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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. Sheekadan oo dhan waa qooto qooto madaxda iyo waxgaradka reer somaliland ay isla ogaayeen. caruurta, dumarka iyo inta waxmagaradka ah aayaa lagu maaweelinayey. waxaa sii dheer boob iyo tuugo. Siilaanyo iyo biixi waxay qaateen 50 million, waxna kama hayaan, waxna laguma qaban. DP world lacag ay balanqaadkii ay qaaday kufuliso mahayso. Somaliland iyo maamul goboleedyadu waxay qarka usaaranyihiin burbur dhow.
  2. Galbeedi In fact, the irian have shown interest northeast and central Somalia for many reasons and does not give up their hope. Somalia has a lot of cards to play and those days of giving warlords some money is over.Somali has become too big for few warlords and too expensive.
  3. See, we can wear jeans too. Do not undermine a decent people and nation
  4. Ma waxay kawadaan inay ceebeeyaan Khayre. Hadiise ayba ogaayeen maxay gabadha yar uxirayeen.
  5. This is more important issue than UAE. We need productive and stable parlament. Lot of new faces but good people in line.
  6. The somali bussiness I know, was parpering this for long time and moving their files to somalia and other golf friendly countries. Qatar and Omaan offer same services. Oman is even closer to Somalia. Moqdisho port is now a container port too. This is a decision about somali nationhood. The government should be firm about it is decition and should never accept the demand of these corrupt people.
  7. Even if it is true, we do not need to buy their excuse. There is a new government and they need to deal the new government. The parliament close the case with vote.
  8. Their foreign minister was speaking at the al_Arabia TV. It seems, they still want Qatar out of somalia
  9. Baydhabo will get a similar project and Banadir got busses from Qatar. More peaceful Somalia will lead to better prosperous Somalia.
  10. We heard the Somali people voice. give Abwaanad Naciimo her freedom. We are waiting for the human rights organizations to call the release of Abwaanad Naciimo Qorane .
  11. It is really absurd that you do not see the parallel connection here. The idea that SNM were freedom fighters against a ruthless dictator. The result and victories of SNM was a freedom and justice for all. And Somaliland is the product that supposed to protect that freedom and justice. This is what we were told or at least people from that region was arguing. What I am getting from you and what Biiixi does, is a completely different thing. According to your argument through this long discussion every day here, Somaliland is power base for SNM, the mujaahadiin who fight the dictator and they are one who decides their fate and others close them fate. And if you are inside the power base your limited not to criticise the power base, let alone challenge it. The power base is also for sale in the global market. It is looking around the world anyone who is willing to buy any services that the power base can offer, even the expensive of others around. With this behavior, the SNM power base has become a hazard to its people and neighbors. Recently Boqor Buurmadoobe said few wise words in Puntland. Now many in Hargeysa are asking, including the top elders for his arrest. Whatever other people see good and decent, some people in Hargeysa and people like you here see it differently. Naciimo is not foolish, she did not commit a crime. In that case, sheikh dirir and Faysal who preaches unity did also commit a crime. Naimo is a victim of corrupt people who are looking to receive money from overseas and wants to silence everybody they see a treat. But it is not noble to make a little girl an example.
  12. UAE was determined to make a regime change in Somali, soon after their favorite did not win the election. When the golf rift started it got worse. They also stopped the direct contribution they used to make into federal government budget.In order Farmaajo team to stay power, they were forced to react and defend themselves. It seems the issue already resolved through closed-door meetings. They will get their money back and continue to run some program in moqdisho, somaliland and puntland. They will never harm extremely the business dealing they have with Somalis. Not only Somalia exports a more than a billion dollar value from Dubai or through UAE but also, Somalis business people export billions of dollar of export to other African countries. Afterall Somali is one of their top traders. Lot of product they make goes straight to Somali even raw milk. UAE is the net winner but poor Somalis losing little means a lot more. The golf stopped buying Somali livestock three years ago. They are buying from other countries for a different reason. After the latest incident, I am guessing the relationship will be somewhat better. Trump is also planning to mediate golf countries in the summer and their fight in the horn will slow down.
  13. OO The federal system of Ethiopia is gone look like the one in Somalia. good or bad after the dismantle of Tigray domination.
  14. In other words, this means less stability and more Somalising. Iran and others are gone do something and the result will be a disaster. Ethiopia may also face similar approach. That is why you need strong Somali government.
  15. HALGAME SHEEKH BASHIIR {AUN,} Taariikhda Geesigii u Dhintey Difaaca Diinta,Ciida iyo Calanka Soomaaliyeed .!!! Sheekh Bashiir Alaha u naxariistee Geesigii Soomaaliyeed ee la Dagaalamey Gumeysigii Ingiriiska ee markii Gumeysiga ay Dileen uu Gabyaagii Xaaji Aadan Af-Qalooc ugu Gabyey: Duhur baa Bashiir lagu Shannaday Daar Agtiinna ahe Damal la Har galaa bay Jebsheen Waqay Dulloobaane Dahriga iyo Laabtay Rasaas kaga Daloosheene Isagoo Dam iyo Dhiig leh oo maro ku Duuduuban Dadkii uu Nebcaa iyo Kufraa Daawasho u yimide.(Fadlan Walaal Akhri Taariikhda Geesigaas Soomaaliyeed ee u Dhintey Difaaca Diinta,Ciida iyo Calanka Soomaaliyeed ) The betrayel of pro-colonial people Duhur baa Bashiir lagu shannaday daar agtiinna ahe Damal la har galaa bay jebsheen waqay dulloobaane Dahriga iyo laabtay rasaas kaga daloosheene Isagoo dam iyo dhiig leh oo maro ku duuduuban Dadkii uu nebcaa iyo kufraa daawasho u yimide Dacdarriyo dihaan iyo cag baa loogu sii daraye Meydkiisa daahira markii dibedda loo jiidey Nimankii dilkiisii qirtiyo idinka duunkiinna Kolkii aaska loo diidey waad wada dul joogteene Ma damqane jirkiinnii markaa waad ku digateene Nasab haddaad duriyaddii tihiin kama dareerteene. Gobannimo daleel lagama helo daar adoo galaye Haddaad doono leedahay naftaa diiq la geliyaaye Waa mur iyo deebaaq waxaad dib ugu aydaaye Marse haddaan waxaan doonayiyo dawladnimo waayey Dantay weeye inaan aammusaa eeggan dabadeede Dulligaa ku jira noloshu waa idinku deelqaafe. The betrayel of pro-colonial people :Awaan and Geesigii Barkhad Cas last words: Awawgay ninkii adoonsaday ninkii aabahay indhaha tiray ninkii anigana i iibsaday hadaan arkayoonan ka aarsan karayn hadaanan Aadanow unuunka jarayn aan ooyee albaabka ii xidha. Isagoo Iglan joogabuu i diloo ushuu soo fidshaa i iimaysoo waataa aramidii i oofa tirtaye itaal dari aan la eedaadoo aan ooyee albaabka ii xidha. Bal oggow isticmaarku abidkii iriduu marinaayo awr raran irbadbuu ku dayaa ayaamaa horee Ragan aan arkayee u abasaxayow ninowna ha odhan soomaalaan ahee ordoo magacana ka iibsada. Libaaxa anayiyo Abaarso ka ciyay Abu Riin Lo'da joogtabaa urisoo ooday jebisaa intay u dhacdoo amsaxuu ka guraa idiilkeede waakaa isticmaarkii ii daayee Ragan aan arkayee u abasaxayow in shaahiyo keegu waa urugee iimawdee axankaaga weynee. Ugaadha ninkii gatee urursada ka soo arkabaa aduun ka baxshee ninkaa imanaaya awgii waa kaa isticmaarkii ii daayee Ragan aan arkayee u abasaxayow ordoo magacana ka iibsada.
  16. I listened what this wise, intelligent and brave girl said. Everything has to be done to support this girl and her family. I am not a tech person. Someone can open online donation count, it will be great. Somali people have to show that they do not forget their daughter in that jail.
  17. http://www.allgalgaduud.net/2018/04/16/dhegayso-taliyaha-taliska-ciidanka-xooga-oo-beeniyaay-in-la-bililqaystay-xarunta-gen-gorod/ According to the someone who speaks for the Somali army. It was fake news
  18. I definitely agree and I hope he will be around the reaming time of Farmaajo mandate. The time is right with all the challenges, I am optimistic.