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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. Amizon seems to understand that too. We may see Amizon back to the street of moqdisho as before which is really sad. If that what they want in moqdisho no one can help.
  2. Farmaajo has a different philosophy than the other two. He sees himself as the boss and both of them are the old guard. but the priminster is from his tribe and he is challenging him. Farmaajo can not fight many fronts in moqdisho. Even dayniile people were behind their son. Gal mudug people each man is his own.
  3. And will do that purposely. He is one of the dangerous people in moqdish, connected with a lot of different networks. His group controls Bakaaraha market, Salaama bank and Hormuud. He is also connected to many different army melesia from Baraawe to Bakaaraha. Sheik Shariff, sheik Hassan, and even Farmaajo to some degree are a product of his network. He is first goal is to protect his network. He was seriously involved last night and his network will be the biggest challenge for Farmaajo and any future government will face in moqdisho.
  4. Col saanay and northern moqdisho people are not really the problem. They are a coherent community and will not let one of them bring trouble to their community. After a short fight and elders' involvement, everything was back to normal.
  5. It should be stopped just there and let moqdisho people live in peace.
  6. Does not he know Madoobe is safe?. He got his Kenyan
  7. I have some mental health training. You are really upset today, are you? I can help
  8. Who is your people? just carious!
  9. Why not go yourself to fight him. You not only dump troll but also sick person
  10. I think you are bias here. True moqdish was making progress but today moqdisho became a center for somalia again as it used be and much safer. If a liitle girl from Saylac became sick, now her parents will take to moqdisho. Completely different moqdisho. A moqdisho that does not want a war. I agree this achievement should not be distrubt but somalia needs a function government. Somalis may survived many years without state but can not survive any more and moqdisho and somali every where understand. 70% of the people are young and need future. You can only understand when make a multible visit. This is it for Somalia. I still hope some compromise and smooth transitions.
  11. What I am hearing, in fact Farmaajo stopped the group to be killed or arrested. Rooble and other moqdisho team wanted them to be arrested or killed. Farmaajo refused. That was best option
  12. People of moqdisho do not want to war but Moqdisho is full of clan Malesia and weapon. Hasan sheikh gave each moqdisho clan their own SNA units and pick up trucks. The old SNA unit are still loyal to their clans. They are mainly outside moqdisho but they enter moqdisho if tribe needs them. The new units gorgor, harimcad are more mixed and more loyal to government. The process of building a national security forces loyal to state just began. That is what they have problem, not farmaajo. Neither them or their sponsors want to see strong Somali national security. In 1960, the Somali leaders was told, you nation just need police force. In 1964 war with ethiopia, somalia only had 4000 men mainly police.
  13. What else are they there? They are tool for other countries who do not physically want to be there. The security and economy of Bari region became even worst since they came there. They could at least help to renovate the port with their wealthy. No, they just give a small sum of money the leadership of Putland and undermining the sovereignty of Somali nation as they also work with the separatist in North West which by the way control much of the original puntland. PMP do nothing, the boys just get paid a little money. It is only less than 500 extremist in Puntland. The weapon embargo is place in Somalia and there are people who monitor any weapon coming in but rules do not apply UAE in every where.
  14. Farmaajo government is lining up a lot people to speak for them. I like this guy, he is very well informed. Somali Bantu suffered a lot for last the 31 years . They welcome a government that protects their rights
  15. You are dump troll. You suppose to read between lines. Chad is a mineral reach country which suppose to be high income country, like Somalia. The country became independent from France long time ago but France never left controlling it and taking it's wealth. The local people are poor and hopeless because France is using some of them. This is the scenario that Somali people do not want see in their country. It is just what Madoobe is doing Kismaanyo. Only 30,000 people left there but he does not care because he is just fine.
  16. Eretria dictator survived almost 30 years without rest of world. will this matter something for him, we will see. Interesting enough UAE just left and abandoned that country few months ago. Now you know the day UAE left Somalia, expect something and watch what others are going to do.
  17. Galbeedi Khayre, john saadiq and former danab leeader + others belong to different group and Mark is simply the person writing their letters and managing the funding. Delaying the election was first goal and was successful and second on was to let Farmaajo mandate expire. The third goal was him removed, just simply backfired when parliament voted the extension. Farmaajo team knew the whole plan since for while.
  18. The rebels are French and EU supported mercenaries' who fought in Libiya to support warlord Haftar take over Libiya. After the war stopped in Libya, they headed back to their country some how the chad dictator is killed and his son is replaced. Now French is involve militarily again, stopping their rebels to take over. Win Win for Marco. Now he got younger dictator, more obedient unlike the old more flexible one.
  19. Ahead of Deby’s funeral, Chad rebels say command hit by air strike WWW.REUTERS.COM Thousands of people attended the funeral of Chad's slain leader Idriss Deby on Friday, with French President Emmanuel Macron leading tributes to the long-ruling strongman whose death in a battle with... Marco is not only present but his leading and bombing the rebels EU democratic principle in action
  20. It is reported pro muxaarad website. Will it be any protest from democratic loving nation of world? was not embargo in place?. That is simply the nature of situation in Somalia
  21. Xog: Imaaraadka Carabta oo baabuur dagaal kasoo dejiyey garoonka Boosaaso - Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Boosaaso (Caasimada Online) – Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa Puntland ugu deeqday gadaadiid kuwa dagaalka ah, oo toddobaadkan laga soo dejiyey magaalada Boosaaso, sida ay ilo-wareedyo lagu...
  22. Few months a ago in Mn, a Farmaajo supporter man from punt land tribe drove over and killed Madoobe supporter after heated argument on politics. Farmaajo supporters are every where
  23. Somalis are not known to be patient people but this time they need to be just patient. There next step is probably order Sharif and co to start war in modish.
  24. Chad leader Deby, key Western ally, killed in battle -army WWW.YAHOO.COM N'DJAMENA (Reuters) -Chad's president, Idriss Deby, who ruled his country for more than 30 years and was an important Western ally in the fight against Islamist militants in Africa, was killed on Monday in a... We do not yet, the details of the killing but they are saying he was ally. So it does not matter if you dictator as long as you are Western ally.
  25. President of Chad dies on frontline day after winning vote, army says WWW.NBCNEWS.COM The West has seen Deby as an ally in the fight against Islamist extremist groups, such as Boko Haram and groups linked to Al Qaeda and Islamic State. Will it be any protest from beesha lixaad. I guess not. They said "Idriss Deby's death is a blow to France, which had based its Sahel counter-terrorism operations in the Chadian capital, N'Djamena" Nothing about the future of chad people.