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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. Turkey has china option for the worst case scenario. The Turkey government has little debt and 110 billion reserves. Trump wants to play tuff before the midterm election. After September things will be back. to normal.
  2. Turkey economy is fine. Tourisem industry is booming, export is growing and economy is growing. with high rate. They do have high inflation problem and dollar debt which is manageable. This new crises is all about with Turkey growing regional influence, Turkey has been target. As punishment, Turkey is facing economic war as Erdogen put it. An attempt to slow down turkey economy and samitime it"s ambition. Turkey will never go to IMF. This talk of IMF for Turkey is part of speculation.
  3. Poor Somalis business men will lose money and work. Foreigner investors will take the profit at least. Somalia needs investments but not this area. There were already so many Hawala. Why could not they invest solar and wind energy. Food productions and infrusture.
  4. The U.S.A and rest of western countries are silent about the issue. With their silent they basically support this on the Saudi Arabia. It is embracing for Somalis in Canada but this will be over soon. The Canadian liberals learned a lesson here. They just need to follow the crowd not to initiate their own lecture without approval from New York liberal.
  5. In Mn, two Somalis went court accusing each other stealing the vote. A district with 18% Somalis. So much impressment.It is four years jail, knowingly voting twice. Somalis can not do right voting. How many people voted little village Gabiley? Gobolka Gabiley.
  6. let us pray for peace. Abiya may see the big picture and maintain peace. If he brings free elections and represation that may solve the problem.
  7. MN somalis and Oromo community had meetings to promote peace. This guy said his eathist.He is one of Oromo who has connection with the Americans. Although. not popular with all Oromos, he is very influential. They are claiming much of Ethiopia. today and not happy the Somali region is larger than the current Ororomo region. They also claiming all the way toTigray. But if the Somalis threat all the Oromo as one big family. Somalis will lose quickly.
  8. The bloodshed must to stop. Somalis must work with meighnoring Oromo population to change Ethiopia, and hopefully make a new Nageria. The next leader should a faitfull muslim.
  9. Biixi was talking about how nice Abiya is, today hoping invitation to talk to him. We can assume Xaaji is more serious here. Iley gave landers four new district for last minute a total of 91 new districts he destripited.
  10. Somalis need to be smart here. The Oromo are united. They just wake up and realized their strength. They have high hopes for this guy. And no cam stop them now. 50 million + people. Oromo ate going to crash with somebody. It is like USC taking power in Moqdisho 1990. They either will desttoy the Ethiopia we know or change the whole region for better. Things are now fluent and could go either way. The oromos ate not looking to get the Somalis. Let them fight others
  11. The Diridhaba group arrived in JigJiga. It seems many of them are from Jigjiga. They are Facebook too. This will be the biggest challenges Iley will face. Abiya has people that helping him and he is the plan.
  12. One thing is for sure, iley is alone here with his few light armed police numbered hundreds, not thousands as galbeedi estimated. The world will not even know it. They already put it as a security and humantrian issues rather constitutional. What is left, is his Tigray friends. I am not sure if they have some influence left. They can interfere to calm situation at least temporarily. This will end up, Iley replaced by one of his aids and the aid willl be asked to share the power with Diridhaba group.Abiya will win short time but will lose in long run. Somalis were already losers but this time end up fighting their poor neighbors., the Qoti or the somali abow, the people we wanted to liberate yesterday. This is a tarp but not a lot of people see it. Somalis should pass this opportunity and let other deal Abiya first.
  13. They are desperate. It is like a millionaire who scare that his poor neighbors will become billionaire one day. Uncontrolled panicke to maintain the status quo. Like Fircoon trying to kill each new born baby. It is not gone work.
  14. It is just a political game. In reality, there will not be no substantial change. Overall I am optimistic for the people in region. They have more to gain with new cold war.
  15. Arab yesterday are different than Arab today. At least the old Arabs knew how to survive in the desert. The ones today can not even read the instructions given them. So there is no point dealing them honestly. This time, they do not have any benefit been around the Horn.
  16. Nalagama tashan is now the most used phrase. Madoobe is undermining the federal syytem himself. I do not understand why you should select someone from gedo for that position. But it is not his business to interfere.
  17. The new china is different than the old one. The capitalist want money and china got it. They got the cheap and knowlegeble labor force. It is all about continue getting better deals for their bucks. China is also the fourth largest country in the world with blunty of natural. resources. Unlike Japan they basically got everything. So it is too late for outsiders to stop them.
  18. I see Geele continue winning. He will be there when Trump is gone. The somali region oil is going to export through Jabuiti ports which will give him both new source of income and leverage. The port business may decline little bit when Asmara port is open to Ethiopia. The goods going to region will grow also with higher rate. China will be his side for more cash. He is in control. Only economic troubles and outside military invation can be treat to his leadership Dictators do not fall too easy. Ereterian leader had survived 26 years. Geele is master and has better times ahead with all consequences.
  19. There are 13 blocks of oil zones In the Somali region. Most of them are just close to border. What that means is you. can simply drill the somali side of the border. They should look oil in just the border. For Soomaaliland OOdweyne is good but too far from the border. Dhoqoshey is better. Their next target will be AWdal and Buuhoodle to Wajaale.rThan Galgaduud, to Bakool area.
  20. Chinese communist government is so rich. No one can compete with hard working 1.2 billiion. people.One's they reach Japan's level of know how, they will be none stopale. Their goal of china made 2025 with world latest technology is here. Trump will give up soon with a face saving deal.
  21. Ali Khalif is playing a devil game He does not like neither side . He did not get what he wanted. He already gave up what I am hearing from. Lasanod. For Tukaraq conflict, I deal has been done either side to go back their old positions. Locals who support each. side are not happy and neither side can not do without them.. In Canbaashe is not happy and refuses to withdraw back. Somaliland is working to convince him even with loses he had.
  22. Suldaan Now you agree Putland army are in fact bigger than Somaliland pne including clans. Somaliland also done samething all Biixi could get. Do not tell us Somaliland only deployed regular or paid army. Biixi brought everyone even local police and clans from Wajaale and Gabiley. But Puntland can always bring more. It has nothing to do with resources. In addition Puntland. has 10 times more diaspora population than Somaliland. It may has to do International community. UAE has relationship with both administrations. They may working some deal. In that case next time. Abdiweli leaves expect the next fighting. There are big different between Habro clan army vs Puntland clan army. In Putland elders maintain the peace not the government. They. came only one reason and will go home peacefully either way.
  23. This is a small peace of. bread. It should be rewarded for best service providers each other years. The real big one is telecomucation. Farmaajo is scared to touch it and Khayre is part of it. But it is. the heart of insucurity and the source of anarchism. These people were using the country code and Arab satellites free because somalia is member of Arab union. Now with the electronic cash money, It is becoming even bigger. They do mot even try to reform. It.