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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. The treroist! I do not think they need a reminder about that. They are one who live there peacefully for century. They need zero inference so they can have peacefull eelection.
  2. This is the year of Ali Saleebaan, according to family tradition there. The big Carmo celebration for the new Beeldaaje was the beggining of the campain. They got at least three good candidates with a lot of money but you never know. We do not know what the big group may planning. They still want it themselves. What role UAE and Ethiopia play? Probably the same role they played Somaliland. It will be very expensive and dirty election. Unlike Somaliland, Moqdisho will be involved as well.
  3. UAE is far more dangerous than ethiopia in short time, running around with bags of cash. It is very clear now that Ethiopia had a green revolution. You are probably familiar the Arab Spring. Somali will not see effect of green revolution soon. But gas money could dismantle what left somalia. Madoobe and And Abdi Iley are very important because of gas found the somali region. The charm offensive of Abey has to do a lot of that.
  4. Wikeleakes is not holly. They do selective leaks. However their information seems reliable and what we already knew. What Malesawi did should not matter rather what Riyaale did.
  5. You can not have Malcolm x and Netanyahu in one agenda. You have to choice one man, one princinpel, philosophy and one religion.
  6. This is selected history. The modern Somalia history started the Berlin meeting in 1887 and different treaties signed by tribes in the north and south, followed by independent movement and the collapse of the Somali state where we are today. Anything else is nonsense until the state establish itself The British never wanted Somaliland to be an independent country. It was preparing for while to unite north and south Somalia. QAYBE was the technocrat who was mostly involved and prepared the final draft of the independence declaration. He died a few years ago in Hargeisa but left a lot of documents. When SYL refused the British option to reunite all the 5 Somalia after war world II and chose a UN true sheep in the south Somali. The British started preparing to leave north Somali but wanted to reunite the two Somali. It was not only a public opinion at that time. North Somalia never declared independent, June 26, 1960, the Somalia flag has risen in Hargeysa and replaced the British one. So in fact south united the north July 1, 1960.
  7. This is intresting. Madoobe beat the dog competition both Gas and Biixi. Do not worry every dog has its day. The competition for the second place, started already. Biixi desperatly wants to show that the Ethiopia cares and he will invite himself sooner rather later. He needs fake press confress.
  8. Simply, they do know what they are doing. What they are doing, will be costly. for them both politically and economically in the long run.
  9. Anger Erupts On Yemen's Socotra As UAE Deploys Over 100 Troops Details Published on Friday, 04 May 2018 09:38 Joomla Social Angry protests have erupted on the Yemeni island of Socotra after the United Arab Emirates deployed four military aircraft and more than 100 troops to the famed UNESCO World Heritage Site. Residents told Al Jazeera that the four Emirati aircraft arrived illegally on the island on Wednesday in an attempt to intimidate officials from the internationally recognised government who were making a rare visit to the archipelago. Hundreds of Yemenis had come out to welcome Ahmed bin Daghr, Yemeni prime minister, and 10 of his ministers and to denounced the UAE's presence on the island. Videos posted on social media showed protesters chanting slogans in support of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi and a unified Yemen. Residents told Al Jazeera that the crowds were angry after reports emerged that Emirati forces had expelled Yemeni soldiers assigned to protect the main island's airport. Located due east of the Horn of Africa in the Arabian Sea, the island of 60,000 people, which is known for its unique flora and fauna, has been administered by Yemen for much of the last two centuries. But since the UAE entered Yemen's war in March 2015 as part of a Saudi-led coalition seeking to remove Houthi rebels, Abu Dhabi has exploited the security vacuum and tried to gain a foothold in the strategically placed island. The UAE has confirmed carrying out military operations on Socotra, with local media reporting that the UAE had leased Socotra and the nearby Abd al-Kuri island for 99 years. The flag of the UAE and images of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan adorn official buildings and busy thoroughfares. According to Human Rights Watch, Abu Dhabi has financed and trained a network of militias that only answer to it, set up prisons, and created a security establishment parallel to Hadi's government. Earlier this year, Yemen's tourism ministry warned that the UAE had tried to convince islanders "to vote on a referendum of self-determination", calling it a "dangerous step." Andreas Krieg, an academic at King's College London, said the latest developments in Socotra were part of a much larger strategy to consolidate power in southern Yemen. "The UAE see themselves, or want to see themselves in the future, as the link between the east and the west. "It's very important for them to control trade links which mostly go through the suez canal and the Bab al-Mandeb Strait between Yemen and the Horn of Africa. "What they've done is found an island that is very strategically located, acts as a quasi-aircraft carrier in the middle of the Indian ocean and where they can control traffic while giving favourable access to countries that are related to them." -Al Jazeera
  10. Is he gone open his pocket because that is what matters today world. Ethiopia has already invested to use Kenya, Tanzania and Sudan ports. If they add Eriteria in list, it will not matter a lot. Berbera vs Djabuti is nonsense and tactics from Ethiopia government to find even cheaper places to export and import goods.
  11. Many somalis lost a lot of money for the emirate real state last time. It is not gone get better as internet changed the need of big offices and warehouses. Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia are back as big tourism destinations. The new investment of container ports in Africa and Asia made third countries transit less important. UAE is expensive and overrated. They will be dumped and replaced by another country.
  12. They started You missed this one. Sometimes you have difficult reading between lines. With all your education and English language skills. You seems missing inference skills and identified writers intended meaning. They identified short coming but acknowledged progress here and rewarded continue support and assistance.
  13. Somali people want also to know what they donate for sake of transparency they always mention. They could offer loans, connected to Somali national resources rather donations.
  14. This is good report for the Somali government, specially the financial department. Mr Bayle did good job to lift the whole government. His persistence with all the pressures from corrupted people is paying of. The problem is the defense department without a minister for the most of the time. They need somebody like Bayle there but the 4.5 will make things harder. Farmaajo must permanently stay there and hire some forceful people with intention to make things better for sake of the nation not collect money or maintain the status ques.
  15. Somalia must speed overhaul of fragile army to face militants, say donors 21Shares Share Tweet Email Wednesday May 2, 2018 By Maggie Fick FILE PHOTO: Somali military officers attend a training programme by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) at their military base in Mogadishu, Somalia November 1, 2017. REUTERS/Feisal Omar/File Photo NAIROBI (Reuters) - Somalia should accelerate reforms of its army, its main foreign backers said on Wednesday after discussing slow progress in transforming the graft-ridden force into one capable of fighting al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab militants. The statement from a donor summit in Brussels urged Somalia to work faster to address problems identified in a report last year by the government, the United Nations and the African Union (AU). That report called the Somali National Army (SNA) a “fragile force with extremely weak command and control”, and comes as AU peacekeepers prepare for their departure in 2020, leaving the local military in charge of Somalia’s security. The AU force began drawing down last year. It does most of the fighting against Shabaab insurgents who launch attacks in Mogadishu and elsewhere. Without strong Somali forces, Shabaab could be reinvigorated, analysts say. Ads By Google Donors said the army should create biometric registration and electronic payroll systems to curb corruption. “The SNA has to improve dramatically in a short amount of time as it is falling farther and farther behind schedule on achieving the benchmarks agreed to last year,” said Joshua Meservey, at the Heritage Foundation in Washington. “MORE TRUST” The International Monetary Fund has been pushing for better management of public finances and says the government is implementing reforms under an agreed staff-monitored program. The government has adopted a single public finance account to guard against theft, introduced a sales tax at the Mogadishu port and started taxing telecommunications companies, Finance Minister Abdirahman Duale Beileh said. Federal government revenues have quadrupled since 2012. FILE PHOTO: Members of Somali Armed Forces take their position during fighting between the military and police backed by intelligence forces in the Dayniile district of Mogadishu, Somalia September 16, 2017. REUTERS/Feisal Omar/File Photo It will soon enter a third 12-month IMF program which it hopes will be its last, paving the way toward restructuring external debt of nearly $5 billion. Somalia has not made a debt service payment since civil war broke out in 1991. “We are open for audit. The IMF has access to our systems,” Beileh said. “We are walking the walk and doing what needs to be done.” The Bank could this year offer its first grant to Mogadishu in more than 25 years if reform continues, the minister said. Such funds could lessen Somalia’s dependence on less predictable or transparent funds that often come with political conditions. Tensions between the federal government and provincial administrations have escalated this year amid a row involving Gulf nations whose problems have spilled into Somalia. The United Arab Emirates and allies have imposed sanctions on Qatar in the standoff - and both sides have backed rival camps in Somalia with money and investments. Reporting by Maggie Fick; Editing by Ed Cropley and Andrew Heavens
  16. Netanyahu may want weaken Iran, specually trying to make iran not build bases in Syria and make sure nuclear agreement will never expire. But. Shia Iran is tough and he also do not want lose the Shia vs Suns game . In addition Russia, China and Turkey will not allow Iran to go down. European trade with Iran and they will also resist. Trump will be loser in the end. He will definitely try to avoid huge collision but still please Netanyahu. He may put some sections back. The domestic politics. and his rating are. mportant for him
  17. It does with demographic changes and economics like any other empire in the past
  18. It become costly for America with no peace deal in sight with Palestinan and Isreal. Also America becoming a top oil producer makes less dependent on middle east. It is about domestic politics and maintaining to have 50 bases.
  19. Trump is unpredictable and even if Nentanyahu want to use him, top military officers will not allow things to go out of hand, this is part you do not understand. It is everybody interest to maintain some calm.
  20. I said they are discussing leaving middle east and it is true. Even Obama had plannes to concentrate South Assia Trump is often talking about how much their middle east present cost for American tax payers. Trump came power to build a wall between mexico and U.S.A. You may said public opinion does not matter but most of American want less involvement in the world, not more.
  21. You always talk about a lot fiction and unseen powers. First Uncle Sam has a lot of more other thing to worry about than meddling the horn African. Any involvement in countries like Somalia and Jabuuti will be very minimum, my freind.They were even discussing leaving middle east for long time. American are very pragmatic and you can not understand they do not mind having a base next to Chinnese. Some part of your brain, may freezed already as old person and only one section working. The is why, you keep repeating yourself al the time.
  22. This so called Arab states reminds me moqdisho warlords who united a organization they called anti terror. They are behaving same way pretending to represent Arab people against Iranian and Turkey. When in fact they are the one responsible the backwardness of Arab people.
  23. OO How you get that conclusion? Things do not work that way in Somalia, At least these day.unlike Ethiopia where the political fear and opessment of currentf leader of the time s the norm. If you mention Money, many people would agree with you. Somalia has it is own destination. It is up its people to move forward with or without help from anyone
  24. Gele is safe. Djibouti is the most strategic peace of land in the horn, more than Ereteria because of it closeness of Somali. It has been safe for ethiopia to trade for many years and without change. The road to ethiopia goes through Issa tribes in the other side of the border. Jabuuti are buying electricity and water from ethiopia, so it is more balance trade. Jabuuti does not have internal political problem and Gele is in control. China is there to support economically. He is probably open for negotiation but he has upper hand. There are no leverage to threat Jabuuti from anybody except being small country with some insecurity Sudan has some economic problems but they have been there before. With Qatar and Turkey support, they will be find. The local insurgency are not the same one they were facing from south Sudan. Ethiopia is moving forward to unknown destination but at least not clopsing this time. But it does not have time and resources to infer anybody else in region as the past. I would say, it is Somalia including somaliland the one facing more problems. However with defeat of UAE influence and Farmaajo, khayre taking grip of modish, there will be few surprises. The world will not save somalia. It has to save itself The horn is important but it is not the middle east.
  25. Iran’s supreme leader warns Tehran will respond to strikes on its Syrian bases World April 30, 15:04UTC+3 According to Sky News Arabiya TV, the strike destroyed a large depot with Iranian weapons 10 km to the west of Hama Share MOSCOW, April 30. /TASS/. Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said on Monday Tehran will respond to the strikes against its facilities in Syria, according to the Al-Manar TV channel. "Now for every your strike you will get retaliatory strikes," Khamenei said. The Supreme Leader warned that "the era when after delivering strikes the adversary managed to avoid a response is over." The statement was a response to a missile strike on the positions of the Syrian army and armed units of Shia militias fighting alongside with Damascus. A Syrian military source earlier told the SANA news agency that the strikes were carried out overnight to Monday against the outskirts of Hama and Aleppo. According to Sky News Arabiya TV, the strike destroyed a large depot with Iranian weapons 10 km to the west of Hama (220 km from Damascus). The report said there were deaths among the Syrian forces and Iranian military advisers. A source in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps denied reports that 18 Iranian advisers were allegedly killed during the recent missile strike on Syria, the Mehr news agency reported. A commander of pro-Iranian forces of Fatemiyoun Shia militias fighting alongside with the Syrian army said their base near Aleppo (360 km from Damascus) was not targeted by any strikes. According to him, the military facility is not damaged and there are no casualties among the personnel. Lebanon’s daily Al-Akhbar blamed Israel for the recent missile strike on Syria warning about a quick and an inevitable response to this attack. More: http://tass.com/world/1002546