Qodax Qorax

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Posts posted by Qodax Qorax

  1. Mayaani;684752 wrote:
    maya reerkina wa ogtohoo Rayaale reerkisa inaysan daacad ahayn.

    Thats insult to the people who have created Somaliland and the people who have brought together and made peace between the

    warring clans in Somaliland. Borama is the city where all the clans of Somaliland made peace, its the city where AUN President Egal spend many months and where he was elected. He got more support from Awdal, Sanaag and Sool folks then from his own clan.


    You have no idea what Somaliland is about.

  2. Jacaylbaro;684737 wrote:
    A&T's family have been fighting along side with Siyad Barre ,,,, they even have names in Hargeisa and known of their share in the genocide. So I so very well know where A&T is coming from ............... and still he wants me to support him and fight against Ethiopia ........ Reminds me of the old saying "Xamiido wasmana way rabtaa dariiqeediina ma hayso" ,,,

    There are many people like A&T who suffer from an inferiority complex. They belief that Somalia cant be pacified without us, that Somalia Galbeed cant be freed without us and that Somali's cant be united for a single cause without us. Its quite pathetic, because it shows how little they belief in their own capacity and how little they trust eachother.

  3. General Duke;684745 wrote:
    The national conference will insha Allah, address two main concerns.

    Finding a peaceful location with a solid, unionist admin within Somalia to host the conference.

    A interim capital which a new Somali government can function.


    Puntland is willing to provide both these.


    As for Al Shabaab, no one will talk to qn entity led by criminal Arabs and who's sole aim is to have Somalia without stability.

    I would suggest Galkacyo to be the location for the peaceful, solid, unionist admin.


    Galkacyo is the example and beacon of hope for a peaceful, united and inclusive admin. Its something all Somalia

    should take an examplr from.

  4. Abti, Somaliland only arrests ONLF members on the request of the O people in jigjiga. If you have problem with that go to

    your own people in Jigjiga who arrest and torture ONLF members and if you have problem with those recruiting ONLF members, then go to your other people in Jigjiga who recruit ONLF and tell them that. This is an internal O clan issue. Your people cant seem to choose or unite on a single issue. Even a simple issue as self-determination or freedom.


    Dont hate us for being united on our self-determination and statehood. Cause that seems to be your real issue with Somaliland.


    Put your energy on informing and uniting your own people instead of hoping for disunity within Somaliland. thats just an advice from your abti.

  5. Humming bird;684109 wrote:


    L sankataabte – great to hear..atleast some1 loves me back....an unreturned love is agony.


    Jacayl baro – yes if I cant find some1 to marry soon enough I might settle for SOL


    Qodax- I'm obliged to disagree with you..which I guess proves your point

    Humbing Bird or Abaayo,


    I am beginning to like you. I know when I see a lady. We can discuss your very interesting political ideas another time. But we first tell me can you cook and do you how to make xalwo kismaayo?


    Before I propose I want to know if you have any cuisinal skills.

  6. Dukey, you dont even try to hide your clanist mentality. You never said Yeey has failed the nation or all the iniatives back then were not genuine, while it was raining mortars in Muqdishu. But now that your uncle is a refugee in Yemen and another men sits on the high chairt, he all of a sudden has "failed" the nation and the TFG is not 'genuine'.


    Well good reason for Somali's to trust your judgement and your "sincere" wish to 'lead' them.


    My point has been proven. good day.

  7. I remember last time you posted such a thread was also about another USC leader attending a Puntland event. Duke, you were so excited back then that somebody acknowledged your existense. Now again your excited. :D


    But its ok, Somalia should acknowledge Puntland's achievements and Puntland should acklowedge who the real leader of Somalia is, Sh.Shariif and where the capital is, Muqdishu.

  8. I dont like the Siyadist regime on SOL. Its like nothing has changes since the Kacaan. Even the most political ideas from SOL'ers are backword clan ideas about bigger clan, and bigger clan territory.