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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. Old Man Do not try to go around a circle, you need to take care of your inferiority complex. it is clear, obvious and unhealthy. You always claim a winner and your group better the rest. It was yesterday when my grandfather died in Berbera liberating from the British colonial and today you bragging that Somaliland forces are in sool region which invited by some local people for different reason. Tomorrow is going to be a different story. But that is not the point. It is the positive changes that taking place in the region and leaders that can advance the hopes and desires of the people. You still have the mentality of being the son of the British colonial cook and that needs to be changed with hopefull and local mindsets.
  2. old man With all that chasing, you are still hateful and fearful of losers. Those losers will always be the dominant group in the Somalia peninsula and nothing you can do about it. With all the time you spent here and elsewhere will end up fruitless because of the status quo will not change. In another hand, I support Hargeysa's leader should come from Hargeysa so the people of there can have fun each other and occupied themselves, an advice that Siyad Bare refused. I would support Waraabe and Biixi argue endlessly as they enjoy this type of conversations and leave the rest of us outside their daily rituals.
  3. Yes, get rid of Tigray influence. Farmaajo had two choices. 1) To be the president of Maka mukarama street for the rest of his time or to try something different. 2) To be the president of Somalia beyond the downtown moqdisho. He is now trying to be a president beyond moqdisho and challenges the status queue. The decision to arrest Roobow is his boldest decision he made so far whether it is right or wrong. That will send a message to road blockers. In order to be a successful president, he must clear the air and deal with opposition leading by Fiqi and Mahad Salad who just wants to keep roadblocks and nothing else.
  4. Biixi people did beat faysal waraabe and injured him. They can have all this excitement why they need the so-called Ictiraaf.
  5. Dagaal Gacan ka hadal ah oo dhexmaray F.C.Waraabe & Guddoomiye-Xigeenka Kulmiye+Khasaaraha ka dhashay Writen by Qaran News | 12:04 pm 13th Dec, 2018 Dagaal Gacan ka hadal ah oo dhexmaray F.C.Waraabe & Guddoomiye-Xigeenka Kulmiye+Khasaaraha ka dhashay Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID Faysal Cali Waraabe iyo Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka labaad ee Xisbiga muxaafidka ah ee KULMIYE Axmed Cabdi Dheere ayaa dagaal gacan ka hadal ahi Wuxuu ku dhexmaray Huteelka Maansoor. Sida Ilo Goobjoog ahaa warbaahinta u soo dusiyeen Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga UCID Faysal Cali Waraabe ayaa dhaawac Fudud oo isha dusheeda ah la gaadhsiiyey,Inkastoo xoggo kalena sheegayaan in Dagaal Gacan ka hadal ahi dhexmaray labadooda. Xoggo kalena waxay tibaxayaan in Waxooga khasaare ahi jiro,Muraayado la jejebiyey Balse khasaare halis ahi ma dhicin.Dagaalkan labada masuul ayaa waxaa Goobjoog ka ahaa Maxamed kaahin,Wasiirka Macdanta & Xubno kale oo ka tirsan Xukumada Muuse Biixi oo loo maleynaayo inay Faysal cali waraabe shirqool u maleegeen. Geesta kalena Dagaal ayaa si wayn looga hadal hayaa fagaarayaasha Siyaasada & Goobo kale oo doora. .
  6. Somalia passes stringent measures to tackle corruption 11th December 2018 John Snow Featured, Somalia news 0 At a Government-led International Day Against Corruption event in Mogadishu, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Somali Federal Ministry of Justice and Judiciary Affairs have signed the first part of an agreement to develop a comprehensive approach to tackle corruption and increase public and private sector transparency in Somalia. The International Day Against Corruption is marked each year on the anniversary of the ratification of United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), with 2018 marking the 15th anniversary of the Convention. The signing of the UN-supported plan at the Mogadishu event coincided with the announcement, by the Minister of Justice, Hassan Hussein Hajji, that the Federal Government would ratify the UN Convention against Corruption in the near future. “Acceding to the UNCAC is part of our commitment towards a corruption free Somalia,” Minister Hajji said. “International Day Against Corruption provides an opportunity for Somalia and its international partners, to stand united against corruption. We affirm our mutual determination to strengthen transparency and accountability through the public and private sectors in Somalia,” he added. During the event Peter de Clercq, the Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Somalia, said corruption undermines public trust and weakens state institutions. “The United Nations supports Somalia in its efforts to eradicate corruption, and in building an enabling environment for accountable and effective institutions and processes at all levels.” Mr. de Clercq concluded. The agreement between the Ministry and UNDP will see the UN development agency and other UN partners work together with the Government, to assess challenges and next steps in building more transparent systems and setting up required legal frameworks to address corruption. Signing the document together with the Minister of Justice, UNDP Somalia acting Resident Representative, George Conway, congratulated the government on the progress it has made in increasing transparency, accountability and the rule of law in Somalia. “What we are signing today is an agreement to provide technical and capacity development support to the Government, so that it can take a comprehensive approach to addressing corruption in the country and towards ratifying the UN Convention Against Corruption. It is my pleasure from the United Nations side to be able to support these initiatives to progress them forward,” Mr. Conway said. It is expected that the initial assessment part of the plan will then lay the groundwork for a longer-term project to develop a crosscutting National Integrity System for Somalia, led by the Government with the support of the UN.
  7. The biggest loser is UAE and it projects around the region. Saudi can easily recover any mistakes its leaders did as a nation but UAE will pay a high price for its ruthless policy in the whole region including East Africa. Those games, they were playing will cost them a political and economic fortune. The young UAE leader cannot escape without damage the Khashoggi's scandal, he is hiding since the murder.UAE economy will collapse for the next coming years and no one will be able to help.
  8. Isayas is more friendly towards Somalia. In fact he is the one holding the deal together if it is going to survive a longer term. He needs Somalia and onlf to balance Abiya power. This is why this cooperation will survive at least for while.
  9. Dalmar How many shirts are you wearing today? Even the old man is carefully surprised.
  10. These people are more collaborators, go to people when needed rather typical spies.
  11. Galbeedi I am optimistic, the time is with Somali people. Maybe that leader will show up. Somalia is a better position than ever.
  12. The issue is not unitory or federalism. At this point the most people support the current system as planned but not as it is functioning. You have five presidents, each region has 25 ministers including foreign ministers for some of them. Each one has it is election season. In MN, we have a governor, state secretary and state attorney general which all are elected. The rest of state government are local branches of federal governments. You talking about a country call itself United States with it’s historic tradition of independence. I am optimistic , starting south west, we will see new leaders, different the old Tigray group. This is how it designed but Somalia can change that.
  13. I was thinking that you had no faith in moqdisho government. It is hard to believe that you have real questions for them to answer.
  14. Although I agree on many parts of their analyses, the message is to stay away from Somalia and cooperation for eastern African is no good. Nothing on Ethiopian army deployment here as our Sol friends indicated. They mentioned the weak Somali army but that is not everything. It is all about the internal political situation. The parliament is functioning after they got rid of Jawaahari. Now Farmaajo government needs friendly governors to work with, not multi presidents that controlled by foreigners. The faith of Somali nationhood depends on that when middle east wars and insecurity is transferred to East Africa
  15. Somalia's Thorny Problems on the Horn of Africa WORLDVIEW.STRATFOR.COM Militancy and internal divisions could keep Mogadishu from participating in the new era of cooperation envisioned by Ethiopia's prime minister.
  16. OO You right on this one. This case those people who were stealing or their family members were stealing during the last Somali governments are not happy with the new team taking over the business. In fact the new team are less corrupt than the old ones. They distribute more the limited cash they got. Even the unemployed young people in Hargeysa are coming to modish and getting good pay jobs instead risking their life going to Libya. The money are going many pockets rather just few. Culusow was just transferring to South Africa what ever he got. They are also selective which department and which individual they want to blame for corruption. It is all about the useless short sighted game of Nomads.
  17. I do not know why Muqdisho anarchist group does not like this guy Obsiiye. From day one he was appointed the finance ministry department they started complaining about him. Can someone explain. This is not a new information for these three people related to Bayle. This people has multiple salary in the government, even if true, Is not same for those soldiers who were taking money and registered both as police and military with different fake names or the port official giving out fake tax document.
  18. Qalbidhagax name should be search the list of the Tigray’s somali group. It is a big question mark? The guy is wierd. He had good relationships with many of galgaduud and mudug Tigray people strangely enough. He went to Somaliland when got his freedom and met with Waraabe. It seems the ONLF isn’t proud of him too.
  19. I will argue, there are no time yet for tough guy. The government needs streamline of cash and before that happens, any government will be weak. A tough guy will get even more opposition at least short time. Farmaajo government already dismantled number of obstacles. The anarchist lost some weight but Farmaajo government hasn’t done enough to empower disadvantage locals. When’s that happens the stability will return without army.
  20. Well, I don’t understand Galbeedi new focus on Farmaajo. The whole seniors you have put,forward are just pessimistic. I agree with you, Somali army will remain small but they became better and winning the battle when it happens.The biggest issue is funding and equipment. It will be slowly build up but not enough to replace the Amison. The stability will be provided by more optimistic people of Somalia and that is happening in southern Somalia and sametime weakening Alshabaab will continue lose more area in slow pace. The faith of Farmaajo governments has more to do the progress made in the political front both locally and internationally. The election of western region will be a big test and Farmaajo government needs to win. This Ethiopia talk of opposition is just nonsense. Abiya hands is full, Ethiopia is mess itself right now and Abiya is trying to win time. The issue is not enough forces but money. If EU does not have money for Amison, they will not have money for Ethiopian army either. As long as the Farmaajo government brings steady progress in moqdisho and other places, the opposition focus on Ethiopia will not work. The majority of Somalis still have high hopes for the government and the opposition is weak with no real agenda.
  21. It seems some type of expected fund from outside which may never realize. Who will give Somalia billions of dollars in today world. The man admitted that the old system of dividing Somali in three area is no longer the rule for donors. This is probably the part of the issue.
  22. So you are really aware what happened Kismaanyo last 30 years. I still argued Gabre and others were involved from the beginning. Aydiid and others crossed border even before Gabre was fully incharge. I agree you can not blame everything for Gabre but Somalia needs at least a short period of less Gabresses.