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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. Good point. Somalis need to pay taxes and government must able to collect it. Then, you have limited IC influence. Farmaajo has lost his PM position before because some elements of IC did not like him.With the surprise of IC, Somali people voted him again. UAE will not be the only and last one.
  2. Lacagtii UAE meedey. Maybe it went to Mr Pam and others who write pro somaliland articles in the west media.
  3. They are a head the game. This is the diplomatic language. Somalia have to limit the influence of IC in the somalia politics. It makes progress. UAE have to play the rules of somali government.
  4. Sheekadan waykaduwantahay kuwii hore. The question who looted the place? You have to give credit those good soldiers who did the right thing and punishment those who looted. This is problem in somalia. In America, rites loot every time they got opportunity. People will loot but they have to know it will a price to pay your crime. There is no price to pay somali today.
  5. https://goobjooge.net/xaalad-cakiran-oo-ka-taagan-saldhigga-ciidamadii-imaaraadku-tababaray-saraakiil-qaadatay-gaadiidkii-milateriga/ This more details what happened. The UAE told them to leave and some officers rebelled. They must face military court.
  6. This is probably fake news. More credible media did not report this incident
  7. waxay kudhamaanaysaa Laaluush iyo madaxda oo loo dacwoodo
  8. Garyaaqaankii maxkamadu wuxuu dhahay waxay aflagaadeysey dowlada oo lagu helay. waxaad moodaa dowladii kacaanka ee kacabanayeen inay waxbadan kakoobi gareeyeen.
  9. Another paid article. This kind rhetoric is old and useless propaganda. It is now called fake news, even if it printed old newspaper. Why UAE needs to swoop in and fill the gaps? What are they gone gain here? For sure now they know they have nothing to gain meddling Somalia business. If they do, there risk associated, like just what happened moqdisho airport. Even American released that in 1991. What are they gone gain here? For sure now they know they have nothing to gain meddling Somalia business. The colonial left Somalia when they released it was time to leave. This week UAE has made that decision and if they are wise they will change the course. Ethier changes the way they deal with Somalia or quite leave and never come back. It was reported that Saudi will mediate UAE and Somalia and if that negotiation takes place, we may soon know the fate of Berbera base. Farmaajo wants them to stay and play a role. With Somali government protesting to UN. Afterall they have a reputation to protect. There is limitation how rigid they can be. They are already Yemen and Libya. Things are not going well either these countries. they do not have unlimited money either and Trump wants to pay the Syrian construction too. I believe they want to be in Somalia badly both economically and politically. They are more interest in south Somali. I think, they will release their failure and change their behavior at least until close to next election and also remain to run Berbera port. They may even reconsider training somaliland army, let alone build a base.
  10. https://www.middleeastobserver.org/2018/01/12/40406/ The video clip is available here. The dirty games of UAE were hidden from the public for a long time. They are taking everything by using forbidden nets. Illegal fishing in Somalia does not need an international solution, it needs a Somali solution.
  11. How UAE is illegally fishing in Somali waters January 12, 2018 MEO Staff East Africa, Somalia, Uae Latest News Middle East Observer has exclusively obtained a video clip that shows a UAE vessel while fishing in Somali territorial waters. Though the video clip that the Middle East Observer (MEO) is not professionally recorded, it shows a fishing vessel belonging to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), while fishing in Somali territorial waters without official permission from the Somali Federal Government or even the Somali regional governments. The Emirati officials reportedly give bribes to corrupt Somali high-profile executive employees and civil servants, here and there, to allow them to do so. According to Somali official sources, the UAE violates international rules and laws governing fishing activities. The UAE fishing companies bring workers from poor countries such as India and Bangladesh to do such dirty work for them. However, official sources confirmed these reports to MEO, adding that Somali Government issued no statement condemning or rejecting such illegal activities, as those carried out by UAE fishing vessels – as those who are supposed to help protect the Somali wealths are in fact part of the problem . The sources said the UAE pays bribes to some influential Somali figures who in turn allow the UAE vessels to fish there without giving them any official documents in this regard. This is one of the most prominent manifestations of corruption in Somalia. They take advantage of the absence of any surveillance, naval forces or border guards to monitor and protect the country’s beaches and territorial waters. Video Player 00:00 00:26 Illegal fishing in Somali waters needs international solutions Somalia is rich in marine life fisheries that have attracted many illegal fishing operations. This increasingly widespread practice has the disastrous effect of depleting the poor nation’s food supply. The foreign illegal fishing boats use and employ highly sophisticated and deadly effective fishing technology which are banned at some countries like bottom-trawling. Vessels from the United Arab Emirates as well as other countries come into the territorial waters off the Somalia coast to deplete the resources of this recovering nation to the last drop. Many species of marine fish in Somali waters are currently endangered due to overfishing and overexploitation by foreign trawlers operation inside the Somali waters. Furthermore, this illegal fishing will reduce future productivity and biodiversity, thus exacerbating imbalances in the ecosystem which then lead to reduced food security in Somali communities that are heavily dependent on fish as a source of animal protein. Illegal fishing and piracy One of the key underlying economic reasons of piracy in Somalia is the depletion of seafood resources through illegal fishing by foreign companies. The pirates who captured the UAE oil tanker early 2017 claimed to be fishermen whose equipment was destroyed by illegal fishing vessels. A local official for a Puntland anti-piracy agency confirmed that the attack is linked to illegal fishing along the Somali coast, a problem that has existed for a while. While the issue was temporarily solved amid the implementation of aid programs, which replenished Somali fisheries, the depletion of Somalia’s seafood stock had pushed workers who depended on fishing for a livelihood toward piracy. What is the solution? A temporary solution is to confiscate illegal trawlers and put the illegal fishermen on trial while launching discussions with their respective governments of what to do with the guilty. Those who broke laws should be accountable for their crimes in the sea and sentences should be equivalent not to the value of the fish stock they harvested but to the overall capacity of the trawler and the environmental damage and degradation they have caused to the marine life in Somalia. On the larger scheme of things, the international community and friendly countries like Turkey, the USA, Great Britain, Japan, South Korea and Germany should provide the recovering yet progress-making government of Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo with patrol vessels that can protect the exclusive economic zone of Somalia.
  12. Indonesia, Somalia agree to enhance trade ties Apr 11, 2018 - jawaab indonesia and Somalia have agreed to intensify trade ties during a bilateral meeting between Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi and Somalian Vice Foreign Minister Mukhtar Mahat Da`ud here on Wednesday. “I have just held bilateral talks with the Somalian vice foreign minister. We spoke about trade ties,” Marsudi remarked following the meeting held on the sidelines of the second day of the Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF). Marsudi noted that trade between the two countries, which has grown on an average of 30 percent per year, can still be increased. In 2017, bilateral trade jumped by 80 percent as compared to the previous year, she stated. “Hence, at the meeting, we agreed to encourage the private sectors of the two countries to forge more contacts,” she remarks. the meeting, the two sides also explored possibilities for cooperation in infrastructure development. “We are pursuing the development of infrastructure, including roads and ports, as one of the priorities. Right now, we are in the process of developing ports, but we are focusing our expertise on designing the ports,” she explained. “Hence, this is a joint effort of several countries to cooperate with Somalia in developing its ports,” she noted. Meanwhile, Da`ud expressed hope that Indonesian investors would invest in the fisheries and agriculture sectors in Somalia. Indonesia has vowed to enhance relations with African countries, particularly in the economic field, by holding the IAF from April 10 to 11
  13. It is great progress. The Somalia UN leader Kettie who is critical to Somali government is also present for the graduation. It is all about reorganizing and making a structure. Somalis have to do it is own way. They can recreate the old national army structure and keep adding more forces or a new system. The current system where each clan has it is own national army, paid by the government. in addition, their clan army is a disaster. They must locate funds for at least next two years. All clan Malesia with uniforms must also dismantle gradually.
  14. Somaliland citizens may have a point too. They are not worried about few christen praying in that church but people with money coming to their city and using their wealthy to convert locals to a new religion as it happens many places in Africa and Asia. In developed world you do not have that issue. Wealthy is not issue people covert to different religion. One of reason Islam spread around the world, specially Assia was the good deeds and behavior by the muslims.
  15. As long as I was here and reading the comments, I saw you only focus on Somaliland issue in black and white. I am good about reading people's mind.
  16. Even most White American here, do not even want care other countries. Last time Trump said, if Saudi wants American army to stay in Syria they should pay for it. They do not like global world, changing faces in their countries and immigrants. I do not think Americans and westerners have nothing lose here. You sound like a Arab prince. Be very clear. are you worried about Somaliland in this global competition?
  17. If the Russian are interested, they would talk to somalis government for base. I do not see Russian dealing with Somaliland, unless it becomes independent. They have themselves regions that wants to separate from Russia. They do not normally support seccienist states. Somaliland government control of Saylac is even questionable. people there are more connected with Jabuuti as they share tribal lineage.
  18. We need a credible person who really care the welfare of the nation. We need new faces. I agree, it should not be any person close to Sharif.
  19. Now, the Sayid is going to be hero in Hargeysa too. They never go against what their master says. I am afraid now they may fire and arrest the poor man who wrote the book.