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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. Waa arin fiicaan. Haday sidaas sameeyaan waxaan maqlidoontaan. Moqdisho amnigeedu faruhuu kabaxay waxaa xigo doonta reer Muqdisho ayaa loo danleeyahay
  2. I agree with you. Galbeedi understand very much understands what is happening Muqdisho and why. He just do not want to blame the Somalis. It could be that there is foreign involvement but it is a small group of Somalis doing this, who thinks they’re benefiting the cause. Some of bombing was mines underground and parking cars set for fire. It was not complicated. What more compulicated is the how they were coordinated in six days. The anarchists were taking about the Xalane people. It is more likely those Xalane people communicated some of their paid sleep cells. The latest wave of bombing had only one purpose to create couse and stop the army registration the government started and the government announcement of getting army places in moqdisho vacated. Alshabaab plays very small role here.They have nothing going the rest of country for long time. They have very difficult recruiting people as they started kidnapping kids. For lately they were able to recruit people from the river but now they have very difficult. that group too. I don’t think it is time for Farmaajo and khayre govermerment to change direction. They actually need to double down. It will be easy win for the whole anarchist gruop including the sessenionst.
  3. These are mudug and galgaduud boys with guns and they have some conflict with the local people in Shabeele region. They controlled these area since 90's but now with name of Somali army. Each neighborhood all the way to Baraawe, there are units of 50 - 150 men with uniform but they counted These men do not have any intention to leave their post but want to get pay and keep things the way it is. They run all the business and all the fight both sides. Shabeele Hoose belongs South West region and local people are more empowered these days. With the new leader of south west, the galgaduud boys will have difficulty to maintain their status. Samething with shabeelada dhexe, where the Bantu makes almost half of the population. As local people empowered with alshabaab and Somali government the old group who controlled the old banaadir region will lose their grip and forced to accept the new reality in the ground.
  4. Duufaan


    In Somali region a lot of people inimigrated the last several years, mostly to Somalia. Closely 40% left the region. I do not think the numbers will be good
  5. On the record, the secessionist are morning and angry about something that Villa Somalia has nothing to do. The economic problems that Somaliland enclave experiencing has nothing to do with Villa Somalia policy. You can not simply relied on NGO and donations from other countries for ever. Somalia in general needs production. Now the secessionist are putting the blame on villa Somalia after claiming many years that they independent from the rest of Somalia and villa Somali is useless. The old man is giving credit president Hassan, for not interfering what he called other enclaves delevpment projects in other words small donations coming from other countries and NGO. Technically, he wants the status que to continue in Somalia hoping his enclave can benefit with small economic exchanges. There is no enclave that developes. My last travel to horn Africa. I did not see any Somali enclave that developes in public level. I did see some developments in Ethiopia. Jigjiga was much more developed than any other region in Somalia, in terms of public services. The notion that each enclave is going develop it is own separately is nonsense. I am not surprised if members of Somaliland government advocate such idea.
  6. This is a calculated wave of propaganda for the most part. Very much hypocrisy. You was never a fan of Farmaajo from day one. are you serious about wondering why people still defending him?.If it is all about president after president for you. I am very much sure the next election will not be held in xalane or the airport , it will be held somewhere else and supervised by Somali security forces. The reason the Farmaajo co are supported by the people is they are doing a lot of things right.
  7. I do not think, you watched the video where Beyle and Mareeye were explaining the real issue about the unpaid soldiers. These are only a small part of overall forces in these regions. Villa Somalia is working with IMF and world bank, they have to follow a strictly financial system and the same time to store peace a place that has been lawless for a long time. You are against Caare protesting but support the moqdish protesting soldiers that says much about the separatist group here. I am familiar with how the tribal Somaliland forces are set up and how they function. I have a relative who has 10 men but gets paid for 70 men. Each subclan military leader is paid a number of men more than they actually got from Awdal to Lasanod.
  8. Well, I agree they should pay each individual soldier one way of another but the old way of paying 21,000 nonexisting, not accountable soldiers around the country cannot be sustainable.
  9. The issue is not only payment but also including taking orders from top leaders. but it is also to combine units and make them work as a force who takes orders from the top leaders. the biometric registration is only the beginning. Local police can be local but the national army cannot be tribal units each one based on their neighborhood.
  10. I remember a few months ago, Dalmar was posting pictures of local Malesia, part of the government army welcoming the politician Abdishakur to moqdisho. Unless you reform security forces who are in charge in moqdisho and two shabeele, south somalia will not be peacefull. This is the real challenge for the current Somali government and the success dependence on the future of a somali state.
  11. Waa caruurtii ingiriiska aabayaashood cuntada ukarinjireen. May fahmin dantii laga lagalahaa inay dhamaatay oo kuekeyd berigaas. Ingiriis iyo yuhuud toons ictiraaf masoowadaan. Iska ilow
  12. TGelle, the man from Diridhaba is indeed very experienced. I noticed his meetings with Macro he was not loughing and quick to show his guest a portrait of nomads. He never changed his role as Somali state man and welcome other Somalis from day one when he took over. He also built a good relationship with other neighbor countries. He never been short sighted but very calculated man. However Jabuuti is culturally destroyed. Population are not growing enough and the rich is getting more richer. The poor is getting more poorer. Geele himself is getting very old, so jabuuti is trouble to survive in the long run. He should sign some kind of unification treaty with Somalia before he died to protect his people. For Amison, although they do nothing for now. They should be around for while in reduced number. Leave the issue between donors and Amison. They will not pay Somali army anyway
  13. The French leader didn’t bring anything new to horn. He is just lining up behind the British and others who was active in region for century. Nothing much he can offer and contribute. France is a dying empire. It can only added forces to others and can not pretend any longer to be an independent powerful empire. He came to support the UAE program in the horn which was already in place. When he go home every one will forget him. Even western african French speaking countries are looking other evunue. Macro, horn Africa visit is nothing more than a cheap propanpanda intended to strength his losing political stand in his homeland. He came for change but offered nothing for his people. The yellow protesters are still going on. Macro is fake man and Somalia has nothing to worry about his visit. The secessionist can always hope and dream that every white man who shows up the continent will have something for them and ready to offer some information hoping to get some favorable return. But they just expecting too much for this Macro, they should stuck with their connected Budwen Arabs for now.
  14. This is good news for Somalia. Somalia does not need a UN representative person. It is probably the ending of UN era of Somalia.
  15. https://hiiraan.com/news4/2019/Mar/162655/ilhan_omar_s_words_sting_at_home_threatening_to_strain_ties_of_jewish_and_somali_minnesotans.aspx This is the unnecessary issue I was talking about. Ilhan has too much noomaad blood.
  16. Somaliland was the only place that goverment workers used get pay regularly, even if the payment was small. Biixi is really facing difficulty. This is probably the reason he went to UAE. Definitely the UAE will give few millions that covers few more months salaries. The secessionist think this has to do Farmaajo and some sort of political isolation. But Somaliland is going through transformation. It lived it is proposed time and will not able to function the old way with new world economy, internal dysfunctional, corruption and continue bad economy.
  17. Che International diplomacy, he is doing very well, he must learned a lesson last time Musevene fired him. Farmaajo doing a lot of diplomacy is a progress that Somalia government made indeed. In the past this kind of diplomacy was done between Amison countries and donors. The recovering of the Somali nation and becoming more stable is what makes our follow secessionist nervous. Museveni boys will leave Somalia sooner or later but what you are witness is the first time since collapse of the Somali state, we got a Somali state that dictates it's own agenda in international level successfully. Locally they have to do even more Musevene jokes will not humiliate anybody, Somalia have more than enough suffering let alone something sort of humiliation. The poor secessionist who live in west, who came from the poorest section of Somali can talk about humiliation and same time applaud anyone who shows support them, even the homepeople with money. Lining up the women who married Oromo men was one of tactics they used last time, to get closer the new Oromo leader in Ethiopia.This must to be willing humiliation or we have different meaning what is humiliation.
  18. How I know Farmaajo is doing very good? His agonizing all bad actors. Separatist, anarchist and others who wants to maintain the status que. It seems here Farmaajo is going to extreme length to solve a important problem that effect the Somalia people, special those in Kenya . Farmaajo is a patriotic and will never sign a deal that gives away the Somali sea to Kenya. However I don’t think the issue will be solved anytime soon. The Kenyan government will not be happy just to wait the court decision. The separist should be happy and wait when Kenya call their leaders to visit Kenya.
  19. It seems they are waken up for a long night of sleep less and sensing the fresh qat is arriving little bit before noon. You can excused their behavior. At this moment they are different world than we are. They can see what we do not see. Let them have a moment together to dream for the dreamland.
  20. I do not think no one has problem with a Dir meeting but why in Adis Ababa. They could have their meeting any place in the Somalia Pennsylvanian. This is probably sponsored by Ahmed Shidane and Abiya Ahmed. The Dir will be the tools, they need to divide he Somalis. This is also a different tactics, the one previous Ethiopian government and leaders use to, less satisfactions. Making Turkaanas Dir and Somalis, than we are all becoming a big Oromo nation.
  21. This can not be true. 120 men are kidnapped. there is more on this story we did heard. However Kenya army present in Somalia, will be coming to end.
  22. Ilhan has her connections but Trump will use her to be elected next election. This maybe the design.
  23. Last time I was there, part of road was repaired. From Berbera to Hargeysa about 30 km of road was repaired already. The rest all the way to Gabiley was horrible. Wajaale to Jigjiga was very good. The road will not bring bussiness. The Ethiopians will never use Berbera corridor,as Berbera connects Somalia and the Somali region. They will not able to collect taxes as they do in Jabuuti. In addition Somalia local leaders from the region will never trust Somaliland leaders, Biixi and others always looking to connect Adis Ababa, rather Jigjiga. Even if the road is repaired nothing will change anytime soon. Biixi has manage to come short time propaganda games but next few weeks he will face the reality once again.
  24. This is a small copy of Farmaajo isxilqaan program which Biixi intended to use as propaganda. Hareysa unemployed youth has being leaving in big numbers to Moqdisho. These are not high school graduates, infarct they are college graduates but they have nothing else to do just to go Biixi camp for few months, hoping to find something meaningfull to do. I watched another video where one of recruiters claiming to have a master degree. This useless program will not stop these unemployed youth to go moqdisho, even when the insecurity moqdisho presents.
  25. When Farmaajo was with them, he was not happy, now without Farmaajo, he still is not happy. This is not the last picture we will see. Just fake meetings . What he is going to say next meeting. Will not change anything in the horn.