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Originally posted by Twisted-AYeeYo: I am sorry to say this but the only fool i see in here is you my brother as these three individuals got nothing in common especially shaka zulu who sounds like an old fashioned but klown and mindstate i don't know that either as somany nomads in here sound alike. besides klown is not here no more so is mindstate wich makes your case weak.lol. Mobb_deeb you are not jealous of them, are you? they all seem nice young boys who managed to make a name for themselves in this forum wich is again why the likes of me and other females enjoy their company. you too sound like Nin-Yaaban, i was wondering if you was him or vice versa. [/QB] LooooooL @ Ayeeyo. yeah me too i don't think shaka zulu and clown and mindstate even sound alike to begin with, especially clown sounds very different form these two and shaka zulu sounds more like an african rather than a western as his english would suggest. shaka zulu lives in south africa while these two live in west coast of u.s so maybe mindstate and clown could be one person but then again if you closely look at their style of writing, they are clearly two different nomads and it is very hard for one to maintain writing differently from the other always. coming back to the topic Ayeeyo, yeah i saw you as a bully but since you have shown remorse i guess we can all forgive you and forget, but well said juxaa and yes we need to respect one another.
to respond to Juxa's mssg....I believe that things aren't always what they seem and that is how situations come about. I DO believe that we need to respect each other more but at the same time it does help to be cautious. There r some ppl that just don't know how to be a friend....or even an associate for that matter. I think we need to be more respectfull of our Nomads Juxa well said sis *clap *clap* i wonder why all the grls Like trippin' to da brothers ?
Originally posted by guleedyare: #5 canada ama west umad aan 18 jir waligeed dhaafayn ( wiil iyo gabar) [/QB] i agree wit ya gabar iyo hooyadeed isku cimri sheeganayaan qurbo aan ku arakay
u guys u cracked me up fo'sho afsomalgiina qatar cadiim waaaye adeerkeey inaa inii balimiyo waaye halmaalin lol Mahdi ...afsomaligaada.. is off the hook
Let's battle rookies
Lakkad aniga waxaa kula talin lahaa ..ninka naagta hamasafeesto ...hadee ogashahay waaba jaanis lacag aaba baaqaneeso
Miss lexus we'll human how come u call some one Like ya ur monkey do u beleive all the nigroes are monkeyz? if this is so then ur one of as coz we'll africanz do u know what dey say the white ppl ALL AFRICANZ THEY LOOK ALIKE B'COZ THEY'RE MONKEYZ
Miss lexus we'll human how come u call some one Like ya ur monkey do u beleive all the nigroes are monkeyz? if this is so then ur one of as coz we'll africanz do u know what dey say the white ppl ALL AFRICANZ THEY LOOK ALIKE B'COZ THEY'RE MONKEYZ
Miss lexus we'll human how come u call some one Like ya ur monkey do u beleive all the nigroes are monkeyz? if this is so then ur one of as coz we'll africanz do u know what dey say the white ppl ALL AFRICANZ THEY LOOK ALIKE B'COZ THEY'RE MONKEYZ
Miss lexus we'll human how come u call some one Like ya ur monkey do u beleive all the nigroes are monkeyz? if this is so then ur one of as coz we'll africanz do u know what dey say the white ppl ALL AFRICANZ THEY LOOK ALIKE B'COZ THEY'RE MONKEYZ
baasbaas saxiibow sheekadaada dadki dhan waa ku wareereern ..waxaan kadareey waaye duqa ....cajeero amxaari maa kasoo dharagtay sxb .....ayaga aa dadka baas daasad ugu miise sheekadada meel loo raaco uyeel duqa duqa b4 u log on S.O.L basbaas iska soo yaree
Doob dareen aadilay ........ magaca bilaash mauwadatid
Originally posted by CLOWN: Dude hawa wote wana taka mboro una sikiya so tandhika wote hata yangu....LOL! lakini usi umize sana ok? ! [/QB] LMAO beste wewe ni wazimu
saan cadaalad miyaa ?
well said juxa I'm with u now where's Nin yaaban?