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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. Good meeting and open discussion to resolve existing problem. This meeting is different what we use to see other Somalis cabinet meetings.
  2. The problem is not Abtigiis but OG culture problem. they used to be given something and do not understand the concept of sharing things. The Dir in the other hand are getting smaller but where ever they are, always demand lion share. I agree Abtigiis can not be worst than Iley. But You will be dissapointed if you think he will more like Farmaajo.
  3. Where is the UK home office letter about the changes mentioned Sheeko caruureed maka gaboobid miyaa.
  4. I like the idea of verification to combat corruption and the small steps in the right direction.
  5. ONLF exist only in the paper these days. The biggest armed group is the Liyu police and I hope they will stay afterrall with changed leadership which is good. They only have few people armed on the ground. The biggest issue, they need to talk to Abiya is sharing oil and gas resources. The region needs peace and stability.
  6. Abtigiis is a brave man but being a brave man does not always be beneficial. Turk says "now your position". Farmaajo has learned a lot about his past mistakes and now came down the reality in the ground. Overall Somalia and Somalis are where they are, much worse than the first day of the independent. A world of new imperialism, the leaders of the people must know what they are doing and carefully watch and study their surrounding. Like, always the enemy of Somali are themselves.
  7. The new election coming will solve the problem. Galbeedi should have his party ready on time if Abiya makes his promise valid. The non Absam D- blocks were the biggest victims of resource and power-sharing. For example, the Gari who resides all the way to Diridhaba and Fiqi region was particularly sidelined by Iley and others. Even, Wardheer region, all of the top leaders are OG. Somalis focus power-sharing but there are more important things for the people in the region, for example, the restricted border movement and overall the freedom. Some places people could not even pray for Fridays. Abdi Iley people were even in charge of the mosques. People with a brain has left the region, only uneducated and nomads have stayed. The new president needs to change the political climate first and invite, educated people, people with knowledge, sheiks, and diaspora who left the region to come back.
  8. Xaaji, you welcomed the British, even the Warsangali refused to host their flag but you did not have problem with that, one tribe to another. this is what they wrote. .****, sub-tribe of the ****,….The British flag was given to the inhabitants, who at once hoisted it. …Ankor was reached, the flag hoisted, and the Treaty signed by *** tribe without hesitation. At Shelloa, …. The flag was hoisted; ..at Maid, where the various sub-tribes of the *** and *** signed the Treaty and voluntarily hoisted the flag. It was not thought worth while visiting the roadstead of Hashow, but an Elder of the *** tribe, who was at Maid, signed the treaty and took charge of the flag. We arrived at Bunder Gori, or, as the Somal call the port, Laskhoray, on the 27th, and the Gerad of the *** being fortunately present, I was enabled to conclude a Treaty, placing the coast between Ras Galweni and the *** limits under British protection. This carried our protectorate as far as Bunder Ziadeh on the 49th parallel of longitude. IT WAS NOT DEEMED advisable to press on the *** the acceptance of our flag. They evidently consider their relations with us should resemble those held by the ***, and they asked to be made, like them, stipendiaries; also that the relatives of the Gerad should be permitted to wear ARMS in Aden, a privilege enjoyed by the family of Sultan Othman. I think that an annual stipend of 180 dollars(half the sum paid to the ***) might be allowed to the *** Gerad. The arms question can be dealt with by the Resident.
  9. Is isaq dir? ducaale will say yes but xaaji will say, they are the duriyada. Same with Jaarso, in addition, they speak the Oromo language too.
  10. Well, they can be both and that is the issue. They have a choice. They can be leaders of Oromo, instead of a discriminated Somali tribe.
  11. I do not think Jaarso see themselves as Somalis, even those with half Somali parents. They mostly speak Oromo and more comfortable being Oromo. It is beneficial for them to be Oromo than Somalis. They are a very active community, share culture with Somalis. But they do not have a problem working with Somalis, they can also help Somalis to work the neighboring oromo.
  12. Diradhaba is gone for sure. I was there ones. The Qat is the biggest problem for Somalis in that area, all the way to Jigjiga. Not only Oromo are immigrating to that area but also they are producing more children. The Ciisa has been the warrior tribe defending that area for long time but the qat and the French culture destroyed them.Diridhaba city has already Oromo majority. Abiya told the Oromo people that the whole east Africa belongs to them and Somali are very small people with big land in order to calm down and abodon their previous goal of independent Oromo. Somali state needs to learn from NFD. They need culture change with new blood and invite somali business people. Diridhaba is nice place to live and do business.
  13. I do agree that Somaliland operates differently! is this all about, sending criminals back to Ethiopia.? or attention seeking and selling some poor Somali individuals hoping to get something in return. Basically, a type of unhonorable business which is familiar to everybody in the horn. Now when Iley is gone and his replacement is welcoming free opinion, is there any hope, we will get similar development in Hargeysa, where dissidents can express their opinion. Or they will be going to jail everyone who refuses to sing the same songs in the daylight. Somaliland seems inherited all the bad kacaan culture and there is no sign things will change soon.
  14. Abiya is working hard, little bit different than the old team. His s more closer the Moqdisho way than the old Adis regime. He got a close network of people who gives him advice. He seems to reward the resistance and Oromo friendly individuals. Our Galbeedi may also get a political position if he wants. The Oromo and Amharo may soon clash publicly now when somali Oromo conflict is reduced. However Abiya is not willing to give the Somalis more than 10% of the oil wealthy. Oromo do not want somalis to be richer than themself. But he will bring freedom. The land issue will remain problematic.
  15. No roads after 27 year of autonomos http://khaatumonews24.com/11598-2/
  16. Still Moqdisho is booming. South somalia is furtle land with two rivers. With peace and solar energy people there do not need anybody. Inflation was always lower because no need of food export. If you got some money, you can use for other things. When peace comes the whole Hargeysa will leave and the old people will find themself alone.
  17. They are asking Biixi something he can do nothing about it. The little buget is already went way. Same stories and same problems. I told,that long time ago somaliland can not survive alone. Jabuuti is struggling even with it is ports. Even the birth rate is going down.
  18. This is part of new cold war. Some new countries are trying to be independent from existing system. We have now the so call market from Singapore to Island. It is all about making money on thin air and control world governments.Those who control has been most powerfull people. The market system will see every country to implement same rules politically and economically. The system is challenged. Turkey, China and Russia want to be independent actors. We will see who wins.Turkey has been part of market but Erdgon is outlier and they want to teach him lesson. But he is so far ending winning. The time has changed but the market has same old rules. You either with us or with them. I am predicting the market system will not survive the 21 century and will lead problems in the near future for the whole world.
  19. As I said before the best that happens for the Somalis future are the Oromo population rise for better or worst. Somalis can not bring any changes themself. They are different the rest of Ethiopia. Abiya is happy to deal with Somalis. He can use the Somalis to cover up his attention and unite his nation. Do not forget Ethiopians and Somalis had centuries of wars and conflict. They did not forget. The Oromo give Abiya full mandate and support to change the old system. They are expecting a lot of changes from Abiya. But Abiya seems wanting to rule Ethiopia the old way he knew. The Oromo are waiting patiently for now.All the changes the Oromo wants will also benefit the Somalis. Elections, property rights, local taxes going direct to regional coffin. These are some of the things Oromo wants and If Abiya will not delever soon He will be their target later 39 article is fake. Ethiopia can not survive if one region left, the rest want to leave too.
  20. Galbeedi Replacing Iley with Ahmed shidane is not. a good idea, if that happen. Shidane as party leader is different than Shidane as president of the region. The region needs smooth transition. Simply Ahmed Shidane is not the right person. People hated or loved Iley. He built schools and water walls almost every district. He was somewhat independent. He was a citizen of the somali region first as he presented himself. Ahmed Shidane will be hard sell. I am very much doubt if he is capable of the big job. Is he going to report every issue to Abhiya. Do people just accept him for the sake of he is different tribe than the last leader.
  21. Shied is not oromised somali. He is ahmarised somali. Is not he, the one signed DP world agreement for Ethiopia?
  22. There are rumors thAt next leader will be from dhagaxbuur. ONLF has just made estatment for voluntary cease fire. One of their leaders probabl
  23. the emphases is different. Translation, china is ready for war to maintain peace at home.