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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. My last trip to northern Somalia, I saw a lot Ethiopian there. Mostly Oromo but others too. I saw in Boorame, Amharos who own small business, like modern barbershops. The Amhara barbershops were papular for the young boys who were lining up. I was told they are the best in the business. It seems locals did not care that much. I was told, there is an Ethiopian government representative in the city too and everyone seems to know it. It seems every big city there was one, sometimes ethnic Somali for smaller cities. As I travel toward the south, their numbers were fewer. I could also see Oromos walking the road toward Boosaaso to immigrate. There are also many Somalis in Adis but we do not want to see Ethiopian government representative every city in Somalia
  2. The Chinese are getting good at producing a world-class product. Trade wars and cold wars are good for third world countries. The end of cold war effective Africa negatively.
  3. Best Buy won’t sell Huawei phones anymore Best Buy will no longer sell Huawei’s phones, according to a pair of reports from CNET and Reuters. This marks the latest blow to the phone manufacturer’s attempts to sell devices in the United States. According to CNET, Best Buy has stopped ordering new phones from the Chinese company and will stop selling Huawei’s products entirely over the next few weeks. Huawei has faced an uphill battle in selling phones in the US. Major carriers including AT&Tand Verizon have refused to sell the company’s phones due to pressure from the US government, leaving retailers like Best Buy and Amazon as the only remaining places for US customers to get devices like the recently released Mate 10 Pro or upcoming P20 line of devices. Losing Best Buy, the largest consumer electronics retailer in the country, is another major setback for the Chinese phone company. Of course, all that pales in comparison to the fact that the US government is opposed to Huawei’s devices. The heads of the FBI, CIA, and NSA all recommend against using the phones due to concerns about the company’s ties to the Chinese government, and a new bill currently working its way through Congress would ban government agencies from using Huawei and ZTE phones
  4. waxay ubaahanyihiin siistam cusub oo baabuurta lagu ragistergareeyo. xitaa lama yaqaano cid gaadhiga iska leh. lacag bay xitaa kasamayn lahaayeen.
  5. Waa dowlad diidka oo taageero kahelaya shisheeye. Dad baa dowlad la aan raba.
  6. From OODWEYNE "As for Gen. Barre it's in the historical archive of the US's government's document. And he actually told this Senator Grassley of Iowa that he is a "secret Christian" of the Catholic line of Christianity. And he was always a "believer" of his lord Jesus, from all the way from the Italian's fascist era." Is not same wonderful and historic archive that wrote about Cigaal. same conclusion always. this time, the wonderfull senator must be telling the true and this has to do the powerful SNM struggle. If you read the letters from that archive, you know the reason Siyad Bare regime collapsed suddenly in 1990, has nothing to do SNM POWER.
  7. They are not gone leave you alone. You either with them or against them. Differences is, they are now operating openly and aggressively.
  8. The UEA is added this list because of their current wealthy. With a 800 billion GPA, they already make the list of top 30. If they going to remain the GPA ranking for the end next decade is open question. I do not see them changing their behavior any time soon which unfortunate. It needs not only a culture change but also leadership change.
  9. TThis report from a particular church, is not something to take serious.
  10. .You are right about high value products. But like how China started, it comes later time. Turkey has already received some success in the area of electronics and defence systems. But also they have large diverse economy from tourism to Agriculture. With it is location from Black sea to Midderean sea and culture, it has huge potential to be number one in European continent. The other countries, I mention have sustained high rate of growth and a lot of young population which, now developed countries lacks. For example Japan with it is all success, their population is getting older, villages are desapparing. This has already impact and european countries with zero population growth are already losing ranking. Nederland has a population about 16 million for decades and need of immigrants labor.
  11. Somaliland lacks economic valuablity. It is economy is based on trading goods produced from other regions and countries. With many ports in the region and bad relationship with neighboring regions, Somaliland economy will not improve anytime soon when livestock business is slow or not existing. The large and more diverse Somalia's economy can sustain more fake printed money but not Somaliland. This has nothing to do economic structure or economic policy. It is simply demanding and supply issue which does not exist. The whole Somaliland economy is based on the follow of remains. The money NGO organizations and foreign donations have limited impact. They are not known to be generous. The money they promise never reaches its target. The handouts from DP world and UEA are not enough to impact Somaliland's economy. It is not getting better anytime soon. Younger people will leave, those who remain will not able to afford to marry. In fact, it was the Somali government who made differences last time. Only Moqdisho can help Hargeysa economy to improve, not Ethiopia or UEA.
  12. Changing world.Ten Muslim countries are predicted to be the top 30 economies in the world by 2030. Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, UEA, and Indonesia. These countries either got large population or oil and other valuable minerals. There are others with the large population who could be the list like Egypt and Algeria but has other issues. The none Muslim countries who also could make the list include South Africa, Mexico, Argentina, and Vietnam. A lot of Europian countries will lose its high rankings.
  13. We Somalis see a lot of good reports coming from moqdisho, baydho, Kismaany ,etc and Khayre government has something to do it. I do not think, some corners of the international community will acknowledge the progress made for a different reason That is why I support Khayre to be around. Too many changes are not really good and a new government is not the answer the problems Somalia has.
  14. For the sake of stability, Jawaari should go now. Khayre was able to put the modish anarchist group in place and this government has got a lot of good people. I will give khayre another year.
  15. Do you believe, Somaliland leaders are less corrupt? If you are driving Hargeysa, it will take you hours to drive one mile. For 27 years, they did not build anything. Where the 350 million goes? For Somalia in general, the UN and the so-called international community are part of the problem. Their role and present should be minimized slowly and the security should be the priority. The government corruption will not despair quickly. Is not something unique in Somalia. The best way to fight is more transparent and the use of the modern financial system. Just limit the opportunity of stealing in any form.
  16. Biixi will take anything given. He desperately needs cash. Siilaanyo left empty coffins. The military base will make sense for now. Win-win for Dubai and Biixi in short term. In long run, it will be a mess. This emonstration will not be the last. The end of separatist collapse may come too close. They have already shaken.
  17. It seems khayre of tracking the good thing he was doing in the beginning. He was told not to go Abudabay. He did anyway. Jawaari is a reasonable man to work with. To get rid him, you need 189 members against to him but only 139 for khayre. He should not spend the public money to bribe these motion tugs
  18. The other day, you were talking about that Somaliland does not have a representation in the Somali government. This will prove you wrong. Somali are not divided by regions politically, they are often divided into tribes. Those politicians who identified as Somalilanders themselves are active in Moqdisho like anybody else and they advocate their region which is right. They play a big role who is to be elected as president. Biixi or anybody who is in charge Hargeysa has good communication with them. Unlike those people in Hargeysa from Sool, Sanaag and Awdal who just hired to look Somaliland as multi tribes entities. They are so useless that they do have any influence what is happening in Hargeysa.
  19. What about Laasqorey or Saylac coming next. I d not know if DP world is interesting too. See your ST. logic
  20. The fact is. Termendance progress has made in the south Somalia. In fact People from the north(Hargeysa) are continue moving to southern somali cities such as mogadishu and Kismayo for better future. Somali security forces are for first time beating back Alshabaab alone with some support of U.S military. I do not get this report for this time. Really but Somalis are not the attended audience and that does not make differences. It is all about the good work Somalis done for their country
  21. Why the deal with DP world will not fix that problems? Do not worry Biixi and puntland have already given 6 million dollar to share for their recent visit to DABEY,. The court will be open again temporarly. In Hargeisa, people will be happy to eat qat for while, until just later time.
  22. Galbeedi This government seems to have some strategy. But now it is not Ralia Odinga who is distributing. The massage and the money comes from Arab neighbor Muslims. The strategy must include how to deal Somalis who are working for others who do not want somalia to be stable.
  23. Indeed. They missed the opportunity to negotiate better deals.
  24. No policy change that effects in the Horn. It will be same as usual, more focus on the security of southern Somalia. In other words more or fewer drones. For the middle east, he already made his decision about Jerusalem. We are going to hear more about that. Russia + Turkey + Iran + Pakistan + China will continue to work together against Trump administration. EU is paralyzed and out of the game. Trump foreign policy will be a continued failure. He creates more enemy and gets few friends. He still wants to build a wall on the Mexican border. He will be more paralyzed and crazy after the midterm election. He may have success with northern Korea deal.