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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. The reality is any gunfire in baasooso will effect Boosaaso security. While what ever happen moqdisho is not even news any more. Honestly it will not help anyone, only civilian are dying. Those who fights there will be stronger both military and economically. Cabdilaahi yusuf goverment will not benifit with continue sporodic gunfire in moqdisho. with continue sporodic gunfire in moqdisho, the moqdisho news will dominate the news coming from Somalia and the control and capacity of TNG will be questioning around the world. this will undermind the TNG effort to get international help. This is why Abdilaahi yusuf critices the U.S support of Moqdisho warlods, taking the political risk involved. The only benifit could be, few days of absent propaganda, from powerfull moqdisho media with reporters in Baydhabo now.
  2. it is already in Minnesota with dish. very popular for many housewives.
  3. Waraabe, is not alone for this kind of emotional letters. Waraabe and his supports must admit they are failed. It is not too late for them to change the tone, but nothing seems to go their way.
  4. Puntland got problem. It does not seems Ade Muse have any solution. does rangers offer any incentives for sanaag or sool region? Than you do not have to fight whether a new airport should located Boosaaso or Garoowe.
  5. The whole thing is not funny. these are the leaders! I do not think the administration of somaliland is better. on record they do not built anything new for 15 years of claiming independent nation. it is very clear now those modish warlords do not want government, whether c/laahi yusuf as a president or somebody else. the question is can a government without their support will succeed? support means, to obey low and order and dismental their army. In other hand C/laahi yusuf do not take advantage the weakness of warlords. the government ministers cannot even make the news. They are not performing or Abdilaahi yusuf runs and finaces as small business of his own. Without the involvment of educated civilian. He got dilema and the nation is in dilema.
  6. xarago do you forget this has nothing to do somaliland. I sense you like this. The victum theory will not be end. Now your telling us Maxamed dheere is a victum!
  7. I think it is better news for Abdilaahi yusuf. let us see and wait if Yusuf Garad BBC ignore.
  8. Abdilaahi yusuf have promised to learn Arabic very fast. He have better reason to learn the may may dilect. talking about RRA market in laascaanood, in fact there is Xaafada Jareerweyn in Buuhoodle. It was started former soldiers who stack there when goverment colopsed.Than Housing booming more and more came for jobs.
  9. the moqdisho war are complicated than, a war between the warlords and the court. For example the warlords indhacade and seeraar are supporting the courts. It is basically war of interest. Caato want it stopped and his supporters are supporting the court. Indhacade and his group were benefiting the court increasing power and land grapping. Other warlords witnessed their power and land control shrink as day past. W ith the foreign money and involvement , the interest of the two groups colidated. The court deliberately calculated to crash Qanyare and make him example. That was very easy decision because he do not belong the two big tribes in the city. The most noticeable is Mohamed Dheere change of heart. He is worst and most dangerous. my heart is with poor civilian and Poor wadaadis recruited in the masjids who do not really known what is going on
  10. "Economic growth without social progress lets the great majority of people remain in poverty, while a privileged few reap the benefits of rising abundance." SomaliEconomist, Did you copy that line from the book? Back to topic, yaman or suudaan? something should be there.
  11. "and for Sumarai guy....i like kit-kat - but again it shows how devoid you are of reasoning n try to attack the messanger and not the message? IS caasho Yuusuf your eedo? No one chase me out of Xamar, I was there in 2004 and I am planning to go there this coming summer inshallah for a short vacation." Do not be too sure. I do not think anybody can be save there, unless someone intervene whether uncle “YeeY†or somebody else. A cat eats many of it is kittens before they grow up. You are not very smart if you think your faith in modish will be any different with those who fled before. For Togane, he should be empoloyed, very sad if he do not get job as his friend. if that his was last week poem, I will not surprise if he have another one this week. Although his poets rythmes his emotional poets badly prodict the future.
  12. "and for Sumarai guy....i like kit-kat - but again it shows how devoid you are of reasoning n try to attack the messanger and not the message? IS caasho Yuusuf your eedo? No one chase me out of Xamar, I was there in 2004 and I am planning to go there this coming summer inshallah for a short vacation." Do not be too sure. I do not think anybody can be save there, unless someone intervene whether uncle “YeeY†or somebody else. A cat eats many of it is kittens before they grow up. You are not very smart if you think your faith in modish will be any different with those who fled before. For Togane, he should be empoloyed, very sad if he do not get job as his friend. if that was last week poem, I will not surprise if he have another one this week. Although his poets rythmes his emotional poets badly prodict the future.
  13. The case is close, I think the best way to solve is traditional way. somali minneasota are great. Best community in west, no doubt about it. Very different both EU and Canada. The community is very large, still very united. You never notice divisions between somali communities. I understand the anger, about this case Unfortunately Some individual decided to create truoble in the community. a small minority with their news paper and radio never stopp their attack and accusation.
  14. medaroter. miskiin macruuf." First I do not understand, why a topic named “child rapist†is this section. Secondly, It is basically an attack an individual whether his guilty or not. Third, it is my right to defend anyone. However I apology for Rowda. I am a traditional nomad, very soft for females. I had mistaken her for somebody else. In other hand Rowda must understand, I know that there were market in Hargeysa where majority of visitors come from west Somalia which locals called “doqon mawaayeâ€. Not only that but let alone labeling "doqomo" the 24 mall visitors is not fare. this was rowda comment. "Last I checked the Somali Mall was not the gathering place for the intellectuals in fact they are called Doqoma waaye. " this is my respond, "Interesting that you consider intellectual by yourself and others here including me! Do not you think that is not intelligent comment? The case is now the forum adm. I can definitely say you are doqon"
  15. the story could different as you may read hadhwanaagnews.com this is idmaale version Abwaan Maxamuud Ciise Cabdullahi Sangub oo isagu ah Abwaan Soomaaliyeed oo aad Qaali u ah ayay Waxmagarato Maangaab ahi u Dhigeen Shirqool ay kula dagaalamayaan balse ku guuldaraystay, iyaga oo dhinaca kalena ku Guulaystay in ay Cuqdada iyo xumaanta ku jirta banaanka soo dhigaan. Posted to the Web Jan 05, 04:43 Abwaan Maxamuud Ciise Cabdullahi Sangub oo isagu ah Abwaan Soomaaliyeed oo aad Qaali u ah ayay Waxmagarato Maangaab ahi u Dhigeen Shirqool ay kula dagaalamayaan balse ku guuldaraystay, iyaga oo dhinaca kale ku Guulaystay in ay Cuqdada iyo xumaanta ku jirta banaanka dhigaan. Abwaan Sangub ayaa ah isagu nin ay Soomaalinimadu ku dheertahay,hal'abuur badan, kaftan badan, sheeko badan,xigmad madan, lehna Taariikh lama ilaawaan ah iyo sumcad uu Soomaalida dhexdeeda ka kasbaday. Waxmagaratadan abwaanka shirqoolka u shigtay ayaa iyagu Horay calankeenii Soomaaliyed ugu gubay Caasumada Labaad ee Soomaaliya waa Hargaysee, iyaga oo Marwalba la dabataagan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo Waxgaradkoodaba hagardaamo iyo dhibaatayn. Abwaan Maxamuud Cabdullaahi Ciise Sangub ayaan shaki ku jirin in uu Mudan yahay Bilad Dahab ah, ama Halyeey Qaran taasoo uu ku mutaystay Midnimada Soomaaliyeed ee uu u dagaalamo Maalinwalba. Abwaanka ayaa horey u sheegay in weerar lagu yahay oo ay dabasocdaan niman uu laba xaas ah ka qabo, isagana dhalay isaga oo kaga dalbday TV Soomaalida oo dhami ay Dunida Dacaleeda ka daawanaysay, in ay ka haraan Maadaama aanu ladagaalamikarayn oo uu Naskoodiina jaqay, Caruurna ay u dhaleen. Abwaanka ayaa ku guda jiray Riwaayad uu doonayay in uu ka dhigo 17states oo Dalka Maraykanka ah, taasoo uu ugu talagalay in uu wixii ka soo baxa ugu tabaruco Dawlada federaalka ah ee Soomaaliyeed, waxa uu dhinaca kale Marwalba u taagnaa Midnimada Soomaaliyeed, isaga oo Cambaarayn dusha uga tuuray nimankii Gubay Calankii Soomaaliyeed ee isaga Maanta dabataagan. Abwaanku waxa uu Taageero aan kala harlahayn siiyay Jeneraal Maxamed Cali samatar oo ah Jeneraal Umada Soomaaliyeed Sharaf iyo Magac ku leh, oo ay waxmagaratada maanta Sangub daba socdaa ay isku dayeen in ay shirqool dacwo ku soo oogaan balse ku guuldaraystay. Shirqoolka Abwaanka loo dhigay ayaa ah mid lagu qoslo oo maanta hadii ay ahaan lahayd Dalkeenii Hooyo, uu qofkii dacwadaa la yimaada Xabsi ku mutaysan lahaa, maadaama ay tahay waxaan Macquul ahayn, taasoo ahayd in abwaanku uu faraxumeeyay inanyar oo 10 jir ah, 10sanadood ka hor, taasoo ah wax aan inaba wax ka jirin. waxaana Hubaala in aysan Hargaysa ka go'ayn Soomaaliya inteeda kale, lanana xisaabtami doono Maamul Goboleedka Soomaaliland ee Waqooyiga Soomaaliya, arinkaasoo ah tay ku dabasocdaan Abwaanka oo ah nin aan Marnaba Ogolayn qaadanayna kala Goyn Soomaaliyeed. Abwaanku waxa uu horay u sameeyay Xaflado uu ku Taageerayo Gobolada Hoostaga Ismaamulka Itoobiya ee ********ya isaga oo u muujinayay Sida loogu baahanyahay Madaxbanaanidooda, iyo Midnimadii Soomaaliya oo soo noqota. Taariikhda Abwaan Sangub oo Kooban Abwaanku Magaalada Hargaysa ayuu 1944-tii ku dhashay, hase yeeshee Sangub wuxuu ku bar-baaray magaalada Dhagax Buur. Marka laga bilaabo shan jirkiisii ayuu xagga fanka u hilloobiddiisii ay ku soo baxday, waxaana uu caan ku noqday dhallinyaranimadiisii cayaarta loo yaqaano dhaantada. Maxamuud Cabdullaahi Sangub 1961-dii ayuu tagey magaalada Muqdisho xarunta Soomaaliya, waxaana uu xilligaas ka mid noqday fannaaniintii Radio Muqdisho. Maxamuud markii hore waxa uu fanka ku bilaabay cayaaraha ka sokow xagga gabayada. Sangub riwaayadiisii ugu horraysay ee uu bandhigo waxaa lagu magacaabi jiray ?Naga Guur? oo loogu talo galay gumaystihii Ingiriiska. Sannadkii 1964-tii Sangub waxa uu allifay riwaayad la magac baxday ?la mood noqonse wayday?. 1966-kiina riwaayaddii caan baxaday ee ?Yaxaas dhaga-duub? ayuu Sangub sameeyay. Dhinaca jacaylka, 1970-tanaadkii ayuu riwaayadihii caan baxay ku bandhigay meelo fara badan oo dhulka Soomaliya ka mid ah. Riwaayadahaas oo ay ka mid ahaayeen ?Qabrigii Jacaylka? , ?Xuud baa liqay Jacaylkii? iyo ?Xuskii Jacaylka?. Sangub riwaayadahaas caanka baxay ee jacaylka ka sokow waxa uu sameeyay dhawr riwaayadood oo waddani ah, waxaa la soo qaadi karaa riwaayaddii ?Xorriyo nin gayaa ha guursado?, ?Waa maadays adduunyadu dadkuna way matalayaan? , ?Gari ma kaa baxdaa? iyo ?Isuma qaddo?. Sangub waxaa lagu tiriyaa amaba uu yahay abwaanka Soomaaliyeed ee xagga riwaayadaha ugu badan. Xilligii qaxa iyo dagaalada sokeeye ka dib Sangub waxa uu sameeyay riwaayado kale oo ay ka mid tahay ?Ummad wada qooqaa wax u qaybi leeyahay?, ?Halkii Qoontu ku taalley dhakhtarkii qali waa?, ?Qabyo? iyo ?Abbiil ma leh?. Heesaha waddaniga ah ee caanka ah oo lagu xusuusto waxaa ka mid ah heesta lagu magacaabo ?nin ku siray wax kuu sheeg? oo hobollada Waaberi ee qaranku ay qaadeen iyo mid kale oo lagu magacaabo ?Yaan Ismiit?. Hadaba waxmagaratada aan Soomaali waxba ka aqoon ee Cuqdada Xaasidka Xumaanta, dagaal doonka , iyo Jaa'ifaynta umada Soomaaliyeed la dabataagan goormaa lala xisaabtami doonaa ?. Idamaale News Â
  16. "Last I checked the Somali Mall was not the gathering place for the intellectuals in fact they are called Doqoma waaye. " Interesting that you consider intellectual by yourself and others here including me! Do not you think that is not intelligent comment? The case is now the forum adm. I can definitely say you are doqon
  17. castro read my lips. was not that your friend Mr Bush comment?
  18. "Duufaan, What is it you know that makes you so sure that the outcome will be as u stated? mind sharing?" Well, I just met him the 24 somali mall. As far as I known the girl is not twenty year old. she was not child and she is not now. it is all about the "yac" comments he made last year. He is minnesota with many supporters. He also wrote new play which coming soon.
  19. this is very ugly and it will hurt hard mostly girl's relative and those behind her. It is political motivated and Somali people in Minnesota are united and against the plot against the legend
  20. Tosly Well, Well, it is difficult to change. We are year 2006 and many things changed since 1991. Your mental gift is in the dark place. Too much hate and too much loneliness hurts one’s healthy an ability. Look forward the great Somalia and see yourself in the middle. You either come a winning political formula for Somalia and support it or you stop hating those who hardly trying to bring back, the lovely country of Somalia. I understand, politically you belong the scenianist in the north, very backward minority agenda. It will probably hard for you to grasp the mainstream of Somalia political spectrum. The election of Abdilaahi yusuf was a big surprise for you, in the first place and what comes next will only surprise you. Even Riyaale have been noticed
  21. Good news indeed, It does not matter if the shariif is a big player or not. We do not realy seen any intrest for moqdisho many warlods to accept law and order. For Economic intrest, they may move road blocks for while and bring back when they want. However I think the President had made good choice. it is worth it. For now he will not be blamed. the timing is maybe better now than before, he showed he is though and now he show he can compromise either somalia will be back or Moqdisho warlods will be more reacher and powerfull with money coming to moqdisho. Whit few weeks honeymoon Moqdihso warlods will play their endless games. now the success much depedent on what goverment does in moqdisho, the national army creation and how the goverment reaches the rest of country. The world support is expected to be minimum, speacially west
  22. The man of year, could be anyone. in the western style it is who was most written Although I agree camir fasinated web visitors. he is not a household name for somalis. the names are 1) Abdilaahi yusuf hated for many people, surprised many people to became the transitional president 2) Shariif unknown Khad trader became the leader of anti goverment in moqdisho. Very strong, surprised both friends and fow 3)Geedi, the animal doctor, entred political with age of sixthy. remain loyal with any breakthrough 4) yuusuf Garaad. a paroind person, a war with his survival and his tribe survival. so far so good 5) Bare Hiiraale. Strong. managed to control kismaanyo for 6 years and lately changed to a peace maker
  23. The world put hold the finacial support, promised to give Somali government. That will be change what ever happen. Other than that, when it comes moqdisho and surrounded area, it will be always difficult with warlords and their militia. Abdiqaasim group will be very important, it is most influatial group in the city an d undertand better the rolle of goverment. Abdilaahi yusuf must win the support of this group.
  24. It may be some agreement. The difficult will remain for long time. These warlords cannot be count for. However it will great victory for Abdilaahi yusuf and his group, few days ago the old man had Zero money and the host warlord maxamed dheere was trebling him. Three events changed things with his favor. The small Chinese money, kario confers with help of Somali embassy there and the new fight of moqdisho warlords. This agreement will help much needed finical support. The 26 million, Arab money, is first target.
  25. Shariif left Nairobi alone hastily. The news alarmed modisho. The voice of Hornafric radio reporter is quit exposed. hornafrik.com/