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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. Ethiopians do not use to have freedom and this experience is too much for them. It is just too much for the Amhara to accept the new norm. They are looking back The past glory. They will be used to and Abiya gets opportunities here to win back the Oromo support he lost. For the worst senoria the west may replace Abiya somebody like SiSi in Egypty. They will not allow Ethiopia disintegrate.
  2. Sawirro: Duqa Muqdisho oo muwaadin Soomaaliyeed ku wareejiyey guri laga haystay 28 sano | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Duqa Muqdisho ahna Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Mudane Cabdirixmaan Cumar Cusmaan (Eng.Yarisow) ayaa muwaadin Soomaaliyeed ku wareejiyey guri uu... The irony here is the thief is a high ranked officer. There are lot of people, like this officer in moqdisho and other places without shame. These people take grant for never ending anarchism but the time is running for them. It is not first time Yariisow did this kind of justice. He is good example how other leaders should behave.
  3. Of course, Yamato is a Somalia friend but he just confirms the progress we were talking about here all alone. Farmaajo and Khayre brought hope and it seems they are enjoying every bit of progress is made. Unlike the spineless previous group, they do get satisfaction with everything they do right. where is the old man? @oodweyne, the absence of the old man is a sign of disappointment for his part. It is not time to celebrate but things are going to the right direction for the moment. The security situation is improving rapidly in south Somalia and the government is more or less winning the bottle of moqdisho control with a lot of support from the local people everywhere.
  4. Ahmed Madoobe controls only Kismaany city with his close clan melissa and with support of Kenyan. Juba needs a business minded person, not a geeljire like Madoobe. Located in the middle of the equator line, it is a tropical place with rainforest although he cut most of the trees. Kismayo and juba in general is the wealthiest part of Somalia. A family who lives in the cost area or the river area has the opportunity to fish, farm and own camels same time. Juba will be better of him leaving. It will be a place where all the refugee in Kenya and many diaspora people to return but it can not happen before he leaves.
  5. Jowhar | Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Midowga Yurub oo kala saxiixday Mashruuc ku baxaya 42 Milyan oo Euro WWW.JOWHAR.COM Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo midawga Yurub ayaa munaasabad uu goob joog ka ahaa Ra’iisul Wasaare ku xigeenka Soomaaliaya oo Muqdisho lagu qabtay waxa ay maanta si wadajir ah ugu saxiixeen heshiiska... This is another big lost for maamul goboleedyada, specially punt land. The EU, basically concluded that TFG is less corrupted and should be the responsible party. Now they do not have choice but to go modish if they want to repair their local roads.
  6. Well, there is nothing that is not federal government business. Majority of third world countries, especially in Africa, they have a national exam for high school students, neighboring Kenyan is one of them. A country that has a very good rigid basic education system. The problem in Somalia is not who is responsible for the education system, it is the spread of lawlessness and anarchism. America is the only true federal country in the world and there is nothing that the federal government is not involved. The federal government not only funds the local schools but also sets a broad standard in everything. Exams that states give their students are very much similar because all states must follow the federal guidelines. The idea that each state is gone have their own exams without federal government involvement is nonsense. I am not fun of useless national exam but education is the federal government responsibility and states have their role in implementing the federal government education policy with the freedom of adding their emphasis and priorities. the real issue is not who responsible for the education system but a fight about the small funding that comes from outside.
  7. It would nice if this meeting was a Somali meeting but it was fruits of Kenya embassy meeting and mostly the last wave of geopolitics moves to Africa, especially the Muslim countries, starting from Sudan, Libya and finally Somalia. The so-called maamul goboleeds and Somaliland were lobbying hard and painting villa Somalia, working for some specific countries and they got some support in order to put Villa Somalia a hard place at the time when villa Somalia has finally get some success about the security in Mogadishu and surrounding regions. The three maamul goboleed leaders may have some legitimate concerns about the issue that affect their regions, like resources sharing and security but they do not have the mandate to negotiate with government on the policy issue. Anything that has to do legislation is the work for the two houses and the government. It is important that the IC community see that Somali leaders working together but in reality, they are the problem too. When you see Saudi Arabia and Egypt diplomats visiting some regions of Somalia, it is more problematic than ever. Villa Somalia is under pressure to bring in these local leaders for the national policy-making which they do not have the mandate to participate and it is not good. The outcome will hinder the process of moving forward. It will stop villa Somali to make a bold and tough decision as they did for moqdisho security challenging the anarchist who wants to maintain the status quo. So basically this meeting is designed to bring back Somalia two steps back rather forward and the three local leaders were given that assignment. However, it is up to Villa Somalia to limit the damage this meeting will cost the national process to move forward. They came prepared but stakes are high for a bad compromise that will affect not only this government but future governments
  8. The best that can happen to sudan is, a civilian temporary government before elections take place. Sudan does not need another dictator. the civilian government will be able to manage dealing the geopolitics better than a dictator. they will be able to do business everybody. It seems no one is able to defeat the protesters and they know what they want.
  9. This is it, meetings are all they can do now and the purpose of all these meetings are, to reduce the attention between them and continue to survive with all the great games going on the world. If you were expecting anything else, you do not understand the present level of state of the horn and wold geopolitics.
  10. https://twitter.com/HSNQ_NISA?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor More anarchist are captured at home while other anarchist(road blockers) are having meetings to plot stoping the road map of Somalia nationhood. Ceelasha biyaha iso shabis oo lanadiifinayo
  11. It seems the genuine Sudan protesters are used as the Egyptian when they overthrow the old dictator another one is installed by foreigners.
  12. Sudan protesters to Saudi Arabia, UAE: 'Please keep your money' Wary that the Gulf countries may be vying for influence, protesters reject aid offers made by Riyadh and Abu Dhabi. by Hamza Mohamed 3 hours ago Sudan protesters want the military council to be dissolved and power handed to a transitional civilian government [Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah/Reuters] MORE ON MIDDLE EAST US will not reissue waivers for Iran oil imports: White Housetoday Iran's flood repairs to cost $2.5bntoday Algeria: 5 billionaires arrested as part of anti-corruption drivetoday Sudan protesters to Saudi Arabia, UAE: 'Please keep your money'today Khartoum, Sudan - Sudanese protesters have called on Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to "keep their money" a day after Riyadh and Abu Dhabi offered to send Khartoum $3bn aid. Hours after the oil-rich Gulf states made the announcement on Sunday, demonstrators at the sit-in outside Sudan's military headquarters in the capital started chanting: "We don't want Saudi support." "They are lobbying and using money to try and control Sudan. We have enough resources to look after ourselves and our interests," Adil Gasem Alseed, a trader, told Al Jazeera on Monday. Omar al-Bashir's brothers arrested as Sudan protests continue (2:06) "We can rebuild our country without their help. We say thank you, please keep your money," the 52-year-old said. Other protesters said Sudan needed good leadership and not foreign aid. "We have the resources. With good leadership, we can look after our country," Hanan Alsadiq, a university student, told Al Jazeera. "The timing of their aid says a lot about their intentions. Why did they wait until now? Why did they not call on Omar al-Bashir to stop when he was killing our people. Their money will only create problems for us," said Alsadiq, who was born in Saudi Arabia. The military removed al-Bashir earlier this month after months of anti-government protests during which dozens of people were killed. The two Gulf countries, in a joint statement, said $500m would be deposited in Sudan's central bank to "ease the pressure on the Sudanese pound and achieve more stability in the exchange rate". The rest of the aid money will be sent in the form of food, medicines and fuel derivatives, the statement added. Many demonstrators at the sit-in said they suspected the two countries of trying to influence the ruling military transitional council with the aid. Sudan's head of the transitional military council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, was the head of the country's ground troops when Khartoum sent its soldiers to Yemen as part of a Saudi-led coalition against the Houthi rebels. Deepening economic crisis Economists say Sudan needs all the financial aid it can get to improve its economic situation. "Sudan is in need of such assistance and loans to fill the gap in trade imbalance. It needs financial support to fill the areas of insufficiency in its annual budget," Muhammad Aljak, an economics professor at Khartoum University, told Al Jazeera. "It is too early to judge whether this assistance is being given with some political conditions or big concessions from the military council. Sudan needs this money and it needs to use it properly," Aljak added. A country of more than 40 million people, Sudan has been suffering from a deepening economic crisis that has caused cash shortages and long queues at bakeries and petrol stations. OPINION The political calculations of Sudan's military regime by Ahmed H Adam Demonstrators first took to the streets in December last year following a hike in the price of bread, a staple food in the northeast African country. The unpopular economic move caused widespread anger. The country was until recently under crippling US sanctions which lasted two decades and were lifted in October 2017.
  13. almonitor website is not Turkish pro government website . Allthough Turkey and Qadar did not welcome the changes that happened these countries with suspicions of other countries involvement. Both dictators had closer relationship with Saudi and business dealing with turkey. But they also maintained good relationship with The Qadar and Turkey. A civilian goverment for these countries is not win for the Arab group.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=633&v=5QrY9j7SwYY
  15. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-sudan-protests/saudi-arabia-uae-grant-3-billion-of-support-to-sudan-idUSKCN1RX0DG
  16. Trump will lose again as he lost Venezuela next door. What happened Sudan and Algeria scares the remaining Arab dictators. Egypt will probably the next soon or later. Haftaar will not succeed to capture Tripoli. His forces already losing the battle before it started. He will go back to east and his status will not change whether he get support from Russia, Trump or elsewhere. Algeria and Sudan will have civilian government and that is not what remaining Arab dictators wanted. It will backfire again as you can not buy loyalty.
  17. Armed Europeans try to cross from Libya to Tunisia WWW.ALJAZEERA.COM Tunisia's defence minister says two separate incidents involved armed Europeans travelling from neighbouring Libya. One's powerful people are getting desperate. They have to use mercenaries from Europea with diplomatic cover, to achieve their goals in Libya.
  18. When the sessionist group were glorifying Samatar and Ali Khaliif for a while ago, I warned them these two old man are not your side. They just playing games with you based on their short interest. There is nothing sessionist can offer for these men. They should be quite and retrie for good.
  19. The old man failed again to read between lines or maybe thinks others will not read. Basically the emergency declaration gives the president to implement his own policy without notification of parliament. This is not an usual the west umpires dealing with third world countries . However it is not sections against Somali rather forieng policy. The issue here is that the nation of Somali is getting back in many different ways, specialy southern Somalia. Economic is improving and moqdish is booming. Violence is decreasing and security is improving. The reforms that current Somalia government implemented has been successful. Tax collections and army registrations are too main area. With that you should not surprised that foreign countries are interesting the deal with Somalia, a potential and strategic nation.
  20. https://twitter.com/hsnq_nisa?lang=en More anarchist stopped harming Somali people
  21. This is exactly comparison in way when Aydeed was sent to modish. However this was designed to stop the UN confers. He will never get support and votes to be the president of Libiya.
  22. It is all about so-called Ganacsato. these people must to be targeted and pay a price. this is root cause and must to be addressed. Barbaarta are just another gang and they will work anyone to maintain their business.
  23. More was captured today DEG DEG: NISA oo 'heshay god weyn oo Al-Shabaab ay ku duugeen walxaha qarxa' + Sawirro | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Hay’adaha ammaanka dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa goor-dhow shaaca ka qaaday inay gacanta ku dhigeen god wayn oo lagu xabaalay walxaha qarxa. Qoraal goor-dhow lagu baa…