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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. Well. In short time he fired many people he hired himself and others just resigned. He is in trouble, the world is not black and white as he sees it.
  2. Now, Bill Gate + Warrant Buffet and the Amazon owner have more money than 160 million Americans. The world governments are broke except China. China has trillions of cash to spend.
  3. Bad timing. It will not work anytime soon. Shariif is not popular. Gaas , Madoobe and Shariif are all running reelection and all of them will lose.
  4. It is all about how much more money DP world will give him. He can not even pay the government salary. I do not think, they have any more money to share with Somalis. And they have continued to give and give. DP world will not put any money to invest neither Boosaaso or Berbera ports. The ports are losing business and need repairs and investment.They will try to manage it without the promised investment.
  5. Those regional, like Puntland who were stable enough, were politically aligned to their advisors. They are now trying to reach out. I think Kismayo will see some Turkish development money soon. With it is natural resources and location, there are also a lot of opportunities for the Turkish companies to invest. Somalia does not need development assistant, it needs hard investment that creates jobs. Somali needs to produce and export goods. That is the area the Turkish can help and want to help.
  6. Xabaalihii qaxoontigii ogaadeenkii hargeysa degenaa ayey soo fageen markale. Wixii soomaaliya kadhacay maxaa Hargeysa kaliya xabaaleheeda marba kuwo cusub soo saara.
  7. Somalilanders are asking Federal government to reopen the office to get the passport. Is Biixi serving for the people of somalilander? or to collect enough money for himself while in office.
  8. The last time ONLF received just 4 million cash reward for the job and nothing was secret. "Could America and Russia agreed on something. Both agreed to work on Energy in Ethiopia." are local people getting anything for the deal?
  9. "SNM as hero" and you dismissed the people who died the Angola Somali War as their fault. those who ones benefited the colonial favor are still looking to get so form of special treatment. OOHINTU ORGIGA KAWEYN.
  10. You not what, in fact, my grand-grandfather died Berbera in 1914 to liberate berbera from the British and Biixi is claiming Tukaraq. Xalane and others Somalis died in Wajaale to stop Haylesallaase in 1964 to capture it. Berbera belongs to us too. It belongs the nation of Somalia.
  11. According to the British writing about Darwiish wars, 1/3 of the Somali Pensylvania population and livestock was lost the during the 21 years the Darwish was fighting with British and another colonial. For the northern tribes who supported the movement 80% of population and livestock was lost. So they are just happy to be the British protected tribes. Do not complain, you get what you have, the beautiful nation of Somalia today. It did not come easy.
  12. Is this a sort of message to Farmaajo?. UAE is messed up with the Somali nation and they do not have a problem with him alone. He tried hard to please them unfortunately, it was not enough. Nomads are not obeying people, you cannot simply teach them a lesson the Arabs may learn the hard the way.
  13. If you have an account in UAE, move your money and business somewhere else. These people do not have mercy and follow any rules. They can simply freeze your account and take your properties. They can even put you in jail and torture.
  14. Nothing has changed my friend. Putland has been the problem, even some cases working with Somaliland. They are 100% with Villa Somalia. They are very nationalistic as always. In fact, many Burco and Hargeysa people are also with Villa Somalia. I also recently been in the region from Boorame to Boosaaso, there hope, dream and future is a great and prosperous Somalia. People like you, with relative working the former colonial, may not understand the will of the people. For the united and prosperous Somalia is answer. It may not be the answer for you.
  15. The emirate foreign minister, as well Russian foreign minister are present in Adis Ababa. That tells how the region become the center of the new Geo-political center.
  16. Ethiopia needs 'greater freedom of people not less' - Tillerson tells govt “We share concerns raised by government over the incidence of violence, loss of lives and we do firmly believe the answer is greater freedom of people not less. “We recognize the transition that is underway in Ethiopia, the first ever voluntary transfer of power, and I view this as a very positive symbol of this very young democracy in Ethiopia – a peaceful transition of power. “During recent events, the United States have expressed our concerns with the government’s decision to impose another state of emergency because it does put restrictions on fundamental rights like assembly and expression. He touched on political reforms announced in January 2018 by the ruling coalition and the subsequent measures undertaken to actualize them. He stressed, however, that there was more to be done in that respect. “We formally believe that democratic reforms, economic growth and lasting stability are best addressed through an inclusive political process rather than through the imposition of restrictions. In a word of advice to the citizenry, he said: “We encourage the Ethiopian people as well to maintain patience, maintain support for your government through this change or this transition but also through this journey of pursuing democracy which takes time and effort. Democracy is not easy, it takes a lot of work.”
  17. Do not be confused the meeting of one subclan in the lasanod district. These people are not sessions. Privately, Ali Khalif who is involved the geo-global issue in the region and Somaliland leaders have discussed big bargain between north and south.
  18. Their present in Somali will not bring any good. They should be asked to leave.
  19. Yemen officials say UAE barring ships with government cash The United Arab Emirates is barring ships carrying some 170 billion Yemeni rials ($680 million) from entering the southern port of Aden, Yemeni officials said Wednesday. They told The Associated Press the money is meant for the salaries of government employees who haven't been paid for over a year. The officials, including one from the Yemeni central bank, spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak with reporters. There was no immediate comment from the UAE. Like most other southern ports, Aden is under the control of the UAE, a key partner in the Saudi-led coalition fighting the Shiite Houthi rebels, who control most of northern Yemen, including the capital, Sanaa. The coalition is fighting on the side of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi's government, but the UAE has long been at odds with Hadi, with each side running its own armed groups in a power struggle across southern Yemen. The officials said the UAE had in the past prevented aircraft carrying cash from landing at Aden's airport. The UAE ban came nearly a year after Hadi ordered the relocation of the Central Bank to Aden, the government's temporary seat. Since then, his rivals have accused him of stashing cash in private banks and in the presidential palace, allegations denied by the government. The unpaid salaries have crippled Yemen's public sector amid three years of grinding war. Malnutrition, cholera, and other diseases have killed thousands of civilians, and millions have come to depend on humanitarian assistance for survival.
  20. Now he is complaining. No one should feel bad about Mr. Mo treatment. His name was Mohamed, came U.K as a Muslim Somali. He accepted to be called Mo Farah. When people sell their dignity they do not have anything left.
  21. I agree some of these people are not even sincere. The deal is over and UAE has much more to lose this point. putting pressure that small country to leave us alone is not a bad idea. Somali business people helped UAE ports to be world class hub. if they lose Somalis business people, there fear will come sooner. Both Amaan Qatar opened new ports. they could be the alternative and when Somalis leave, other Africans will flow.
  22. "And as a consequences of that I will have you know that it's "super plan" which is going great gun as of now (as it were). So there is good news there for us in Somaliland , at least from that "political front" even if it's a nightmare for you on the other hand. So that is that too" I understand your attempt here. Everyone plate is already full including AIPAC . "Lillte dogs", do not always get the attention. do not jump the cliff for the sake of others to hear your desperate plea of little fame. First I was referring those bigger dogs who came to us to interfere. The fact of the ground did not deliver you anything, the poorest people and worst malnourished people in the horn live your region. Whatever given was not enough I saw my eyes. The whole thing that your bragging to build does not stand ground. Keep dreaming and seek attention from the other worlds that do know you exist.