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Everything posted by Xarago

  1. Qacbaro , waa ujeeda dhaqan celis ayad kusocota lakiin suashada waa mid mesha ku jidha. Horta sideedaba dani waxay ku jidha wax uu dan ah labadaqofood, ayatiin koda iyo dhalankooda hadi Illah (SWT) uu wax si yay. Horey aya waxa lo yidhi "nag ku rabta diriin wey kugu la sexaan". Aduunkan aan hadi nimiid ayad moda in ay dadki indha uu fudhen oo danwadagti laga tagey...marka sasabasho iyo xeelad dheraad ah ayey ka rabta qanciin. So kob nagti ku rabta wey kula gudh, midi aan ku rabiin de waa howlaheeda iyo danaha marakiibta.
  2. Xarago


    In-laws are usually a problem, lakiin Soomaalida waxay ku mah-mahda "ninka aad jeceshahey eygiisana wala jeclada" and also it should work in the other gender. Therefore if you love your partner and there is a common undertanding between the two of you there should be grounds were each of you can accomodate each others family, and ofcourse there should be border lines which you both set up. Ninka nagtiisa ugu taga hoyadey ayey wax ka maqliin, de ma asaga ya qabey nagta mise hooyadiis, waa sual? Inkasto oo ay dhibatada mid so jidheen ay tahey, Soomaaliyeey iska dulqata Hablayahow waxaad Illahey ka barisan in Sodohdiin noqon ti ilma 'baro' dhashey. Ayagi ayan qati billah ka jogna wa macala hoyaadood... Yan layga xuman inta dambe waa iga kaftan
  3. Originally posted by Xoogsade: Xarago. It is not like you gonna die if you get banned. You will find good use for your time I assure you. Biiqnimada iska dhaaf. Halke biqnimadeyda ku aragtey ma sheekada ayan hoos kugu dhigey.
  4. Originally posted by NGONGE: There was a time when the only answer a girl wanted to hear from her prospective husband was “ Yes, I love you, darlingâ€. Wa bila "I love you darling". Wa hodhe aya laga tagey waxaas saxiib. In this World today it is better to be safe than sorry. You love me ...I also love you very much darling....but lets do the test. That is the norm now. Having said that what am afraid of is if he plays away later after passing through all these test......russian roulette I guess. Unless we can find a lock which we have the keys only....how ideal that would be .. . Sorry to barge in am new in here...couldnt resist the temptation.
  5. Og-mooti saas kuma aqaan...oo wax aan kaga taliyo xaga bahhida garan mayaba...lakiin dhinaca Hargeysa waxaan kaga sheegi in ay tahey magalo qadhash yadh kana heli dontiid wax alale wixii aad uu bahatiid oo daruri ah..bahidada kale Illah aya og. Wa meel ay cimiladeda ay ku qanci doonta..taaso ku xidhan meesha aad ka dawafeysiid . Mid ayan kugula taliin laha lacagta aad qadaneysiid sarifkeeda yedhyadhe ( $ 5,10) uu baadi.Koleyba wey baxeysaye ayada oo yadh yadh ha baxdo. Waxaa kale oo iska ilalisa dhalisha inta aad magalada dhex jogtiid. Intaasi waxaan kugu daraye safar salama Allah ku nabad geeyo kuguna nabad so celsho meshi aad ka tagtey....amiin.
  6. Wagarey wagar...ma ana walan ayu yiiri ninki mise Cadan aya laga hesaya..! War wa maxay dadkani wada bufiska qaba...mise riwayaad ayey jilayaan...waaa yabe. Dawaco adiga thanx for the so dhaweynta wanagsan walal..! ee waxa ii saqey kuwa lagaso turey daaro korkood.
  7. ^^^ I would have told u were to stick them up...but am new and dont want to be seen as offensive, but u can have a wild guess what I mean. Shekey naac-naac ka baratey Allo ya uu sheega...isa dhaf saxiib tuuryo aad ku timid waku jeeda..baburtana iska si ilali gacan qabad ayad uu bahantaheye
  8. Hiya Lander, I would have said welcome but am also a new girl in the block. Fataxada ayan Fataxada kaga darsan ee raali ahow. So let me make use of this space and say Salama Caleykum w w to all sisters and brothers in here. I hope we have a smooth, ok some bumpy, ride through my journey in Somaliaonline.I have been a keen and vivid reader of this forum and I can say I know whose toes not to thread on . Kuligiin salan kaso go'dey kashka iyo labta nuuskoda (idin ma wada dhameystiri karo hada - saas ku raali ahada . Barasho wacan oo furan.
  9. well. even though i am not married yet, but i can feel the heat that many men have felt over the last 2 or so decades. this is mystery coz, it has became a norm for most Somali women to demand Big Weddings. i cannot think of just one simple reason why they do so. but i think it would have to do with female fantasies, like Miss x had such and such wedding and why not me. any way, i think some women just do ask for huge weddings to ripp off their patnter, and to me that is total deciet. whatever the reasons are i think the Answer to this whole debate lies with the couple who are about to marry and how smart they are to set perfectly their future family life.