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Everything posted by Xarago

  1. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Xarago, I love your Avatar And so you should . Which shows you can be something else and yet appreciate the betterment of others, unlike you who seeks and appreciates only by association.
  2. Originally posted by WarYaa DuDe: nice pictures saaxib. I would like to see a match between Puntland and Somaliland, that would be a hell of a game. Horta waxaa sual mudan intey Soomaaliye mid aheyd weli Gobolka Badhi wax maku guleystey ciyarihii gobolada?
  3. Dahabo Dowlo (note she added the nick 'dowlo' to her name after A/qasim was made president in Mogadishu) is an elderly lady and it was sad of her to write such and encounter. However on the other hand rumours making the rounds in Earls Court (London) says it is true that her accomploci in the net existed but that her version is not utterly true. It is said that the other party in her story threatened to reveal all that went on between them unless she meets his demands ( I have no idea what the demands were..but u can figure it out). What is ironic though is for someone like Dahabo who has teenage children to go into such net relation and to make it matters worse to reveal it in the end. Cause if you actually read her account of the events she has participated it in full acceptance. Somalida waxay ku duceysata 'Illahow ceebtana no qadhi'...waxa nasib dara ah in ay Dahabo ayada shiilka isaso dhigtey. All in all I stand by my position that the internet is abused by those who venture out to do so and who are like wise in real life it is not a detering factor,.
  4. Sheeko xadhidh iga dheh... If anything the folk tale is it is another way of discouraging somali women from the use of internet by unconfident somali men. Whatever gave you the idea that reason Somali women use the net is to get raped or laid beats my imagination. Further the scenario that you depict in the story is unrealistic.
  5. ^^^ I applaud you xogsade..for you far sight vision and rational understanding.
  6. Wadhyadha he anaga aya yaab aragney, de wixiinu ma san-dulis ba? Waxa idin idhi fidhiya si ficaana ii dhageysta.. ma i maqashaan, ok hadaba dhageysta, yusan hadalka idin dhafiin...uu fojignada.. Somaliland wey idin ka tashatey ii tashada. . Hadhow bey odhan wax leyma shegin..!
  7. Next is we wait untill the southerners solve their house as we did in the north. Then we will talk whether the unity they so make it sacred is valid. At the moment we have 8 presidents in Mogadishu, a regional dictatorial regime in northeast that is making all waves to destabalize S/land on tribal grounds (note not on nationalistic motives). And a World which wont recognise the secession of S/land untill the two parties that formed it are established and in order ( you dont have to be genius to figure out the one that is currently decadence). In the mean time anaguna nolosheen ayan iska sidhisaneyna ayaguna tuuryada ha wadan. Illah waxan ugu baryay in uu maslaaxo ka so sadho Nairobi oo ay noqoto midi ay konfur ku degi laheyd, dacdarada kuma dawan kadhno.
  8. Mida kale walal Basho waxan intaas kugu darey hadi qolodinaan reer Puntland aad ka weysan C/llahi Yusuf madaxtinimada lagu so doranayo Dofarey, hadalkiina ma ki hodhe ayu ahaney oo Somaliweyn doon mise dib ayaad dabada ula so noqon doonta Puntland oo qilafki iyo is jidh-jidhki ayaad halki kasi wadi doontan? Hadal kaan wax ka odho hada si aan meel ugu qodho oo aan beri kuso saro.
  9. Gabadha-og adigu aha qofki yidhi Somali is ethnic. Hence you can be from Thailand or even Chile you will still be Somali ethnically but of different national. In the case of Somaliland it is the name of the country and its citizens are called Somalis. Why is it called Somaliland cause its inhabitants are Somalis. And for your info Somaliland was the first country inhabited by Somalis to be independence and exist as nation untill we were so foolishly led by wider natinalism.
  10. Originally posted by Baashi: there will be Somalia (Wish us luck ) that sees Hargeisa as part of its domain (whether that is right or wrong, it is something we have to reckon). There are also something called International order and so far it agrees with choatic and anarchic Somalia (imagine Somalia that has a stable government). Good point Bashi we also wish in ay Soomaalida dowlad heshe. Lakiin waxaad manka ku heysa dowlada hada kaso socoto Dofarey in ay tahey mid ay ku midobayaan konfurta. Markaas kadiib ayey uu taala sidi ay ula xajoon laheyn waqoyiga. I hope that you dont assume the representatives from the north in Nairobi are genuine and that the out come of it will be a central effective government. Waxaad ogaata 14 sano ayan sugeyney dad kaso jeeda Konfur Soomaliaya oo dowlada matala oo aan uu sheegno in aan midnimadi aan aniga curiney 44 sano ka hodh in aan ka baxayno kadiib marki aan kala kulaney dhac, boob, kufsi iyo dadniimo xumo. Mida kale dadka ku hadaqaya midnimada Soomaaliland loma dhama waxaad ogataan dadku wey ka badna yihiin inta uu c/llahi yusuf qabiil ku dufsadey. Waxaan mantey amaan iyo sharaf Soomaaliland ku mudan tahey in aysan dagal ka dhalin S/land kudaheda oo aheyd sidi c/llahi yusuf uu qorsheysneyd . Soomalida waxay ku mahmahda "war jiira ba cakaru iman", Hada Soomaaliyey bal horta dowlaad so dhista kadiib ayan xisabtami. Waxaad ogaatan oo kale midnamadu san kalis mahii waa in ay ku timada raalinimo
  11. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Og-Girl you defended yourself well sis! The only difference I noticed was you are fighting for Somali unity, Huuno...! which world are you living in, or where you under dillussion over the last 14 years.?
  12. Wa shaaaash.....! Xogsade gadha yadhi aad qadhenka uu tahey maxaan uu dhimey anigu? Mida kale 'conflict' ma jidho halkani..ee doodu waxay aheyd Somali iyo Somalilander..jawabteydana waxaan ka bixiyay. Gabadhi 'yadhi' ayada aya bad kale nala adey. Naw...! de af-soomaliga hadi laga qadayo xasasiyaad anigu maxan a qaban kadha.
  13. ^^^ok Che Guevara...! Mida kale intaan wakugu ceeb : I have to tit tat with miss Qurac oops i mean monsieur. Aqoonta af-Soomaligana waa muhiim...I believe this is called www.somaliaonline and not www.Peruonline. Dooduna waxay ku xisabsantahey jinsiyada Soomaaliyeed. And I still fail to understand where you are at odds with my first post. Mise huba hubada ayad ka hesha.
  14. Originally posted by OG_Girl: Xarago, I don't understand Somali sister. Hadaba maxaad ku doodi..?
  15. Og-girl weliga ma maqashey 'xiin-fanin'. Just highlight where you disagree with my 'dood'.
  16. I dont think there is an adjective as such 'Somalilander', but beyond anydoubt there are Somalis from SOMALILAND like there are Somalis from Somalia, ******ia, NFD and Djibouti, and in the current neo-nationalism..eg. British, Canadian etc. Somalis. On the other hand for those who argue that it has no formal represantion and recognition please note that it is achievable, and that Somalinad Nation existed for five days prior to the unification with the south on our own accord, thus making it not subjective at the moment.
  17. ^^^ habarka badan duco ayu isku bedela, taas war ma u heysa..?
  18. 1) allergy = xasasiyaad, xajiin 2) sponsor = malgeliin, tageriid
  19. Originally posted by Feebaro: Xarago xanuun maleh..Yarta fiiri yaah baro aa buuryo ku sheegee..khandho hadee ku heyso barxada iskeen nooh..maxaa waye jiiradiin dheer aa naga soo galeysid. Looool...! Alla qosol badana...uguma horeysiid will yadh oo is yidhi khando ayad qabojiin kadha....ina adeer waayo aragniimo iyo xirfado aya ka dhimaan...uu kadi ha isaso dej-dejiin...shekadu af keliya uma bahne.
  20. Baro right is turning into a sect but Baro af-soomaliiga waxaa lo yaqaan 'buryada' ilmaha ku taal, sho waxan is idhi marka wa qoon weli ay buryadi ku taal..
  21. Originally posted by Otali: For the love of god: when will this stop? What happened to those innocent people on Jezira beach was despicable and unrefutable. It was evil but when will the ghosts of the past be left alone abd put to rest? It never will stop, simply cause the perpetrators of that crime are still free and part of the Somali political scenario still.
  22. Xarago = dressing smartly, chic.., stylish dhadhan = dumb Maandhow = son..eg: refering to a young boy (no necessarily your son). However it is rude to use it against an elder Qoron = ?
  23. Xarago


    I read Ngonge's posts with interest and are very entertaining especially 'boredom'. Lakiin waxaan kala fahmi wayay ninku in ay dacad ka tahey iyo in kale. In ay dhab ka tahey sheekadu amase sheeka xadhidh. Wax kasta ba ha ahate waa nin madadalo ku xeel dheer xaga hal aburkaan ku dhereya. Waxanse la yaba madhadhka oo sheekada reerkisa kuso daro..oo waxan is irah sho reerku ku kacsan yahey. Lakiin dhinaca uma eega ee waxan uu fasirta in ay ka tahey kajan. Dhankasta oo lo egaba ninkan Ngonge ah wuxuu mudan yahey bilaad xaga sheekoyiinka. Adna Ngongo ha is odhaan ujeedey ledahey ee waa iga aragti wax kale oo dher ma jidhan.