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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. I guest, he was playing hard ball since he became the leader of somalialnd. He even visited the UAE and got more promises. Nomads has sometime difficult to read the writing in the wall. Money does not grow over the trees. The sheiks are not that stupid. They recently left Jabuuti empty with all their invested money and humiliated in Moqdisho. Still Biixi expecting them more.
  2. Biixi can not even keep it secret. Locals seems not happy and withouth them nothing works.
  3. Somaliland and Puntland are asking too much for UAE to offer. UAE does not intend to offer more than bribes for political influence. This will lead that the ports deal will collapse in end.
  4. This is their statistics but their economy will rely on tourism and services as their oil reserves are becoming eroded. They do not have reason to mess with Somalia and other countries. The media writing is not good for them
  5. UAE a top favourite for Muslim travellers Rohma Sadaqat /dubai Filed on April 25, 2018 | Last updated on April 25, 2018 at 07.44 am Non-Muslim countries should increase their variety of halal food in hotels and list nearby mosques and halal restaurants. (File photo) Halal tourism has evolved from being a very niche segment to one of the fastest growing tourism segments. The UAE remains a popular destination for Muslim travellers from around the world due to its wealth of diverse offerings across different emirates. However, industry stakeholders say that more can be done to attract a greater number of travellers from the booming segment in the coming years. Experts at the Arabian Travel Market (ATM 2018) said that halal tourism has evolved from being a very niche segment to one of the fastest growing tourism segments across the world. This growth, they noted, is a result of the rapid increase in Muslim travellers, who wish to travel to new locations with their families for vacations. "Halal tourism is seen as a sensible way of tourism," said Marwan bin Jassim Al Sarkal, CEO of Shurooq. "Here in the UAE, we have not branded ourselves as a halal tourism destination, but we have been actively practising it since the 1980s. Sharjah positioned itself as a state with tourism venues, where travellers would be comfortable bringing their families. It has gone beyond what many people have in mind when they think of a halal destination." "The opportunities in the halal segment today are magnificent," he added. "The number of travellers in this segment have been increasing year on year; and this presents us with an opportunity to promote ourselves even further as a halal tourism destination." When it comes to destinations that are popular with Muslim travellers, online travel marketplace Wego's 'Mena Traveller Destination Leaderboards' disclosed that Egypt retained its first place ranking in the first quarter of 2018 as the most popular destination for travellers from across the Mena region; while Saudi Arabia retained its second place ranking. India firmly positioned itself in third position, followed by Turkey at number 4, while the UAE fell from the third position to fifth. Despite the overall drop, experts at Wego note that Dubai remains a popular destination for Mena travellers. Bustling street markets, easy access to halal food, short flight durations and cultural familiarity are reasons why Turkey remains consistently popular as a destination with Mena travellers, the report found. Amman, Jordan, emerged as the biggest winner among Middle Eastern cities with a spike in visitors in 2018 possibly attributed to the launch of the new Jordan trail and other new tourism boosting initiatives. "Owing to the recent rise in Muslim millennial travelers, leading global players seem to be jumping on to the lucrative halal tourism bandwagon," said Mamoun Hmedan, managing director at Wego Middle East and India. "We have seen that in Europe, and Asian countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia, there has been a consistent focus on offering a variety of halal tourism options." He added: "A recent study showed that total expenditure from Muslim millennial travellers alone could approximately surpass $100 billion by 2025. It would, therefore, be essential for travel brands to understand the psyche of this young, tech-savvy millennial, who is fond of exploring the globe, while still abiding by his/her religious convictions." Similarly, Sociable Earth's recent survey on halal tourism found that hospitality vendors, especially those in non-Muslim countries, can do more to attract Muslim travellers. According to the survey, respondents said non-Muslim countries should increase their variety of halal food in hotels, list nearby mosques and halal restaurants, and offer private pool villas to attract more Muslim guests. More than 78 per cent of respondents in the survey select their holiday destination as a family, with only 1.5 per cent leaving the decision solely to their children. Naming their number 1 priorities for a trip, access to halal food is the most important factor, scoring 39.5 per cent of the vote and proximity to mosques was also important, taking 32.8 per cent, while 22 per cent named family-friendly activities. "These figures demonstrate a demand for family-focused, down-to-earth holidays, which offer value for money and essential home facilities. Across the Middle East, we see these preferences catered to in hotels of all star ratings. However, many international markets only have a small number of suitable properties. This presents many opportunities to develop bespoke accommodation and attractive options in line with local market needs," said Omar Ahmed, founder and CEO of Sociable Earth. The survey also found that with almost 30 per cent of the vote, Dubai was the most aspirational holiday destination, followed by Turkey at 16 per cent, the Maldives at 12 per cent, Malaysia at 9 per cent and Mauritius at 6 per cent. Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and the UK each polled 5.6 per cent, with the US at 5.5 per cent.
  6. I do not see any UAE government representative.
  7. "Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Egypt have strategic importance for Somalia " I do not know if that is right any longer.These countries have new leaders and with the new geopolitics, things are constantly changing. The best Somalia can do now is, to stay sideline and not get their attention. I would understand if you say we want to take our share of petrodollars as Somalilanders are saying and that is basically what he is trying to do. He wants to get some money for himself and his base. He is probably calling his HAG friends in moqdisho too. The old game, puntland leaders used to play but this time it will be different because putland is already struggling, like the rest of other regions. Now he is trying to save some programs,.we will see soon his plans and UAE plans. Will he be able to manage to slow down things escalating or will he be part of escalating things even more?
  8. Madaxweynaha International Crisis Group Oo Goobjoog Uga Warramay Xalka Saameynta Xiisadda Khaliijka Ee Soomaaliya April 25, 2018 Rob Malley oo ah hoggaamiyaha sare(CEO) iyo madaxweynaha International crisis Group ayaa caasimadda Muqdisho u yimid uruurinta xog iyo aragti-isweydaarsi la xiriira Soomaaliya iyo xasaradda Khaliijka iyo sida xal loogu heli karo khatarta. Kulan ay fududeeyeen mas’uuliyiinta Machadka Heritage kadib ayuu Rob Malley si gaar ah ugu warramay Goobjoog News, isaga oo marka hore ka sheekeeyay sababta uu u yimid Soomaaliya. “Waxaan halkan u nimmid inaan qiimeyno xaaladda, wax ka qorno, aniga oo madaxweynaha ah iyo koox kale oo Soomaaliya muddo dheer ka shaqeynayey…ujeedkeenna waa inaan qiimeyno xaaladda gudaha gaar ahaan saameynta xiisadda ka jirta Khaliijka, sida looga dareemay ama u saameysay Soomaaliya iyo in laga hortago inta aaney xaaladda ka sii darin, aniga oo rajeynaya in la xalliyo”. Madaxweynaha International crisis Group Rob Malley ayaan sidoo kale weydiiney warbixintooda kooxda ay la wadaagayaan iyo cidda ay tahay in ay qaadato isaga oo ku jawaabay “Ujeedkeennu waa in aan la hadalno qeynaha kala duwan, haddii ay halkan Soomaaliya joogaan ama Khaliijka iyo in aan soo saarno xal la taaban karo oo aan hordhigno maamulka halkan ka jiro, midka Abu Dhabi, Doxa iyo Washington, waxaan rajeynayaa in xalka qeyb ka noqoto iyo in ay fikradaha aan siinno ay go’aan ku qaataan”. Waa Kuma Rob Malley: Rob Malley waa hoggaamiyaha sare(CEO iyo madaxweynaha International crisis Group, waxaa uu horay uga soo shaqeeyay maamulkii Obama, isaga oo aqlka cad ka soo qabtay xilal ay ka mid yihiin Kaaliye khaas ah ee madaxweynaha iyo la-taliye sare ee madaxweyne Obama ee ka hortagga Daacish, waxaa kale uu noqday isku-duwaha aqalka cad ee arrimaha bariga dhexe, waqooyiga Afrika iyo Khaliijka. Horay waxaa uu Clinton ugu ahaa kaaliyaha khaaska ah ee Carabta iyo Isra’il iyo weliba agaasimaha bariga dhexe iyo koonfurta Aasiya ee golaha amniga qaranka ee aqalka cad. Aqoontiisa waa sharciga isaga oo ka qalin-jabiyay Jaamacadda Yale, Harvard Law School iyo Oxford waxaa uu buug ka qoray Algeria. Goobjoog News
  9. Jaaliyadee? xafiisku wuxuu furanyahay 8:30 subaxnimo Xitaa soomaaliland maabka kuma calaamadsana. Dhibtaas ayay leedahay qowmidaha yaryar ee madax banaan ama madax banaani sheegta. waa naag carmala oo kale oo marba nin cusub raadinaysa. kii guursadaana siduu doono kayeelo. Jabuuti may kuwaayo arkaan.
  10. are Somalis Hawalaa going to follow? More likely, if not Qatar somewhere else.
  11. Qatar replacing UAE as hawala trade hub for Iran Tue Apr 24, 2018 12:09PM http://www.presstv.com/Detail/2018/04/24/559548/Iran-foreign-exchange-Dubai-Qatar-hawala Dubai emerged as an important link between Iran’s economy and the rest of the world after the Islamic Republic was frozen out of the international banking system. Iran will use Qatar to facilitate payment orders in foreign currencies, phasing out such operations in Dubai where restrictions imposed by the UAE government are making financial transactions difficult. “Several Iranian banks have opened accounts with Qatar National Bank, through which the transactions of payment orders in foreign currencies will be carried out,” Fars news agency reported Tuesday, citing what it described as a senior official at the Central Bank of Iran. “Due to the difficulties that have arisen with Dubai for foreign exchange transfers, forex relations are expanding with Qatar,” the official said, adding “our effort is to turn Qatar into a forex hub” for Iranian financial transactions and fill the void as a result of problems with Dubai. Dubai emerged as an important link between Iran’s economy and the rest of the world after the Islamic Republic was frozen out of the international banking system under intensified US and European sanctions in 2011. Informal dealers replaced normal banking channels to process flows of money into and out of Iran, providing currency to ordinary Iranians and turning Dubai into a center for handling trade and investment for Iran. The system being used is called hawala, under which dealers take in payments in Dubai and pay out in Iran through their connections. The dealers were licensed by UAE authorities and while the hawala trade initially did not appear to violate any regulations, new restrictions are reportedly complicating it. The practice has also created problems in Iran where dealers have been at the center of a rush by some Iranians buying foreign currencies in the face of the depreciating rial.
  12. At least Awdal community got a district. SSC community, one of lthe argest community did not get a district. No one seems happy with Iiley.
  13. To be fair. Gudhuu was a sling word referred to Somali Bantu people by northern. Bay and Bakool regions are considered most beautiful people and religious in Somalia while in the western northern region of Somalia many people are Oromo looking like. The idea that some people are more Somali or speak better Somali is not something you can brag my friend.
  14. While you are claiming to be the victorious lot others in your team are continue to claim victim lot. Which one is right?
  15. It is not just the breakup of the Somali Republic which renders this anthem outdated, it is in fact the deception, violence, envy, oppression, theft, etc, done by those who live in the southern part of our former county to their fellow citizens which makes this anthem meaningless. Anthems should reflect realities on the ground. I personally liked the old one "Qoloba calenkeedu waa caynee" The man who wrote soomaaliyeey toosoo is from Buuhoodle district of, Togdheer region and longtime residents of Berbera and member of SYL. This is the paradox of north Somali where some people in north Somalia does not like anything to do with Somali and cries crocodile tears. The same people who assisted the British colonial, army it's war against independent movement. The same people who committed and supported the savage in Boorame and ceerigaabo after Somali government already collapsed.
  16. Amigos If you do not understand somali you may use google translator..
  17. He is playing the game of about us and them. It is wrong priority. This is what he get paid to say and what he and others does in different level. And there are many people like him every where.The somaliland guurti do not even have work schedule. It is about how together we can pull out this mess. I saw the destruction of Berbera cement factory. Somali imports 5-10 million worth of sement. 50-100 million worth of sugar. 5-10 million worth of food oil, etc. All these and more can be done and produce in somalia. In other hand this should be wake up for somaliland. They can not only hope failure of somalia for ever
  18. The other day, you were preferring a destroyed Somali state, a best of option for Somaliland as you and some others put it. Ironically the people in Mogadishu who drove him out from Villa Somalia do not mind this academy to be called after him. in general, people recognize him what good and bad he did. We learn what happened in the past but we live in the present. You stuck in the past and seems to have difficulty moving forward.