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Everything posted by Duufaan

  1. Somalia: toxic elite politics and the need for cautious external mediation THECONVERSATION.COM The international community is opposed to Farmaajo's term extension because of fears that it's a power grab consistent with political trends elsewhere in the region. "There is mounting pressure from the opposition to move towards a caretaker government that also serves its interests. The opposition, which is not sure to win in any upcoming election, wants Farmaajo removed from the top post." Shariif wants to replace Farmaajo without election. is mounting the current uprising the beginning? I hope not but now it dependent on what opposition do. Election must happen soon, otherwise we are in big trouble Indeed Farmaajo shot himself in the foot. He knew the game played against him but did not take decisive action by signing what Deni was asking him to sign. This what is in stake 1) some Foreigners also wants Farmaajo removed any price 2) No Election 3) IC donations will completely be stopped, it will effect even humanitarian part. 4)Moqdisho new road blocks will likely to stay, it will hard to remove now. It took years to remove 5) Amizon will continue stay without doing nothing 5) Terrorist will regain foot hold 6) Jubaland tribal war sooner rather later
  2. He seems calm person unlike Khayre. The question is , does he have the capacity to perform. Last few days, he stepped up and play big role for government regaining control in moqdisho.
  3. I agree he have to sign it this time but they have to. They are all under pressure. It is given Rooble will lead the process. Everything will dependent on if his old friends stand with him and for now they do. It is 4 to 2. They will defiantly ask the top three security guys to go any other condition will not really matter for him. Now on it is Rooble government.
  4. Somalia president to address nation as support wanes WWW.ALJAZEERA.COM Prime minister rejects the proposed extension of the president’s term in office and calls for elections to be held.
  5. they are still misleading even when they know the true. Even Aljazeera gets western mainstreamed.
  6. Somalia’s Government Has Lost Control of Most Of Its Capital WWW.VICE.COM As different forces jockey for power in Mogadishu, violence has descended upon the city.
  7. Farmaajo became a Politian from technocrat.
  8. I think Tillamook understands the math but the old game of trying to remove him like Abdilaahe Yusuf style did not work. I do not think Deni co left any more leverage. It will be UN lead process. Farmaajo team arguing a new meeting not needed.
  9. Well, I did not watch him speak but I know he will unless you have some information you will share with us
  10. I am glad you guys feel relieved but what goes around comes around. You have to advocate for free and fair elections all the time, not only when somebody you do not like in power.
  11. Their decision is a little bit worded differently. Koonfur galbeed has more votes combined putland and Jubaland. So the election basically will be a referendum of Farmaajo, if it takes place + geopolitics on the center.
  12. Deg Deg: Koofur Galbeed oo soo saartay go’aankeeda ku aadan isbadaladii siyaasadeed ee dalka ka dhacay - Somali News Leader WWW.WARQAAD.INFO Dowlad Goboleedka Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya isaga oo ka duulaya dhacdooyinkii ugu dambeeyay ee dalka iyo ismari waaga arrimaha doorashooyinka wuxuu ku talinayaa qodobadan soo socda; In dib...
  13. These are useless conditions that will not give any votes for mucaarid group. In fact, will strengthen his supporters,even if he agrees. I glad that Deni is not demanding to dissolve the government. By the way, Rooble is his appointed man. Overall this is minimum conditions
  14. Gratulation, it is about the time!
  15. Good news for Somalia. Emirates' plan NOT include Somalia's election.
  16. a civil war in moqdisho? Is that the new Deni condition? We want to hear that from Deni because it is an election no matter what
  17. So, Farmaajo is on the same page with them. I hope so. Is he want others to speak for him because he is afraid of the parlament.
  18. It is time for Farmaajo government to quickly endorse Sept 19 election. I understands he was only against the condition that Deni added. Another opportunity for Farmaajo to take, before he destroys his election changes.
  19. DEG DEG: HirShabelle iyo Galmudug oo si rasmi ah u diiday muddo kororsiga - Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Maamul Goboleedyada Hirshabelle iyo Galmudug oo war saxaafadeed soo saaray ayaa si cad uga hor yimid muddo kordhinta uu Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya u sameeyey...
  20. Here in America when there were riots, the local government used every tool in their position. Even closing some highway exits, deployed military, and even sending messages to our cell phones. Sending warning and inform restrictions. At this time of crisis, the moqdisho government should learn from Garoowe and Hargeysa administration. Moqdisho has been an anarchy place, where everyone does whatever they want, including roadblocks and unregulated local radios. Security and safety should be a priority like any country in the world. Civilized nations' state must continue to exist. One time in America, soldiers were protesting in from of the white house and refused to leave. The president gave the order and hundreds of them were killed. No question was asked.
  21. It is not time to talk about capital change, it is time to save the country for the new ruthless global order. The issue is not even mandated expired or election. It is a new foreign invasion without soldiers on the ground. Some people may use that as an excuse like the former president who does not have any chance of reelection. Right now Xamar is Somalia and Somalia is Xamar. That is reality and Xamar must be saved. If xamar is not saved, Somalia is doomed, like Yemen. Or xamar is saved like Tripoli in Libya and Libya was saved. The enemy must lose the war in the ground, there are no other way. The rest of Somalia is dependent on Xamar and when Xamar is couse the rest will be even worst. Somalia is the forge of disaster if the Somali government will not able to manage the security of moqdisho at least the same level of weeks ago.Then political dialog should be the next step. The emirates and Kenyan money is hard of the issue, nothing else to blame.
  22. The army and the police are regrouping and more units are expecting to arrive from other regions. Same tactics that opposition used. Meanwhile moqdisho civil society is helping in big way. Very good night for the goverment.
  23. Farmaajo is sturborn. He missed several opportunity. but may have the last chance. So far everything is going the way Mark planned. Qatar seems stopped give him money and that will make big difference when others got fresh money. They claiming Deni brought 10 million last time. With that money you can buy a lot of people. This crises presenting him opportunity to use moqdisho civil society. and make quick decisions about elections.
  24. You really want him to run again. What about if he wins again.