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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. Congratulations for Erdogan and Turkey. The west media did everything to discredit him and defeat him. Still questioning the validity of election after fair election with local and international monitors for each box and election location. He is a party spoiler for them and they are the real losers today.
  2. opening up Ethiopia could be too dangerous. I do not think even sponsors are looking for complete freedom. today it is Oromo who wants the political power and the economic freedom. That is understood and they will get sooner rather later. Are Muslims going to have the freedom of exercising their religion? Adis has only a handful of masjids. But any EID day a half million people show up. With the new freedom, how it will affect Muslims, overall they are most discriminated against historically.
  3. It is interesting they don't refer the accident as a terrorism In past every violent incident was referred as terrorism. They may have evidence leading to specific group or He simply want to blame his new opponent.
  4. I read the letter. It is not from IC. It is from. EU embassys in Moqdisho .They want to do things in the old way but letter is public now Andi it could backfire everyone involved. Where are all these people talking about Ethiopia and EAU now The EU secrat mission in Somalia has been revealed. They really showed their color. The respnd letter seems unprofessional and not from Bristal. The so calledal new deal is under question mark.
  5. Keating is a British and knows how talk to Biixi. He knows more than Biixi.
  6. This is more seriously issue than what Ethiopia done or suppose to be doing. Recognising Somaliland as a facto independent state is more dangerous than anything else. Why they should be treated differentially. EU want to create a new Taiwan Somalia.
  7. It will be harder for sure. Xamar goverment wants that money themself. I am not sure country like EAU.
  8. Jigjiga, Karaamardha and Diridhaba were all same front. After Jigjiga was liberated first with a lot of casualty. Diridhaba, Hawaas, Herar was the next target. He was the general responsible all of that area. He was senior commander, one of first and highest ranking of the SNA. With all these years why he is now innocent about that incident.
  9. Was not Ciro the division 60 in South side. I think Galaal nephew at VOA are trying to clear the crimes that Galaal committed. Galaal has very dark history, you can not bring him at light. Unlike many others who participated the civil war. His crimes are. well documented. He killed personally the D-block members of the menifasto group who refused to leave Moqdisho, like Dr. Abyan and many others.
  10. This was done by the orders of General Galaal in Jigjiga area who was the commander of SNA forces in North/West side of the war. When somali government collapsed he was the first who ordered the civilian killings in Moqdisho. From Siyaad Bare loyalist to worst clan loyalist General in the somali civil war.
  11. Some countries and organisations will do that but it will not signed by somali federal government this time as special arrangement.
  12. They were using this assistance against people of lasanod and others. It includes 30 million dollar cash from EU. This arrangement should never happened. Another scandal arranged and allowed by President Hassan Mohamud.
  13. Xaaji Why it is better?. Do not you know believe Allah is created. Israq for each person. Ports are not for economic prosperity. It is more strategic trade opportunity. A country to be experiencean economic prosperity, It has to produce goods You can simply relied the rent of your port.
  14. Trump. does not seems having problem with. Reality has caught him.
  15. To be fair. I saw pictures of Khayre sucerity wearing suits before. This is not first time.
  16. It is but will not change very much the current situation at least for now. Abbaya is done his assignment and Farmaajo and his companies have to show some flexibility. They are still very weak both domestically and internationally.
  17. Somalia has been dead for long time and in order to revive life again will take a long time. Those who maintained power, influence and controlled the economy will not see any change including foreigners. But as mention before the time seems right for Somalia rebirth. Many small positive things are happening in direction of full stability and prosperity. International community seems to see some positive things coming from Somalia, people are recovering the drought with Allah gift of more than enough rain. Printing money will be another big positive step. UAE admitted for last 14 years, they provided Somalia 225 million dollars, most of money went to bribes. Average 14 million a year. They only built one hospital and they closed now. To compare Turkey which provided 1 billion for seven years. Average 200 million a year. The new parliament alone will cost a 100 million. While UAE disparately wants to maintain the status queue, Turkey see it is future trade in Africa which increase 600% for last few years with 17.5billion. In fact Istanbul is becoming the next Abu abbey for Somalis business people too with direct cargo to all Somali ports. Many Somalis business men and women are operating and opened offices in stanbul. A win for the turkey. UAE has lost but they are going to lose even more with their current leadership. How long will they able to bomb billions of dollars for other countries to pay political support when their economy is going down. UAE and Saudi group has lost respect in eyes of their population and in the world. The performance of Saudi and Iran teams in world cub were very revealing. With all sections and negative media reporting, the Iran team fought hard with dignity and luckily won. The Saudi team were protesting and gave up when the prince was watching. They promise to punish the team members instead. For Farmaajo and khayre, it is win for them to receive Abbaya in moqdisho what ever his attention is and who ever is behind him. While watching the negative consequences of UAE policy, they have to be pragmatics to move the country forward to stability. Ethiopia is going to a transition and Somalia can get the benefit of it, this time of difficulties. Somalis in the Somalia region will also benefit that transition this time if they get a good leadership and unity although they seems powerless with many years of bad leadership and under pressure.
  18. This will be a temporary during the Haj. Saudi has now animal farmers in addition the imports Somali livestock became too expansive for even local people. A goat costs $50 average. People can not even afford to eat meat back home.
  19. This map is not right. It does not represent even the current triple map. In 1960, 55% of north Somalia where inhibited by Norther *** tribes. Today is about 45%, more than the *** tribe.
  20. Malaysia's Mahathir Mohamad sworn in after shock comeback victory http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-44063675
  21. I remember old days the early 80's visiting Burco. Burco had many street boys as well, they were older than these kids and it was not about the poverty, they were mainly drug abuser(xabaglayaal). People could easily find food and shelter. The gap between those who have and those have not, was very minimum. Most people were middle class. There is no question the poverty is widespread now and there is a large gap between the poor and rich. The corruption is also more spread. A lunch in a good restaurant in Hargeysa is more expensive than a cheap lunch in America fast food restaurant.
  22. After securing water resources, first, they have to live collectively as the Turks and Asian nomads did centuries ago and create jobs for everybody. With fewer moving the land also will recover.
  23. "Annaga Imaaraadka Ayaa Nooga Wanaagsan Qadar - Madaxweynaha Jubbaland" Annaga maaha, waa aniga. Maalmo kahor ayay ahyad markii mashruuc world bank kasocda ay dowlada dhexe u dooratay Kismaanyo. Mashruucaas oo kukacaya 11 millionn oo dollar, looguna talagalay in lagu dhiso wadooyiinka magaalada. Turkiga ayaa isna balanqaadey inuu mashruucyo keeno kismaanyo, kadib markii lamataaneeyey jubaland iyo gobolka natelya ee turkinga. Waxa kaliya ee UAE ay uqabato Jubaland waa ciidan yar oo calool ushaqaystayaal ah oo mushahar siiyaan iyo waxay isaga siiyaan. Dhinica kale amaanka guud ee hagaagay wuxuu keenay inay dadku dhistaan kuna soo noqdaan magaalada.