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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. I agree Manazawi is right about current situation of Somalia. But he sensing losing his current contract that is why he is launching this attack. He must to find another way of making hard money.
  2. OO Somali in region has achieved nothing. It was more about to let them do the dirty work for themselves. The Somali regional party was controlled by who ever ruled Adis Ababa. It is not Ahmed Shidane who want control the party rumotly but Abiya himself. I will give you credit for informing us that nothing will change in reality just replacement. Ethiopia can not be democratic..
  3. There were rumors of his death. It will be interesting to see what will happen his assets in Ethiopia.
  4. Riyadh Releases Ethiopian-Born Billionaire It Held Since 2017 WWW.VOANEWS.COM Sheikh Mohammed Hussein al-Amoudi was among business people arrested in November 2017 in Saudi anti-corruption sweep
  5. Galbeedi I agree very much what you say but solution will not come from the old group that was instrumental the current system with support of some foreigners. The group was shaken first by the sudden Farmaaajo election victory, supported by the somalia people who want change and secondly a very much successful two year of Farmaajo administration. The group want back to stage and get back the lost pride. The next election will be different than the last one. It will not bring a surprise result. If Farmaajo decided to run again, I am not sure if he will, none of the people who lost the last election has any chance of defeating him. First, there are no real alternative opposition, just same old group and secondly farmaajo group has also build his own base, which is much larger than the garoowe+moqdish+Kismaanyo. The marginalized forces has more options and voices . It is going to be interested game of politics but it is not what somali people need.
  6. Another costly show for our Garoowe people. Last time they invited Farmaajo for tour, it was colorful but few months later Gaas created Isbaahaysiga maamul goboleedyada and got zero rewards back. Is there any benefit for Garoowe to invite all these people and pay for it?. In short time it will benefit Farmaajo because of his present. The only way Deni will get benefit is, if he is planning to run for 2020. Or maybe Puntland is working to get the future PM, assuming there is something punt land wants to get back here. It can not be money.
  7. Cagjar is the man who can save the Somalis for this transition time in Ethiopia. With a limited budget to operate, he was able to maintain peace and order. Abiya wants to dismantle the current federal regions in Ethiopia and create 5 new ones with different names. The Somali region will be called something like, East region and not be included Diridhaba and other areas after he consolidates the power. This new political crisis is an attempt to create a poppet Somali party with Shidane on the top. But it will be harder for him because Shidane is an outsider and does not have a local base. In addition, the OG people are very much united for the first time in a century.
  8. paid fake news with an intention to continue misgivings for poor northern Somalis. Both Jabuuti and Somaliland need to join the south for the economic future alone. The hot place is now Indian ocean with India, Pakistan, China, Iran, and South Africa connected. The Indian Ocean is now at the heart of global geopolitics — Quartz India QZ.The comthe average age of people in the ocean's regions is below 30.
  9. Talaabo lives in San Francisco, California, you should not ask him, questions related to Islam. San Francisco is the heart, of the liberal world. unfortunately, the city does not have enough children anymore. Schools are closing because of low enrollment. The household with children 16.5%. You just figure out the rest. They are probably defending their lifestyle against what they see a natural threat, in this case, the Muslim conservative family and tradition. Which U.S. Cities Have the Most Families With Kids? WWW.CITYLAB.COM Spoiler alert: It’s simply not the case that families with kids have disappeared from urban America.
  10. I was wrong Mr Deni, I particularly like that he has a national agenda and learned something from the new team in villa somalia. He is the first putland's president since Abdilaahe Yusuf with national ambitions. I will not surprise if he replace Farmaajo in two year.
  11. I do know this individual but the idea of building trust and continue what Mr. Bayle started is the right direction to go.
  12. IMF likes to control the central world banks, often the name of independence of the bank. They Turkey just got rid of their man, after running the Turkish central bank for many years, even being a Turkish citizen. Their men are always loyal to them. This is probably an attempt to convince IMF and World Bank, Somalia is open for business and can be trusted. There are many Somali borns who have an important position for other countries, even Canada. If this a process of building trust, I do not see the problem. Somalia is still mess, even worst position than when 1952, there was a UN trusteeship. Some process of gradual transition is necessary for benefit of Somalis in the long run. Same with Amison forces, it should be a gradual withdrawal, replaced slowly managed national securities apparatus. Anarchists and clan loyalties are waiting for a small mistake an opportunity to fully take over. This is the way to go, if necessary.
  13. IIMF. If it is true, They controll most of central banks of world, to safe guard their money .This will be a period of time and probably good for today Somalia.
  14. I saw one Xildhibaan account, posted on whatsup account. The names of payees was all their. It simply tells who sent you the money, the amount they sent and the total mount. It sad because at this point it is legal. Gaas paid a lot of money too, I do not know if he going to ask back. It was money from Somaliland too, several hunderads thousand through Sanaag east and Sool, attended Ali Ciise election. The new Vice President got chunk of it and rest went northern xildhibaano.
  15. I do not know why you like to use right wing organizations as reference such as heritage and others. The real power and the money are hands of the liberal in America and they are heavily invested in China. Apple, Tosla and Boeng are all there, just few. All Apple phones are made in China and China is one of their lucrative market. Even Starbucks is there. They rather want to change the Chinese behavior and not allow Trump to hurt their investment. For short, Trump will get a deal from China,enough to brag on. That will not stop competion. At this point Africans can not buy American products but they can buy Chinese products. Africans may able to buy American product made in china like IPhones or Tosla electric cars. So it is more things going, so do not confuse the headlines.
  16. The old man The age of the internet and social media, this knowledge you are talking about is more, less useless. A long time ago I told you with all your perceived education, you can not read between lines, I do not know if that has to do with your old age dementia. it calls inferences and context clues skills. You can go back what you were arguing the last year alone about Jabuuti. and DP world. The fact is nothing has changed. About Chineses companies, and trade wars are all connected. Simply the Chinese and west need each other and will continue to work each other in Africa too, while still competing. Simply your point view showed not right.
  17. This is a good idea. According the information I got the winner spent four millions. But, most of others except ALI CIISE who refused to pay money although he is rich, spent a lot of money with zero vote in return. It is time to shame these Xildhibaan.
  18. Guddiga dib usoo celinta lacagihii laga qiyaanay Musharixiinta oo Garoowe looga dhawaaqay + Xildhibaanada oo … January 10, 2019 | by Saciid | 0 FacebookTwitterGoogle+Share Midka Mid ah Murashaxiintii Lagaga Guulaystay Doorashada Madaxtinimada Puntland Ayaa Magacaabay Gudi Kuwaas loo Bixiyey (GLKKC) Gudiga Lacag kasoo Celinta Kuwii Cunay. Xubnaha Gudigani ka Kooban Yahay Ayaa Loo Xilsaaray Inay Lacagta kasoo Celiyaan Xildhibanadii Lacagta ka Qaatay Murashaxan isla Markaasna aan u Codaynin. Murashaxan Gudiga Magacaabay ayaa La Sheegaya inuu Halkii Xildhibaanba Siiyey 50 Ilaa 70 Kun oo Dollar Waxaana uu Qorshihiisu Ahaa inuu Wareega Horaba Guulaysto Laakiin Ma dhicin. Gudigan ayaa Si aan Ganasho Ama Qarsoodi Lahayn Ula Xidhiidhaya Xildhibaanada Waxayna Ku Wargalinayaan inay iska Soo Celiyaan Bahashii Faraha Badnayd. 30 Ka mid ah Xildhibaanada Puntland ayaa Laga Soo Celiyey Lacagtii ay Qaateen Habeenkii Doorashada ee Murashaxaasi Siiyey. Warkan oo Markii Hore La Moodayey Been abuur ayaa Xaqiiq Noqday Kadib Markii La Aqoon saday Magacyada Gudiga La Magacaabay. Dhanka Kale Qaarka mid Ah Beelaha Puntland oo Maanta Shir ku Qabatay Magaalada Garoowe ayaa Ku Baaqday in Cidii Beesha ah ee Nin kaas Lacag ka Qaadatay Lacagtiisa ay u Celiso. Arrintani oo Ah Dhacdo ugub Ku ah Siyaasada Somalia ayaa Caawa Si Wayn Looga Hadal hayaa Magaalada Garoowe. Waa Markii ugu Horaysay ee Taariikhda Siyaasada Somalia La isku Qabsado Lacag Laaluush Doorasho
  19. Are you educating us on the issue or you want somebody else read what you wrote? This games of west and Chinese are not our business I can tell you it will be a compromise soon but that will not stop the natural decline in the west and rise of Chinese and developing emerging countries. The stuff you shared is all over internet, everyone in the world have access to. Nothing is black or white as you perceive things.
  20. Are you SOL Self nominated speaker of the west? I think you misunderstand the globalization system. that is why you always get wrong. What you read the big newspaper is not always the policy, it is more opinion with target audience. Chinese are part of the global system too.
  21. Amar Uu Bixiyey Madaxweyne Farmaajo Oo Maanta La Bilaabay In La Dhaqan Geliyo & Wararkii Udambeeyey - WWW.WARQAAD.INFO Warqaad.com, Xulka Wararka oo Dhan Few days ago, I got call from Marka, a place I never seen, even been close to. It was from cousin serving the SNA, division 14. a new created division and one of few divisions more represented national demographics. They seems doing good job. The government needs to create more divisions like division 14 and get rid of all clan melesia with name of national army or even regional army associated clan system. It will probably take a time and effort but it should be the national strategy.
  22. There were so much talk here about DJabuti losing it is life line port business for Ereteria and some cases to Berbera after they kicked out DP world. With fake courts in London and media attacks has all come to fruitless after one year. In this case Berbera seems to losing business rather gaining anything. This is a really zero sum game for Biixi camp.