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Everything posted by Aaliyyah

  1. ^way ilbaxeen ma istidhi Just kidding Ms DD lol
  2. unless you ofcourse die before they get to you (then your family get billed). ouch Pucca did you have to mention that, now what they must think of us MMA you are right I think we only paid 50 dollars when we called one for my lil bro. So, it wasn't that expensive. I think overall it's fair that you pay for it, and hey we got free health care. We certainly can not complain.Alhmadulilah.
  3. Winnie I understand how they got there history wise that is, and I know they are not happy. How can one be happy and drunk at the same time. But they need to get a wake up call and change their ways. Yes, those Europeans are to blame for how natives turned out. But, its time they stopped blaming others and started improving their communities. That been said, the same applies to somalis. Who are almost following the same steps, and we tend to blame of the war back home and how we are victims and what not. But, the past is the past right and parents need to realize that they need to figure out a way to discipline their kids who are getting out of hand.... we have to think abt the future, not the past. People who always think about the past, are stuck there. Obviously, they wouldn't progress from that point. It's time to work on our future as somalis thats. And, hopefully for those natives.....lets stop making excuses for their failings as well...and even our setbacks. Lota parents you would see them going ...allah caruurteday way xunyihiin sababto ah waa dalka gaalada ah aan joogo ...that's not true....how many people are cultured, educated, and religious regardless of where they live or grew up, lets even put religion out of the conversation. But, how many people are leading successful lives even though they were raised here?? it has nothing to do with the context but rather how the parents raised their kids....that plays an important role. ok I think I discussed too many things here n there ...hehehe I must be tired...hopefully I made some good posts for you to reflect on, so you can stop defending failing communities... take care folks
  4. ^ I dont get it u think jus cuz someone throwed a shoes at him, it will make him feel all the things he committed, he never did and he wont start now. you ppl are naive.. salaam
  5. There we go all men are not devoid of compassion we got a man who been there (caadan). I guess Resistance will only feel it when his luved one is in that same position...
  6. ^I watch survivors a lot, great show!! I wont ask questions...alhamdulilah
  7. Grossssssssssssssssssssss some ppl need to c a therapist
  8. I don't think Malaysia is somali friendly these days...wouldn't suggest anyone to go there if they got sum sense I heard how they single u out if you're somali....imagine that... bt then its the Somalis' fault, I heard the Malaysians used to be extra friendly to Somalis. Till they started doing there what they brought from somalia..all those stealing n fights. markaa wa la nacay.. ma aniga mise somali meelkasta ee timaado dhib la timaada..ya ilahi! salaam
  9. Alhamdulilaah Ms DD am doing great tooo....today actually I woke up extra happy..i dnt even know y. it happens.maalig maa ila shekeesatay xalay lol@ u got the teeth right hahahah....
  10. Resistance am assuming u're a guy, so perhaps it's our women intuition that is making us feel more sympathy toward that lady.. If you were only in her position u wouldn't talk in this calculated cold manner..(so get some naxariis) ilaahow wuxu u naxariista dadka dadka kale uu naxariista...
  11. why did you say it was the first time in years that u actually have hair? you got hair transplant adeer
  12. loooool you guys don't get billed?? now i feel like ppl in europe are spoiled by far....when i went there a year and so ago the students there get paid to attend school...let me emphasize to attend school..not to excel now the only way to progress is to pay for every lil thing u need... otherwise u gonna be soo lazy ....just like the natives...they get compensations/monthly payments...now a majority of their population are alcoholics...and pretty much they failed in every aspect. And, whys that? when ppl are spoon fed they dnt do well...tough life produces productive ppl Resistance you are still talking? gosh like i said habar fadhida lagdin la fudud..
  13. ambulances are not free, we called one 4 my brother once...when he caught his leg in a glass...it seemed pretty serious at the time (even though he was ok later ) so we called one...and they billed us... so nothing is free in this world....sadly
  14. ^^it would have been awesome if u could get pregnant, then u might sympathies...otherwise as famous somali say goes.. habar fadhida lagdin la fudud... Again, its not abt wanting it, as kk mentioned there's limitation to calling one. It's by far better to use your own car. salaam
  15. Resistance, so what, it was emergency in their case as well. I think the police should have been more understandable. At least he should have gave them a warning or what not. Even though I think their act was justified. Anyhow, when I was born, I was almost born in a car.Not to mention a police car chased my dad it was like midnight lol...so now would you say it was his fault, that he wanted his wife and baby safe? just an example....people don't know when babies are gonna born, its hard to tell i guess..not to mention ambulance takes forever .... Anyways, the police went a lil too far. I think the parents could just let it go, he's only a guy trying to follow orders. But, his actions should be more humane, or they could take him to court and make some money of it (ppl try worst stuff to make money out of ) KK right on. my 2 cents
  16. I'm sure she would have if she had time, do you know how long they take horta??...Perhaps she thought her husband would drive her there faster. Either way you lot need to show sum sympathy for a pregnant lady...
  17. lol I saw it yesterday...It's hilarious. But, he ducked out pretty well...the old man is pretty fast for his age dnt u think salaam
  18. Wa alaikuma salaam MS.DD how are you doing dear sister??
  19. That cop is heartless, who fines some1 in labour :mad:
  20. subhanalah May allah swt have mercy on their souls...........meel somali iskusoo uruurtay kolay khyr ma leh salaam
  21. They're going to ban hand held devices, it will be allowed so long its hand free. Get it. Between, why do you have to drive and talk?? you cant stay away from yur cell phone that 30 minutes you're driving. It's better to be safe than sorry.
  22. I agree with you. People should take driving more serious than they actually do. I hate ppl who drive while holding cell phones....It creates unnecessary danger. Inshallah we will live many years to come.If Allah wills