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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. It is probably very cheap propaganda. Money does not grow trees. For sure, Khayre could pay himself 10 million and leave. Neither Qatari and UAE are that generous. it is like the last generation of dinosaurs, trying to survive by the nature changes. Gabre is not coming back. It was about time for new teams and new tribes to be the center.
  2. Sometimes people spend money to get more money in Somali plotics. Jeegaanta Puntland waa triangle. Hada waxay mararysaa xagashii qardho ku aadanayd. Lacagtuu isticmaalayo ama UAE katimi ama muqdisho iyo Qatar. Homecare lacag intaa le eg lagama helo.
  3. They will simply tell King Salman to replace his son to another one of his sons. Or follow the old kingdom’s session rule. It is more realization of MBC promise of Jerusalem and Trump middle east peace will not get anywhere. The turkey and Qatar group won.
  4. The chinnes is building Israel main port with American base. So it is not about China. It about bullying the little guy. I do not think the chinnes are going anywhere.
  5. The last time a somali friendly leader took power in Ethiopia was a century ago and he lasted a few months because he was betrayed by Somalis working for the colonial. Darwiishes sent a delegation to meet him and before they arrived Herar, he was already assassinated by the British. One thing is for sure, It is not only highlanders who write about him and he takes a risk of being friendly to the Somali government. But that is positive for the region. As the new team took over to lead Somali government, Ethiopia also has a new team. But old group, preferred by colonial will never be happy and accept the changes.
  6. SL will eventually get a lot of many for completely taking over it,s air space. One’s somalia’s Parliament ratifies the laws. Next it will go UN egency that responsible for air safety and Somali will complely manage it’s air space. Otherwise it could completely lose it’s rights and someone else will given to manage it. You talking about 30 millions to 70 millions a yearly. That money could employ many poor Somalis.
  7. This one is classic. How old is the girl?, she seems told. just assume if Abiya was kissing a Somali girl in the head in Somalia
  8. Some of the Somali government ministers are very good. The aviation minister Mr. Omar and finance minister Bayle done already so much and continue working hard to reach the ultimate stability level.
  9. Somali Parliament debated on Aviation and Airspace Bill The Members of Somali Parliament today debated on the country’s civil aviation bill less than a year after the country regained the control its airspace. The bill which was drafted by the Ministry of Aviation was approved by the cabinet in May this year before it was submitted to the federal parliament. The bill is expected to help the country manage the aviation which could lead to economic growth. Late last year, Somali government retook the control of its airspace after more than two decades. Air traffic over the Horn of African nation was under the control of the United Nations since 1992, a year after the Somali civil war broke out following the collapse of the collapse of the Central government. Prior to the collapse of Somalia’s central government led by late Mohamed Siyad Barre in 1991, the country effectively and efficiently managed and controlled its airspace and was able to collect overfly charges. When the country plunged into civil war, Somalia lost millions of dollars as there was no credible oversight organization despite ICAO operations to control the air traffic over Somalia.
  10. The black and white different lines, you always draw doesn’t really exist. The gulf countries with all their money are weakest link. These African leaders will take money from different gulf countries but that will not stop them to deal others. One time cash from the gulf countries will not do any good for anyone. The relashinship for these three leaders are more related to domestic issue. Nothing will happen to Jabuuti. Jabuuti ports will have same and more businesses even when Ethiopia start using Ereteria ports. They will still host both America and Chinese. The Ereterian dictator is not gone change that much.He will not hold election any time soon. The main issue is still Abiya and the changes he wants to make.
  11. It depends on very much who you give the contract. For the offshore drilling, only a few western companies are specialized. The best way to do it to diversify it.
  12. This is part of consequences and in peace the Somalia will be heart of horn.
  13. Somaliland is responsible the death of hundreds of people is South Sool but now it seems people in region has finally did something about it by excluding Somaliland involvement. In Kaahin admitted himself that they always work to divide people of that region and this is part of somaliland to control that region. The next step should be people in the region to come together and decide what is good for them.
  14. This Wadani guy explains what is going on the horn and this what is all about it.
  15. https://www.upstreamonline.com/live/1627931/somalia-sets-block-bid-submissions-date This will be the offshore drilling between Banaadir and Kismaanyo cost. Somalia will not be stable and prosper without taking advantage for it is resources.
  16. Even if they want to stay their bases in the future as they do today and train themselves, there will be no money to pay them any more. The west does not have money for them and the mission has come to end. This is something that QUEN people do not understand. They always assume the QUEN is gone deliver, no matter what. The QUEN is done for the AMISON.
  17. Even Gaas is feeling the heat. He may not survive as well. I will not surprise if he resign too or make deal with villa Somalia.
  18. https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001301775/amisom-develops-final-document-for-exit-plan-from-somalia The document is AMISOM’s intent regarding plans and aspirations that will culminate in the scheduled 2021 one-man-one-vote elections and consequently the transfer, I confess this can be the done the year 2021. 70 of 84 districts will be ready for the election. from buuhoodle to mandheera.
  19. She has a very good chance. She is not only Somali but a liberal candidate too. The deferent is people vote for the party here and when you make the list, no one will care your name and identity. The people who created the American Constitution read the Quran and was inspired by the Islamic justice system. The Quran says a goodless nation will exist but the unjust nation will not last. You can simply google it.
  20. I do not think, it will work this time for him. His friends is pushing to him doing wrong things. But in the end, he will give up. He has much to lose including his airplane business.The local parliament is the key and it seems he lost their support. It is a new era these guys are in the past. It is a new day for somalia, the time of keeping the people and the country a hostage is over. people see the light coming and will not stay the dark.
  21. Dahabshiil invested a lot of money for properties and tried to become a dominant telecommunications bussines with little return so far. The only area going well for Dahabshiil is the bank sector which has a great future. The rest of his business model had very difficult to gain market share with all the investments he made to upgrades and compete with Jimcaale groups like telesom partially because he likes to go alone. Dahabshiil is probably running out of cash flow and this is an attempt to collect som deposits.
  22. The international community was encouraging this kind of bad behavior for a long time. For this moment only one country is funding continuation of many presidents for our small country. Xaaf came back from Garoowe with four new bulletproof cars and hoped to hold the next meeting in Dhuusamareeb. Now he is going to moqdisho, for eventually to hassle more money from Villa Somalia. This cycle must end. Regional government must receive their share of federal government budget and they have to let the federal government collect the tax, for their airports and ports. Kenya has a very good system of how to divide the money, so it can reach to locals districts.