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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. marwo wax ceeb layidhaahdaa majirto. SSC horey umasoconayso hadaan sigaara looceebayn kuwo hunguriga xun. waa inaan iyaga kabiloowno. more will be come!
  2. Hambalyo Iyo Taageero Waafi Ah Oo Ku Socota Golaha Khusuusiga SSCayn Ee Dhawaan Lagu Doortay Buurawadal Written by Jidbaale.com Friday, 19 March 2010 17:47 London(Jidbaale.com) Jaalliyadda SSCayn ee ku dhaqan midowga boqortooyada ingiriiska, waxay baaq taageero ah u dirayaan golaha khusuusiga ee gobolada SSC ee iyagu sida wadajirka ah u ansixiyey hogaankii SSC ee lagu soo doortay magaalada madaxda wadanka Kenya, madaxdana uu ka yahay Saleebaan Xaglotoosiye iyo ku xigeenkiisa. Waxaa kaloo ay Jaalliyada SSC ee nool wadankan ingiriisku hambalyo iyo taageero u dirayaan dhamaan xubnaha loo doortay golaha khusuusiga ee beelaha SSC iyo weliba gudoomiyaha golaha khusuusiga mudane Col. Cabdirisaaq Gacamey. Waxaanuna u rajaynayaa gudoomiyaha golaha khusuusiga ah, xubnaha golaha khusuusiga iyo dhamaan hogaanka SSC inay iska kaashadaan hawlaha baaxadda weyn ee inoo yaalla, midnimo, isu calool fayoobaan iyo wada shaqayn daacadnimo ku salaysan baanu idiin rajaynaynaa, ilaahayna ha idin fududeeyo. Ugu dambayntii waxaa baaqan ku saxeexan qaar ka mid ah jaalliyadda SSC ee ku dhaqan wadanka Ingiriiska, waxaana ka mid ah:
  3. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: quote:Originally posted by A_Khadar: At least thier cuqdada wouldn't be agaist who really they are but may be towards to those they have issue with. You guys run a ways from Somalis, your own ethnicity and want be Oromo or Xabashi or who knows.. Interesting if we are running away from our Ethnicity why would we call our self’s Somali land because it is the colinal name , what else?. Remeber you were British protected tribes before dervish liberated you from the colonial and you benefited more than anybody the dervish fought.
  4. Ayuob is a male name? right! but are you a female Just to know who we are dealing to.
  5. Dhib majirto soomaali baad kamid tihiin. Waqtiga lajoogo dhakso laascaanood ugu taga. How I can come your friend because I like somalia.
  6. the website has new imformation about this man. Dib u Sixid Warkii Max'ud X, Cumar Camay Thursday, March 18, 2010 War xalay ku soo baxay Shebekeda Wararka ee SSC Horufadhi.com oo ku saabsanaa In Maxamuud Xaaji Cumar Camay uu galay Hargaysa isla markaana xil u raadshey Wiil uu adeer u yahay. Hadaba markii Baadhitaan dheer la sameeyey ayaa waxaa shebekedu ku ogaatey in uu Caaqilku Joogo magaalada Burco asaga iyo Baabul oo ah ninkii la sheegay in uu wasiirnimo la raadinay, Warku wuxuu intaas ku darayaa in aysan halkaas u tegin arimo Siyaasadeed ee ay u gaadheen Arimo qoys oo ay ka mid yihiin Dhaxlid iyo Iibin hanti halkaas ka taala Qoyskaas. Waxaa goob joogihii ku sugnaa Hargaysa uu u dhigay in ay labada odey u socdeen jago raadsi taasoo wax ka soo noqdeen ka dib markii la xaqiijiyey in aysan u socon Hargaysa ee ay ka soo noqonayaan Burco. Warbixinta Weryuhuna uu ka soo xigtay dad ku sugan Hargaysa kuwaasoo u qaatay in maadaba Nin reer Camay ah yimid Burco uu u soo socdo Hargaysa. Isku soo wada duubo dhamaan dadkii aan la xidhiidhnay kuna sugnaa Hargaysa iyo Burco waxay xaqiijiyeen in uu Caaqil Maxamuud X, Cumar joogo Burco. Horufadhi.com
  7. This case, they do not and you will see the days coming. They already signed the creation of khusuus and each one of them selected one candidate. Simply they cannot go against the khusuus they created. Not acceptable for the people of SSC.
  8. Faroole is expert bribing scc elders and others who works for him. But Local people so no, yesterday, it was buuhoodle and today Buurwadal. These garaads damaged their repetion for good.
  9. When he was garoowe he said "shirka buurwadal puntland ayaa lagu burburinayaa" hada muxuu hargeysa kadhihi? somaliland baa laburburinayaa? This kind behavior will not work any more.
  10. I remember the beginning of SNM. It started Howd by killing ssc and onlf civilian to mobilize support for their clan and it worked for that situation. SSC got what it need and do not need to start from beginning. it wiil not take even few days when bribing is no longer working. Faroole is expert bribing but this time, his making big mistake. Going Buurwadal, will be his end. He do not get it, these garaads in Graawe will not help him.
  11. Nothing can stop, this movement. the movement has established a base. It will continue struggle for a while but it will get stronger. In order to reach it is goals the movement must to bocame ugly dealing these groups. It may follow the footstep others before them.
  12. This is not new building either, it is old building which is painted. The money is probably come from the two road blocks in the city. Somaliland should save any money they have and spend health imformation in Hargeysa because the deadly deases is spreading faster than any place else in horn
  13. Somaliland people are poorest people in somalia and always been. I have been Hargeysa, people are begging you in everywhere, it does not matter if they know you or not. In Hargeysa inlation and unemployment are high. most people live for shaxaad. Somaliland have nothing to offer for the people of SSC. Those UN agency based on Hargeysa has nothing to do with somaliland. Tell us where somaliland get the wealthy? They do not have farmers and livestock.
  14. Most of U.S universities are run by religion organisations. They sent their kids to their schools too. public school is another option for evrybody. there is really not very much to distinguished, whether it's liberal universities or a christan university. if you understand what liberal means in the west.
  15. Ninka isku sheega wasiirka arimaha Gudaha ee S/Land oo qorshayaal ka wada Sool (Laascanod) 10.02-10 Sida ay widhwidh online ku heshay war war lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa maalimhii ugu danbeeyay wasiir ku sheega beelaha dirta waqooyi uu ka wadahay howlo fara badan huteelka uu degan yahay ee Xamdi Hotel. Ninkan oo lagu naanayso Mr Ciro ayaa wuxuu la yimid lacag kor u dhaafaysa 150.000 (Boqol iyo Konton Kun oo doolar) si uu u wanjalo bayaankii Garaadada SSC ay ku soo sareen tuulada Buuro wadal ee gobolka SOOL. waxaa la sheegay inuu habeen walba halkaas kula shiro odayaal lagu sheegay cuqaal aan dareen lahayn kuwaas oo loo sheegay in la dhisayo golaha cuqaasha gobolka musharna loo qori doono si looga hor keeno Isimadii soo saaray go'aanada. Isku soo wada duuboo waxaynu sugnaaba waa ku dhawaaqida golaha Cuqaasha ee gobolka Sool oo idiidin u noqon doona Jabhada Somaliland ee Soomaalida neceb. waxaanse la ogaan karin sida nimankaasi ugu dhex noolaan doonaan shacabka gobolka oo hada iska soo taagay maamulka SNM una dulqaadan doonin wax danboo dhibaato ah. Waxaana la filayaaa in maalmaha soo socda magaalada ka dhacaan dibad baxyo lana sugayo in ciidamadii xorayn lahaa gobolka si dhakhso ah uga dhex dhasaan magaalada Laascaanood. The game is over in laascaanood, it is matter of time, whether it will be bloody or peacefull.
  16. What a good news, none stop from Nariobi to Hargeysa!. Because Buhudle strip is done, they will probably not make any money, than you could go direct from Nariobi to Buhodle.
  17. He want say, the man is goat seller.
  18. It is Melazawi who runs, both places and you known it. Riyaale never change his professional. Malazawi trust to him. The political vacuum of Abdilaahi Yusuf, he is the Malazawi man. Malazawi had meeting both the vice presedent of puntland Abdisamed Ali Shire and the former Afqudhac and he imformed them. Nothing secret
  19. wali majoogno markaan dhihijirney "**** xun". You can go golkhatumo.com and xine xiirey is there. he is very funny!
  20. Go to afnugaal.com pro xaabsade, pro somaliland website Than taleex.net pro Abdisamed Ali Shire, pro puntland. And you will find same story.
  21. Groowe used to be Darwiish head quarter. It used to belong to SSC and they have have right be there.
  22. is not the time, moonlight poeple to pay the women liability with thier new richness?
  23. is not the time, moonlight poeple to pay the women liability with thier new richness?
  24. is not the time, moonlight poeple to pay the women liability with thier new richness?
  25. The history is repeating itself. You known kids never leave a mad man alone in Somalia but after a while when he got angry they end up crying. These is how the people used to characterize the conflict between SSC people and the former British protected tribes. Is the mad man getting angry and kids will cry again