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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. Biixi looter did good job if he did not take with him some beautiful Somalia women to Adis. Last time the Oromo elders were invited in Hargeysa. He lined up all the women that were married by the Oromo in Hargeysa. If you think the calaal to get something from ethiopian is disgusting, just wait when he talks to Ingiriis cade people
  2. It is Abiya game. ONLf and other organizations can run open election but he will not allow it. What he wants, is to minimize the number of organizations running for the comming election and same time create one dominant party to grantee his victory.
  3. His wife is Amhaaro and she is very much involved. With this he wants to copy Malazawi and rule for ever. Remember this guy was insider. Differences is Malazawi was shopping around from China and Turkey to West and Russia. The Ethiopia economy is already stagnant and effect will be feeler soon.
  4. Biixi will not be the one that sincerely negotiate the Somali government. He may looking for the deals that Silaanyo got from Sheikh Hasan Mohamuud. It is unlikely he got that from Farmaajo. Biixi and his family associated looted what ever Somali government properties left after Somali government clopsed, from Berbera port to military bases. Those mudug and Galgaduud people who looted moqdisho government properties and Shabeele farmers will be angles to compared Biixi group in away. Past Somali governments invested heavily both Berbera and Hargeysa. One third of national army was based on western north region. Basically to defend Berbera and northern coast which closed to the boarder as well central region. Hargeisa alone there were five military bases. Except one, they are gone. The Russian and American built bases in Berbera are no more usuable, every empty space is taken. What is unique here is the land is more expensive and government properties always located the heart of growing cities. Biixi himself is biggest looter and there is no way he will give up any of that unless he grantees to keep it. His group is very much own Hargeisa and want to maintain the status of que. These are underlying issue more than claiming independence. At this point he doesn’t feel threatened but the changes in the region and world is effecting his business.
  5. Do not be too excited our Bantu neighbor dance. There is nothing to gain applauding their cheap talk. They have always relied on others and you want to rely on them.
  6. According to my sources, there were in fact, some deals made between villa Somalia and Biixi. The federal government will channel funds to Somaliland and Somaliland will also manage their Haj program. Meanwhile, President Musa Bihi of Somaliland Administration promises to engage in close cooperation with the Federal Government.
  7. The US and UN are repeating Iraq-style mistakes in Somalia THEHILL.COM Flooding Mogadishu with cash fuels corruption that undermines its recovery. In the eyes of your IC, it is similar
  8. Uganda's ruling party endorses Museveni for sixth-term run EWN.CO.ZA The National Resistance Movement called for Yoweri Museveni to 'continue leading the movement and the state in 2021 and beyond to eliminate bottlenecks to transformation.' Where are the IC? the other day it was SISI for life time rule of egypty. This is club that Biixi wants to belong intern of service provider and Suldaan is telling us that the IC is worry about Farmaajo administration after two years.
  9. Why IC? If legitimacy comes from the people that you govern. You and Biixi have same philosophy that let down the kurd.
  10. Puntland has never being good paying salary and that will not change anytime soon. The local government is more focused national politics, whether that is good or bad.
  11. Biixi, who said, I was born in Jabuuti, had the opportunity simply to call Geele and ask him to arrange a meeting with Farmaajo. Instead he ran to Adis, hoping he will be favored for being anti-Somalia. Well he did not get anything substantial. Even if Abiya wants help him, there is nothing he can do for Somaliland. Somaland, immediate problem is economy. Biixi is not even able to pay salaries, so a political meeting in Adis will not change anything for him. For Farmaajo, Somaliland is his least problem for right now, moqdisho and south somalia gives him enough problems. All he needs to say is few positive words and Abiya is working hard to stay power. Biixi was looking to get legitimacy from Ethiopia but he got nothing this time. Simply Ethiopia does not have any need to use Somaliland for this point of the time. The whole meeting was just useless game. The more south somali become more stable, the more Biixi will be desperate. So just give him more time before he shows up some other places than Adis
  12. Ma Abiya Ahmed ayaad uhanjabeysaa. According to your information, Farmaajo should have been gone long time ago. He already started his third year but don’t worry I don’t think he will reach Somaliland. It is more likely Biixi shows himself in moqdisho
  13. For your logic, it is Farrmaajo vs Kenya. That simply shows your true colors, sickness that is not treatable. I understand that you enjoys this fight but what Somali people are you talking about? Beginning of change of heart? However I agreed with you declaring that Somalia will accept the ruling of ICJ is a big mistake. That line should not be there. Signaling to ICJ, do not worry we’ll be okay whatever is very wrong.
  14. This is not the case. The issue is not Farmaajo and Uhuru Kenyati, as some want to betray it. Madoobe is not that important for Kenya. Farmaajo does not have plan to ask Kenya to leave Jubaland. It is all about the coming court decisions and the Kenya government is pretending nationalistic and defensive. It is political calculated game for the future of Kenya government.
  15. This has nothing to do with these poor men. Kenya is more likely to lose the coming court decision and the Kenya government is starting a public damage control compaing. With this they are not helping Madoobe, they are infact hearting themselves for their presence in Somalia territory.The losers will be those somalis who invested Kenya heavely. The Kenya may up to something here, different than the sea.
  16. Biixi is trouble. The Burco West tribe got a leverage after many years of marginalized and after Kulmiye election the eastern Burco tribe will go south leading Dahsbshiil and Cilmi gaab.
  17. The only thing that matter for his book is that he is optimistic for the future Somalia. He will ever remembered the man who stopped the flying civilian in Afgooye and again he was Kismaayo with another massacre
  18. It is exactly what it is or planned. The only problem is the legal farm work has been delayed. The draft was submitted to the goloha shacabka months ago and they still didn’t pass it. The area they want to lincese is far sea, far from the coastline all the way 200 miles to afford dealing with maamul gobeleedyada. But it may not attractive to anyone this time. It is right thing to do. Unless Somalis will able to utilize their natural resources they will continue dying the shadows of under trees. Not even figuring out to eat the leaves. The only place in the world people died hunger.
  19. So much hipe for a confress hold this small room. So much energy with nothing
  20. Odeybiiqey With all the information you shared with us here about you and your family. You still thinks no one will spot you in streets of London. I got mysources. Ma duugoobin qaydiid lafuhu waana duxayeene Dadii uu ahaa Farah baa jeelka loo dhigay Kumuu ahaa Qaydiid? Hint! aabihii tacliinta adeerkii.
  21. Really! oohintu orgiga Kawayn.These people you and OODWEyNE mentioned here are much more powerful and has much more money than those people that Somaliland was dealing with. It is silly that you’re talking about a new York man here with all staff you regularly post here. With today oil market, the larger findings of oil and gas resources around world, Somalia is lucky finding interested buyers. It is good news that foreigners are interested Somalia resources. I never see you criticize the shadow oil company that is dealing with Somaliland. The deals that was signed under the table which no one knows in deteales. The currup Somaliland government got few millions advances but it ok for you . when it comes Somalia government everything they do is bad. Villa Somalia has all the money they need for re-election and Qatar will be their side. Money alone will not decide the villa Somali election. There is long time before election takes place and many more people will participate. It is very early to prodict the potential runners. Khayre may have interest the oil deal to succeed but nothing wrong with that. If the deal go through it is good for Somali people including those in Hargeysa.
  22. Let us say, it is important for Khayre but what Khayre can do by his own or with Farmaajo. Of course, the company that invested money to collect data wants their investment back and Khayre was involved as well, others for the last government. Khayre is trying to help them as well as find interested buyers. At this point, there are none. The project is bigger than Khayre and for that matter Farmaajo. Khayre may involved but he does not own it and he can not simply benefit it. Even if he stays two more years, the process will be very slow because there will be no big oil company rushing to sign a deal with Somalis any time soon. Creating farmwork for sharing national resources and completing the constitution draft will be the top issue discussed the march Garowe meeting. It is all about moving the nation forward. No need for road blocks.
  23. Farmaajo is right here. Meanwhile, only a few road blockers leading by Calasow and OODWEYNE hidden behind, showed up, the planned protest in London. If you can not trust Farmaajo on this, who will you trust? The process must move forward and the nation moves forward. You can not simply bargain and wait forever. We are the point when the world is moving away from fossil energy and they still want to wait. Anarchists want to maintain their roadblocks and dark business. Caruurtii iyo dumarkii ayaa gaajo udhimanaya iyana waxay kahad layaan waxbaa laxaraashey. Waxay dhahayaan khayraadkii soomaaliya ayaa laxaraashayaa. Hadiiba laxaraasho maxaa kujaban. waxayba ahayd in 1960 laxaraasho. Hadii taasi dhicilahayd maanta soomaaliya sidaas ma ahaateen
  24. In fact Somalia have make improvement although still is the last one. Last year it was 20/200, improvement of 7 point scale. The corruption is not only in the government, it is inbeded the whole society. Indeed this government is still less corrupted than previous ones. They are able to pay the salaries and collect increased tax revenue., where the other ones, government employee were not getting paid.