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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. 3 billion is too little and some governments want to forgive some of it. Somalia is losing 6 billion worth of fish every year alone for foreign countries. with conservative budget and growth this will not be problem at all. IMF was one of the reason that the last Somali government collapsed. this world you have the deal with IMF it should be very minimum.
  2. GAROODI;963584 wrote: Yes we are very well put argument now have a glass of hot milk and have someone read you a bedtime story before you sleep. I am very proud nomad! I do not drink hot milk or chocolate and no bedtime story for my kids. I do not like imitating other cultures, As man from my region said when his wife from your region made him a soup. The man who never put anything hot in his mouth. Bishmahayga ma anaa kulayl kow isaga siiyaa Kashi ma anigaa cuna sidii qabadhe ........... xaaji baa garanaye naagyahay dheryahan iga qorqaad wada kuraaqaaya waad ifahantey soo maaha
  3. these people are full of inferiority. in one hand claiming victorious and same time mentally inferior and therefore no point arguing with them.
  4. well that is true, the whole area belongs buhodle community. we are talking about Somaliland army here, the fact qurulugud community need Somaliland army and yesterday the British army can not be taken serious.
  5. Xaaji buuhoodle community alone could handle it and they are no where close as they community advancing and building multiple new villages toward caynabo. just few http://www.radiowidhwidh.com/widhwidhnew/Radio/2013/06/degaanka-maygaagle-dib-dhis-lagu-bilaabay-iyo-shacabka-reer-buuhoodle-oo-aad-u-soo-dhaweeyaydaawo-video-sawiro/
  6. " Somaliland, whose own armed forces number some 35,000" in somaliland 1500 = 35000 whole tribe does not even have 35,000 military age male.
  7. khal khal or qal qal. it is Arabic word which could be written either way. Still neither is right. there are few language rules in Somali language. By the way, I am thinking Haji is immigrating to Kismanyo unlike Jacayl and married local JWeyn girl. But OODWEYNE is unwanted and will not fit.
  8. it is not the attack but simply the government response. you see white man firing RBG and poor Amison and every body else in the scene. Who is in charge for what? the moqdisho government does not work. It is NGO business like.
  9. They are just starting imigrating places like, ethiopia, Libiya, hoping to reach EU. It is just 91 for Hargeysa .
  10. Dabrow;961878 wrote: Lol atleast president Hiraale is walking on his own legs. That's more one can say about the other "presidents" No only he is walking proudly but he is also proudly wearing dacas unlike any other baby there!
  11. he also is going to meet khaatumo leaders very soon. this will clear way the north issue
  12. without outside help and baby sitting the somalis will never agree anything each other. Whitout UN mandate in1950 somalis would never able to create their own country. "soomaalidu kal cishooda maleh ee kal baqa ayay leedahay" This is good news.
  13. President Hasan must to sack interior minister or he will be exiled sooner than later, like those before him. this guy abdikariim does not have any interest for law and order back to Somalia. He perfers prior alshabaab era and want constitute the clan Melissa back southern somalia. He does not understand that the time has changed. from jowhar.com C/naasir Seeraar oo ah Afhayeenka Maamulka Axmed madoobe ayaa sheegay in hub loo soo waday magaalada Kismaayo lagu qabtay Gobolka Shabellaha Hoose. Mr Seeraar ayaa sheegay in hubkan oo gaari ku rarnaa uu ka soo ambabaxay magaalada Muqdisho, isla markaana Kismaayo uu u soo socday. "Hub Muqdisho laga soo diray ayaa lagu qabtay meesha la yiraahdo Afgooye, gaadiid xamuul ah ayuu ahaa, wasiirka arrimaha gudaha C/kariin ayaa soo diray"ayuu yiri C/naasir Seeraar. C/naasir Seeraar ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in dowladda Soomaaliya ay horay hub u soo dirtay Kismaayo, kuwaasoo meel walba ka soo gelisay, isagoo ku eedeeyay inay Al-Shabaab gacan saar la leedahay. Warar soo baxayay gelinkii dambe ee maanta ayaa sheegaya in gaari Hub sida lagu qabtay nawaaxiga deegaanka NO:50, inkastoo aanay jirin wax war ah oo ka soo baxay dowladda Soomaaliya. Dhinaca kale waxaa uu sheegay in la fashiliyay waxa uu ugu yeeray shirqool lala damacsanaa Jubaland, isagoo tilmaamay in wixii hada ka dambeeya wafdi laga soo diro Muqdisho aanay imaan doonin Kismaayo
  14. you assuming this website must be Madoobe supporter and therefore must telling the true about the sitiution in Kismaanyo. this webside supports the view of one of FG minister these days. somali politics is starnge! Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa ku baaqday in la xaliyo dagaalada ka socda Magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta Gobalka Jubadda hoose,iyadoo dhinacyada dagaalamay ay dhagaha ka fureesteen baaqa Dowladda
  15. Amina signed the letter and Hasan culusow ordered. The letter exist and authentic, no question about. However it is good news that the FG back tracks whatever reason behind it.
  16. so this fake http://somaliatalk.com/badda/mou_again_2013.html
  17. culusow gave what the Kenyan wanted all alone in order to win Uhuru for his side. Somali waters are again disputed and new memo are signed. Uhuru is the winner he took advantage for the clan warriors.
  18. Hasan is not going any where. His government is by name only, it is not more than moqdisholand comparable to other lands. in the ground he did not make much progress except the weaken of shabaab. He had his best time already, the international community offered 300 million dollar for hasan government. EU offered 1.5 billion for mali. U.S only offered 15 million. the west embassies in nariobi will listen both hasan and faroole and will not do anything unless things change dramatically. they will emphasis that the fight of shabaab should coordinated. the fight of jubland will end up who is control in kismaayo. ahmed madoobe control the port and that is significant. however hassan and his supporters are aggressive and trying to get foot step in kismaanyo and that is the only way he can challenge the jubaland.
  19. Mintid Farayar;957160 wrote: By building a Travellers Entry/Exit Database as well as providing border entry/exit equipment, Western donors seem to be cementing Somaliland's further separation from Somalia. Imagine when that equipment is installed in Eastern Somaliland, among other places........... The British are protecting their homeland and landers are doing what they custom to do and as always they happy doing the service job. this is not different the cooking and PC jobs they used done for the colonial officers
  20. Hassan gets crazier as days goes by. With successful five months campaign in international arena which he got everything he wanted. His collapsing now and acting unprofessional. The sweet talking Hassan does not really understand how diplomacy works in twenty first century. Claiming there is differences between Ugandan and Kenyan forces. Does not he understand why Ugandan and Kenyan forces are in Somali first place and who paid for? They are here same reason and same object with big actors behind it. Hassan stabilization plan which architectured by interior minister and his close people were alarming to begin with. it only consist eleven regions and two districts. He told international community he will concentrate beyond Gaalkacayo and that followed Saacid visit in Garoowe and somaliland Ankara accord. Hassan plan of southern Somalia was first alarmed by khaatumo and disrupted by Jubaland. This is not what he planned. Jubaland has complicated and stopped. Now one could think Hassan would revise his plan but he only energizing moqdisho community against Jubaland. Hassan has a chance to compromise with those jubaland leaders by asking them to shorten their length of service, instead four years, just two years. Order the parliament to come print plan for creation of federal states with his influence by arguing clan federalism will never work If he does not change the course he will end one of Kenyan embassies where he will be humiliated and told what to do.
  21. Xaaji Xunjuf;955256 wrote: You are wrong no one mourned their departure good riddance they left, who in his right mind wants to be colonized makes no sense. Actually Somalilanders killed brits in 1850s the first ever white man Killed in the Horn perpetrators were Somalilanders berberaawis. Somaliland does not want something from Britain only to keep good relations like any other country in the world America Australia the Russians u name it. So stop your silly remarks. You wrong xaaji Your friend classified is right. The first Somali clan welcomed the British and signed the treaty was your Somaliland. Your clan become British protected tribe and contributed very little for the independent movement. However British never showed respect for your clan. You were also against SYL and only after British gave hawd to Ethiopia 1954, Somalilanders gave up the British. Ingiriis dhaladkiiyow waanu kuu dhage beelnee xagee kaa dhunkadaa.
  22. well, I understand it is common. At least by the time you get over it. Back to the issue of somaliland caadifad. They really mad. Hassan must be not aware of mass graves in Hargeysa, how could he simply discribe the whole thing caadifad. very difficult nights in Hargeysa indeed!. He also took about jubaland administration been unfair but it did not really generated a lot discussion that was expected on him. those who answered noted that moqdisho administration is also unfair
  23. It was not too long ago when president Hasan signed the Ankara accord. He made a big favor for somaliland government which was looking a way out. A big win for somaliland in short time and a big political mistake with zero return for hasan. Hassan defended the deal that time and blamed some wrong doing for the past Somali goverments which some way lead to separatism agenda of somaliland and advocated a healing process which will ultimately lead a Somali union Hassan's this week speech about somaliland, there was one word 'caadifad' he used which made him most hated man in somaliland.Caadifad simply means emotional. one's British protected tribes in north Somalia do not think, there cause is emotional one. the imaginary long independent struggle ended with glory and himilation of the enemy as they often describe it,is far from just caadifad Now I am not blaming president Hasan for his short coming, but for now on we all agree the problem for somalilanders is just caadifad nothing else '
  24. culusow and his group are not nationalist. for seven months his signed Ankara accord and about to sing what Kenyan must wanted. these people want money and more money and no regulation and that is where kismaanyo comes in the picture. http://somalitalk.com/2011/badda/difaac87.html