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Everything posted by Aaliyyah

  1. Umu zakaria good luck sis with the pregnancy. I am sure it would be hard, bt it will be worth it. insha-allah you will have a beautiful healthy baby.Amin wa salaamu alaikum
  2. masha-allah umu zakaria thanks for sharing this hadith . It is beautiful indeed. Jazakalaahy khyr
  3. ^^^ kept insisting the only important elements were Me and You, and that mixing them would produce the compound Bliss... lol that was hilarious ...thanks hun, I needed to laugh.
  4. ^^^Ms having a decent discussion online is harmless. Jacaylbaro I thought I illustrated a good example, as to what I meant messing around. Ngonge lol walaal, thanks for sharing that was hilarious. but, what was the point u were getting across..or u just thought of it, outa of blue. wa salaamu alaikum
  5. Ms Dhudhuc there is nothing wrong with a married person being a member of furom and expressing his/her opinion. I was talking about messing around with ppl online .. wa salaamu alaikum
  6. Yoniz that is exactly my point, I couldnt have said it better.
  7. Xanthus lol I wouldn't tolarate it. bacda madow aan banaanka u dhigaya ..I am gonna warn him beforehand though, so he won't be surprised. xanthus why would I even say that to my male friends...?? When some one gets married the only person he/she will sweet talk is their spouse that simple. Yoniz walaal I will volunteer, bt 1st lemme see results. Like: Yoniz and halimo have been matched and oh my gosh their relationship is flourishing and they live in california and have like 10 kids ..lol.. markaas uun odhanaya allah mesha waxbaaba lagu haya .. wa salaamu laiakum
  8. Xanthus I hope that u are enjoying yrself in somalia ..it is awesome that u'r down there, I always wanted to go back walahi , it just never happened. Insha-allah next year I have to go back. Anyhow,just make sure those somali guys dnt take the wrong idea. I know u are just there checking dem out n what nt, and it is pretty much a habit lol, as u said good for yr eyes. bt who knows, they could think u are invited them for u know what...watch yr back. wa salaamu alaikum
  9. Me looks like we found some one who is interested. Yoniz make sure u private message Me, and make sure u tell him what kinda guy u'r and what sort of girl u are looking for . lol Me you got yr 1st official client, please take yr job seriously wa salaamu alaikum
  10. well I havent said marraige is a jail..there is nothing wrong with a married individual to be a member in a forum and express his/her own opinion. bt plz define what u meant having fun ? I am sure if I was married I wouldnt tolarate seeing a husband of mine going over the net ... husband: hey sweetheart other halimo: oo my gosh I missed u , where were u all these days... husband : just busy ..ana waan ku xiisey ... iyo wixi la mid ah lols.. who is gonna be okey with that ..fun kulaha wa salaamu alaikum
  11. ^^ now I see what you meant sister. You do have a point. However, I would hope when I have kids my parenting methods would not fail me insha-allah. There is no way I am going to tolarate a child who would be any of those reasons you mentioned above. subhanalaah May Allah protect us from raising such kids. wa salaamu alaikum
  12. MS D lol@ maseertoy ayaan ahay ... Jacaylbaro I want to know why a married man/woman would mess around with some one whether it is over the internet or otherwise??.... I would say if you are married you can have all the fun you need with yr spouse. From what I gathered people get married, without knowing what marriage is? Marriage is vow you took with some one, to spend with them eternity, How could one take it so lightly is beyond me. Wa salaamu alaikum
  13. ^^^I don’t believe disowning your child is the solution. One should raise their children to the best of their ability. That is the responsibility you have as a parent. How one turns out in adolescence is totally up to them, if they start dating, take off their hijaab, and what not, you will to live with it. What is disowning them gonna solve? I recently heard an Indian man, who tried to kill his own daughter by running his car over her. I think she was over at her bf's house for a week and that must have been a shock to him. I mean hey that would have been unacceptable by us somali folks as well, it doesn’t fit our culture nor is it religiously tolerable. However, what would one gain from killing his/her own child? Obviously you would gain nothing not to mention that it is haram to take a life. wa salaamu alaikum
  14. Mma lol@ buhoodle shukansi…ma saasa reer buhoodle u shukaansadaan..shukaansi baaba ba’aye Me, Waryaa u can’t take that much of a risk, kulaha taming or multiple stab wounds. That shows you don’t know the 1st thing about matching. I would say , you certainly need an assistant in this matter. So, start matching people who are compatible and have lot things in common. Like find a loud dude for xanthus, and soft woman for MMA lol I am sure if you take my advice, you will be in better luck next time wa salaamu alaikum
  15. xalimo that is kool sis. Thanks a lot. rudy lol as usual I dont know what u are talking abt. wa salaamu alaikum
  16. Well If one has faith and iiman, and knows that Allah swt is testing him/her at every step in this life, trying his/her patience. That individual would know what to do, which is clearly to just leave that relationship, walk out, and look for some one else to share a good relationship w/. If some one is cheating on you, he/she doesn’t feel for you, whatever they felt for you when that relationship began. So, why get angry? is that person going to love you more? You can’t force some one to be with you, no matter how much you love them. You simply can’t. Perhaps there is someone else out there for you. Allah Yaclam, but killing doesn’t solve anything. By killing your husband/wife, you have took a life which you haven’t gave and had no right in killing and you have also ruined your personal life, as obviously u gonna spend the rest of yr life in prison. what wasted life, Ya allah protect us from ever being in such a circumstance. wa salaamu alaikum
  17. Cant wait to celebrate the day in Central London (ENGLAND UK-rudy take note) Insha'Allah.Anyone have any events? xalima I am going to be in London , UK as well insha-allah on July 1st, and I am so looking forward to enjoy myself with my cousins and couple friends. so, whoever is in uk please fill us in what is happening that day wa salaamu alaikum
  18. Ninka dadka wax la qabanaya muxu single la yahay .Bal horta naftaada meel kuso hubso. Somalidu waxay ku maahmaahda nin naftiisa daryeela tu kale ku dara wa salaamu alaikum
  19. ^^^bal horta aan arko cid aa wax la qabatay....waxaan jeclahay in aan heli letters of recommendation kuwa wax la qabatay. wa salaamu alaikum
  20. me looooooool is this a way of asking the sisters to pm u ...waryaa just be straight forward.. wa salaamu alaikum
  21. me I said it HAPPENS bt rarely compared to western countries. wa salaamu alaikum
  22. You would see anything in western countries from homo sexuals, rapists, children molesters etc. Things that one would never or rarely see in Muslim countries. May Allah protect us, and may he the merciful re-establish our country insha-allah. Wa salaamu alaikum
  23. Ina Lilahi wa inna Ileyhi raajicuun... "Seek Allah’s help with patience and prayer. It is indeed hard, except for those who are humble. Who bear in mind that they will meet their Lord and that they are to return to Him." (Qur'an Al-Baqarah 2:45-46) Each and one of us will meet death, it is a matter of time. No one will be able to avoid it. However, the only difference between all of us would be our deeds, and our final destinations. May Allah grant sophist's father paradise. Amin Ya Alaah. dhamaana sabar iyo imaan alle ha niga siiyo. wa salaamu alaikum