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Everything posted by Aaliyyah

  1. ^waryaadha qaylada joojiya ..shekadana nima qoseesee... Some locals (those running the show today) think SL is best for them. Some think PL is best for them and a couple of others are lost in the middle. You, Che, since you don't belong to any of the sides in this dispute are nothing but a trouble maker who calls for Somaliweyne when poor Aaliyah is lamenting the lack of villas in LA. horta markaan idhi daaraha eega kama hadlayo darahaha laascaanod laga dhisi wayey? oo horta daaro wa la dhisi kara..sadex daaro oo meel la yuucay saas uma muhim aha oo waa wax la sameen karo. Laakin shekadu mesha taala waxa weeye in aan cadeeyo in labada koxoodba daneen laascanod iyo ssc danahooda ee yaga uun ku meel gaadhayaan oo marba shekada u duwayaan sidi ee ugu soconaso... daarahana waa la helaya iyo wax kasii quruxbadanba marka nabad la helo..labo koxood oo midba dhinac no jiidayo oo labaduba daneestayaal yihiin waan ka daalnay.. intaas ayaan kuso jaraya warka.. salaam p.s this is gonna be my last post in the politics section....I honestly don't think I care 2 have the same arguments day in and day out lol... so each on his own and everyone is entitled to believe what they want..
  2. ^so trueee sis. caano geel afkaaga lagu qabay (I think that is the best compliment a somali person could give...so I hope you are honored after all you said nothing but the truth) salaam
  3. facebook isnt a place to get to know someone.I am not an advocate of adding total strangers from fb. Amna I have no clue sis...I hope you are not offended by this crew. People say whatever. Don't take it personal. Just ignore them lol... between I hope everything is good with you by now. salaam
  4. lol@ adigu ma gabadh baa aheed I always assumed laychee to be a girl. Never crossed my mind otherwise. She sounds too girly.... anuu waxaan is idhi kan tuu egaba way ka dhaqaaqda...talow miyu gabanyahay mise wuu faruuranyahay mise wuu madowyahay...(I got that from qabyo n felt like saying it)..no offense intended. Just pure fun!!lol salaam
  5. Dalmar-This is fight between secessionists and unionists.It is not matter of staying with Puntland or Somaliland, it's matter of opposing the misguided endeavor of those in Hargeysa. It is matter of protecting Somali sovereignty in difficult time. Forget Puntland and be for Somali unity! We are still with Somali unity walaal. We just want our own group that takes care of the interest of our regions. Where puntland and somaliland both put first their cities...anagana only way nugu meel gadhaan....orad daawo daraha somaliland iyo puntland ku dhaca say u dhiseen.. magaaloyinkeena waan xoreenana waana dhisanana..somalina wax waan la wadaaagana oo somaliwayn wax ahayn maba aminsanin.. salaam
  6. LOL interesting.I guess this was way before I registered. talow mr adam maxaad u soo quftey waxan???
  7. oh wow I was just reading this article this morning. Thanks for posting it. Somali youth especially Somali guys need to be educated about this issue. Sorry to admit it but the majority of the reasons given in this article are a crock. The majority of these kids were killed by fellow Somalis anyone who is familiar with any of the cases would attest to the fact. The reason the majority haven't been solved has less to do with lack of police investigation and way more to do with the fact that Somali's simply refuse to give their own....a bit reminiscent of how thing's go on back home. even if Somalis are killing each other, most likely they are all involved in drugs and what not. So it still doesn't justify anything, what got these young men involved in this to begin with?? salaam
  8. lol@ war yuuska naga dhaaf You nailed it laychee. Mr Eng if a girl isnt interested in you then she isn't...there is always someone else out there for you... salaam
  9. ^that is true. If there's hadiths actually packing what the shiekh wrote above. Then it is what it is. salaam
  10. But in my opinion, i think out of the wedlock, the woman has the choice/right to either say yes or no to the invetation. So maybe that's why if she accepts it, it becomes hers to own! In my opinion they are both to blame equally. We can not blame the woman only, that is sexist. He has the choice to say "no I will not get involved in haraam relationships" it takes two to produce illegitimate child. salaam
  11. ^Good to hear B. I will add you in my prayers. n whenever u find urself in a difficult situation, remember allah swt is only testing us. Nothing more, nothing less. So hold on, and increase the remembrance of Allah n supplications.. ump off that bridge and take all those praying for you with you. [Mad] It is good to have a sense of humour. But, sometimes you have to know where it stops...be compassionate to this guy who seems to be going thru something. salaam
  12. canjeex mashallah that makes sense. But, am not sure abt when the child borns out of wedlock, why does it have to be named after the mom?? I mean the guy is to blame too..just a thought! salaam
  13. lol@ end of khusuusi... it is just the beginning salaam
  14. ^lol laychee you sound like my ayeeyo. God bless you I heard a hadith where we are all going to carry our mother's names in the day of judgment Allahu yaclam. btw it is not Islamic to carry your mother's name at least not in this dunya. All the companions took their father's names, so did the prophets...except prophet Isa ofcourse. in the islamic deen innovations or bidca are haraam. You can not just come up with what you want. Clearly in the Quran it says that allah swt completed our deen for us. lets not contemplate whether we should take our mother's name....it was never custom in Islam and I don't think it should start now. salaam
  15. Edited - am done arguing with people who blindly follow their leaders, and only look after their interest. Too many selfish people in this world.
  16. ^adiga somaliland uun baa ku muuqata... meel iska fadhiiso...
  17. Nuune You raised good points mashallah. Inshallah somalia will unite one day... salaam
  18. ^add them in your prayers. salaam
  19. mashallah the khusuus are doing a good job n they have our full support.
  20. I would wanna be tigress,
  21. Dufan I couldn't have said it better, well put. We gonna get there bro..yes we can...it just needs time to implement the plans.
  22. Apology accepted walaal. And, yes we will agree to disagree. aan aragnona garadadeena waxaad u qabtaaan..waxa la yidhi haan madhan hadal ma buuxiyo...markaa dad waxa nahay magaladoodi la haysto hadal iyo shaking hands waxba ma tarayo... I want action and results..make sure you keep me updated on that lol.. fiid wacan wa salaamu alaikum