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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. He probably heard from Seedi Math and others who entertain them. No faith, so much of think thanks and foundations. Even Kurds are more realistic.
  2. The only thing that the new Garoowe administration needs is to work with moqdisho government and the rest of the businesses will take care itself at least next two years.
  3. So you are talking about politicaly and economicly rather possibility. Infact Farmaajo/khayre already approved a future state in north east and Gaas was supportive at least some point of time but it is the local people who are not same page yet. From laasqoray to Buuhoodle, people need to sit together and put a plan together. It is their hands. I was the one arguing that Somaliland can not be vauable state not only politically stablity but economic vauabulity. It is life supported by NGO and foreign donors for past 20 years with little economic development. Still the cracks are all over. Only those who control Berbera coridor are doing well the rest are either marginalized or despair situation, like Caare community. For Somalia in general the future is bright. Local regions must be supported by federal government in short time. No foreign powers are need to maintain stability. Only locals can grantee their future.
  4. It is interesting that you’re defending Madoobe. You must be Biixi block that control Berbera corridor and benefit it brings.
  5. Part-time? why not fulltime? The same advice that Gabre use to give. Somali need to be a nation to develop its economy. No room for gulf style scenario here, just too late.
  6. This new putland guy is questionable. He just reminds me, president Hassan, qoslaaye. Simply no character but we will find out soon.
  7. these guy has been garoowe for a too long and it needs a broader approach including Maakhir state.
  8. Cali Ciise was just used to legitimize Puntland election to look more open to everyone and he was part of the campaign to get rid of Gaas. It has been a leadership disaster for the SSC community and continues to be that way. Instead of working SSC to become the next new state with help of current Somali government, he chose to show up Garoowe last minute. Deni has a big problem what to do with SSC region. He has to come to a solution soon rather later. Putland leadership has so far refused to let SSC region became a new state but normally reer bari are ok with that idea. It is maybe opening here with Deni leadership.
  9. Faysal Waraabe claims he knows this guy and likes this new Deni too. So, Waraabe is connected with Damal-jadiid. The question is how long it will take Waraabe to dislike this guy.
  10. OOdweyne For the record is Somaliland welcoming the new UN chief of Somalia,? It will not be long before someone will make a great news when the UN chief of Somalia visits Hargeysa. The Hargeysa administration gamboled and lost the bet here. A cheap shot which backfired as soon it fired. Assuming the next UN chief will be more modisho friendly the Hargeysa administration will have even more headaches. We are still waiting the Berbera project to move forward. Things are not going well for the separist and this new year didn’t started better. In otherhand it will be more to celebrate the rebirth of the nation of Somalia .
  11. They will welcome if another one is named. and come up another useless excuse, If they only could live the true,
  12. Somalia lost a great man. Ilaahay hawnaxariisto.
  13. We are new era of world order. In Syria and Afghanistan there are new developments. Americans are more or less withdrawing their forces in Syria. In Afghanistan, taliban peace plan already started. Trump already give the order to to end the Somali program in less than three years. With all that and the progress made by Somali government the foreign forces in Somalia will only decrease. There will be no money and demand for Ereterian or anybody else.
  14. Uganda was brought by the west for different time. The time has changed. The time when world geopolitical was dominated Islamic extremism is over. Uganda is not useful in Somalia anymore, same with horn African nations. The idea of open boader horn Africa will take long time.
  15. Good for Syrian people. This gives them hope. In this case Turkey, Russia and Iran will be the winners and Arab group will be the losers.
  16. Well, that is not gone happen. All these talks about Ethiopia and Eritera is overreaction created by Somalia government oppositions. Baydhabo is good example where they prodicted disaster but election ended peacefull and successfull. In fact much of security was done by Somali forces rather the Ethiopian. Specially Ereteria which does not have a boader with Somalia will not likely have much influence in Somalia politics. Somalia is making slowly improvements. Amison forces will be reduced gradually but will only replaced. Somali forces. The stability is slowly returning in Southern Somalia which closes the doors the need of more foreign forces. The horn reaproachment will stay more empty rethoric.
  17. I will not be surprise, my northern secessionist are good wearing new clothes before anyone else. I do not know if you notice but they like the British clothes the best. OODWEYNE always sings "Ingiriis dhaladkiiyoow waanu kuu dhega beelnaye xagee kaa dhunkadaa" His love of former colonial powers and imperialism is unheard. But lately they were wearing the Arab truban after long time of hating Arabs and Muslims. Even one time the leader writing a letter to an Arab neighbor. They speak Amharic very good. Sawahili is easy but has not been useful but now it is time to learn the Oromo language and they will try to learn faster before even the "cheeseman" can master. Sadly the seedi Baydern got trouble and that was the reason the old man was missing. Apparently his bravado is not here today and his convincing voice is changed to insecure. With all the hate against Somalia and Jabuuti and discrediting everything that Somalia was about. He is now concerns foreigner powers in Somalia. I had the impression that he hates the word Somali or what he called "Somali nationalism".What a miserable old man.
  18. He is going to be charged what he does, not who does not like him. In the diaspora, I saw many people from baydhabo who are unhappy what happened but region is not only baydhabo . I heard the new president is more popular the more populated shabeele hoose. Everyone can be better than Sharrif saakin.
  19. Bolton is probably taking about IMF and the debt relief to maintain the control of the world financial system. There is not a lot of new money here, just more USAID programs but the food program will be beneficial for the poor Somalis.
  20. Dhageyso: R/Wasaarihii hore ee Somalia oo soo jeediyey in awood loo adeegsado mucaaradka DF | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Ra’iisul Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaalida Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa ku baaqay in awood lagu maquuniyo xubnaha mucaaradka ah ee kasoo horjeeda xukuumadda hadda haysa t… Geedi understands how the anarchist work and their simple demand to maintain the status quo for ever.
  21. Good day for Somalia and Somali people and good job for NISA. our separatist go to person is no longer welcome to Somalia. This is man that OODWEYNE, SULDAAN and some other separatist work for. His mission is to dismantle Somalia in peaces and benefit with separatist who gave him a women. Give a credit NISA, they properly got all these emails that our separatist here were sending to him.
  22. https://goobjoog.com/dfs-oo-dalka-ka-mamnuucday-hayadda-sahan-research/ Xog-culcus+Khabiir Afsomaliga ku hadlaa oo ka shaqeysta Somalia/Somaliland Muddo 4o-sano ku dhawaada,Maxaa u fudueeyay+Maxay ku sanifay Faroole & Sh.Shariif+Maxay Xukumada Farmaajo ugu diiday inuu Muqdisho+arimo kale oo xasaasiya? Writen by Qaran News | 1:40 pm 18th Dec, 2018 Xog-culcus+Khabiir Afsomaliga ku hadlaa oo ka shaqeysta Somalia/Somaliland Muddo 4o-sano ku dhawaada,Maxaa u fudueeyay+Maxay ku sanifay Faroole & Sh.Shariif+Maxay Xukumada Farmaajo ugu diiday inuu Muqdisho+arimo kale oo xasaasiya? Wasaaradda Amniga Gudaha Soomaaliya ayaa shalay qoraal ay soo saartay shaqada kaga joojisay hay’adda cilmi-baadhista Sahan Research oo fadhigeedu yahay magaalada Nairobi, xafiis-yana ku leh Muqdisho, Hargeysa iyo UK. Qoraalkan kuma saabsana eedeymaha loo jeediyey run iyo been waxay tahay midna,Balse kaliya waxaan uga hadli doonaa cidda iska leh Sahan Research iyo waxyaabihii uu horey uga shaqeyn jiray. HAY’ADDA SAHAN RESEARCH Sahan Research waxaa la aas aasay 2013. Waxay ahayd qiyaastii sannad uun kaddib markii Matthew Bryden oo ah aas aasaha Sahan Research uu ka fadhiistay shaqadiisii Kooxda Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan La Socodka Cunaqabateynta Hubka ee Soomaaliya iyo Eritrea (UN Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group). Sida ku qoran mareegta internetka ee hay’adda Sahan, waxay shaqadeeda xoogga ku saartaa waddamada Bariga Afrika, Geeska iyo Bariga Dhexe halkaasoo kooxoo khibrad-layaal ah ay uga hawlgalaan. Waxay hay’adda cilmi-baadhis ku sameysaa kana faallo-bixisaa arrimaha siyaasadda, amniga, nabad-dhisidda iyo habka maamulka dowladda. Waxay kaloo wax ka qortaa arrimaha bani’aadanimmada iyo barakaca oo ay hay’ado caalami ah mashaariic kaga qaadato. YAA ISKA LEH SAHAN RESEARCH? Matthew Bryden ama Matt Bryden waa agaasimaha fulinta Sahan Research. Waa 51 jir u dhashay Canada. Waxaa la sheegaa in markii uu ka tirsanaa Ciidamada Keydka Canada uu fasax ku yimid Afrika 1987, markaasna uu jeeclaaday inuu ka shaqeeyo mashaariicda Afrika. Sannadkii ku xigay ayuuna ka shaqo billaabay hay’adda CARE oo uu uga shaqeeyay magaalada Berbera. Wuxuu kaloo dhowr sannadood la taliye gaar u ahaa Danjirihii Canada u qaabilsanaa arrimaha Soomaaliya. Qeybta ugu xiisaha badan ee Bryden ayaa ah muddadii uu madaxda ka ahaa kooxda UN Monitoring Group ee Soomaaliya iyo Eritrea. Dad badan uma baahna in loo sheego shaqada UN Monitoring Group. Sannadkii 2008 ayaa Matthew Bryden loo magacaabay Xiriiriyaha Kooxda Monitoring Group. Isla sannadkaasi waxay ahayd xilligii kooxaha burcad badeedka ay ka keceen xeebaha Soomaaliya, waxayna Kooxda Monitoring Group wax ka qoreysay macaashka siyaasiyiinta Soomaalida ka heli jireen dhaqaalaha ka soo baxa afduubka maraakiibta iyo shaqaalaha ajnabiga. 2010- 2012 Warbixintii kooxda UN Monitoring Group ee uu hoggaaminayey Bryden ee soo baxday 2010 waxay kooxdu ku sheegtay in Madaxweynihii hore Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Faroole (hadda senator ka tirsan Aqalka Sare) uu lacag mushahar ah ka qaadan jiray budhcad badeeddii degganeyd Eyl. Badhtamihii sannadkaasi Madaxweyne Faroole si adag ayuu u beeniyay eedeynta budhcad badeeda ee loo soo jeediyay. Sannadkii 2012 warbixin kale oo kooxdu soo saartay ayaa ku eedeysay Madaxweynihii hore Shariif Sheekh Axmed musuqmaasuq xad dhaafay. Taasi waxay keentay in Dowladdii Ku-meel gaarka ee Shariif Sheekh Axmed ka soo saarto qoraal jawaab u ahaa eedeynta kooxda kuna tilmaantay Bryden “shakhsi kasoo horjeeda nabadda Soomaaliya”. Dowladdii Sheekh Shariif waxay kaloo dalka ka mamnuucday Bryden iyadoo u jartay warqadda “persona non grata” oo ka mamnuucaysay in Bryden, oo ku iman jiray dalka magaca diblomaasiyiinta Qaramada Midoobay, inuu dalka soo galo. Isla sannadkaasi ayuuna Bryden ka tagay shaqadii kooxda UN Monitoring Group. BRYDEN XAASKIISA Bryden waxaa u dhaxda gabar reer Somaliland ah. Wuxuu si fiican ugu hadlaa Af Soomaaliga. Wuxuu mar sheegay inuu heysto baasaboorka Somaliland maadaama uu guursaday gabar reer Somaliland ah. ERITREA Waxaa xusid mudan in warbixinnada Kooxda Monitoring Group ee Bryden iyo saaxiibadiis ay qori jireen ay daboolka ka qaaday xidhiidhka Eritrea iyo al-Shabaab iyo sida Eritrea hubka ku soo gelin jirtay gudaha Soomaaliya. RABSHADIHII BAYDHABO Jimcihii dhowaa (14kii Disembar 2018) ayaa Wargeyska Washington Post qormo uu daabacay waxay ka faalootay xaaladda cakiran ee magaalada Baydhabo iyo doorashada Koonfur Galbeed. Qoraaga qormada Max Bearak ayaa wareystay Matt Bryden. Wuxuu Bryden dhaliilay siyaasadda qasab ku maquuniska ah ee Dowladda Federaalka kula kacayso Dowlad Goboleedyada. “Ma arko hab laga wada hadlay oo looga bixi karo xaaladdan” ayuu yidhi Bryden.
  23. This is really funny. Why so many candidate? Is this for social media or resume building?
  24. Xaaji If buuhoodle people are able to defend themselves even coming back to caynabo area which they left a long time ago with force, why do you think Lasanod people need some else. Somaliland is Lasanod because of Ina Canbaashe and others that work with somaliland at moment and you know it. When that changes Habro will be gone without a fight.