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Everything posted by Aaliyyah

  1. Cynical yeah dear sis we will just respect each other's choices and move on. I do also wish you only the best as you are my muslim n somali sister... wa salaam
  2. Hello trollers...How was your day?
  3. cynical i said raise your kids islamically..which means spending time with them. teaching them abt the diin and what not. Not the typical somali moms who stay at home yet are not disciplining their kids.. Those i wouldn't even use to illustrate a point as you just did. Those mothers are aqwan?? says who? am not judging them? bt wearing jalbaab doesnt make you religious when your kids are running around the streets dealing with drugs and whatever else. Religion is more than a piece of cloth on your body. You need to implement it in your life... to answer ur question she has a right to object, bt merely it wouldn't make sense. IF he's providing you with a good life, why not use that chance to raise god fearing disciplined children. lol@ my own mini day care..why waste all that money?? why not just take care of your kids. whats soo bad about staying home and spending time with your kids??...anyways my example is a bit off, there isn't rich somali guys out there. You would be lucky to find a man who will say that..most of them are holding minimum wage jobs...so in that case you will work obviously..lets just hope you will get a husband who will babysit the kids half the time...just dont ever let a stranger raise your kids for you... Lily I tried to alter her personal choice, it would have been my good deed of the day. but, this girl is stubborn...I'm giving up lol thats all ... am out...
  4. ^ I never said a women had to give up her career for good. Merely to raise her kids and then go back to her work when they are old enough and reach school age. Again, i said if a man is willing to take care of the kids half the time. it's all good. I'm merely dead against taking kids to daycare centers.
  5. cynical loool your sarcasm humors me...anyhow we will have to agree to disagree... bt i also have a question say your husband can provide, say he's a doctor makes abt 300 000 a year if not more...and he can offer a good life...why do you have to work? specially when you have kids who need your love and nurture? who without it can be deviated....?? why do you want the society to raise your kids for you (i.e daycarecenter)..when you have everything...house car money??...I know it's important to work and it gives you selfworth and enhances your self esteem and what not? bt whats more important your kids? or your career? and thats if you had to give up your career. Believe me you might not if you have a man who is loving and supportive who's willing to be a stay at home dad half the time..bt this is just a scenario? what would you do?
  6. sister, if you don't know that women's place in islam is to stay at home and nurture her kids and take care of her family then who am i to tell you right...it seems you made up your mind. anyhow, a man can ask you to stay at home if he can provide a good life, if his income can offer a decent live when kids are in the picture. Otherwise, he can't ask you to give up ur career just so you can cook his meal. That been said, many guys these days are willing to compromise and work together whether its household chores or work.So, in that case by all means work...make your business. work as a doctor, nurse and whatever else. But, if a man says you know what hun i can provide, i can have you live in style you have no need to work but to raise our kids...who are you to object?...and lets not underestimate how important it's for our kids to be disciplined in the west.. just look around you and see how the somali community is failing their kids and believe me thats all due to parenting...where parents just don't care, where they drop them off at the daycare center at the age of one... Anyways, you dont have to agree with me sis. But a mother who stays home and raises her kids islamically...will produce much better kids then those who are dropped off at daycare. that's all for now and inshallah I hope you were not offended when I said nonsense...perhaps I shouldnt have. I should have had a lil more respect for your stand. My apology. At the end of the day we will make our choices and live to see the immense affect they have on our lives. I just hope we are those who think twice before they make a decision, who try to look how this decision will affect our life down the road say 20 yrs. wa salaamu alaikum
  7. ^oh thank you I intend to be a good mom if Allah wills. That been said just cuz i said women's place is at home taking care of her kids doesn't mean men are free of responsibility. They most certainly have to give time to their families and discipline their kids. They also have to offer a good life with good income, if a girl is to be a stay at home. To answer ibtisaam's question I don't think we should invest less time in building our career. You should strive as high as your hard work will take you. Be a doctor, engineer and whatever else you dream to be. You never know if you will be married or if god forbid one day be divorced...anyhow the point here is that you are the one who primary will take care of your kids. However, if you have a loving husband who is willing to take care of your kids half the time. There is no reason for both of you not to work together outside of the house hold and do the household chores together. But, most cases women give up their jobs, thats the reality..and in that case a man is to provide for his family.....till at least your kids reach school age. which afterward you can proceed with your career. that's all for now!!
  8. Nuune maanta shaqa la'aanti maka badatay ..ka soco
  9. Cynical enough with this nonsense, you know a mother has to take care of her kids. I mean it's good for a man to help out at the house bt dnt expect a guy to take over the household chores. Even non muslims know that women's place is as a caregiver, whats with the muslims?? and remember ibti's example the girl gave up her career for her kids. Not her husband. If one doesn't have kids ofcourse there is no point sitting at home and polishing ur nails lol..you need to work. But with kids in the picture, there is no one better than a mother. Ofcourse a father can raise his kids as well if the situations requests. not here to argue walahi just trying to put things at perspective..
  10. Who is talking about hate? ...hate is a strong word walaal. I do not hate anyone, merely i cant tolerate certain ppl and he was one of them. I am glad he was banned... now stop fishing for why...cuz i have no intention of talking about it. now you two need to find something else to entertain yourself with
  11. oh my god, so he had a wife back home. maskiin!! NG I think these women are fairly miskiin, I would have adviced them to go with him every trip he makes to somalia....
  12. ^^I don't backbite ppl. The guy is banned, so what is the point of mentioning it. It's done w/.
  13. I didn't know the guy was banned...about time.
  14. Ghelle it rained in my home city as well. As I was conversing with my uncle's wife couple of days ago. Alhmadulilah may allah swt grant more rain throughout somali cities. MMA the point is not how he took the picture, bt rather that it rained...laakin hadad sawir fiican aduu qaadi kartid dee orad usoo hagaaji
  15. ^ lol I hear you. I was watching it too, when I should be studying. And, I definitely agree with you Biden did fairly well.
  16. The debate is on. Enjoy it ppl.
  17. It is not about being optimistic, rather being realistic. When you see few men deviating from the right path, and who are screwing their lives. Then by all means blame them, bt when you see Somali community failing their youth in large numbers. Then you can't blame the result, rather the core of the problem which is somali parents and the way they raise their kids. I really want the somali parents to come together whereever they are, and ask themselves where are we going wrong as mothers, fathers, parents, as community leaders and so on and so forth. And, that doesn't just apply to mn but somalis in the west. that's my two cent.
  18. ^ So true. Unless he has a professional job that pays really well like a doctor or so. Otherwise, two people need to work.
  19. I don't blame somali men, these men are the product of somali families. You cant disregard your families and let the society raise for you, and then complain. somalis need to go back and reevaluate how they are raising their kids. And, they are in need of instilling in their kids their religion and culture. May this man and others rest in peace. my prayers are with them and their families.
  20. Urban actually I spend the whole day with the family , my parents siblings and grandmother. Alhamdulilaah I had such a great time. How about you?
  21. ^^ Och @ biochem exam...hey bt at least you get to hang out with hijabis for a dinner party I hope you guys all had a great time yesterday. Eid mubarak.
  22. ^^^ When it comes to health concerns there is no need to shy away from anything. And, if the lady gets offended or gets embarrassed by the question, she should have chose a girl to do the translation. salaam..
  23. I would give up my career for my kids, so i can raise a good pious children. But, I wouldn't give up my career for my spouse. As work isn't just a mean to get money, but rather something I do to feel worthwhile. To feel that am giving back to my community and inturn doing something I value. hope that answers. and eid mubarak to all...had a great time yesterday alhmadulilaah. wa salaamu alaikum
  24. You can not get to know some one in three months. Get to know them at least for two years, and that even does not guarantee a good life only allah swt knows best so put your faith in allah swt. As Allah swt remembers those who remember him. That been said yaabka its still ramadan try to focus on eid.Plan what you are going to do with your family and friends tomorrow... wa salaamu alaikum
  25. Ciidu wa bari dhamaan ciid wanagsan. Inshallah ilaahay cidan ciidedana hanagu simo. enjoy the following islamic songs: Eid Mubarak Ramadan samiyusuf who is the loved one Wa salaam