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Everything posted by Aaliyyah

  1. ^^Garowe you remind me of qabyo..shaah uun karin kara markuu sangub yidhi
  2. None of you need to judge him, each on his own. I love this song between mashalaah. Well done K'naan
  3. lol Ruqayaah I feel hurt lady..I recently bought myself a new laptop cuz my old one got messed up. And, its acer..I got it for around 370 I think...well i paid like around 500 cuz I got camera and other stuff.. I think it was worth it...n its so small and doesnt even bother me when im carryin it.. btw ma old one was HP...bt I had it for long time so I think it was overused lol...other than that HP is good and i would suggest it.. salaam
  4. good luck with it walaal. I hope they get a man section. It would be interestin to see what you folks talk about besides politics n sports lol..
  5. you are in the woman section asking for men section?? seriously women section is not even women section...you guys are always here posting.. so I dont think u need a man section lol.. post here all that you want, we are all ears... But, if you still insist, then I suggest take it up to one of admins......they should be able to do something abt this lol
  6. Evil George W. Bush Wipes Hand On Bill Clinton 's Shirt After Shaking Hands With Haitians OH MY GOD lol..check this out...
  7. These are animals plain and simple. All the world is representated in Canada today. How come the Chinese there are so successful. These animals bring their backwardness to a modern country and 'let loose' to murder and sell drugs. They now want sympathy and no doubt benefit money while they 'suffer'. Scum. horta huuno cayda wa laga wacanyahay... tan kale hadaan suashaada so qaado oo an ka jawaabo oo aan isku dayo.. horta anaga iyo indha yarta marnba iskumakeen barbardhigi kartid.. indhayarta caruurta ka awoow ka awoow yago halkan ku dhashay baad arkasa yagoo luqadood dhaqankooda ku dhagan.. tooso keentay in ay haystaan community isku xidhan oo caruurtooda u dadaasha xita waxaanxasusta aniga markaan dhiganay middle school caruurta iskoolka ila dhigata waxay aadi jireen after school chinese classes...waxaas oo kale hadaan somali nahay ma jira? taasi wa maya....taas waxaa kusii darta walidkii oo af ingriisi isku dayaya in uu ku hadlo asagii mesha ilmahisa oo kaga taxalujinlahaa.. tan kale duruufa jira caruur badan oo hoyo kaliya haysata oo yada ma caruurtay korisa mise way usoo shaqeesa xita kuwa aba iyo hooyo haysta walidinti wali waxa ka maqan say caruurta ugu korin lahayeen dabad... yacni ma aha dadka in loo koriyo say somalia jogaan wax badan ayaa so wajahaya ..walidku wa in uu caruurtiisa uga taxadara intaas oo dhan laakin waxa ugu daran in carurta lugu korinayo ghetto areas..oo walidki lacag haysan uu ilmahiisa guri wacan ugu gado oo ku koriyo meel dad wanaagsan jogaan.. tan kalena walidiintii oo dadaal caruurnay way xumaata waxkasta wa calaf.. laakin waxa ugu muhimsan waxa weeyan hadaan somali nahay dal ma haysano daruufa badan iska jira.... markaa in la iska caytamo oo somali oo dhan la iska cayo ma wanagsana taas oo ay tahy oo darufa badan jiraan dad badan oo somali ah baa wax baranaya oo meel kasoo baxay.. markaa so ducee uun ...
  8. lol xiran is a slang word for kenyan woman? really...Never heard that before. laakin ducaysane khyr ma sheego I doubt he was referring to that lol Laychee naah gurl my somali n ur somali is off the hook.... after all he said slang word.. we understood it the proper way lol.... ha walwalin somali wa taqaana oo walahi sometimes u sound like my ayeeyo lol.. salaam
  9. waan ogahay..waan iska dhibayaa...lol
  10. looool I don't think he would like that gift..given that he hates arabs... horta carabtu maxay ku sameeyeen? inkastoo aan maqlay carabtu in ay somalida si xun u galaan oo saqajaamin yihiin hadana carab oo dhan lama odhan karo wa dad xun.... salaam
  11. Lychee I don't know why guys say that, I guess it boosts their ego to know that as long as they have money midbay iskasoo xareesan karaan lol Daweeye this was good. I don't know why you are complaining.. hadaad wax isku haysid keen??!! even thou I didn't understand two words dhumuc iyo deeb lol... it still sounds creative...
  12. Alla maxaad meesha sheeko ku haysaan! maxaad tidhaahdeen: Ninku waa inuu gabadha Meherkeedii & Arooska kharashkiisii +$50,000 keenaa Ninku waa inuu Masruufkii & Muriyadii miiska soo saaraa Ninku markuu shaqada ka yimaado waa inuu Makhaayada hore u soo maraa ama Madbakha galaa Ninku hadii aanu Muraadkeyga oo dhan Minute ku dhameynin Bacdiisa iyo Bustihiisu waa dibada. PS. hadhoowtana waxaa la odhan ragii guur dooni maayaan. Cajiib I don't see aything wrong with a husband doing all that. Ofcourse she has to do the samething. So long you both have understanding. of course if the girl is not working then she can be a stay at home wife and cook for him. Even then he could give her a break and once in a while buy food from outside. Anyhow it all has to do with how the guy and the girl decide on. If they are both working then it would be understandable for both of them to take care of the household chores together. You dont want your wife working and then coming home cooking for you all the time. I was reading an article abt this the other day. Women complaining of what htey call a "second shift" which is basically that i just metioned coming home n cooking after long day of work. It is good for a husband to understand that his wife also had a long day at work and that they should help each other out in the kitchen. Sounds reasonable? salaam
  13. that was fun to read. Thanks Dhubad. Lychee sis create one for the guys lol... n thanks for the link...it was interestin to read lol.
  14. ^^^yeah I know almost everything abt most people here....dnt get creeped out now
  15. Queen Araweelo it is all about calaf. Inshallah you will find him soon enough and dont pay attention to Rudy...meherkaaga lacagtiisa bartiisa ha tagnaado..you deserve it lol.. salaam
  16. ^lol you love yourself too much inadeer...bal dhulka cagaha dhigo...
  17. lol punt u were playin with dolls/toys @03...hmmmmm....did you have some developmental issues by then u should have been dating ur dutch chics lol
  18. I would always keep an open mind abt the jinn issue. Even thou I always said I don't buy it, couple of my close friends said they actually witness it. So, it probably exists, but maybe not that manyyy.... I think the whole problem with the somali community is that there is no categorization. Like lily said there could be other illnesses involved. But, since Somalis were unaware of them you are either normal or possessed? I mean what else could explain your condition?... salaam
  19. confidence is a key word here.calaakulli xaal,you wouldnt have said that if you saw my pic and i am not a big fan of exposing your self in a public forum marka dont challange me.lool lol no need to expose yourself on a public forum I agree with u. I was just joking.... hadad quruxbadantahay ilaahay haku siyaadiy... salaam
  20. ^no bro, I won't be back to the politics section. Inshallah all somalis will unite. salaam
  21. I decided to post this song as my farewell to the politics section. Enjoy it! salaam
  22. Fartuun Birimo new album 09