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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. The spring offensive will take place anyway,. Buaale probably the biggest target. Abiya does not have a lot to contribute, he needs his soldiers at home. The ones already in Somalia can be located to different places but there number are very small to make any big difference. Abiya is not interesting dealing with Kenyan either so he has something else to discuss with Farmaajo. This has to do another attempt from the golf brothers to send farmaajo a final massage to change heart or just another show up
  2. It’s strange when SSDF and SNM people talk about Habashi and their involvement of Somalia. At least they are not the victim here. Abiya is still busy with the internal Ethiopian affairs but they may have a massage for Farmaajo from their sponsors. Hard pressed Farmaajo understand the game. It will be nothing more photo gathering. After all Abiya got the Noble price recently and he have to show somebody that worth the price. This is probably the celebration of Abiya price
  3. He is already replaced by beloved XILDHIBAAN DALXA. Hargeysa people may know Dalxa from Somali Bantu community. Late 80's many of Somali soldiers were from Somali Bantu community but DALXA was also member of Waaberi and spent time in Hargeysa. It will be interesting how he manage his new duty.
  4. Is this something you wish not to happen. Just few months ago, you was arguing that Jabuuti was in trouble inviting both China and U.S.A in same place. Somalia is much bigger country than Jabuuti or Qatar and not many Somalis care about who pay for AMIZON. In reality the only Somali politicians care about is who pays the running cost. Do not rely too much about Math Bayden and foundations. This is a nomad site, do not bring here the mentality of house nigger. Turkey is in moqdsh and they will not go any where.
  5. The gang hires everybody, even musicians. Thanks for NISA eliminating one more gang.
  6. NISA oo soo bandhigtay fanaan ka tirsanaa DF oo qirtay inuu ka mid yahay Al-Shabaab (Video) - Allbanaadir.com WWW.ALLBANAADIR.ORG Hay’adda Nabad Sugidda iyo Sirdoonka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed ee NISA ayaa caawa shaacisay iney qabatay fanaan ka tirsanaa kooxda maamulka gobolka Banaadir oo la shaqeynayey ama ka mid ahaa...
  7. The program will not be delayed who ever benefits. Khayre is just trying to win some time before the Galmudug election and Bayle very much understands it. The tribal thing that the old man is talking about is not relevant in moqdisho. Saylici is more a AWR-KIRAALE than Bayle if you ask Awdil people.
  8. Turkey should be given a big chunk of the pie, for not only the right thing to do but the only way to create interests and competition. They will now show up and line up in order the Turkey will not get anything. There will be no grantee that others will take the risk but Turkey will definitely do it.
  9. Qalbi dhagax ma halgame ha ahaado markii hore amase yuu ahaanin. Waxaa hubaala inuu lakulmay Gabre, oo ay heshiis ahaayeen, baasaboorkii uu haystay waxaa loogu dhuftay Visa, waxaana larabay inuu itoobiya kunoqdo, balse sidii lagula balamay muusamayn, oo wuu kacaga jiiday, itoobiya iskama xaadarin, waqtigii larabay. Shanbalooshe iyo kooxa mudug joogay way kawarhayeen qorshahoo dhan. Dabadeed markii imaaraadka lacag keen, waxay noqotay qorshe lafuliyey oo Shanbalooshe qayb kayahay, farmaajo baduu ayuu kudhex dhacay.
  10. Waa runtaa SOMALILAND ayaa maamulaysey ilaa 1991. Xitaa degmada ceelafweyne waxaad timaadeen wixii kadanbeeyey 1960. War maandhoow 5 qarni kahor oo aad meesha degenaydeen ama aydaan kafogeyn xagee kumaqnaydeen. Haday idinku qaatay 400 sano inaad buuraha kasoo degtaan, markay qolyihii kale ee meesha idin ladegenaa ay gaadheen TANGA RIVER in Kenya, maad iska aamustaan, intaan ciqaab rabaaniya oo cusub idiin iman.
  11. After being silent for two days, Ali dheere speaks out suddenly. This is an unusual and highly suspicious. With Nisa information, it is very clear for me somebody ordered it and multiple groups are involved. Sheikh shariif, somlailand and others did not waste a time to use it for their advantage. Even the missing old man aka "OODWEYNE" showed up, assuming this is a toning point for their cause. Nisa coming out with this information, is a huge development and it will change a lot of things. Somalia was already a battle ground and now things will definitely change for the worst. Where is galbeedi?
  12. Xarakada Al-shabaab oo War culus ka soo saartay qaraxii Ex-control Afgooye Afhayeenka Xarakada Al-Shabaab, Sheekh Cali Maxamuud Raage (Cali Dheere) ayaa sheegay iney iyagu ka dambeeyeen qaraxii xooganaa ee maalin ka hor ka dhacay isgoyska Ex-Control Afgooye ee magaalada Muqdisho, kaasoo au ku dhinteen shacab fara badan. Kalimad la dhageysan karo muddo 24 daqiiqo ah oo uu Sheekh Cali Dheere soo dhigay warbaahinta taageerta kooxdaas ayuu ku faahfaahiyay qaraxii halkaas ka dhacay iyo dadka lala beegsaday, wuxuuna sheegay in qaraxaas ay la beegsadeen Kolonyo isugu jirta Turki iyo maleeshiyaad Soomaali ah oo ilaalo ah islamarkaana uu khasaare lixaad leh kasoo gaaray. Sheekh Cali Dheere ayaa sidoo kale qiray in qaraxaas uu khasaare isugu jira dhimasho, dhaawac iyo burbur hantiyeed kasoo gaaray dad shacab ah oo qaraxaas la kulmay xilli ay wadada marayeen. “Waxaan aad iyo aad uga xunnahay khasaaraha qaraxan ka soo gaaray ummadeena muslimka ah, waana ka tacsiyadeynaynaa dhamaan dadkii muslimiinta ahaa ee halkaas naftooda ku waayey ama ku dhaawacmay hantina ay uga burburtay, inta ku dhimatay ILAAHAY Waxaan uga rajaynaynaa inuu shahaado uga dhigo, eheladoodana Samir ILAAHAY ha ku arsaaqo, kuwa dhaawaca ahna ilaahay ha u booga dhayo, inta hantidooda ku weyasyna bedel khayr leh ilaahay ha siiyo, waxaa hubaal ah in mujaahidiintu yihiin kuwa ugu badan ee uu gubayo dhibka gaaray ummada islaamka, ” ayuu yiri Cali dheere. Waxaa uu sheegay in weerarkaas uu qeyb ka yahay dagaalka jihaadka ee ay kula jiraan wax uu ugu yeeray cadowga Alle kan muslimiinta, wuxuuna xusay iney sii wadi doonaan weerarada ay ku hayaan wax uu ugu yeeray cadowga dalka ku soo duulay iyo kuwa la safan. Ku dhowaad boqol qof ayaa ku dhimatay, tiro intaas ka badana wey ku dhaawacmeen qaraxii ka dhacay Ex-control Afgooye, waana markii ugu horeysay ee Al-shabaab ay qirato iney shacab ku laayeen qaraxyada ay fuliyaan, kana tacsiyeyaan.
  13. The old man is back to comment, just time of one of biggest Moqdisho bombing, while hiding and despaired when he was needed to comment issue he beleived in. Jidh xun will always be jidh xun.
  14. With all this bravado, for the next day do not claim a victim. I am with you as long as you do not claim a victim. I want see you a victories proud Somali even if the faqash somehow come back to Hargeysa one day. Stand fast with your bravado.
  15. What is the statistics of how many of the militants are killed? the statistic will definitely show their deaths will be more than the previews years. There are active war going on now compared the years before when the group was simply attacking and running over the Amizon bases.
  16. The defeat of allshabaab is near. It may take another three year to completely destroy the group but the progress has made, thanks partially the air strikes. the group is losing but still powerful. They will fight back and show that they are still present in order continue collecting money. They are simply gangs that collects money, which also connected other Criminal Cartels in moqdisho. if the current government continue the reform policy they started, the end of the group is near. SNA and Federal police is getting better and more diverse. Just today 400 federal police graduated and they are going to South West, replacing the SNA in the liberated area in the Shabeelada hoose. The SNA, will than move to liberate new places. Systemic approach to solve the problem in the long term. You have to move from Hasan Sheik's tribal based SNA, to more national oriented SNA and more federal police in South west/Jubaland/Hirshabeele paid by the central government.
  17. They do not even know who is who in the south. They just assuming everyone in modish area is from H tribe. The victims of the last accident seems majority Somali Bantu. Soon you reach Afgooye, you will not see many people from H tribes.
  18. there is a trouble kid everywhere who can not help himself and Somalia has it's own trouble kids. Unfortunately nothing will satisfy.
  19. Xaaji Mohamed Yaasiin is a unique politician from Puntland. He tried many times. Unfortunately, he may never get the opportunity to lead Somalia. He is like a pro-Somalia, somalilander who runs for president. He does not have local base support because of his style and what he preaches.
  20. Everything he said, is right. How can you create jobs when you allow imports of everything including meat products. No agriculture and other small industry to create jobs. You either rich or poor and living is expensive. There are a lot of rich people there, some very rich and then a lot of very poor people in Hargeysa They can not compete with UAE imports. That is what he means no vision. For years I was arguing that Somaliland will never be economically viable. The best it could be is another Jabuuti with a stagnant economy and Zero population growth. In 1960 when the north and south came together. 33% of the Somali population lived in north Somalia and 33% of Somali Parlament seats were given the northern group. Today about 20% -25% of the population and the same numbers Parlament seats. Jabuuti tribe has 8 seats where the Puntland tribe has 12 seats which means northern tribes got more seats now and when a real election happens the northern's will get fewer seats. Somaliland will lose more while they are waiting and neighboring regions, will be affected negatively Hargeysa zero-sum game.
  21. where are @OODWEYNE and others with old imperialism theory? hoping to ride the back of the colonial powers whatever they offer. In fact, the world has changed where Assia is already dominating. Africa will rise slowly. Where the Indian ocean will be more important than the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. But the losers are not the west but those who did not foresee the changes coming. the question is it too late for UAE and Saudi Arabia to change course? or they buying time and hoping the old-time will return where their money made differences. For Somali, it is reviving and when the stability returns to south Somalia, it will be back in big time. Farmaajo and Co read very well the situation or lucky enough to be the right side of history. They played their card right and understood the current situation in Somalia and the world. They welcomed every actor and played a low profile when needed without confronting anybody. With this policy, they were able to isolate local politicians from the old system and bring some stability on the ground. They were able to bring in more money and aid to poor, starving Somali people at a time when the remaining infrastructure is clasping and no one buying Somali livestock. Many Somalia lives were saved for the last three years, it could be worst what we got now. Now a more bright future is a close distance for Somali people. More economic growth and less violence but only with right balanced policies and the right people in the leadership.
  22. The Ethiopians were just replaced by Ugandan and others. Do you think, sheik basaas has any solution?
  23. They should not be stopped but on the other hand, they do not have a business of running around. They do not have the mandate to rent separate planes and collect separate money. They are just making themselves foolish and will not have any chance of winning the next election. They simply try to hassle something using their local community. They could endorse other people from their community and work to get them elected instead. If they make the coming election between them and the current group they will lose and that is the game Farmaajo and Khayre playing. That is why they are not responding to their speech.
  24. This is not 2020 budget. 105 million from 2016 to close to half billion in four years is huge progress.
  25. You are wrong again. They did agree first but they changed their minds soon, as Soviet started to influence the world and the cold war started. The Italian got back their colonial with a condition and that saved Somalia. Because soon after that the British gave Hawd to Ethiopia and later NFD to Kenya. This man is right and narrating correctly what happened that day. There were pro-colonial people involved in the fight supporting the colonial administration. SYL or the leegada was the best organization Somalis ever had. Without money, they manage to unite Somali people around the horn. They opened offices everywhere the Somali people reside. From Jigjiga, Jabuuti, Hargeysa to Gaarisa and dealing with three EU colonial and Haila salse by the time. They were right not trusted the British, the Kurd did and paid the price.