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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. This is a fake, propaganda news. It was probably written by Suldaan and his friends. It intended to international audience
  2. If it was Qatar doing this, the whole media would be going crazy and they would accuse Qatar funding extremist. That is why all Qatar funding goes through UN agencies and direct to federal government national bank. The turkey does same. This is international scandal and money laundering. This money could be end up alshabaab hands.
  3. I do not have doubt, there are some of somaliland members of parliament that are patriotic somalis. There were many somali patriots came from that region, the case any other somali region. The fact is there were at least 6 governments since Siyad Bare government collapsed and all of them failed to take control of the country and manage it. There are reasons, that they all failed and we have to talk about it. I have been supporter, every new government what ever form it created. We can not blame every government and wait the next one, when the old one left nothing in place. We have identified the obstacles that stops somali governments to succeed. IC will simply say, it is corruption and while that is partially true, is not all the problems. One things that we can not ignore is, there are people who do not want see any change to take place in somalia. They are ok with status quo although they are small minority but powerful financially and politically. These people include business people who want to have monopoly to export and import product.These people include telecommunication companies who do not pay taxes and continue to use national assets. These people include politicians who do not want elections. These people include minority army groups who control area and do not want let it go. These people include looters who posses public property. These group include fake federalist who want the country divided for ever in order to benefit Itis fact, somaliland government do not want see strong central government in mogadishu. It cannot operate independently if there is a strong government in mogadishu. Recently Waraabe has warned to dismantle somali government sooner rather later. Although they often said we do not have nothing to do what happening in the south, they are very much involved. They are part of the problem and solution. We can not simply deny that. People had made connection between alshabaab and somaliland elements. As we know now that organisation was created in Hargeysa and top leaders were from Hargeysa. Some of the groups I mentioned in fact support somaliland to be a independent state. Some of trouble business people have also own business in Hargeysa. And then you have IC elements who are connected, some of these groups. Again this is a connected small group of people and if you do not deal with them and target them individuals with power of the public and government resources. This government or any government in future this will be trouble.
  4. Of course, somaliland is part of Somalia but there no question that some people in Somaliland which I called Somaliland elements including somaliland government are working with moqdisho anarchist to dismantle government effort for change. So, there is common interest here. Somaliland members of the Somali parliament are the large group working with FIQI and Jawaahiri group now. You may ask why.
  5. This is the problem in Somalia today, special in south Somalia. (Anarchist + alshabaab + Somaliland elements + IC elements ) are working together to make sure that any Somali government will never succeed its mission to stabilise the country. They invested a lot of time and money to reach their goals. Jawahar issue is their latest episode.To discourage those who willing to work for the people. They want to maintain the status quo and continue their business without disruption. In other hands, Somali people want peace and prosperity. They are hopefull for better future. They are showing unity and understanding who is their side and who is working against them. The elements of chaos will not be successful this time. The time is with people and Allah is their side.
  6. Waare “Dad ku sugan Muqdisho ayaa lugaha qabanaya Howlgalka Hirshabeelle” Apr 5, 2018 - Madaxweynaha Maamulka Hirshabeelle Maxamed Cabdi Waare oo ku sugan magaalada Beledweyne ee xarunta Gobolka Hiiraan kulamana la qaadanaya qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada iyo Maamulka ayaa waxa uu faah faahiyay Howlgalka ka socda Gobolka Hiiraan. Waxa uu sheegay in ay jiraan shaqsiyaad ku sugan Magaalada Muqdisho in ay dhaqaale ku bixinayaan sidii lugaha loo qaban lahaa Howlgalka Shabaab looga soo horjeedo ee ka socda Gobolka Hiiraan. Maxamed Cabdi Waare Madaxweynaha Maamulka Hirshabeelle ma uuan cadeyn cida dooneysa in la joojiyo howlgalkaas ee dhaqaalaha ku bixineysa, kuna sugan Muqdisho. “Howlgalkan dad ayaa Xamar ka soo dhiiba lacag lugaha lagu qabanayo, Alle ka cabsada, lacagta Alle idinsiiyay waa la idinula xisaabtamaa, Ciidamada dhaawaca ah ee Isbitaalada jooga u daaweeya.” Ayuu yiri Waare. Sidoo kale Madaxweyne Waare ayaa sheegay in Hirshabeelle uu soo maray heer Magaalooyinka dhexdooda in isbaarooyin la dhigto balse haatan ay jiraan dad doonaya in ficilkaas uu soo laabto. Safarka Hoggaamiyaha Hirshabeelle uu ku tagay Magaalada Beledweyne ee xarunta Gobolka Hiiraan ayaa ka dambeeyay kadib markii uu isqabqabsi soo kala dhexgalay bulshooyinka dega Gobolka Hiiraan.
  7. He said: "The Somalia army is here, we are under attack in every direction" What is going on here? Is this scare tactics? Why are they trying so hard to convince their local people the danger of "poor moqdisho government". My take way is, the local people are not buying their saga. It gets familiar even local people there. The "jeegaanta leaders have a problem here, it seems nothing works, even the tale of founding new graves seems, did no work.
  8. Kenya population was 8 million in 1960, Ethiopia 25 million and Somalia 2.5 million. now they are talking about 50 million. Their population grew faster than anybody else. Same with Uganda and the whole green land in central Africa. The Bantu tribes grew fastest. It is mather of survival for Somalis in Northern-eastern province. The Bantu have already resided Garisa and other places. Only healthy population growth will help them to maintain being the majority. There are many NGO in that region for that purpose.
  9. China is reportedly taking the first steps to pay for oil in yuan: Sources Annual trade in oil worth an estimated $14 trillion Pilot could be launched as early as the second half of 2018 Beijing could start with crude purchases from Russia, Angola Published 11 Hours Ago Updated 10 Hours AgoReuters Stringer | Reuters Employees close a valve of a pipe at a PetroChina refinery in Lanzhou, Gansu province. China is taking its first steps towards paying for imported crude oil in yuan instead of the U.S. dollar, three people with knowledge of the matter told Reuters, a key development in Beijing's efforts to establish its currency internationally. Shifting just part of global oil trade into the yuan is potentially huge. Oil is the world's most traded commodity, with an annual trade value of around $14 trillion, roughly equivalent to China's gross domestic product last year. A pilot program for yuan payment could be launched as early as the second half of this year, two of the people said. Regulators have informally asked a handful of financial institutions to prepare for pricing China's crude imports in the yuan, said the three sources at some of the financial firms. "Being the biggest buyer of oil, it's only natural for China to push for the usage of yuan for payment settlement. This will also improve the yuan liquidity in the global market," said one of the people briefed on the matter by Chinese authorities. China is the world's second-largest oil consumer and in 2017 overtook the United States as the biggest importer of crude oil. Its demand is a key determinant of global oil prices. Under the plan being discussed, Beijing could possibly start with purchases from Russia and Angola, one of the people said, although the source had no details of anything in the works. Both Russia and Angola, like China, are keen to break the dollar's global dominance. They are also two of the top suppliers of crude oil to China, along with Saudi Arabia. The move would mark a major step in reviving usage of the currency of the world's second-largest economy for offshore payments after several years of on-again, off-again measures. If successful, it could also trigger shifting other product payments to the yuan, including metals and mining raw materials. All three sources, who spoke to Reuters on the condition that they not be named, said the plans were at early stages. Officials at some of China's state oil companies said they had not heard of such plans. Crude futures The plans coincide with this week's launch of the first Chinese crude oil futures in Shanghai, which many expect to become a third global price benchmark alongside Brent and West Texas Intermediate crude. Shanghai's new crude contract is traded in yuan. Besides the potential of giving China more power over global oil prices, "this will help the Chinese government in its efforts to internationalize renminbi (yuan)," said Sushant Gupta, research director at energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie. Unipec, trading arm of Asia's largest refiner Sinopec , has already inked a first deal to import Middle East crude priced against the newly-launched Shanghai crude futures contract. U.S. bank Goldman Sachs said in a note to clients this week that the success of Shanghai's crude futures was "indirectly promoting the use of the Chinese currency." People's Bank of China (PBOC), the country's central bank, did not respond to a Reuters request for comment on the plan. The Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) also declined to comment. Internationalization China's plan to use yuan to pay for oil comes amid a more than year-long gradual strengthening of the currency, which looks set to post a fifth straight quarterly gain, its longest winning streak since 2013. The yuan retained its No.5 ranking as a domestic and global payment currency in January this year, unmoved from a year ago, but its share among other currencies fell to 1.7 percent from 2.5 percent, according to industry tracker SWIFT. A slew of measures put in place in the last 1-1/2 years to rein in capital flowing out of the country amid a slide in yuan value has taken off some its shine as a global payment currency. But the yuan has now appreciated 3.4 percent against the dollar so far this year, with solid gains in recent sessions. "For PBOC and other regulators, internationalization of the yuan is clearly one of the priorities now, and if this plan goes off smoothly then they can start thinking about replicating this model for other commodities purchases," said the person briefed on the matter. It would not be easy, however, for China to shift the bulk of its commodity purchases to the yuan because of the currency's illiquidity in forex markets. Nearly 90 percent of all transactions in the $5 trillion-a-day currency markets involve the dollar on one side of a trade, while only 4 percent use the yuan, as per a triennial forex survey by the Bank for International Settlements.
  10. China’s drive to restore its lost greatness China’s real goal is buttressing the rise to power of a new global order, where liberal democratic principles are eclipsed by Xi Jinping’s determined, authoritarian passion to restore his country’s lost greatness. China's President Xi Jinping applauds after a vote on an amendment to the constitution during a session of the National People's Congress in Beijing. (KEVIN FRAYER / GETTY IMAGES) By CHARLES BURTONOpinion Thu., March 29, 2018 Since the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank tweeted last week that Canada is now officially a full member, it hasn’t exactly made headlines. This is ostensibly a prelude for trade talks with China in an increasingly protectionist global landscape. And admission wasn’t cheap: Chinese sources say Ottawa committed more than $1 billion to the Beijing-based bank. But China-watchers are more fixated on the dramatic changes rolling out after the just-completed National People's Congress. Among other moves, the annual Congress voted 2,970-to-0 to give President Xi Jinping a second five-year term, and repealed a regulation barring him from seeking a third. They also rubber-stamped the creation of a National Supervision Commission, empowered to detain people for months at secret locations without access to lawyers or due process. This body ranks above even China’s judiciary in the newly amended Constitution. Its establishment would certainly make Chinese Congress members pause before entering a symbolic protest vote against Xi’s Machiavellian restructuring of institutions to consolidate his own power. After last week, any charade that state institutions are somehow independent from China’s Communist Party (read: presidential) diktat is now abandoned. Whatever Xi says, goes. He chairs six top-level “leading small groups” and numerous other committees and commissions, covering every major area of policy, and has taken direct command of China’s security and intelligence apparatus. (The “authority” of Chinese State Council Premier Li Keqiang is so debased that there is little point in our Prime Minister meeting with him again.) Xi’s closing address to the Congress, intended to be heard around the world, was a rousing paean to the greatness of China’s civilization across its dynastic history. The inventions of paper and printing, dynamite and the compass were cited, as were China’s contributions to literature and philosophy, and the building of the Great Wall. It all underscored the point that Xi will oversee the “great restoration of the Chinese nation” by 2050. The characters wei da — meaning “great” — were heard 35 times in the 38-minute speech. For Canada, the implications became clear in Xi’s promise that “China will continue to actively engage in reconstruction and transformation of the systems of global governance by contributing more Chinese wisdom, Chinese re-designs and Chinese strength.” This is part and parcel of Beijing’s massive One Belt One Road global infrastructure program, which China expects will lead to its development of the Canadian north and polar waters in years ahead. The bleak irony is that the same Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank that Canada has paid dearly to join would underwrite the One Belt One Road initiative that would reach into Canadian northern territory. China has already declared itself a “near-Arctic nation,” regardless of the strictures of geograph
  11. Bakistan waxay kufiicantahay dhinaca IT, waxay kacaawin kartaa soomaaliya National ID iyo wixii lamida. Waxay kaloo kufiican yihiin soo saarida gaasta iyo macdanta.
  12. Heshiisyo dhex maray Soomaaliya iyo Pakistan Mar 30, 2018 - jawaab Dowladda F. Soomaaliya iyo Pakistaan ayaa shalay oo Khamiis ahayd ka wada hadlay sidii sare loogu qaadi lahaa xiriirka Labada dhinac iyo xoojinta iskaashiga amniga iyo dhaqaalaha. Kulan caasimadda Pakistaan ee Islamabad ku dhex maray la taliyaha arrimaha siyaasadda dibedda ee Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, Balal Maxamed Cusmaan, iyo la taliyaha dhinaca ammaanka Dalka Pakistaan Gen. Nasser Khan Janjua, ayaa lagu gorfeeyay sidii loo adkayn lahaa xiriirka qotada dheer ee Labada Waddan. Gen. Nasser Khan Janjua, oo kulankaas ka hadlay ayaa sheegay inay Soomaaliya tahay Waddan leh fursado wanaagsan oo qani ah, wuxuuna sheegay inay Soomaaliya ka caawin doonaan dhinacyo badan oo mudan in laga faa’iideysto. Labada dhinac ayaa ka wada hadlay ballaarinta iskaashiga labada Waddan, gaar ahaan Ganacsiga, horumarinta kheyraadka aadanaha, Difaaca iyo sugidda ammaanka dalka Soomaaliya, iyagoo si isku mid ah u ballanqaaday inay si wadajir ah ugu shaqeyn doonaan qodobbada lagu heshiiyay. Danjiraha Somaaliya u joogta Dalka Pakistaan, Khadija Mohammad Al-Makhdoomi, oo kulanka qayb ka ahayd ayaa soo dhoweysay iskaaashiga iyo heshiiskan Taariikhiga ah ee dhex maray Labada dhinac, waxayna sheegtay inay Pakistan leedahay awood weyn oo wax looga qabto arrimaha amniga gudaha, iyadoo ay Soomaaliyana dooneyso inay wax ka barato Khibraddeeda.
  13. ANKARA (Reuters) – Turkey has started preparations to clear northern Syria’s Ayn al-Arab, Ras al-Ain and Tel Abyad regions from militants up to the Iraqi border, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday, adding that it would also clear militants from Iraq. Erdogan said Turkey has no intention of harming soldiers of allied nations positioned in the region, but that it could not allow militants to roam free. United States troops are positioned alongside Kurdish YPG militants in Syria’s Manbij. French President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday it had assured the YPG of its support to stabilise northern Syria. (This version of the story corrects to show Turkey has started preparations for further operations, not new operations) (Writing by Ali Kucukgocmen)
  14. That is the case. The Darwish movement played a big role this time and saved Somalia. After the death of Sayid Mohamed Abdala hasan in 1921, there were a big gap before the next movement, the SYL. The Europian colonial and Ethiopia took advantage Somali this period of time.
  15. It will interesting to see if U.S government intervenes this. Legally courts are independent.
  16. Lawyers for Saudi Arabia did not immediately respond to requests for comment on the decision. At a Saudi stock market event in New York, asked whether the court decision would have a negative impact on Saudi investment in the United States, Capital Market Authority Chairman Mohammed A. ElKuwaiz declined to comment, saying he had not seen the news. Daniels’ decision covers claims by the families of those killed, roughly 25,000 people who suffered injuries, and many businesses and insurers. The judge also dismissed claims that two Saudi banks, National Commercial Bank and Al Rajhi Bank, and Saudi Binladin Group, a construction company controlled by the bin Laden family, provided funds and financial services for the attacks, saying he lacked jurisdiction. Saudi Arabia had long had broad immunity from Sept. 11 lawsuits in the United States. That changed in September 2016, when the U.S. Congress overrode President Barack Obama’s veto of JASTA, allowing such cases to proceed.
  17. There are Economic issues There are Developmental issues There always is Terrorism issues There is basically Direction issues (Puntland has not moved in one determined direction for some time now) + Mudug region peace The two-man need each other to work all of these issues. Regional states already got a good deal with the federal government for the fishing licensing. Putland with a long cost can benefit this deal emeadtily. They can now give legal fishing license as far 25 nucules miles. In addition, Chinese investors can invest putland infrastructure with federal government approval. In addition, local puntland people support any national project.
  18. Things are changing my friends. Ironically you do not want to see any changes in Ethiopia but you want freedom and prosperity for your tribe in Somalia at the expansive of other Somalis. Your Somaliland only shares 50 miles border with Ethiopia, from buuhoodle district to Wajaale. The Ethiopia border with Somalia is about 1400 miles. There are more than 6 million Somalis in Ethiopia. apparently, you do not care them, even if they are the real people who use Berbera. The red sea is another story. The Sanaag and Awdal tribes can claim most of it. Even Tigraay tell you to deal with Abdi Ileey. Instead, you want to go all the way to Adis and directly deal whoever rules Ethiopia. It is time to change course and attitude.
  19. Even small steps going forward will be useful here. This project will give the government 20 -50 million dollar revenue each year. Selling fishing licenses will give another 20 - 50 million a year. they can also collect 200 - 300 millions from local taxes. Then, you have a government with a streaming domestic budget and you can fight better for the foreign influence that obstacle for the progress
  20. Do not confuse with the GEO-POLITICS, none of these countries want to see Independent Somaliland. What can independent Somaliland? offer them? Nothing.
  21. “16. Welcomes the development of a realistic conditions‑based Transition Plan with clear target dates agreed by the federal Government of Somalia, federal member states and international partners and formalized on 4 December 2017 at the Security Conference in Mogadishu; This is an important one, in case election is not hold
  22. This kind of news makes some people unhappy. Only Somalis together can help their country to be better. It was hard for those who involved with all the backstepping.
  23. Shaqaalaha Hawada Soomaaliya Oo Qeybtii 1aad La Keenay Muqdisho In ka badan 25 sano oo ay ku howlgalayeen Shaqaaalaha maamula Hawada Soomaaliya Magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya, ayaa waxaa qeybtii ugu horeysay oo ka kooban 34 ruux maanta ay ku soo noqdeen dalkooda, si ay uga howlgalaan xarunta ugu weyn maamulka hawada Soomaaliya oo ay Magaalada Muqdisho ee caasimadda Soomaaliya ay ka hirgalisay dowladda Federaalka. Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Muqdisho, ayaa waxa ku soo dhoweeyay Wasiirka Gaadiidka iyo duulista Hawada ee Soomaaliya oo uu wehliyo wasiirka ku xigeenka wasaaradaasi iyo masuuliyiin kale. Wasiirka Gaadiidka iyo Duulista Hawada Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed C/llaahi i Salaad (Oomaar), ayaa sheegay in soo noqoshada shaqaalaha maamulka Hawada ay marqaati ka tahay inay Soomaaliya dib ula soo wareegtay maamulka Hawadeeda. Wasiirka, ayaa intaas kadib waxa uu uu xariga ka jaraya hoyga shaqaalaha maamulka hawada Soomaaliya, waxaana uu ku dhiira galiyey bilowga howshooda. Jaamac Axmed Muuse Ku simaha Maareeyaha Hey’adda duulista iyo sadaasha Hawada iyo Cabdi Aadan Xasan oo ka mid ah shaqaalaha maanta sida tooska ugu soo wareegay Muqdisho ayaa sheegay inay ku faraxsan yihiin hawada Qaranka inay dib uga maamulaan gudaha dalka,muddo ka yar bilna ay ku howl bilaabayaan. In ka badan 25 sano oo Hawada Soomaaliya laga maamulayay Magaalada Nairobo ee dalka Kenya Soomaaliya waxay ku naaloonaysaa dib ula soo wareegista maamulka Hawadeeda oo qeyb weyn ka ah ilaalinta xoriyadda iyo madax banaadida dalka.
  24. 1. After a year in power, Cheeseman has very little to show for any of the key pillars of the London Conference. They never honored the outcome of last London Conference and one before with president Mohamud Sheikh. 2. Cheeseman is facing a lot of challenges from Unuka Leh to the wider Geopolitical power plays. Ununka has no problem with this government. Their side of Mogadishu has been the safest part of the city. They are not complaining rather Galgaduud has been loudest. Yes, there is the wider Geopolitical power plays. And U.K and other western countries are with UAE. Farmaajo has done everything to maintain natural. 3. Cheeseman has lost credibility and is now becoming more and more frustrated Not true. He is most liked Somali politician for decades. 4. Western powers are losing faith. They never had any faith but still, want to hold all the cards what is going on there 5. Talks with Somaliland won't be happening anytime soon. With DP world and UAE involvement should not happen at all