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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. The faroole camp already not confident as yesterday, the logic we support the somali goverment only if someone from SSDF clan in top post is redicoulous. if faroole refuse the outcome of the election, the national goverment is obligaited to deal faroole forcefully.
  2. the group is celebrating ones agian a premuture victory, as always this one also will be short.
  3. My assesment is more realistic than your emiosional assesment. the world will not end if Abdiweli does not win, blame faroole. if you care one block more than another block why not support Famaajo. He is one of best candidate, best hope for somalia.
  4. this more like the oil thing which ended dissapoinment. Abdiweli is not going to win, he lost when he sided with Faroole. Abdiweli win is faroole win and every understand that. Farmaajo is more strong candidate than him, Why he is going to win,but do not worry faroole will carry for PM post even if sharif wins block will not ellect him Majority of block will not vote for him Majority of block will not vote for him The dicplined vote will be splitted The others vote will be splitted.
  5. Ciidamadii somaliland oo isaga guurey nawaaxiga buuhoodle, kadib markii ay ku adkaatey iney sii joogaan, xagle toosiyina kadhigtay face saving. Halka kadaawo maxaabiistii soomaaliland oo lasiidaaayey oo khaatumo state sii daysey http://www.lasanod.com/details.php?num=7908
  6. Ergadii uu Faroole Qortey kana soo jeedey Khaatumo ayaa maanta Diyaaradii laga reebey. Garoowe(Allssc) Waxaa maanta ka duuley magaalada Garoowe xubno gaadhaya 35 xubnood ka mid noqonaya gudiga ansixinta dastuurka ee ka socda maamulka Farole. Ergadan Maamulka Faroole oo baryahan ka tagnaa muran weyn ka dib markii uu faroole damcey in uu isagu isku dayo in maroorsado soo xulida gudigan. Faroole ayaa soo gudbistey 104 xubnood oo isagu soo xulay ayna ku jiraan 25 xubnood oo ka soo jeeda asal ahaan deeganada Khaatumo. Liiskan Faroole soo qortey ayaa waxaa ganafka ku dhuftey Dowlada Somaliya iyagoo faroole u sheegey in uu faraha kala baxo soo xulidda ergooyinka taasoo loo igmadey in ay soo xulaan madax dhaqameedyada Somaliyeed. Faroole ayaa la hor dhigey heshiiskii saxiixayaashii road mapka taasoo sheegaya in odayaasha ay xaq u leeyihiin in ay soo xulaan ergadda ansixinta taasoo Faroole uu wax ka saxiixey. Dhawaan ayaa wafdi uu hogaaminayo Wasiirka Ganacsiga DFKM ay soo gaareen Garoowe si ay ugu qanciyan Faroole in joojiyo qaska kuu ku dawo soo xulida ergadan iyagoo ugu hanjabey in uu ka mid noqonaya qaswadayaasha hadii uu ku adkeysto in uu soo xulo ergadaas. Waxaa ka soo degay garoonka muqdisho wafdi ka kooban 45 xubnood iyadoo Garoowe lagaga soo tegay xubnihii uu macaan jecesha ahaa ee ka soo jeedey Khaatumo kuwaas oo gaadhayey ilaa 25 xubnood iyagoo lagu sasabey waa la idin soo noqonayaan. Xubnahan macaan jecesha ah ayaa waxay hadeer ku sugan yihiin Garoowe iyagoo la fileyn in tagaan magaalada Muqdisho. Waxaan idiin soo gudbin doonaa magacyada xubnaha macaan jecesha ah ee ka soo jeeda deeganka Khaatumo iyagoo la doonayo in loo soo adegsado in ay fur fur iyo qas ka bilaabaan deeganada Khaatumo. Cismaan Qandala Garoowe allssc@allssc.com
  7. I am very sure this is not Xaglatoosiye last move. There is not much Puntland can offer him too. The sooner Khaatumo neighbor land release to concentrate their own business the better for them.
  8. Raysal Wasaarihii Hore Ee Somalia Maxamed C/laahi Farmaajo War Saxaafadeed ( PRESS RELEASE) Ujeedo: Jawaab ku aadan warbixintii ay soo bandhigeen guddiga Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan kormeerida Soomaaliya. 1- Waxaan soo dhawaynayaa warbixintii kasoo baxday gudiga kormeerayaasha qaramada midoobay u qaabilsan baaritaanada ku aadan musuqmaaqa ee arrimaha Soomaaliya, taasoo aan u arko inay tahay mid anfici doonta jiilalka dambe ee Soomaalida. 2- Waxaan kaloo aad ugu faraxsanahay sida faahfaahinta dheer leh ee ay gudigu isugu hawleen inay soo helaan kiisaska ku aadan mususmaasuqa, kuwaasoo intooda badan sidii la rabay daaha looga rogay. 3- Baaritaannada la sameeyay oo aan ogahay in wakhti dheer iyo dadaalba lagu bixiyay waxay intooda badan ku guulaysteen inay soo helaan marxalada dhabta ah ee ay Soomaaliya marayso, taasoo ay ahayd mar hore inay shacabka Soomaaliyeed ogaadaan. 4- Waxaan ku boorrinayaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed inay akhriyaan oo si qoto dheer u fahmaan dhammaan qodobada warbixintan oo ay tahay in si fiican dadka loogu turjumo. Mawqifkayga ku aadan Musuqmaasuqa Tan iyo markii aan bilaabay inaan ka shaqeeyo nidaam dawladeed laga soo bilaabo 1993 oo aan la shaqaynayay dawlada hoose, tan dhexe iyo tan gobolka ee New York, kana shaqaynayay ilaalinta xuquuqda dadka laga tiro badanyahay, waxaan waligeey ku dadaali jiray oo ay ogyihiin intii ila soo shaqaysay inaan ka hortago musuqmaasuqa oo aan ku dadaalo ilaalinta xuquuqda iyo daryeelka dadweynaha. Waxaan bartilmaameedsanayay inaan Soomaaliya u soo celiyo sharftii iyo karaamadii ay ku dhex lahayd bulshada caalamka, anigoo bilaabay inaan Soomaaliya gaarsiiyo dhanka maamul wanaaga wadamada horumaray, tan iyo markii ay xilka Ra’iisul wasaarennimo aan qabtay sannadkii 2010ka. Dhisitaanka nidaamka Dawladnimo ee Soomaaliya Markii aan la wareegay xilka December 2010ka, Waxaan bilownay shaqo adag oo ay igala qaybgaleen dhammaan ummada Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaanna golihii xukuumadda. 1- Waxaan ansixinay miisaanayad sannadeedka qaranka oo ahayd tii ugu horreysay ee muddo 20 sano ah, baarlamaanka la mariyo. 2- Waxaan dib u bilownay mushaaraadkii dhammaan shaqaalaha dawlada, gaar ahaanna ciidamada qaranka oo markaas ay haysatay duruuf adag oo ay ugu horreyso mushaar la’aan raashin la’aan, daawo la’aan iyo hub la’aan, iyadoo aan bilownay daryeel guud oo aan siinayno ciidamada oo ay kamid tahay musharaadka xataa loo bilaabay dhammaan qoysaskii askartii ku geeriyooday dagaallada ay dawladu kula jirtay kooxaha kasoo horjeeday. 3- Waxaan bilownay xoojinta ciidamada sirdoonka Soomaaliya, taasoo yaraysay qaraxyadii ka dhacayay Muqdisho, horseedna u noqotay in la jabiyo kooxihii kasoo horjeeday dawlada. 4- Waxaan joojinnay diyaaradaha khaaska ah ee ay horay u qaadanjireen madaxdii naga horreysay, taasoo ay sannadkii malaayiin lacag ah Soomaaliya uga khasaari jirtay, annagoo ku badalnay in madaxda dawladu marka ay safrayaan ay raacaan diyaaradaha shacabka, si loo badbaadiyo hantida qaranka. 5- Waxaan yaraynay safarradii madaxda dawlada, marka laga reebo kuwa lagu fursan waayo, waxaanan lacag u qoondaynay safarrada masuuliyiinta dawlada oo awal ay bixin jireen hay’adaha qaramada midoobay, si loo adkeeyo madaxbannaanida Soomaaliya iyo qarannimadeeda. 6- Waxaan dib u dhisnay taleefishinkii qaranka oo muddo labaatan sano ka badan aan hawada soo galin, taasoo aan u isticmaalnay inaan shacabka u marino farriimaha wadaninnimada, keentayna markii dambe in dhammaan dadweynihii caasimadu ay ugu istaageen si iskood ah inay ula dagaallamaan kooxahihii dawlada kasoo horjeeday, ayna si toos ah isugu xirmeen shacabka iyo dawlada. 7- Waxaan Dayactirnay oo qalabaynay Isbitaalka Martiini oo lagu xannaanaynayay ciidamadii dalka soo difaacay ee ku dhaawacmay dagaalladii Soomaaliya ay la gashay wadamada dariska, kuwaasoo ay dawladu u soo celisay daryeel buuxa iyo xuquuqda ay ku lahaayeen dalkooda. Anigoo hal meel ah aan ku soo wada koobi karin waxyaabihii ay qabatay xukuumadeenii mudadii 6-da bilood ahayd , waxaan arrimahaas dhowrka ah uga taabtay in dhammaan waxyaabihii noo qabsoomay ay ku yimaadeen dagaalkii aan kula jirnay musuqmaasuqa, taasoo keentay in lacagihii markii hore ku dhici jiray jeebabka masuuliyiinta lagu qabtay adeegyo shacabku ay u baahnaayeen, iyadoo sidoo kalana horseeday kalsooni inay shacabku siiyaan dawlada. Waxaana xusid mudan in dawlad wanaagii aan wadada u xaarnay inuusan socdeen haddii uu jiri lahaa musuqmaasuq. Jawaabta igaga aadan warbixintii qaramada midoobay Warbixinta nuqul kamid ah ayaa soo qaadanaya magacayga oo oranaya “ Ra’iisul wasaare C/wali Gaas ayaa u sheegay gudiga baarista in lacag dhan 3.5 milyan oo dollar oo kamid ah lacagtii ay dawladda Imaaraadka carabtu ugu deeqday Soomaaliya, aysan soo gaarin oo ay lunsatay xukuumadii Farmaajo”. 1- Qofkii si fiican u akhriyay warbixintaas wuxuu dareemi karaa inaysan jirin wax eedayn ah oo gudigaasi uu xukuumadaydii ku soo oogay. 2- Sida ku xusan isla warbixintana waxaa lagu sheegay inaanan wax waraysi ah la igala yeelan arrinkaas, maadaama aysan guddigu arrintaas wax iga waydiinna taasi waxay muujinaysaa in gudigu ay waayeen cadayn ay ku qancaan, taasoo keeni lahayd in la ila soo xiriiro. 3- Sida warbixinta lagu sheegayse waxaa jira eedayn ka timid walaalkey Ra’iisul wasaaraha C/wali Maxamed Cali Gaas oo wasiirna ka ahaa xukuumadaydii, isla markaana aan nahay saaxiib gaar ah, anigu ma aaminsani in eedayntaasi ka timid C/wali amaba ay tahay wax suuroobi kara, sidaa awgeed waxaan codsanayaa in mudane C/wali uu arrinkaas daahfuro uuna shacabka Soomaaliyeed u soo bandhigo haddiiba ay jiraan cadaymo muujinaya in lacag intaas dhan ay ku maqantahay dhankayga, hadii uusan hadalkaa oranna uu shacabka u cadeeyo, waxaan ogahay in C/wali uu yahay nin aan muddo dheer aan is naqaanay, oo og halka aan ka taaganahay musuqmasuqa iyo lunsashada hantida qaranka, waxaan kaloo idiin cadaynayaa inuu kamid yahay dadka aan aadka u qadariyo oo laga yaabo xogta warbixinta ku qoran in lagu been abuurtay. Gabogabo Dagaalka aan la galnay musuqmaasuqa xilligii xukuumadii Tayo, waxaan aaminsanahay inuu laf dhabar u ahaa guulihii aan ka gaarnay dhinacyada dawlad wanaagga, guulihii ciidamada, koboca dhaqaale iyo siyaasadaba, taasoo igu abuurtay inaan dareemo in shacabkaygu u baahanyahay inaan sii wado shaqadii hakadka gashay, waana midaas tan igu kalliftay inaan isu soo taago xilka madaxweynenimo ee dalka, si aan idin kugu hogaamiyo cadaalad, sinnaan, midnimo, Soomaalinimo iyo Islaamnimo, taasoo noo suura galin doonta dhammaanteen innagoo gacmaha is haysanna inaan ka gudubno dhibaatooyinka dalkeena soo wajahay 20-kii sano ee la soo dhaafay. Waxaan ilaahay uga rajaynayaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed inay helaan hogaan caadil ah oo kasoo saara dhibaatada dalka haysata iyo doorasho ku dhacda si xaq ah. DHAMAAD. By: Maxamed C/laahi Farmaajo mukhtaar@allssc.com
  9. How I know khaatumo is successful, just see the reaction from Faroole supporters, Moonlight and kids. Faroole and Somaliland spent 6 million dollars to defeat Khatami and divide khaatumo community, often paying khaatumo proxy militia and corrupted and unemployed khaatumo citizens. Even join military attack in Tukoraq. Khaatumo success 1) Forced Somaliland back to Somalia after intensive international campaign, closed all doors for the separate group 2) Sidelined faroole politically and destroyed his chances becoming a Somali president with all effort and money he spent 3) Help rewrite the federal constitutions to safe guard the integrity Somalia and safe guard Somali territorial water by deleting amendment added by Farrole and other like minded. 4) Help a permanent somali government 4) All these benefit of Khaatumo state and Good Somali people
  10. Oodweyne;849638 wrote: This is a response to folks in Mogadishu, who wanted the elders to have the right to "correct and amend" the constitution, with the view of inserting the name of the capital of the nation within the document. Secondly, since the signatories of the road-map have deliberately left their version of the constitution the name of the capital, this clan have decided to response and say we agree with the Nairobi's agreement, and furthermore we want the elders only to have the responsibility of choosing the delegates that will ratify the constitution instead of elders themselves being the folks that will correct or even amend the constitution as the folks in Mogadishu wanted it. In nutshell this is water-carrying by the clan elders for the political agenda of Imam farole. Since, every word written in here is what the chief-pirate-mafiosi was calling for. Hence, when you strip all the guff from it, what you will left with is that of sight of politician, namely the said Imam Farole, effectively saying to the folks of Mogadishu, that if you think that you can double-check me with talk of elders calling the change of my agenda, then, I, myself, do have my own clan elders who will in turn say the opposite of what your elders are saying. In short, as the Somalis had it: "Gadh-ba gadh baa la tusaa" or action akin to that sort of deeds is what Imam farole have pulled in here.. :D why this is respone to moqdisho? they did not say anything about moqdisho but they mention somaliland and the talks between somaliland and tfg. But still you pointing fingures to moqdisho.!.those elders and faroole do not have same political view.Faroole loyal elders left moqdisho and did not come back yet. What these elders saying, is let us move and make neccessary changes .
  11. Most puntlanders will always support their clan leader 100% whether his wrong or right .that has been tradition. In the case of khaatumo Faroole and his puntlanders do not have differences. That is true and that is what dr Ali khalif stated. Now most khaatumos supporters argue why should not khaatumo aggressively respond attacks coming from peaceful Garoowe and that is where I have difference with Galaydh policy on Garoowe
  12. mahad yare;849034 wrote: i feel like your are the 8 year old that tells his parent you have a reputation to protect and thus needs to be respected. well unfortunately i'm not your parent and hence no nice words. anyone that believes the terrorist sunday school teacher is a good leader needs more than their head examined. my god, your location alone explains your intellectual and state of mind. kulaha you don't know me. nigga do i looks like i give a rat's azz? nigga please. Some people claimed, he learned. informer becoming a president will always be informer. This man is still informer. this is the sad sitiution this country is informers and pro-colonial groups stage and fire, From moqdisho, Garoowe to Hargeysa
  13. The reason Siilaanyo could not wait AGUST 2012, is profound.
  14. By Faisal A. Roble Somalia has yet to have a genuine and comprehensive peace and reconciliation on the ground and.without a serious and meaningful reconciliation within the TFG-controlled areas of South Central Somalia and/or between Somaliland and Khaatumo State; Hargeysa, in particular, does not seem to have much faith at present to enter unconditional talks with the TFG. Neither is Hargeysa in good terms with its neighboring states.. Following the highly touted February 23, 2012 London talks, the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (TFG) and the Somaliland administration in Hargaysa accepted a non-binding accord to start talks on the vexing question of Somaliland’s statehood. The talks were supposed to begin this past April or May, preferably in London as the venue. However, due to ideological and procedural mishaps, the prospective talks died on arrival. Following is an appraisal of the factors that were responsible for the premature death of the talks. A major culprit in the demise of the talks was the absence of a comprehensive reconciliation in place. Despite multiple local and international efforts, Somalia has yet to have a genuine and comprehensive peace and reconciliation on the ground. Fowsia Abdulkadir, who is completing a research paper on transitional justice, maintains that politicians all over Somalia are still mistrustful of each other because of pains caused by recent past history, thus causing unnecessary wrangling basically on anything political. Hargeysa, in particular, does not seem to have much faith at present to enter unconditional talks with the TFG. Neither is Hargeysa in good terms with its neighboring state, Puntland. Moreover, Hargeysa rightly or otherwise complains that there is no end in sight to the deadly war between the Al-Qaeda affiliated radical group, Al-Shabab, and the weak TFG. It is precisely because of this that Hargeysa shows no appetite to return to the fold of Mogadishu in its current situation. Who in their right mind, argue supporters of Hargeysa, would meaningfully negotiate with Mogadishu, where even now pockets inside the city are still controlled by Al-Shabab. A more serious factor that precipitated the speedy demise of the talks is the ostensible ideological divide between the two sides and their respective expectations from the failed talks. Somaliland preaches to its constituents that the talks would have been nothing but a forum to rubberstamp its objective. It was within this context that Ahmed Silianyo, President of Somaliland, told his parliament that he was exploiting the opportunity afforded to him by the weak TFG, and will get favorable results from Mogadishu. In the same vain, Somaliland’s esoteric insistence that anyone from Puntland or from what it considers to be its lawful territory (Khaatumo being a case in point) was, in addition to being unflattering, one of the most damaging factors to the talks. The last and perhaps most weighty factor that threw a wet towel on and hastened the demise of the talks was the absence of clarity as in what capacity would the two sides have participated in the talks. Somaliland leaders seem to believe that they would have gone to the talks as delegates of a state that is equal to the TFG. On the other hand, TFG leaders and the masses of Somalia genuinely believe that the talks are the beginning of the end – bringing their brothers back into the fold. The TFG Prime Minster, AbdiWali Mohamed Ali “Gas”, a former economics college professor, insisted that Somaliland be treated in the talks as nothing more than a region that enjoys the same status given to other regions (Puntland, Galmudug) by the draft constitution. It is reported that the PM was adamant on this position and refused to waiver his stance. It is plausible to argue that the sudden rise of Khaatumo and its instant fame as a renewed fire of force for Somalia unity must have given the PM enough political capital to stand firm on this matter. Additionally, there were key several technical factors that contributed to the demise of the proposed talks. Had the two sides approached the matter with certain tools of conflict mediation at hand, we could have had a healthy start of talks by the end of this spring. The first smashing procedural blow of the talks was dealt by the way President Sharif Ahmed selected five unknown ministers on April 14, 2012 to represent the TFG side. Among the five, there wasn’t a single individual who seemed to show a command of the issues at hand; neither did any of the five ministers showed a paper trail to inform their constituents how qualified they would have been to partake these important talks. Blame this incompetence on the now infamous 4.5 power-sharing at the TFG and the President’s informal way of delegating without any vetting process. Adding insult to an injury, the President made such a selection of the five delegates without input from the Prime Minster (who is much closer to the issue). The President’s unilateral selection was enough cause for an early squabble within his government and the beginning of the derailment of the talks. On the contrary, Somaliland put together a powerful delegation headed by its foreign Minister, Dr. Mohamed Abdullahi Omer, who possesses both academic and practical familiarity of the issue. If it went ahead with the talks, Somaliland with its solid delegation would have possibly dominated the talks with its hands down. Then there is a lack of systemic approach to the talks by both sides. The fact that the talks started at ministerial level without any technical committee paving the way before getting to the more meaty issues was an indication of inaptitude on both sides and an eventual death sentence of the talks. A more prudent management and sequencing of the talks would have started with a joint technical committee to: 1.Outline the issues to be deliberated on; 2. Draft a list of principles to guide the talks and identify the stages or the process of the talks before final decision is made; 3. Propose a menu of options as the potential outcome from the talks (federalism, common wealth, regional autonomy, Consociationalism, or secession); 4. Agree on the methods of rectifying whatever results from the talks (through nationwide or regional plebiscite, through parliamentary action). If this simple sequencing (four-step process of managing) of the talks was followed, confidence building between the two belligerent sides could have been fostered and the divide between the two could have been narrowed prior to the talks. Therefore, (1) without any confidence building to serve as the anchor for the talks; (2) without a serious and meaningful reconciliation within the TFG-controlled areas of South Central Somalia and/or between Somaliland and Khaatumo; and (3) without managed expectations at the prospective talks, the highly touted post-London hopes were dashed with the speed of light, of course to the dismay of all us. In the meantime, it is plausible to say that nagging issue of the Somaliland’s secession would haunt the Somali peninsula much after the transitional period ends this coming August. To borrow yester years’ wailing words of Dr. Said Samatar, Somalia is too far from God and too comfortable to a perpetual statelessness mukhtaar@allssc.com
  15. Qandalawi;840973 wrote: I think Galaydh has his issues and always have been an opportunist politician but this is a low blow. Unnecessary and uncalled for, lets keep it civil and make things less personal that it seems now. Attack the man's policies and opportunistic stances but not his person. Galaydh is doing good job, for this round contributing a more stable and permanant somali goverment. Not running to Adis and whispering to Malazawi ears. You supports a national traitor, who do not want see any change the status que and critising someone else. You think, you are smart but not. eating even more fish, may help you
  16. faroole lost the game his spent millions and now he is trying to bring process ground zero with help Malazawe. too little too late
  17. Qandalawi;835363 wrote: ^Aah waxbaba lama socotid and you still come across very cocky. Xoogaa odayaashaa shaah lasii siinayaa hada but the real Somalia conference will start in June in which all Somali stakeholders will attend including Somaliland, I believe June 20 ayuu bilaabanayaa. waad kadartey. odayaasha iyo waxgaradka kale waa dadka hada laga bilaabo gacanta kuhaya majaraha siyaasada soomaaliya ilaa dowlad cusub laga soo dooranayo. june 20 waa marka dastuurka la ansixinayo. Boowe faroole wuxuu joogaa addis, warkiisa waad maqashay iska naso
  18. Some fresh goat milk will do it and somalia can share with him too
  19. Qandalawi;835333 wrote: ^Lol, don't get too excited Adeer. The whole shenanigan is part of the political process and Turkey knows it, SL did it before and now its not only Punltland but all the other Somali political wings except the TFG. Stop the exaggerations and the melodrama, this is a small issue that will be solved in due time. For those who wish to pick on Puntland and Faroole, continue and get on with your dramatic remarks What this confreres has to do Political process. So you mean this is how stakeholders and relevant groups act, when they want see some change. the confreres is second day and few more days left, better get there before too late
  20. "they will do everything they can to convince Faroole and eventually bring him on board." Instead turks doing that why people like you not doing that and save time and energy for everybody else including the turk.
  21. Another setback for Faroole policy in puntland. With all the name calling and the war against local clans, the terror money goes to Somaliland administration which is best NGO in region, after successfully won a deal to prison Somalia pirates in Somaliland which most of them are from puntland. For last few weeks Somaliland administration started sharing and distrusting the fund they received from INT community with some of sanaag community and brought more Sanaag and Bari suldaans to Hargeysa. Even Faroole right hand men, Ilkajiir who always follow faroole with his many foreign trips have difficulty visiting his town now days. While Puntlanders are just asking themselves, where Faroole with Ilkajiir (the interior minister) next trip will be and how long he will be gone this time, the Somaliland defense minister is in Dhahar which is not far from Qardho,reqruiting more suldaans.This is total disconnection which nobody cannot hide any longer http://www.togdheernews.com/v2/?p=23593
  22. He is not powerful, he is weak, running to rival neighbor country when he cannot get cross what he wants in Somalia. This only demonstrates the memo posted Ethiopian foreign ministry last week. He will never get the change he asked, just looking a face saving and to bear strong in the local people
  23. This sound very much mahiga experience! Now Abtigiis is trouble with his Puntland Jacayl and I am Very sure the Bari people will demand Abtigiis Hi- tested
  24. Somalia;828895 wrote: ^^ So why would he be working for Meles Zenawi when you admit that he does not need him as he has better partners i.e the UN? You are getting carried away, do not blame others for your lack of political ambitions. So much jealousy, no one works for Ethiopia, Ethiopia has no one's interests at heart, people work for their own interests. I did not expect you to get it. Yes people work for their own interests, but good people have faith, moral and citizenship duty. Your interest must go in hand with your value and as individual, as citizen, as religious and finally as human. For malazawe, he knows his people in Somalia and has representative both Garoowe and Hargeysa.