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Everything posted by Aaliyyah

  1. Taxsiile maa hadana la daba dhigtay?.. Armaad ka joogtaan gabdhihiina yar yar oo hilibka jiirta ahi... mid taxiile part time ah yuusan idin ku qaban lee... maalinkaste lacag 5 doolar ama 10 doolar ah buu masruuf kuusiinaa runtii markass baa la idiin bixin doonaa nimco sarif waxaas oo kale.. 10 dollar miya taxiile ku raacana??...wa yaab 10 dollar miyaan waynay? saas ma cheap u nahay.. bal eega kan suu meel noga dhacay...yaa dhalay oo aan xaal ka donana LOL...
  2. aww you are so sweet...Haatu is so ungrateful...and here u wanted to take him for icecream now that I read your previous comments. You were even gonna pay for it...muxu ka wayey... at least now u can take the other dude for icecream...bt tell him the financial news and glasses are not enough description ..miyu madowyahay, miyuu gabanyahay, miyuu faruranyahay...
  3. lol@ financial times and glasses...good one. NNC mid ku diyaara baad heshay Haatu iska dhaaf wa la xareestay bay rumorsku shegeene unless you dont mind sharing heheh
  4. ^^Blind n deaf ehh..that is my girl Jacfar wara shaqa yeelo maneater beele Anyways what we are talking about does reflect the attitude of some cabbie drivers but you are right some cabbie drivers do have a good intention. But where do you draw the line?? when do you think a cabbie driver is just looking out for young sister's well being? given that he found her perhaps walking somewhere at a wrong hour and he thinks she would be safer with him as oppose to public transportation? let me put it this way if you had a daughter would you want her riding with a cab driver at night if he offered her a ride home?? Wouldnt you prefer she took the public transportation or called for a ride someone she knew? Put every girl out there in your sister/daughter's position... enough said.. salaam
  5. ^soomali wax old la dhoho ma yaqaanina ama young la dhoho.....marka iska ilaali..waxay aminsayihin maahmaahda naag nin dhali kara dhaqi kara. Marka they think you are the perfect match....hadaba dont say Aaliyah didn't warn you cabbie driver : chocolate can I give you a ride... markasa dalaq gaadhigii iska tidhi old cabbie driver : ii waran walaal chocolate : fiican alhmadulilah adeer..adigana old cabbie driver : am good..fiiri walaal aad baad u quruxbadantahay mashallah chocolate feeling a bit uncomfortable laughs out : mahadsanid adeer old cabbie driver : ma lugu qaba chocolate chokes and goes : adeer maxa tidhi old cabbie driver : ma lugu qaba yacni xaas miya tahay walahi hadii lug uqabin waan ku guursan laha wali ma arag mid ku eeg dabeecad iyo quruxba Chocolate feels speechless and then decides its her opportunity to pretend shes married : adeer haa sadex cunug baa haystaa.. old cabbie driver feels heart broken : adeer ilaahay haku koriyo hana ku siyaadiyo...thinking in his mind "darn hadaan mar hore baran laha ma ciil baan qabi laha"" salaam
  6. ^lol you actually accepted those rides.adaaba sheeka haya... indha adeeg badanaa yartu... Aniga am too paranoid to accept it. I either ignore them completely as if they never even talked to me and I pretend I aint even Somali .. or at most be like "waa mahadsantahay walaal"... salaam
  7. lol sheeko ma badaleen waaban kusii bunbuninayey.... I hate that movie...but my younger siblings loved it so I had to endure watching it. Anigu waxaas khiyaaliga kamaba helo. salaam
  8. lol@ sidi vampireka hahahha that is soo funny..walee kaas mel bu kaga dhacay odayaasha taxiyada wata... One of my neighbors actually drove a somali girl to her building and she run away from him without paying the fair. He left her alone, cuz I am sure if he run after her lol the story would have changed ...so at times the taxi drivers are innocent and people just take advantage of them. But, that story you speak of NNC the man confirmed that he kissed her in the neck so waa sheeko kale..and I do agree some cabbie drivers are weird like the ones who offer a ride without you asking ....somaliyad ba tahay? you be like who just talked to me..oh some dude in a cab. The next question would be ma ku qaada? oo kusii dhoweeya? ..is like did I ask for a ride to start with??lol chocolate yes girl the possibless are endless lol....everyone has a unique story on why hes in a maqaahi at 5 am..masaakin!!! salaam
  9. MMA, don't the cabbies have homes where they can get all of that? I think he mentioned something about them going there as early as 5 am. So possibly their wives are not awake that early to cook..Or maybe they are not married...or perhaps wa kuwa bacda lasoo tuuray... The possibilities are endless
  10. ^haa waan ka helay iyo nus....halka hanogu joogto inta cabbie driverska nagu cadhoon
  11. War horta kan tuujiye ah ya ka mas'uul ah oo aan xaal uu doonta..balayo madaxa ka xiirtey... and you guys can stop making fun of my somali... you all know my somali is off the hook...mana gadhasaaane...kan tuujiye la dhohona somali kuma hadlo jacburis jini baray ku hadlaa..yaa fahma horta anuu maba fahmee lol... Burjikana haduu yahay wax kun sano ka hor cuntada lugu karsan jiray its not my fault that I don't know it... Thank you MMA, I do not know that place, ilaaheyna ima baro. Taxi driver meel ay iskugu imaadaan ilaahey ima ag geeyo. Waaba qoorta halaaga afuufo! lol Ameen to that NNC... salaam
  12. Amzing video. N Beautiful msg. Reer Ohio well done. Midnimo guul iyo horumar... salaam
  13. USA vs English miya meshu..neither of you will win the world cup. Don't waste your time supporting those two teams.. my top three teams, Germany, France, and Brazil... I will bet on one of these teams to win the world cup.. salam
  14. lol@ she died laghing..there you go hun it is a laughing matter at your expense thou But, you are right you probably gave her heart attack with your story..I am sure I would have went in tears if I heard your story abt children and being homeless lmao... salaam
  15. Italy vs Paraguay.. GO Paraguay. I hope they gonna win =)
  16. LOOOOOOOOOOOL@homeless with my children.... I hope you let her know right away that everything was fine with you. Sounds like one of those nice/sweethearted profs. Rarity! salaam
  17. ^True all his songs have deep msgs. He is a patriot through and through... salaam
  18. ^mashallah thats good. I need a way to quit listening to any type of music.. laakin k'naan maxa exception ka dhigaya ..asaga ma halaal ba
  19. lol@ who forbids music...waa iska somali hoyadaa.. how about when they put the old somali music from the 80s for old times sake calnka bluukigana wa wax la arko lona qiiroodo...he did us proud Ilaahay somali ha daayo hana mideeyo ameen...
  20. lol chocolate thats true maybe he heard it too many times and said it by mistake. Lets hope that is the case... xiinfaniin ameen walal. salaam
  21. no, this one is called Burjiko, the one that woman is using for the canjeero, dabqaad is much smaller than this, and the one you are talking about is called ithan or idan, it is used for foox and cuudka iyo jaawiga marka fuquburaalaha iyo ruuxamaha la iska shidayo ayaa la isticmaalaa, ama abbaay sittida la tumanayo I can see it is bigger than the uunsi one. I just meant its basically the samething. Maybe I should buy it and experiment with how it cooks lol... Thanks Juxa for the tip will look into it. and yes non stick pans can do the job well but I truly feel like I need a pan without sides...I burn myself sometimes without meaning to lol... salaam
  22. isn't that dabqaad (the thing for the uunsi)under her pan?? it will actually cook your food? and I usually use this pan to cook my canjeelo, Does anyone know where I CAN get the flat one without the sides like the one that lady is using in the pic canjeex posted? I seen it at this lady's house once forgot to ask her where she bought it..