise(in the Somali case: its more acceptance of reality). But only a real compromise will work and I dont think what you are seeking is a real compromise, you are seeking short term gain or win of your institutional Somaliweyn dream. But I am a firm believer that Institions should be there because they can build upon or carry out ambitions/ideals of people not the other way around. Somaliweyn starts with Somaliyar, but if you dont even accept Somaliyar, then tell me how can you make your dream of Somaliweyn come true. The day you realize Somaliland and what it stands for is the fundament of the real Somaliweyn (not the one which is raped by Kacaanka and Jaalle), thats the day you will see your dream come true.
  3. Abti, anigu waan ku aqaana, tariirkhdada waan hayaa, abtiyaasha waan isku dhownahay, meeshaan ku dhalatay iyo ku kortay waan la socdaa. Laakin anigu shaqsi ahaan adiga kagama jeedo, laakin waxaan u jeeda hadafkan O'ga (ama D'ga) oo aad ku hadlisid ayaan u socdaa, maad fahamay. Hadafkan aan ku hadlisid waa mid hal meel u socdo, meeshaasina waa dhib u socod. markaa sheeko cusub keen tii hore ma shaqeeniso. P.S. Abti, I do understand its very difficult to show people the common grounds that you see and they share. But as long as people (you) but focus on the conflicting perspective's it will become more and more difficult to find commong ground and eventually universiality. Therefore I advice you to put your energy in the lighter things of live, like Dhaanto or hal abuur. Hal abuurku dadka iyo dalka isbeddel dhab ah ayee u horseedi doonta.
  4. Duke, who is Tarzan and why do you care if he comes to watch a football game?
  5. Ayoub his motives are very clear. Its comprehending reality. The TFG is dead, there wont be anymore western funded goverments, Somaliland has become a reality that Sifir, western goverments and even the TFG is faced with. Did you know they have asked(US, UN, EU) Siilaanyo to lead and organise a peace iniative/conference!! The King is dead, long live the King.
  6. I wonder if Abtigiis is one those people who have returned to their region and are helping to develop it??
  7. Because we do care about Somalia. Somalia is our neighbouring country. Djibiouti and Eritrea are not neighbouring Somalia. A divorce doesnt mean people should forget about eachother. Specially when we have children together who are under Ethiopia and Kenya custody.
  8. Abti, now you go back to the beginning again. We already determined that you are an Ethiopian and would not really comprehend the matters concerning Somaliland or Somalia. But if you want to discuss its fine by me. Then lets look at the facts. SSC elders were strongly supporting the idea of Somaliland indepedence. In 1961 they were against a union with Somalia. And in 1991 they came with the idea of Indepedance. Because they knew USC/SNM agreed to a coalition. But by calling for a independant Somaliland, they could break that alliance. So term of "Unionist" is very fluid. Because eventually SSC is a minoriy in Somaliland, and withing a union they are a minority sandwich between USC and SNM. So, today Unionist are tomorrow's unilaterlist. wax fahan, abti. Somali politics is much more complex and difficult to understand then the Ethiopian you are used to, where you have had the same position(against Xabashi) the past centuries. in Somalia coalitions change, ideologies change(todays socialist, is tomorrow's clanist), even goverments and kingdoms change(yesterday's clan kingdom is today's minority). Some even change from clan( from clan X becoming clanY). Very diffrent from Ethiopia. That's why Somali Ethiopians have lost in Somalia. Because they were used for other people's agenda and not used to this dynamic politics. Abti, its better for you to stay with Ethiopia, its less fatique then Somalia.
  9. Sxb, who is ruling Kismaayo and the Jubba? After 20 years of struggle to get control of Kisaamyo and Jubba, you guys have failed. its now controled by a Somalilander from Hargeysa.
  10. The winning team(hopefully Muqdishu will win) of the Somalia National Football Soccer Tournement is challenged for a competition by the 2010 winners of the Somaliland Regional Football Competition(Awdal team), Location: The match will take place in Borama. Date: On 1 January 2011. Occasion: This will be a festive event to commemorate that exactly 20 years ago on January 1st 1991 Muqdishu fell in to the hands of the USC and the Repblic of Somalia died . Contact: If the winning team and the Football Association of Somalia accepts this challenge, then contact Somaliland Football Association.
  11. Abti, perception's are the effect of the illusions we tend to create. And eventually those perceptions will change when experiences(or illusions ) of people correspond with the physical parameters that we have set. In short, you are right its a 'new' phycical parameter that doesnt correpond with the 'illusions' created, therefore the parameters have to be adjusted or the illusions have to be reconsidered. It's either one of the two.
  12. Sxb, if you really want to talk about power and influence. Tell me what influence do you have in the capitals of the former Somalia. 1st capital(Muqdishu), 2nd(Hargeysa) of 3rd(Burco), 4th(Kismayo). You have absulutely no influence whatsoever. These cities are D-virus free, they have been cleaned and stearalized. Sxb, already 3 out of the 4 of the biggest Somali cities are now ruled by me. And Moqadishu will soon be ruled by Emir Godane.
  13. Poor Xagakatoosiye! I really do sympathize witht the SSC cause, only part that I have difficulties with is supporting someone who wants to fight his own brothers in their own city! Other then that, ha noolato Sanaag, Sool iyo Cayn.
  14. Abdiyoow, not only have you insulted my family, but also my clan, my region of origin, all girls from Somaliland, but also the people from Xamar by saying that people from Xamar jerk off on paltalk!!!! There so many insults in your post, I dont even know where to start replying.:confused::confused::confused:
  15. abaayo, dadna wexe ka hadliyaan reality(xaqiiqda runta) adiga iyo Sh Shariif maalin walba meelkale ayaad u duulisiin ama u dalaxiis tagisaa. Meel kaliya fadhiista oo ku eekaada, sidani si maha. A correre e cagare ci si immerda i garretti.
  16. Abdi, wax fahan. Its a family peace(re-grouping) conference. Everyone with D-genes is invited. From Kismaayo to Kalabayd, from Baardhere to Buhoodle, from Godey to Gaalkacyo, Jidbaale to Jigjiga, the family is everytime on the loosing side. And finanlly some are realizing that reality is catching up on them.
  17. Jacaylbaro;683882 wrote: Now I wonder how many nicknames Peace Action have .......... I can see he forgot to log off and started talking to himself now ,,,, hahahahahaha JB, filmka waad fahamtay. Most of those Binti's have multiple nicknames and many of them have moderator status.
  18. Abtigiis;683746 wrote: Bashiir is not a child, and he has made powerful points. It proves your cowardice to run away from valid arguments by making use of inappropraite red-herring. But let me oblige you on this one as a matter of necessity. You said I am Ethiopian. I am, and there is little dispute that I am. I am a rebellious Ethiopian, a reluctant citizen of the black empire I despise. You are a rebellious citizen of Somalia, a bitter one too. I don't object to your resentments, your penchant for going alone. It is what I live through. I object to your delusion that you are a citizen of a State other than Somalia, a phantom creation of your mind. I object to the attempt to deny other clans in the British Somaliland what you sought and fought for your clan. I object to the false flags and presidential guard of honours. Abti, now that you have come out of the dark closet and admit to us what you really are we can talk about your and my real idendity and our shared reality. You are right as well, I am a rebellious Somali who has rebelled long against (the country that once was) Somalia. But that country no longer exist. It died 20 years ago and with it died the rebell in me. For there is nobody left to rebel against. The guns have silent and that war is over. You are right that a new reality has emerged, roles have changed and we need to discover how to deal with our new idendities. And denying others what has been denied us doenst have place in my new idendity, eventhaught many dont realize this but its reality.
  19. Mr. Somalia;683766 wrote: ^ Maybe you find them hilarious because they have some nuggets of truth to them, especially when they are lodged at you, eh! Now back to your assertions...you are right, Galkacyo is a "failed" city in a failed province, Mudug, in a failed country, Somalia. However, Somalia has many provinces, one of which includes Waqooyi galbeed, and that makes Waqooyi galbeed by default a failed province as well, if we are to follow your thinking. So do you have anything else to talk about? So Mudug and Galkacyo are failed regions, you can agree with and then therefore 'Waooqyi Galbeed' also failed???? You havent followed my thinking at all. I think you are following your own logic. Doesnt supirse with this kind of thinking that you and your people failed in making peace Galkacyo and Mudug.
  20. I think there are a couple of million people between Kismayo, Moqdishu and Galkacyo who would disagree.
  21. Abdirazak_PTL;683941 wrote: Qodax I wouldnt be suprised if ur dad did some molesting with u either, ileen dhaqan baad uu lee tihin. No other somali region has any reported case of pedofilia except somaliland. And its rising everyday plus there thousands of cases that go unreported according to the undp :confused:
  22. Abdirazak_PTL;683940 wrote: Qodax, pirates any day over biyo la'an in hargeisa. Come on bro u know it 100o pirates is better managed then 2 million khat chewers and pedofiles. And remember pedofilia only happens somaliland. Thers proof for it also just ask me What is the proof?
  23. Internet piracy and hacking offers a lot of potential. Timur you should follow your kin and consider that line of business. pirates enjoy high status in Garowe, imagine the status they would give to an online interner pirate.